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Anyone else have a bully /kick you from a dungeon? (Screenshot)

  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Yep, dude is a jerk. People defending him are just being antagonistic and argumentative.

    We can quibble about PVP vs PVE builds, but any decent PVP healing build is going to satisfy the essential role of a healer in a group dungeon, which is to heal. Yes great PVE healers are supposed to do more than that, but it is unrealistic to expect a perfect buff bot out of your healer in groupfinder.

    In fact, a smart healer in group finder goes over board on healing and personal DPS because buffs dont do much to your typical GF DPS doing 15k. Taking your min/maxed build, whether that's a glass cannon DPS or a tank/healer maxed with utility/buffs at the expense of survival and healing is pretty foolish.

    My guess is that he has no other friends to play with because most groups ran him out of town based on his elitist attitude. Any DPS worth a darn doesn't need healer buffs in groupfinder. Had you continued, he probably would have died standing in stupid and tried to blame you. Its annoying, but good riddance.

    My advice would be to not lose an ounce of sleep over it and move on. If you want to take it as an opportunity to improve and perhaps prevent it happening again, well, perhaps work on a more dedicated PVE healer build.
  • marshill88
    Vorpan wrote: »

    The players in your group had reasonable concerns. You have 40k health, PVP gear, and resto staff abilities on a s&b that would have been useless. You've done a couple dozen dungeons and been fortunate enough, from the sounds of it, to have really good teammates who can get through them with you.

    You boot someone immediately within 1 minute of arriving, just by looking at them? You call it a "reasonable concern". No, mate, it is not a reasonable concern. A concern is a polite message, "Hey, this boss in this dungeon is XYZ, can you do strategy XYZ?"

    But no, you just ban. I call it out as rude and obnoxious. I don't know why players in these forums expect me (or other people who don't like being booted like this) to just lie back and say you're being helpful. Guess what? When you summarily boot someone before the run begins, you are not being helpful. You are being rude. I'm defending my view here on this thread, the majority are on the side of the elitist, so that is why you perceive me in this thread as being rude.

    The rude behavior is by the players who boot people because they fail a pre-run inspection and don't even give them a chance. Call me rude, go for it, but I wont back down from this position. If I play ESO for 2 more years, I sincerely hope I will never become the type of player who just boots people based on what I see. You approve of are a different kind of player than me, and we both have our opinions.
  • Xebov
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Yes, elitists....that is exactly how they act. the delusion is they think the other guy is "below" them, but most likely they are the weak who need to be carried so they have to inspect people's setup and don't you dare have a setup they don't "approve" of. No, they aren't elite, they are spoiled and entitled and only think they are elite. Put them in a BG and they'll be dead before they even get into the flag circle.

    So you are telling everyone you are better as them in BGs, but others are the elitists? What you have to understand is that players dont think you are below them, they just expect you to do your part of the work. I dont need to have 4 ppl to move stuff around when 3 are doing the work and the 4th is sitting around and then complaining that the other 3 calling him out for that.

    Iam a Tank player, i put efford in my gear and skills. I know what i can and cannot do by experience and i know what group performance is needed for certain content. I dont mind if my group has a weak player. I frequently leave groups that have a bad performance, not because i think they are below me, but because i dont see it as my duty to constantly put in time to compensate for other players inabilities. Every little bit in performance that you lack has to be compensated by the rest of the group, its as simple as that. If that compensation is to much it becomes a waste of time.

  • Jeremy
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Well I knew it was bound to happen...I queue up for a 4 person dungeon to do undaunted quests and I get kicked before we even began. I've been doing dungeon queues only for about a week, and I've already had at least a couple dozen runs, everyone is so friendly and most runs have been smooth. I queue up as a healer, I'm a magcro and I have a pretty powerful heal build. I've gotten several compliments from BG's keeping my teammates alive. I'm not a pro healer, but I'm pretty decent. My entire build for this dungeon run is for heals, both bars are loaded with healing skills.

    So the moment I enter the dungeon, I'm just snacking on my chips and salsa and I didn't even read the of the guys in there was immediately challenging me on my "build". This kind of thing has never happened to me before (I've read about it on the forums, but now I get to experience it).

    My happy demeanor immediately changed and I decided this guy was giving me a judgmental audit.

    Here is the entire conversation from the moment I entered the dungeon to the moment I was kicked, which was all of about 60 seconds. He didn't even let me go on a single fight.
    I'm blacking out the names to protect players. My intent with this post is to just vent about one of those rude players you hear about who love to kick people who don't measure up to their stereotypes and presuppositions.


    I had waited a while for my dungeon run to start, so it was kind of disappointing to be booted like that. I wondered why other group members just "go along" when a know-it-all decides to kick someone. Funny, if I was in a group and someone was trying to kick a player for this, I'd probably start a vote to kick them instead. I like to stand up for the little guy, but that's just me.

    I'm just venting, it feels better to come here and share my experiences sometimes. I understand this sort of thing is probably common place and it's all good, even though players who do this are pretty lame in my book.

    While I don't have quite as much as you, I like to have decent health pool when I play as healer as well (and defense). You aren't healing anyone if you're dead. It comes in handy, especially on the more difficult dungeons. I haven't found a use for a sword and shield however as a healer, so would be curious what those are for.

    In any case: it's never appropriate to kick someone at the beginning. Everyone deserves a chance before you leap to conclusions about them. End of story.
  • Hydra9268
    Frankly, I don't see that as bullying. I see a group as being genuinely confused by your setup with the role you've decided. It's a valid concern they had.

    While DPS is just as crucial as healers and tanks, healers are vital to the group's survival, and it appears they didn't trust your setup to help them get through the content without issue. Also, what they say about "sword and board 40k health healer" is valid. A pure healer is NOT going to have 40k HP sporting a sword and shield. So you might want to audit your spec on a site like and see how you can alter it to bring your A-game to group content.
  • FantasticFreddie
    marshill88 wrote: »
    I honestly can't feel bad for ya this time, because you basically showed up to a rec ice hockey game with everyone in their gear, and you're out here wearing pillows duct tapped to your legs, ice skates from 1972, a field hockey stick, and a stainless steel pot strapped to your head like "..alright guys, let's go do some hockey!.."

    no, mate. I showed up for a vet dungeon, possibly 20 minutes, most of which are simple. Kind of like showing up at a 5 year olds birthday party to blow some bubbles, it's not that difficult. is it really that hard for you? PVP trounces most PVE content in difficulty. And if you don't like the gear someone has, you would boot them without even asking them to switch it huh?

    It all comes down to this: A player boots someone before even asking them to change skills, before even letting the run begin....and that is lame. Will always be lame, always was lame.

    Hmmm are you sure they were all on vet?
    20 minutes runs in pug vets dungeon sounds..... unrealistic.

    Gentle advice: learn a couple of taunts, and que as tank. Necros are lovely tanks, and your high health, heavy armor build is much better suited to learning it.

    I run a whole pack of pvp healers, and when I bring them to pve, they tonk like the bad beeches they are.
  • Dalsinthus
    This thread is a great example of the "play as you want" design philosophy running headlong into the goal of working together as a team to accomplish some challenging goal. At some level these two things are incompatable at least when you're getting to the upper end of PVE content like vet DLC dungeons and vet trials.

    OP may be able to heal and get through group content on this setup for normal dungeons and some vets. Basegame dungeons are largely forgiving. But a well built pve healer or dd is going to contribute a lot more to the group than a character built for pvp survival. For vet Fungal Grotto, it probably doesn't matter, but in vet MHK it certainly will. That's not elitism so much as just the basic reality of game design.

  • Jeremy
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    But the OP didn't come here for help, they came to vent a little. They didn't ask anyone to explain why they got kicked, and they didn't ask for any pearls of wisdom about healer builds. If you feel like your advice is falling on deaf ears-- well, you're giving advice where none was asked for, which in any other general situation in life would be called "unwelcome advice."

    lol, true. People always assume others want their advice when I find that is rarely the case. That's why I try not to give advice unless it's actually asked for first.

  • Dalsinthus
    When I saw this thread I thought it was going to be people giving examples of bullying and kicking people from groups. That has only happened to me one time in countless dungeon runs over 6 years of playing this game.

    I queued for a normal dungeon for the daily XP on my pve tank. It's an Argonian DK. I've completed every vet DLC dungeon and most hard modes with it, so this was not an issue of me not adequately performing my role. We get normal Arx and the group is a bunch of really low cp players. No problem. We breeze through the dungeon; its not fast but everyone's doing fine. Then we get to the final boss and... I'm kicked. They then tea bagged in front of me to make sure I knew that I had been trolled. Literally the only time I've ever been kicked from a dungeon. Some people are just jerks.
  • marshill88
    Dalsinthus wrote: »
    This thread is a great example of the "play as you want" design philosophy running headlong into the goal of working together as a team to accomplish some challenging goal. At some level these two things are incompatable at least when you're getting to the upper end of PVE content like vet DLC dungeons and vet trials.

    OP may be able to heal and get through group content on this setup for normal dungeons and some vets. Basegame dungeons are largely forgiving. But a well built pve healer or dd is going to contribute a lot more to the group than a character built for pvp survival. For vet Fungal Grotto, it probably doesn't matter, but in vet MHK it certainly will. That's not elitism so much as just the basic reality of game design.

    everything you said I agree with except for one thing (you didn't say this, but it's implied based on your approval of the actions in the OP)

    Booting someone before a run even begins based on your own judgmental pre-inspection of them and not giving them a chance or showing any desire whatsoever to be a teammate to them (just a BOOTER) is elitism. It is rude, obnoxious and elitist.

    I now see a large majority of players in this thread wholeheartedly approve of this kind of rude behavior, which is a little surprising, I have some theories on that. But I sincerely hope I will never become the kind of player who does that to others. It's just such a poor sport way to interact with other people, no player deserves to get booted so fast. By the way, I had never been to that dungeon before. I always show up at a dungeon with a desire to be helpful not a detriment. Immediate booting in 60 seconds speaks volume as to the type of player I hope I will never become.

    Action: kicking someone immediately before a run begins based on your perception of them.

    you (and many others in this thread, probably the majority of people in this thread) approve of that kind of behavior. I see that kind of behavior as pathetic, but others see it as wholesome. Well, I'm not coming to your side on this and hopefully never will, so that simply means I'm a different kind of player than you. So be it, I'm ok with the differences. I will just be more careful to not choose teammates who are elitist.
    Edited by marshill88 on 11 May 2021 20:12
  • Dalsinthus
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Dalsinthus wrote: »
    This thread is a great example of the "play as you want" design philosophy running headlong into the goal of working together as a team to accomplish some challenging goal. At some level these two things are incompatable at least when you're getting to the upper end of PVE content like vet DLC dungeons and vet trials.

    OP may be able to heal and get through group content on this setup for normal dungeons and some vets. Basegame dungeons are largely forgiving. But a well built pve healer or dd is going to contribute a lot more to the group than a character built for pvp survival. For vet Fungal Grotto, it probably doesn't matter, but in vet MHK it certainly will. That's not elitism so much as just the basic reality of game design.

    everything you said I agree with except for one thing (you didn't say this, but it's implied based on your approval of the actions in the OP)

    Booting someone before a run even begins based on your own judgmental pre-inspection of them and not giving them a chance or showing any desire whatsoever to be a teammate to them (just a BOOTER) is elitism. It is rude, obnoxious and elitist.

    I now see a large majority of players in this thread wholeheartedly approve of this kind of rude behavior, which is a little surprising, I have some theories on that. But I sincerely hope I will never become the kind of player who does that to others. It's just such a poor sport way to interact with other people, no player deserves to get booted so fast. By the way, I had never been to that dungeon before.

    Action: kicking someone immediately before a run begins based on your perception of them.

    you (and many others in this thread, probably the majority of people in this thread) approve of that kind of behavior, and that simply means I'm a different kind of player than you.

    Whoa there. It wasn't implied.

    For the record, I wouldn't have kicked you. Seeing 40k health and a S&B on a healer would have raised my eyebrows, but that's it. You get what you get with the dungeon finder. I've run in lots of PUG groups with worse and we usually muddle through.

  • Jeremy
    Hydra9268 wrote: »
    Frankly, I don't see that as bullying. I see a group as being genuinely confused by your setup with the role you've decided. It's a valid concern they had.

    While DPS is just as crucial as healers and tanks, healers are vital to the group's survival, and it appears they didn't trust your setup to help them get through the content without issue. Also, what they say about "sword and board 40k health healer" is valid. A pure healer is NOT going to have 40k HP sporting a sword and shield. So you might want to audit your spec on a site like and see how you can alter it to bring your A-game to group content.

    It's unrealistic to expect everyone to be on their A-game when using the activity finder. You are going to encounter a variety of players from all walks of life, many with unusual or less than optimal builds. So people need to prepare themselves for that reality before using this tool. If a person has specific demands of a build, such as certain health requirements or no sword and shield then they should make their own group.

    I haven't seen the OP in action, so I don't know if he or she can actually heal or not. But what I do know is that having 40k health and a sword and shield equipped on one of their bars would not automatically exempt them from being able to heal. So the kick was unjustified. They need to remove whatever addon that allows players to view another player's health. Because I see all kinds of crap thrown at other players over that, and at least 90% of the time it's unjustified.
    Edited by Jeremy on 11 May 2021 20:14
  • marshill88

    Whoa there. It wasn't implied.

    For the record, I wouldn't have kicked you. Seeing 40k health and a S&B on a healer would have raised my eyebrows, but that's it. You get what you get with the dungeon finder. I've run in lots of PUG groups with worse and we usually muddle through.

    then my apologies. It seemed like you stated the actions of the guy who kicked me in 60 seconds were not elitism, it read to me like a subtle defense of booting someone immediately on queue-up. It sure seems like elitism to me.
  • spartaxoxo
    kringled_1 wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    marshill88 wrote: »
    But guys like this who boot players after a pre-run inspection are the Build Patrol...they are like school hallway monitors. No one wants some know-it-all to give them a build inspection on a quick undaunted 4 person dungeon run. Do the run, if its not working then you can kick. Its not even 20 minutes long.

    A lot of people like that are bad dps that need a healer to carry them, tbh. I can run any of the vet dungeons with a healer of your type and have. I'm not gonna trifecta them with this level of healing because I would need some buffs, but I don't need a healer at all to just finish them to be perfectly frank. Which is all I'm looking for out of activity finder.

    They probably saved you a lot of trouble. They should really only need some light healing here and there for the most part on any of these dungeons, or the rare burst heal, just to get them back stable because sometimes damage is just tough to avoid or we will all make mistakes sometimes. Because they shouldn't be standing in stupid in the first place and regular vet is not that bad you need to be policing people like this, especially not the healers who's build frankly matters the least in a dungeon

    I'm not disagreeing with what you said, but you've put the onus in this scenario on the dps to stay out of the red and do their job (dps), tank to taunt and position mobs, and healer to I guess occasionally cast some kind of heal? No debuffs, no buffs, no damage. Even if the group is more than capable of hard carrying a healer who's not contributing, it's a bit aggravating to do that for someone who's clearly not prepared to do their job as most people expect. I'm going to guess that most groups would much sooner take a mag dps with some offheal than this mountain of health.

    Personally in a group finder, the only requirements I put on the task is to hold the boss still and live. The only requirement I put on the dps is to do enough damage to pass any dps checks (so like 15-20k depending on dlc or not) and to not stand in stupid. The only requirement I put on the healer is to keep everyone healthy, so long as they are doing the mechs correctly.

    That's it. I don't expect more than that from group finder and I'm somehow still often disappointed because even these bare minimums are not being met.

    I don't expect good players because it's a random collection of multiple different levels of skill, newcomer and vets.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 11 May 2021 20:34
  • Goregrinder
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Dalsinthus wrote: »
    This thread is a great example of the "play as you want" design philosophy running headlong into the goal of working together as a team to accomplish some challenging goal. At some level these two things are incompatable at least when you're getting to the upper end of PVE content like vet DLC dungeons and vet trials.

    OP may be able to heal and get through group content on this setup for normal dungeons and some vets. Basegame dungeons are largely forgiving. But a well built pve healer or dd is going to contribute a lot more to the group than a character built for pvp survival. For vet Fungal Grotto, it probably doesn't matter, but in vet MHK it certainly will. That's not elitism so much as just the basic reality of game design.

    everything you said I agree with except for one thing (you didn't say this, but it's implied based on your approval of the actions in the OP)

    Booting someone before a run even begins based on your own judgmental pre-inspection of them and not giving them a chance or showing any desire whatsoever to be a teammate to them (just a BOOTER) is elitism. It is rude, obnoxious and elitist.

    I now see a large majority of players in this thread wholeheartedly approve of this kind of rude behavior, which is a little surprising, I have some theories on that. But I sincerely hope I will never become the kind of player who does that to others. It's just such a poor sport way to interact with other people, no player deserves to get booted so fast. By the way, I had never been to that dungeon before. I always show up at a dungeon with a desire to be helpful not a detriment. Immediate booting in 60 seconds speaks volume as to the type of player I hope I will never become.

    Action: kicking someone immediately before a run begins based on your perception of them.

    you (and many others in this thread, probably the majority of people in this thread) approve of that kind of behavior. I see that kind of behavior as pathetic, but others see it as wholesome. Well, I'm not coming to your side on this and hopefully never will, so that simply means I'm a different kind of player than you. So be it, I'm ok with the differences. I will just be more careful to not choose teammates who are elitist.

    Well yeah, that's the point of a doesn't matter why they kicked it, the fact is the majority decided they didn't want you there for whatever reason it was. You certainly don't have to be happy about it, but people aren't going to vote kick based on the parameters you feel are right. Not everyone cares about gentleman's rules.

    Yes, some people will boot you the moment they see your setup, or your HP, or what weapons you're holding, or what class you are, or what CP you are, or what race your character is, etc. There doesn't have to be a rhyme or reason to it, it just happens. And it will continue to happen. The only thing you can do is decide whether or not you care that they kicked you. If not, then no sweat off your back...back to the queue for you right?

    If so, then try to understand why they would have kicked you, then try to figure out what would have prevented them from kicking you. Was it your build? Your Outfit? Your weapons paired with your role? Etc. Then make whatever changes you can to try and prevent it from happening in the future. The reality is, though, you can never really prevent it. Because if you don't want to try and understand why they did it, then you can't expect them to want to try and understand why you think they shouldn't have.

    Dialogue goes both ways, and the only way two parties can come to an understanding or compromise is to try and understand the other party's position with an open mind, whether or not you agree with it.
  • Xebov
    marshill88 wrote: »
    You boot someone immediately within 1 minute of arriving, just by looking at them? You call it a "reasonable concern". No, mate, it is not a reasonable concern. A concern is a polite message, "Hey, this boss in this dungeon is XYZ, can you do strategy XYZ?"

    But no, you just ban. I call it out as rude and obnoxious. I don't know why players in these forums expect me (or other people who don't like being booted like this) to just lie back and say you're being helpful. Guess what? When you summarily boot someone before the run begins, you are not being helpful. You are being rude. I'm defending my view here on this thread, the majority are on the side of the elitist, so that is why you perceive me in this thread as being rude.

    The rude behavior is by the players who boot people because they fail a pre-run inspection and don't even give them a chance. Call me rude, go for it, but I wont back down from this position. If I play ESO for 2 more years, I sincerely hope I will never become the type of player who just boots people based on what I see. You approve of are a different kind of player than me, and we both have our opinions.

    Your reaction is the exact reason why players dont discuss and just kick or leave groups.

    When i started out as a novice tank, i stayed with every group. Even if it took an hour for simple dungeons. I tried to give ppl tipps and tried to be helpful in the hopes to help them improve. Besides the silent majority most reactions where exactly like yours. Players that dont want to hear or see the reality that they are part of a 4 player team and as such they have to play accordingly. This led me to later just kick them and still trying to be helpful, with the same reaction. Nowadays i just leave bad groups and barely ever talk in group chat. Simply because iam fed up with getting tells that resemble your opinion or worse.
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Booting someone before a run even begins based on your own judgmental pre-inspection of them and not giving them a chance or showing any desire whatsoever to be a teammate to them (just a BOOTER) is elitism. It is rude, obnoxious and elitist.

    You mistake elitism with experience. You did 10 vet dungeons. You where lucky and thats about it. The ppl you call elitists here did houndreds or thousends of vet dungeons and alot of the hardmodes too. I played every dungeon more often than i can count in more group combinations than you can imagine. I can tell you the likely performance of a group just by looking at the levels of the players. I need a single trash group to determine if we are likely to get the dungeon done in a decent amount of time or not. I can do this because i did the dungeons often enought to know whats needed to get it done.

    Your problem is that you came here to complain about a dungeon experience while bragging about your PvP skills. What you expected was a pad on the head and ppl being on your side. What you got is players telling you what is expected when joining a group in PvP group content. You dont like it. You are free to dont like it. You are free to ignore it. Your group members are free to not wanting to play with you. Its as simple as that.
  • Dalsinthus
    marshill88 wrote: »

    Whoa there. It wasn't implied.

    For the record, I wouldn't have kicked you. Seeing 40k health and a S&B on a healer would have raised my eyebrows, but that's it. You get what you get with the dungeon finder. I've run in lots of PUG groups with worse and we usually muddle through.

    then my apologies. It seemed like you stated the actions of the guy who kicked me in 60 seconds were not elitism, it read to me like a subtle defense of booting someone immediately on queue-up. It sure seems like elitism to me.

    All good.

    All I'm saying is that there are incompatible ideas from different camps about what the game is supposed to be. This makes conflicts like the one you experienced, kind of inevitable. I can see where both sides are coming from on this. But I never kick. In the worst case scenario, where a dungeon run is failing after some time spent and I don't have time to stick it out, I would leave. But that's only happened a handful of times and I've played this game for many years now.
  • marshill88
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    That's it. I don't expect more than that from group finder and I'm somehow still often disappointed because even these bare minimums are not being met.

    I don't expect good players because it's a random collection of multiple different levels of skill, newcomer and vets.

    yea, that makes total sense. Every player I see, I treat with dignity, its another person over there and most likely they are there to be helpful.

    My last several dungeon runs have been more of a tanky healer. necros have some good ability to mix damage and heals. I've done many dungeons and only once was there a problem- the lair of Maarselok, ok yea that was very hard, we didn't succeed, it was a failure. But I had never seen that boss before, several of these dungeons are my very first time in there and bosses have different mechanics. I like to ask people if there is anything special to know about a boss, but the vast majority of times people are blitzing the dungeon so fast, I'm lagging behind because I'm doing the quest items and I barely have time to click on the quest locations let alone read the story.

    Basically, the vast majority of dungeon runs I have done (so far) don't need a pure healer, not at all. I have really good heals just in case, including a mass resurrection...i keep active heals on the group but otherwise, I'm firing blastbones. And unless there is a boss mechanic I'm not aware of, I tend to stay alive the entire time and as long as I'm alive, there's little chance for my group to wipe, even if they carry me more than I help them, doesn't matter. Id happily carry anyone if it meant a successful run.
  • Hydra9268
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Hydra9268 wrote: »
    Frankly, I don't see that as bullying. I see a group as being genuinely confused by your setup with the role you've decided. It's a valid concern they had.

    While DPS is just as crucial as healers and tanks, healers are vital to the group's survival, and it appears they didn't trust your setup to help them get through the content without issue. Also, what they say about "sword and board 40k health healer" is valid. A pure healer is NOT going to have 40k HP sporting a sword and shield. So you might want to audit your spec on a site like and see how you can alter it to bring your A-game to group content.

    It's unrealistic to expect everyone to be on their A-game when using the activity finder. You are going to encounter a variety of players from all walks of life, many with unusual or less than optimal builds. So people need to prepare themselves for that reality before using this tool. If a person has specific demands of a build, such as certain health requirements or no sword and shield then they should make their own group.

    I haven't seen the OP in action, so I don't know if he or she can actually heal or not. But what I do know is that having 40k health and a sword and shield equipped on one of their bars would not automatically exempt them from being able to heal. So the kick was unjustified. They need to remove whatever addon that allows players to view another player's health. Because I see all kinds of crap thrown at other players over that, and at least 90% of the time it's unjustified.

    That said, would you agree that "sword and board 40k health healer" is not A-game material? The very nature of whatever build and specs OP is using demonstrates they are not optimum for the role they chose for the dungeon, regardless of how well they perform. Case in point, my spec is pure DPS, and it even has minimal aggro pulling, but I wouldn't be at my A-game as a tank.
  • marshill88
    Hydra9268 wrote: »

    That said, would you agree that "sword and board 40k health healer" is not A-game material? The very nature of whatever build and specs OP is using demonstrates they are not optimum for the role they chose for the dungeon, regardless of how well they perform. Case in point, my spec is pure DPS, and it even has minimal aggro pulling, but I wouldn't be at my A-game as a tank.

    thats just my back bar mate, main bar is rest staff...for that run anyway. For other runs i use dest mother-sorrow. as i said in my OP, i'm not a pro-healer, just queuing up for casual fun, as most dungeon runs are a blitz and entirely casual, but every now and then u get an elitist RP'er who takes it all way too seriously and boots people before even starting a run without giving them a chance. My bad for assuming good will on others. And this is the point no one in this thread has said except me, you can change gear and skills mid-run. If my build isn't working, I have plenty of skills and a full set of DPS gear in my inventory. For goodness sakes, why can't elitists just give players a chance? Maybe that guy you are booting can actually perform, or be able to switch skills for the final boss? But no, just boot them, such as it is I suppose.

    The elitists are out there, I hope I don't queue up with them, (most of the time I don't), but with random queues, always a chance.

    Edited by marshill88 on 11 May 2021 20:35
  • FantasticFreddie
    I'm just out here thinking these dungeons weren't actually on vet, that OP has confused dlc dungeons with vet dungeons or something.

    I cannot imagine happily queueing up repeatedly for vet dungeons as my healer and waltzing through in 20 minutes unless there was some incredible luck involved.
  • marshill88
    I'm just out here thinking these dungeons weren't actually on vet, that OP has confused dlc dungeons with vet dungeons or something.

    I cannot imagine happily queueing up repeatedly for vet dungeons as my healer and waltzing through in 20 minutes unless there was some incredible luck involved.

    Hmmm....this is what I do...I go to the undaunted area in Ghratwood and click on a quest, I then click "I can handle more". I get 3 dungeon quests in my journal. I then click on "Group Finder". I scroll to the "Veteran Dungeon" list and beneath that I put 3 check marks in the 3 dungeons I got quests for and click "Join Queue".

    most of them have been a stroll in the park, they are blitzed, a couple of them my team even ran through mobs to get to the end. I completely missed the quests on that run and had to do it again later.
  • Xebov
    marshill88 wrote: »
    My bad for assuming good will on others. And this is the point no one in this thread has said except me, you can change gear and skills mid-run. If my build isn't working, I have plenty of skills and a full set of DPS gear in my inventory. For goodness sakes, why can't elitists just give players a chance?

    Why should they? You are running vet dungeons. Players expect you to have figured something out by the time you reach it. Its not other players job to help or teach you or wait till you figure something out. Thats your job alone. Players end up in a group togetehr pecause their personal goals somehow met at that point for some reason. All players have to work together to get cloaser to their personal goal. If the other 3 players get the feeling that you might not contribute enought to reach it they can kick you. Thats reality. Players have good will, but this also comes to an end sooner or later, for that particular group you simply hit the sooner. You can accept that, learn from it and move on, or you can continue to run around calling ppl names while you still ignore reality. The choice is yours.
  • Katheriah
    marshill88 wrote: »
    My entire build for this dungeon run is for heals, both bars are loaded with healing skills.

    That's not what a PvE healer is supposed to do.
  • Hydra9268
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Hydra9268 wrote: »
    That said, would you agree that "sword and board 40k health healer" is not A-game material? The very nature of whatever build and specs OP is using demonstrates they are not optimum for the role they chose for the dungeon, regardless of how well they perform. Case in point, my spec is pure DPS, and it even has minimal aggro pulling, but I wouldn't be at my A-game as a tank.

    but every now and then u get an elitist RP'er who takes it all way too seriously and boots people before even starting a run without giving them a chance. My bad for assuming good will on others. And this is the point no one in this thread has said except me, you can change gear and skills mid-run. If my build isn't working, I have plenty of skills and a full set of DPS gear in my inventory. For goodness sakes, why can't elitists just give players a chance? Maybe that guy you are booting can actually perform, or be able to switch skills for the final boss? But no, just boot them, such as it is I suppose.

    The elitists are out there, I hope I don't queue up with them, (most of the time I don't), but with random queues, always a chance.

    LOL. They didn't come off as "elitist RP" by any stretch of the imagination. They didn't understand your build, and you being AFK didn't help matters as you weren't there to defend your setup.

    Most people know what DPS, healer, and tank should look like.

    - Tank - sword/board with lots of health and the ability to hold threat (not present: boss attacks and kills other players.)
    - Healer - resto staff with lots of Magicka (not present: people die from bursty damage.)
    - DPS - shows up in the DPS numbers with 10-15k min in general and more on more challenging content like Trials. Even players with low CPs and pump out these numbers. (not present: takes too long to kill a boss.)

    I think you're overreacting. 🙂
    marshill88 wrote: »
    as i said in my OP, i'm not a pro-healer, just queuing up for casual fun, as most dungeon runs are a blitz and entirely casual,

    If you'll forgive this impression, but it sounds like you want the group to carry you as a healer essentially. I mean that they're killing stuff so fast that you don't even need to heal much. You might even DPS or tank a little, which your sword/board 40K hp would make possible.
    Edited by Hydra9268 on 11 May 2021 21:18
  • Goregrinder
    Hydra9268 wrote: »
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Hydra9268 wrote: »
    That said, would you agree that "sword and board 40k health healer" is not A-game material? The very nature of whatever build and specs OP is using demonstrates they are not optimum for the role they chose for the dungeon, regardless of how well they perform. Case in point, my spec is pure DPS, and it even has minimal aggro pulling, but I wouldn't be at my A-game as a tank.

    but every now and then u get an elitist RP'er who takes it all way too seriously and boots people before even starting a run without giving them a chance. My bad for assuming good will on others. And this is the point no one in this thread has said except me, you can change gear and skills mid-run. If my build isn't working, I have plenty of skills and a full set of DPS gear in my inventory. For goodness sakes, why can't elitists just give players a chance? Maybe that guy you are booting can actually perform, or be able to switch skills for the final boss? But no, just boot them, such as it is I suppose.

    The elitists are out there, I hope I don't queue up with them, (most of the time I don't), but with random queues, always a chance.

    LOL. They didn't come off as "elitist RP" by any stretch of the imagination. They didn't understand your build, and you being AFK didn't help matters as you weren't there to defend your setup.

    Most people know what DPS, healer, and tank should look like.

    - Tank - sword/board with lots of health and the ability to hold threat (not present: boss attacks and kills other players.)
    - Healer - staff with lots of Magicka (not present: people die from bursty damage.)
    - DPS - shows up in the DPS numbers with 10-15k min in general and more on more challenging content like Trials. Even players with low CPs and pump out these numbers. (not present: takes too long to kill a boss.)

    I think you're overreacting. 🙂
    marshill88 wrote: »
    as i said in my OP, i'm not a pro-healer, just queuing up for casual fun, as most dungeon runs are a blitz and entirely casual,

    If you'll forgive this impression, but it sounds like you want the group to carry you as a healer essentially. I mean that they're killing stuff so fast that you don't even need to heal much. You might even DPS or tank a little, which your sword/board 40K hp would make possible.

    I believe that is the skeleton in the closest here. Because of course you're doing a great job of healing....your group is doing a great job at avoiding damage! Judging a build based on that data and saying "Nah my build is fine man, I heal like this all the time..." isn't an accurate representation of your build's performance. Or rather OP's build.
  • Arbit
    I just got kicked from black drake villa, cause I didn't have time to do the secret bosses. I thought that was incredibly lame of them to do that, always great when you tell them it sucks, and they come back to taunt you and block. I was doing 60-70% of the damage, so unfortunately I am hoping for ill will on them, that they didn't complete the dungeon. I feel sorry for the other dumb dps who helped kick me, as it was the healer and tank who were together, and the dps who hit like a wet noodle, will probably get kicked when they realize they're dead weight. I guess that's what I get for not pairing up before randoming.
    Argonian Master Race
  • Hydra9268
    Katheriah wrote: »
    marshill88 wrote: »
    My entire build for this dungeon run is for heals, both bars are loaded with healing skills.

    That's not what a PvE healer is supposed to do.

    There's a gaming term that I heard as far back as Asheron's Call: gimping. Essentially a gimped character has too many points in the wrong stats and attributes for their build, or they have way too much health, mana, or stamina for the role they're trying to fill (like OP's 40K health versus 40K magicka), or having the wrong items equiped (sword/shield versus resto staff). Gimping, as the word implies, means a player is trying to do something with a severely handicapped toon.
    Edited by Hydra9268 on 11 May 2021 21:10
  • ghost_bg_ESO
    marshill88 wrote: »
    Well I knew it was bound to happen...I queue up for a 4 person dungeon to do undaunted quests and I get kicked before we even began. I've been doing dungeon queues only for about a week, and I've already had at least a couple dozen runs, everyone is so friendly and most runs have been smooth. I queue up as a healer, I'm a magcro and I have a pretty powerful heal build. I've gotten several compliments from BG's keeping my teammates alive. I'm not a pro healer, but I'm pretty decent. My entire build for this dungeon run is for heals, both bars are loaded with healing skills.

    So the moment I enter the dungeon, I'm just snacking on my chips and salsa and I didn't even read the of the guys in there was immediately challenging me on my "build". This kind of thing has never happened to me before (I've read about it on the forums, but now I get to experience it).

    My happy demeanor immediately changed and I decided this guy was giving me a judgmental audit.

    Here is the entire conversation from the moment I entered the dungeon to the moment I was kicked, which was all of about 60 seconds. He didn't even let me go on a single fight.
    I'm blacking out the names to protect players. My intent with this post is to just vent about one of those rude players you hear about who love to kick people who don't measure up to their stereotypes and presuppositions.


    I had waited a while for my dungeon run to start, so it was kind of disappointing to be booted like that. I wondered why other group members just "go along" when a know-it-all decides to kick someone. Funny, if I was in a group and someone was trying to kick a player for this, I'd probably start a vote to kick them instead. I like to stand up for the little guy, but that's just me.

    I'm just venting, it feels better to come here and share my experiences sometimes. I understand this sort of thing is probably common place and it's all good, even though players who do this are pretty lame in my book.

    if you look at that chat, your first "no" if it was "My PvP healer" with switching bars, and may be after their replies "anything i should know about mechanics", not necessary but it may make a difference. and i don't know if it is still the case (as i've started to play exclusively solo) but sword and board, high health and heavy armor was preferred newby "build" for every role (no matter of the CP) and it is not pleasant on hard dungeons.

    but kicks happen also pleasant runs happen as it is a bit the charm and the curse of pugs...
  • Hydra9268
    Arbit wrote: »
    I just got kicked from black drake villa, cause I didn't have time to do the secret bosses. I thought that was incredibly lame of them to do that, always great when you tell them it sucks, and they come back to taunt you and block. I was doing 60-70% of the damage, so unfortunately I am hoping for ill will on them, that they didn't complete the dungeon. I feel sorry for the other dumb dps who helped kick me, as it was the healer and tank who were together, and the dps who hit like a wet noodle, will probably get kicked when they realize they're dead weight. I guess that's what I get for not pairing up before randoming.

    You roll with the group's decision. That's demonstrating compromise and common courtesy. If they want to do the secret boss and you don't want to, then they find a replacement. Your spite of their success means nothing.
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