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Anyone else have a bully /kick you from a dungeon? (Screenshot)

  • marshill88
    just out of curiosity - what traits are you running on your armour?

    after showing skills i had slotted for this dungeon run and hearing all the god-modding descending on me, sorry my friend, there is no way I'm going to post that, because the odds that someone will stomp on me are exceedingly high, I have shared more than I should have. I didn't expect the level of support people have on this forum for booting people based on appearance. It's a shame, really. So, no, sorry, no more personal info from me :) (not to implicate you, just most of the replies to my OP are in favor of booting)
  • SeaGtGruff
    But the OP didn't come here for help, they came to vent a little. They didn't ask anyone to explain why they got kicked, and they didn't ask for any pearls of wisdom about healer builds. If you feel like your advice is falling on deaf ears-- well, you're giving advice where none was asked for, which in any other general situation in life would be called "unwelcome advice."
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • mobicera
    Honestly healers aren't even needed in vet dungeons and showing up in a pvp build to vet pve content isn't really respectful to the other people in the dungeon is it?
    A one healer should be more focused on buffing the group and sustaining their resources since very little actual healing is typically required in vet dungeons.
    Were you doing this?
    Have you looked at all into vet content?
    Vet builds?
    Well I agree normal is such an easy boring feat that its essentially not worth doing, taking a bit of time to prepare yourself for the content you're running is actually respectful to the rest of the people in the group.
    The reason the group finder is dying and people don't que as much and fake roles rule is simple, people heading into content they aren't really set up for or prepared for.

    Would I have kicked you, no.
    I would have left, got upset that people don't respect others time and go roleplaying in pug dungeons making the content needless longer and making me pick up the slack and not que for a pug for another month.

    I know you came here to vent and I'm sorry but you're just as much in the wrong as the person who kicked you.
    Please try to be slightly prepared and helpful for the content you're running.

    Pvp is not pve, you don't use the same builds, skills, etc.
  • Fischblut
    So while this person was somewhat harsher than they needed to be about it

    From the OP's screenshots, that group was actually chill. They didn't say any bad things before they kicked the player...

    There are many good advices from other people in this thread, very patient and helpful :)
    look at some of the comments here form players who, after seeing my hotbar, think in their minds "yea, I'd kick him too".

    I wouldn't even need to look at skill bars or gear... Health bar is good enough. To get 38k health on PvE healer means somebody had to:
    - sacrifise potency of their heals/damage (reduce spell damage and/or max magicka)
    - reduce their magicka recovery
    - not wear the most useful buff gear

    My main tank has 45k health (argonian with racial health bonus + all attribute points into health), and he would be nervous to discover "38k health healer" in his vet DLC group :o

    The only time I saw proper healer equip 1h+shield for certain utility in PvE, was during one of vetDSA runs. On the last stage of arena, our tank was handling side bosses far away, and our healer was taunting the main boss - so that we, DDs, did not worry about anything. But usually healer just uses Inner Fire taunt without changing their weapons - and when all 3 people contribute damage (and healer provides buffs), it is also a comfortable fight.
  • MellowMagic
    I dont think you have had the displeasure of being grouped with 3 players in a vet dungeon wearing their pvp gear barely fulfilling their role and provide nothing in terms of support & with low dps making a 20 minute dungeon take an hour+.

    The easy vet dungeons you've been blitzing, have they all been on your healer? You mention your dps character, do your runs in vet dungeons go as smoothly on him? If so what's your dps usually?

    The reason I ask is because I'm trying to get a whole picture here, you could be lucky and you get paired with competent groups constantly so your lack of dps / healing goes unnoticed because you're being carried, you could be used to only easy vet dungeons like coh1, fg1 etc so your expectations of difficulty are low so you dont take it as seriously or maybe you're just an exceptional player.

    Either way when you que for a random vet dungeon you could potentially be put in a very hard dlc dungeon which your group may want to hardmode, you should be geared to handle that.

    Also fyi if you're farming undaunted 10, make sure to do each dungeon in hardmode for that additional first time undaunted xp.

    PC / NA @MellowMagic
    Imperial named with some sort of variation of "Deo"
    By the Divines...
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    marshill88 wrote: »
    I wouldn't call him a bully and I think kicking you isn't that unreasonable. One of my first thoughts when I see someone with 40k hp and 1h/shield who is not the tank is "oh no, he is going to steal aggro". And since I can't see your skill bars, I have to assume, that you will mess up the fights, just like most people who use use 1h/shield on something different than a tank.

    Usually, when someone steals aggro and sends the boss on a rampage the tank will still be blamed, I'd say it's perfectly fine not wanting to take that risk and kicking you at the start.

    I must be playing a different game. These vet dungeons are a piece of cake. Ive done maybe 20 of them, all but one was challenging. Usually I run as DPS with mothers-sorrow+medusa. But being that I'm a magcro, I also have very good healing skills, and have my entire restoration staff line, so its nice to run as a healer too.

    I'm a little thrown back at how judgmental so many of you are, and how quick you rush to judgment, and even worse, how fast you would just boot someone from a group because you don't like what you see. it is just pathetic to me. Maybe I haven't played enough ESO (4 months now), but I hope I don't get to the point where I'm doing that to other people.

    The Vet Dungeons are so simple, (most of them so far) the teams I am on literally power rush through them. Seriously, they aren't even a challenge.

    listing to you guys talk about how all the gear and skills must be absolutely perfect or you will BOOT someone out of a group is disgusting to me, it really is. I"m sorry if I'm sounding rude to you, but it is just sad behavior, like judging someone who walks into a room just based on how they look without even letting them try.

    But you guys do what you do....just boot people based on your view of is what it is. Fortunately, I haven't grouped with you because the behavior I screenshotted is just lame, and luckily, it is also rare.

    You may have more of a point in a very hard dungeon, but this stuff in the vet dungeons is a cakewalk. Maybe I'm just so hyper-used to PVP now. 75% of my play is PVP.
    Well, you didn't tell us which dungeon it was. And since I'd never even consider kicking someone from one of the easy vet dungeons as long as they don't insult me I assumed it was something like Unhollowed Grave, Scalecaller or Stone Garden.
    Edited by lolo_01b16_ESO on 11 May 2021 10:47
  • Everstorm
    I didn't expect the level of support people have on this forum for booting people based on appearance.

    They are not basing it on appearance. They are basing it on knowing how the game works. 40k hitpoints means your magicka (or stamina) is pitifully low. 40k hitpoints is only useful on a tank in a pve setting. Doing damage and healing requires a solid amount of magicka/stamina. That is just the way this game works.
  • Michaelkeir
    As others have said that group you were in seemed pretty chill. They saw 40k health and sword and shield on a healer and asked a question to which you may have not been paying attention enough to respond in a timely manner. So they kicked you. Most groups I know would have hounded you and continued to send whispers to you long after you left belittling you and your build.

    Most players (including myself) get nervous when they see things like that (40k health and sword and shield) on a healer in PvE content. In normal sure, run what you like. But in vet, ESPECIALLY vet dlc dungeons, nope. I’m not chancing it. I have limited play time a day and I hate to even waste a few minutes on someone with a strange build. I’m mostly a motif farmer so I’m in vet dlc dungeons 90% of the time and that’s a red flag for me. Especially if you don’t respond to chat or whispers. I’m all for crazy builds, but at least respond so we can get a better understanding of your gear and skills because not responding is an automatic kick from me.
  • xericdx
    marshill88 wrote: »

    I'm a little thrown back at how judgmental so many of you are, and how quick you rush to judgment, and even worse, how fast you would just boot someone from a group because you don't like what you see.

    listing to you guys (...) is disgusting to me, it really is.

    Complaining about judgmental behaviours and writing like this. Interesting.

    A lot of different points of view were expressed already, including that everyone should understand that we have different ways of enjoying the game and time available.

    I have only ever voted to kicked a healer in a Vet dungeon who was running stam weapons on both bars. We could have carried it but I found that disrespectful and so I voted. But I do understand that other people might have different priorities/ideas and I will not always find a group that coincide with mine. That's life.
    Primo Aldouine (MagSorc), AD
    Kro'zuc Primo (StamDK), AD
    Primo Leyla, MagDK, DC
    Primo Salazar (MagPlar), AD
    Leyla Softpawn (StamBade), AD
    Shaz Primo (MagBlade), AD
    Marcus Primo (MagDen), EP
    Elonthor Primo (StamDen), AD
    The Red, MagNecro, AD

    You like housing?! We have the place for you: Tamriel Homes Guild! Contact me for info (in-game ID @xericdx) or visit our website
    PC EU
  • perfiction
    I was kicked from random normal dungeon by 3-premade group because "I didn't wait for one guy taking the quest" (one of them whispered that to me after the kick). They didn't ask me to wait (I'd have no problem with that), didn't even respond to my "hi" at the start. I just got kicked after killing first trash mobs in Cauldron. Well, I guess I should learn how to read someone's mind to prevent situations like this. After that my list of ignored players grown by 3 more entries :smiley:
    Edited by perfiction on 11 May 2021 11:05
  • Pauwer
    Malkiv wrote: »
    Pauwer wrote: »
    Im sorry but one can totally conplete pve content with pvp builds. I would say pve content is a piece of cake compared to pvp. Like if you can keep your group alive in pvp, you certainly can do it in pve.

    Now if you want a group for pve content where everyone uses the gear and skills you want, make a guild and set up profiles for different builds on discord that you want for each role and set up pve runs there.

    No one said that you cannot complete PVE content with a PVP build. The argument is not whether you can keep people alive - most players can keep themselves alive, and I've got many 3 DPS + Tank vDSA runs to prove that without Pale Order. The issue is that a PVE healer is also the buff bot; They supply huge portions of resource regen and increase damage output.

    I think it's equally valid that people who only want to do the bare minimum should form their own groups so that it does not contaminate the queue.

    Ehhh, pvp healers ARE buff bots. You have no idea.
  • Rezdayn
    Group content is group content. You have to be able to do your role at a reasonable and sufficient level.

    A lot of the community want to finish a dungeon in a reasonable time. It could be a 15 minute dungeon that could very easily turn into 1 hour + because some group members dont care about meeting their requirements based on their role.

    40k hp on a healer in pve is kick worthy tbh.

    Than again... 90% of the content is 4x dps able and the rest is not worth doing with random players.

    I have left groups because the healer or tank wasnt doing x y or z which is typical of their role. If I ask politely if they can do it and they ignore me or tell me no because they dont think its their role I just leave the group.

    Online communities are meh.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    If it was a normal dungeon I wouldn't've cared as long as you weren't using a taunt to troll the group by taking aggro from the tank, but if it was a vet dlc dungeon, I'd definitely think you were suspect until I saw whether or not you were trolling, roleplaying, or an actual decent player trying something different. I've had a few pvpes join vet dlc dungeons while still in their pvp setup and it wasn't good at all, so i'm wary of it.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Eso101rus
    marshill88 wrote: »
    just out of curiosity - what traits are you running on your armour?

    after showing skills i had slotted for this dungeon run and hearing all the god-modding descending on me, sorry my friend, there is no way I'm going to post that, because the odds that someone will stomp on me are exceedingly high, I have shared more than I should have. I didn't expect the level of support people have on this forum for booting people based on appearance. It's a shame, really. So, no, sorry, no more personal info from me :) (not to implicate you, just most of the replies to my OP are in favor of booting)

    And there it is. By your reluctance to divulge we are all guessing you are running mostly impen, but certainly any answer other than divines would be seen to be less than optimal for pve. You have admitted to running around 20 vet dungeons, this tells me you lack experience in pve. You haven’t explained running 1h and shield on a healer in pve? That is your choice but many people here are giving you advice to help prevent you getting kicked again.

    It’s not about build inspection, it’s about what you bring to the table for your group. I wouldn’t need to see your skill bars as I have enough experience to see your skills.

    I think you want people to agree that you were wrong to be kicked, but I’m guessing everyone here is in the main had experience of carrying pvp builds around dungeons. It can turn bad quickly.

    Why not take feedback on board, eg running medusa and mothers sorrow on a magcro is overkill on crit and would suggest running either one of them with something else. I saw a build video recently where the author put the same berserker glyph on both bars of a build, it looked like someone gave feedback that didn’t go down very well.

    Dungeons are a group activity, think about how you can support your group.
  • zvavi
    @marshill88 Look mate. most players, don't need a healer to survive. that means, the existence of a healer, that only heals might have 0, yes, 0 effect on how the dungeon goes. That's the real reason healers are expected to do more than "just heal". If you are queuing with the expectation you will "just heal" and nothing else, in a vet dungeon (especially vet DLC ones, where pugs straggle as it is) they have a full right to remove you for a teammate that will be more useful for the group.

    You can say whatever you want, insult us, etc etc, but while I dont kick people like you, when i see a healer without support sets or skills, that only spams heals, I know he is a liability to the group, and deep down I prefer them to leave group so we can get a teammate instead of him.
    Edited by zvavi on 11 May 2021 11:14
  • NordSwordnBoard
    @marshill88 imagine bringing a guildie in BGs who has 15k health, no impen gear, 12k resists, and blames you as the healer for them dying easily. Are you going to ask them to change to benefit the team, or let them blame you for thier shortcomings?

    In random dungeons, the majority rules. You can crusade for 45k health snb healers in vet dungeons, but you will run into groups who want better performance than that, like the ones who kicked you.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Ackwalan
    He did you a favor. People that vote kick before the first fight, do so because they need to be carried.
  • goldenarcher1

    If you gonna pug,you should accept the cards dealt out at the start,otherwise form your own group.

    [Edited for rude comment]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on 11 May 2021 12:37
  • Eso101rus
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    He did you a favor. People that vote kick before the first fight, do so because they need to be carried.

    That makes no sense, is it possible they know something you don’t? Like a 40k hp healer in snb might be not supporting the group?
  • xv1_me
    When I had less than a few hundred cp ppl would lock me from normal trial groups which made me laugh since I was carrying every group that kicked me.

    Was this vet or normal content you got kicked from? Either way kicking a healer for 40k health is funny just laugh and move on. People act like tanks and healers are required in this game. Guy that kicked you prob couldn’t heal himself.

    Only reason I prob never get kicked is because I queue as tank and I slot a taunt while healing the group and doing 40% of the dps. It’s happened tho.
  • xv1_me
    Lephrel wrote: »
    If we are talking about some easy non-dlc dungeon, then I think the kick was a bit harsh. However, positively no one runs a 1hs/40k hp healer. It was likely apparent to the players in the group that your experience with pve content was limited at best, they probably didn't feel like carrying someone through harder content, or they might have been fed up with improperly geared people queueing in the group finder.

    Keep in mind: Healers aren't really required in veteran dungeons. If a group decides to go with a healer, then the healer is expected to provide damage and sustain buffs to the group (spc, worm, hollowfang, olorime, master resto, sentinel etc.). Simply being able to throw in a couple of resto skills isn't really going to cut it, especially when it comes to dlc dungeons.

    All dungeons and probably 95% of trials can be healed with two resto skills.

    Just like all dungeons and 95% of trials don’t need a tank to taunt anything. Tanks are just taking up space where a dps can be.
  • ZOS_Volpe

    We've had to remove and edit a few non-constructive and rude comments. Please remember that while it’s alright to disagree or even debate with each other, provoking conflict, baiting, inciting, mocking, etc. is never acceptable on our forums.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Stanx
    To be honest, I'd rather the niche build queue for healer 99% of the time anyway as it's the main role that is totally flexible in all but probably some vet DLC content.

    I wouldn't kick OP, but I would be confused (I don't PVP too much so would probably think I had two tanks in this scenario). I also really dislike the whole kicking mechanism so will only do it based on behaviour instead of performance.
  • Pauwer
    All the comments really make want one to play healer lol. Not needed for anything. So.... when is the next fake healer complaint thread coming? :)
  • JoDiMageio
    Pauwer wrote: »
    All the comments really make want one to play healer lol. Not needed for anything. So.... when is the next fake healer complaint thread coming? :)

    And this is why healers get a bad rap. (And I am pretty sure you are being facetious :) but that mentality does exist in the game )

    I main as a healer, and I often have had to deal with comments regarding my role (everybody blame the healer, hahahahaha.... :|. I have also had great experiences when all four (or 12) roles are played correctly. Understanding the role, knowing how to play it, being equipped properly, slotting the right skills to buff, debuff and support... It makes me mad that people who don't take the time to learn their role give a bad rap to those of us who do.
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    Pauwer wrote: »
    All the comments really make want one to play healer lol. Not needed for anything. So.... when is the next fake healer complaint thread coming? :)

    Healers are only not needed with very optimized groups. The average pug dies pretty quickly without heals.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • zvavi
    JoDiMageio wrote: »
    bad rap

    I apologies. I had to. Jokes aside, most healers in pug do bring bad reputation for healers.

    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    yo yo,
    Wear buff sets and support,
    Or else we kick and report,
    ye ye,
    Sanctuary is a big no no,
    Just take a third dd and lets go,
    go go,
    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    yo yo,
    Healer just heals and I am sad,
    Pale order will be worn instead,
    ye ye,
    A sole orb thrown is so rare,
    For the group it is not fair,
    no no,
    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    :drops mic:
    Edited by zvavi on 11 May 2021 14:20
  • JoDiMageio
    zvavi wrote: »
    JoDiMageio wrote: »
    bad rap

    I apologies. I had to. Jokes aside, most healers in pug do bring bad reputation for healers.

    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    yo yo,
    Wear buff sets and support,
    Or else we kick and report,
    ye ye,
    Sanctuary is a big no no,
    Just take a third dd and lets go,
    go go,
    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    yo yo,
    Healer just heals and I am sad,
    Pale order will be worn instead,
    ye ye,
    A sole orb thrown is so rare,
    For the group it is not fair,
    no no,
    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    :drops mic:

    Lolz, no apologies needed!! This is the best thing I`ve read all day!!
  • TradoTheOne
    Honestly, if you join with s&b and with 40k health, i would have asked the same questions, and if you responded pourly, kicked you aswell.
    If you just turned out that you were a new player, I would help you out.

    But yea, if you fake heal, you need to bring some serious dps in order not to be kicked
    3 2 1 - My horn
  • Tesman85
    zvavi wrote: »
    JoDiMageio wrote: »
    bad rap

    I apologies. I had to. Jokes aside, most healers in pug do bring bad reputation for healers.

    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    yo yo,
    Wear buff sets and support,
    Or else we kick and report,
    ye ye,
    Sanctuary is a big no no,
    Just take a third dd and lets go,
    go go,
    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    yo yo,
    Healer just heals and I am sad,
    Pale order will be worn instead,
    ye ye,
    A sole orb thrown is so rare,
    For the group it is not fair,
    no no,
    Healers are a in a bad place,
    Move aside for the dps race,
    :drops mic:

    Please have an awesome, good sir. I got the best laugh of today from this. Brilliant!
This discussion has been closed.