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Incapacitating Strike Silence 5.0.3

  • Elong
    Elong wrote: »
    Show me a clip where 3 seconds killed you that isn't lag or you failing to block/dodge an ability. Did you know you can block with even just 1 stam?

    You don;t play much, do you?

    Edit: LoL third response. Pelican is famous :smiley:

    One question is why opponents are doing nothing to detect him? At least after first gank? He kills, cloaks and others are simply staying doing nothing :D and obviously this is extreme case of cool player on absolute glass cannon. It's not even glass, it's one way ticket without sustain, 16k HP and 10k resistances with balorgh, i.e. he just charges ulti, comes and kills 1 target, after that video is cut. How many times he was decimated when detected?
    And every 2nd target is AFK.. lol. This video proves nothing.

    It shows that if they did see him coming, with the way the new incap works, they would have 3 secs of not being able to do anything as a magicka player, and would die in that time.

    Also another video, showing a player killing multiple players that aren't afk and not dying every second gank:

    He ganks with onslaught, not with incap :D
    This just proves that if you want to build glass cannon for ganking there are several options, and it is cloak broken, not incap. Though I don't argue that new incap will be broken, even for stamclasses silence after gank is bad.
    Videos aside, yes sometimes you may met somebody like Pelikan who will "kill you in 3 seconds". But this works only 1 time, when you res and return you already will be aware and this won't repeat. And it's like 1 "Pelikan" in 10 hours, you can't use some top player as a reference. You may meet similar sorc or warden too, incap burst is not the only burst which may kill you in 3 seconds if you were caught off guard.

    The point is now bad gankers, even bad NBs full stop, will have a 3 second window against a magicka player to do what they want to them. 99% of magicka players will be out of stamina after blocking breaking fear.
  • cpuScientist
    Honestly, take the stun off, ( i do not mind the stun, but sure remove it ) But leave the major defile that is all, you stated you want the skill to make it hard to recover from, well that did it just fine, and leave the reave on it or dont whatever. If not Major Defile, then heal absorption. But honestly DEFILE works fine, it is disease based stam class it fits the purpose of the skill. Do not make stamBlade just another DawnBreaker waker...

    You had it right the first time. 70 ulti for defile and damage boost is fine dandy ZOS for serious! Especially if necro will have defile up 100% with blastbones, no reason an ULTI cannot have it. Relax incap is fine.

    I am not even a stamBlade and stamBlades are annoying. But seriously it is a fine ulti fitting of the class as is. Take the stun off to make them have to think about where to get their stun, and play more with the stun out of stealth or slot fear, that is fair sure. But leave the defile no reason to remove it.
  • WatchYourSixx
    Okay the video posted just proves my point. How would having a silence make that worse? Killing people instantly wouldn't change with or without a silence. And the rune cage thing mentioned is a stun which can be broke free, and if you can't then you're screwed. Here with a silence you can still move and dodge and block. With it as a stun before you had to break free before doing anything, which means at least 1 sec is spent breaking free unable to do anything. It sounds like you all just want incap to do nothing like several others have mentioned. Having a soft cc like silence is something that's been missing from this game from the start. They need to add a disarm as well, and make more silences accessible to at least one other class. It's definitely not "stupid op" like you are making it out to be though.

    Clearly you guys know more than me though so I'm done trying.
    The only thing to fear is, fear itself. - FDR

    CP 800
    PC NA

    - Maximus the Marksman (AD) Temp
    - Rex the Unstoppable Force (DC) DK
    - Sodor Dragonfire (DC) DK
    - Masha'Dar Shadow-Paw (DC) NB
    - Magnus the Mage (DC) Sorc
  • MartiniDaniels
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    Show me a clip where 3 seconds killed you that isn't lag or you failing to block/dodge an ability. Did you know you can block with even just 1 stam?

    You don;t play much, do you?

    Edit: LoL third response. Pelican is famous :smiley:

    One question is why opponents are doing nothing to detect him? At least after first gank? He kills, cloaks and others are simply staying doing nothing :D and obviously this is extreme case of cool player on absolute glass cannon. It's not even glass, it's one way ticket without sustain, 16k HP and 10k resistances with balorgh, i.e. he just charges ulti, comes and kills 1 target, after that video is cut. How many times he was decimated when detected?
    And every 2nd target is AFK.. lol. This video proves nothing.

    Opponents die in 1 GCD.

    MartinitDaniels: "WHY ARE THEY DOING NOTHING?"

    Probably because they are dead friend.

    Others, not those who were killed. I think immediate reaction to ganked ally is to use detection, pot, aoe, whatever. Also nightblade skills has very specific sound, I for example always roll/jump around flag while taking resource and cast volatile regularly if I heard/see any sign of NB around. If those players in video are standing like statues and doing nothing it's their problem not nightblade's. There are so many NBs in Cyro that you should always be ready, and if somebody is sorting inventory in the middle of battlefield and get ganked, it's his fault not incap's.
  • Sanguinor2
    Okay the video posted just proves my point. How would having a silence make that worse? Killing people instantly wouldn't change with or without a silence. And the rune cage thing mentioned is a stun which can be broke free, and if you can't then you're screwed. Here with a silence you can still move and dodge and block. With it as a stun before you had to break free before doing anything, which means at least 1 sec is spent breaking free unable to do anything. It sounds like you all just want incap to do nothing like several others have mentioned. Having a soft cc like silence is something that's been missing from this game from the start. They need to add a disarm as well, and make more silences accessible to at least one other class. It's definitely not "stupid op" like you are making it out to be though.

    Clearly you guys know more than me though so I'm done trying.

    We do indeed know more than you, so we know that a full gank build will have next to nothing if for whatever reason the inital burst did not work out or someone else that is nearby targets him during the gank.
    We also know that silence has use outside of oneshotting people
    We also know that you could break free of rune cage and that the skill was fine in a vacuum but combined with the sorc frag, light attack, curse, fury, meteor combo going off in the very same second the stun stuns you you were instantly bursted without having the chance to break free unless you were in a tank build.
    We also know that we can recover immidiately after the incap stun like casting purge, bol on a magplar or could avoid it with an immov potion in the first place.
    We also know that we cannot do the same with a silence.
    We also know that incap does enough for a 70 cost ult since we can compare it to the aedric spear ult which is weaker in a 1v1 situation, does no debuffs and even costs slightly more on a class with worse ult gen. Really strange that no nightblade ever replied to me requesting them to compare incap to the aedric spear ult and then tell me which of those is the stronger one.
    We also know that a silence like it has been implemented on the current iteration of incap does not need to be in the game since it will do nothing in PvE and will create unfair situations in PvP, thus we also know that we dont need to add a disarm for stam abilities or need to add more silences but instead leave the aoe silence on negate since you can walk out of it and its gone and leave it at that.
    We also know that it is indeed stupid op against mag builds and are not trying to hide behind a blatant nightblade bias and a vendetta against magsorcs and deem it acceptable for every mag class no matter how weak or strong to become collateral damage because of one class being strong.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • ilcavallo
    Druid40 wrote: »
    Good gankers gonna gank good. 99.99997% of NBs are not 1-shotting or even 3-shotting properly geared or aware players in Cyrodiil.

    That's not what I heard. There's apparently a whole zerg of NBs on Vivec NA, endlessly spamming cloak, impossible to kill, one shotting everyone in sight.
  • Elong
    Okay the video posted just proves my point. How would having a silence make that worse? Killing people instantly wouldn't change with or without a silence. And the rune cage thing mentioned is a stun which can be broke free, and if you can't then you're screwed. Here with a silence you can still move and dodge and block. With it as a stun before you had to break free before doing anything, which means at least 1 sec is spent breaking free unable to do anything. It sounds like you all just want incap to do nothing like several others have mentioned. Having a soft cc like silence is something that's been missing from this game from the start. They need to add a disarm as well, and make more silences accessible to at least one other class. It's definitely not "stupid op" like you are making it out to be though.

    Clearly you guys know more than me though so I'm done trying.

    You asked for a video, I showed you some. How would a silence make it worse? Imagine a bad player with it who can't 1 shot someone. Now they have 3 seconds to do it. Magicka players have very little stamina to break free, block, sprint with.

    You're honestly right, we do know more than you, and it's okay to learn.
  • Insco851
    Okay the video posted just proves my point. How would having a silence make that worse? Killing people instantly wouldn't change with or without a silence. And the rune cage thing mentioned is a stun which can be broke free, and if you can't then you're screwed. Here with a silence you can still move and dodge and block. With it as a stun before you had to break free before doing anything, which means at least 1 sec is spent breaking free unable to do anything. It sounds like you all just want incap to do nothing like several others have mentioned. Having a soft cc like silence is something that's been missing from this game from the start. They need to add a disarm as well, and make more silences accessible to at least one other class. It's definitely not "stupid op" like you are making it out to be though.

    Clearly you guys know more than me though so I'm done trying.

    Full out gank build and rotation. Has nothing to do with incap at that point, that’s just icing. Giving silence to incap however makes this reality for regular builds not even geared for ganking
  • Juhasow
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    Admit the mistake and delete this change. Simple.

    it wasnt a mistake
    they only gona change it because MASS complaints.
    this happens every single time sorcerer gets touched in the SLIGHTEST.
    allways has been, allways will be.

    From what I remember they introduced minor mangle 1st to incap but due to the mass nightblades complaints they've changed it to silence. This also happened when they removed berserk from grim focus and added heal but due to nightblade complaints also added up to 15% dmg reduction. That also happened when ZoS removed fracture from supprise attack and changed it to 5% penetration debuff because they said mark already have fracture but due to nightblade complaints they made mark free to cast. ZoS is affaraid to nerf properly even 1 ability that stamblades are commonly using and they add even more usefull abilities like power extraction which can basically beat steel tornado in new update. One of the current combat team devs is well known for his fascination with nightblade class and stamblade in specific. Nightblade complaints during this PTS turned every nerf they recived into pseudo nerf or even buff so what is Your point again ?

    no changes have ever been made to nightblade skills "due to nightblade complaints"
    the only times anything has ever changed due to complaints was the 1 second delay on shields.
    then there was snipe
    then there was sloads
    then oblivion damage
    then shield breaker set
    this incap change revert will be number 6on that list, and only is happening from sorcerer complaints in mass.

    only from sorc and because sorcerers dominate thick on this forum.

    You're funny.

    wheres the joke?

    i listed facts, and if you need i can add more to that list of things.

    Well then Your "facts" are also funny. I dont need for You to add anything but be free to do that I have nothing against laughing a little bit longer. I am almost certain that with little more time You would've found connections between every change You view as negative and magsorcs.
    Edited by Juhasow on 9 May 2019 03:16
  • Minno
    Elong wrote: »
    Okay the video posted just proves my point. How would having a silence make that worse? Killing people instantly wouldn't change with or without a silence. And the rune cage thing mentioned is a stun which can be broke free, and if you can't then you're screwed. Here with a silence you can still move and dodge and block. With it as a stun before you had to break free before doing anything, which means at least 1 sec is spent breaking free unable to do anything. It sounds like you all just want incap to do nothing like several others have mentioned. Having a soft cc like silence is something that's been missing from this game from the start. They need to add a disarm as well, and make more silences accessible to at least one other class. It's definitely not "stupid op" like you are making it out to be though.

    Clearly you guys know more than me though so I'm done trying.

    You asked for a video, I showed you some. How would a silence make it worse? Imagine a bad player with it who can't 1 shot someone. Now they have 3 seconds to do it. Magicka players have very little stamina to break free, block, sprint with.

    You're honestly right, we do know more than you, and it's okay to learn.

    Elong don't give into the trolls. It's now on them to submit video showing otherwise.

    Bad-blades, let's see your video gameplay. I'm willing to bet you all cc after incap with pve trial sets lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Druid40
    The more I think about it, the more I think 3 seconds is an eternity for magicka players not being able to heal or shield up. If they are on potion cooldown, that may very well be a respawn moment for them. Although, most experienced magicka players would build into block reduction, extra stamina regen, and roll dodge reduction. I think it will make killing in PVP even easier. I think 1.5-2 seconds is strong, but manageable for most magicka players that understand the game. Incapacitating Strike should be strong.
  • Sanguinor2
    Druid40 wrote: »
    The more I think about it, the more I think 3 seconds is an eternity for magicka players not being able to heal or shield up. If they are on potion cooldown, that may very well be a respawn moment for them. Although, most experienced magicka players would build into block reduction, extra stamina regen, and roll dodge reduction. I think it will make killing in PVP even easier. I think 1.5-2 seconds is strong, but manageable for most magicka players that understand the game. Incapacitating Strike should be strong.

    Incap is already strong if you compare it to something with similar cost like the aedric spear ult. It deals a high amount of burst damage and increases all your dot, direct and light/heavy attack damage against your target for 6 seconds. Again compare it to the pts iteration of empowering sweep and tell me which of both needs attention.
    Stamblades are simply spoiled from incap because it has been always overloaded for a cheap cost ult and do not see that other classes have damage only ultimates that do not even add a debuff to your target.
    Edited by Sanguinor2 on 9 May 2019 01:21
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • Waffennacht
    Why can't people wrap their mind around the fact that this silence is least effective against magsorc?

    Sorc has a Stam based heal that doesn't scale to max Stam/wpn dmg. This can also be combined with curse eater to theoretically purge the silence.

    MagNB, Magplar, magDK, even magden, get seriously screwed with no real options.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Gnortranermara
    Why can't people wrap their mind around the fact that this silence is least effective against magsorc?

    Because there is no IQ test to get a forum ID, and humans are [snip].
    Edited by Gnortranermara on 9 May 2019 02:07
  • Tonturri
    Why can't people wrap their mind around the fact that this silence is least effective against magsorc?

    Sorc has a Stam based heal that doesn't scale to max Stam/wpn dmg. This can also be combined with curse eater to theoretically purge the silence.

    MagNB, Magplar, magDK, even magden, get seriously screwed with no real options.

    THe silence is 100% stupid, does it matter who has it worse?

  • Dojohoda
    I'm weighing in even though I have not went to PTS and asked a stamblade to silence my magblade.

    In my opinion, Incap in its current state with defile and stun is balanced.

    Also, it is my opinion that adding silence to incap is not balanced and, considering all the upcoming damage nerfs to nightblade, will cause the skill to become a wet noodle against stam players. Stam players will laugh it off. Mage players will weep. Do we need that? The forum is already exploding. Also, how is this fun for a nightblade? Might as well use dawn breaker and/or Onslaught.

    Lastly, after seeing the forum exploding, they are investigating counter-play options. I'm still thinking about that.

    Anyway, that is my two bits worth.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Druid40
    I am curious about the thoughts from anyone that has been testing this out on the PTS.
  • technohic
    Show me a clip where 3 seconds killed you that isn't lag or you failing to block/dodge an ability. Did you know you can block with even just 1 stam?

    Well, the only silences you can just move out of. What I see happening is bleed blades stack DOTs then incap to silence. Everyone keeps thinking they will front load it and burn you down while silenced. It will be more of after the setup.
  • technohic
    Why can't people wrap their mind around the fact that this silence is least effective against magsorc?

    Sorc has a Stam based heal that doesn't scale to max Stam/wpn dmg. This can also be combined with curse eater to theoretically purge the silence.

    MagNB, Magplar, magDK, even magden, get seriously screwed with no real options.

    NBs and Sorcs who are the poster childs of ZOS are always paranoid of their rivals being out to get them.
  • Juhasow
    Why can't people wrap their mind around the fact that this silence is least effective against magsorc?

    Sorc has a Stam based heal that doesn't scale to max Stam/wpn dmg. This can also be combined with curse eater to theoretically purge the silence.

    MagNB, Magplar, magDK, even magden, get seriously screwed with no real options.

    When cast time ability is interrupted by bash or stun it cannot be used some time after that. You know for how long ? 3 seconds. It also stuns caster. You know how long that incap silence lasts ? Wow 3 seconds what a coincidence. Basically nb can just use incap and then when he sees sorc trying to use dark conversion fear him or use la+ability+bash and execute because after break free sorc will have 3 seconds inability to use dark conversion. Or he can just bash cancel incap when he sees magsorc casting dark conversion to get stun with incap and disabling dark conversion usage for the duration of silence.

    Also silence couldnt be purged last time I checked and even if it could You would need lot of luck to get that curse eater proc off cooldown right in the moment silence was applied to You. Perosnally I think that classes which can somehow survie that combo on magicka setups are those who can build up some decent HoT healing before getting silenced.
    Edited by Juhasow on 9 May 2019 03:37
  • bpmachete
    Counter, Bone Sheild... They should give us an Undaunted Ultimate called Utility so we could get a third bar to get some abilities in there so people would not need to give up a slot for useful counters to certain things.
  • Juhasow
    bpmachete wrote: »
    Counter, Bone Sheild... They should give us an Undaunted Ultimate called Utility so we could get a third bar to get some abilities in there so people would not need to give up a slot for useful counters to certain things.

    You wouldnt be able to activate ultimate while silenced anyway.
  • Waffennacht
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Why can't people wrap their mind around the fact that this silence is least effective against magsorc?

    Sorc has a Stam based heal that doesn't scale to max Stam/wpn dmg. This can also be combined with curse eater to theoretically purge the silence.

    MagNB, Magplar, magDK, even magden, get seriously screwed with no real options.

    When cast time ability is interrupted by bash or stun it cannot be used some time after that. You know for how long ? 3 seconds. It also stuns caster. You know how long that incap silence lasts ? Wow 3 seconds what a coincidence. Basically nb can just use incap and then when he sees sorc trying to use dark conversion fear him or use la+ability+bash and execute because after break free sorc will have 3 seconds inability to use dark conversion. Or he can just bash cancel incap when he sees magsorc casting dark conversion to get stun with incap and disabling dark conversion usage for the duration of silence.

    Also silence couldnt be purged last time I checked and even if it could You would need lot of luck to get that curse eater proc off cooldown right in the moment silence was applied to You. Perosnally I think that classes which can somehow survie that combo on magicka setups are those who can build up some decent HoT healing before getting silenced.

    Least affected doesn't mean unaffected. My point is; all those whom are saying it's Sorc tears etc fail to see that the other classes don't even have a theoretical counter while mag sorc does.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Joy_Division
    Show me a clip where 3 seconds killed you that isn't lag or you failing to block/dodge an ability. Did you know you can block with even just 1 stam?

    You don;t play much, do you?

    Edit: LoL third response. Pelican is famous :smiley:

    One question is why opponents are doing nothing to detect him? At least after first gank? He kills, cloaks and others are simply staying doing nothing :D and obviously this is extreme case of cool player on absolute glass cannon. It's not even glass, it's one way ticket without sustain, 16k HP and 10k resistances with balorgh, i.e. he just charges ulti, comes and kills 1 target, after that video is cut. How many times he was decimated when detected?
    And every 2nd target is AFK.. lol. This video proves nothing.

    It proves exactly what the person I responded to doubted existed.

    As far as why players are doing nothing to detect him, it's not usual for people to stand around spamming revealing flare every 3 seconds looking for stealthed nightblades. And even if it was something you felt was a good precaution, doing so would run out of resources really quick and then be easy fodder for anyone to kill. That's why stealth is very powerful, one in stealth not able to be seen unless the opponent spends resources, and even if they do devote said resources, there is no guarantee they will find the stealth opponent, let alone maintain contact.

    So people react after a stealth attack is made, which is precisely why being silenced for three seconds after Incap is the most short-sighted change ZOS has made in 5 years, which is saying quite a bit because there have been a lot of bad changes.
    Edited by Joy_Division on 9 May 2019 04:16
  • Savos_Saren
    Show me a clip where 3 seconds killed you that isn't lag or you failing to block/dodge an ability. Did you know you can block with even just 1 stam?

    You don;t play much, do you?

    Edit: LoL third response. Pelican is famous :smiley:

    One question is why opponents are doing nothing to detect him? At least after first gank? He kills, cloaks and others are simply staying doing nothing :D and obviously this is extreme case of cool player on absolute glass cannon. It's not even glass, it's one way ticket without sustain, 16k HP and 10k resistances with balorgh, i.e. he just charges ulti, comes and kills 1 target, after that video is cut. How many times he was decimated when detected?
    And every 2nd target is AFK.. lol. This video proves nothing.

    It proves exactly what the person I responded to doubted existed.

    As far as why players are doing nothing to detect him, it's not usual for people to stand around spamming revealing flare every 3 seconds looking for stealthed nightblades. And even if it was something you felt was a good precaution, doing so would run out of resources really quick and then be easy fodder for anyone to kill. That's why stealth is very powerful, one in stealth not able to be seen unless the opponent spends resources, and even if they do devote said resources, there is no guarantee they will find the stealth opponent, let alone maintain contact.

    So people react after a stealth attack is made, which is precisely why being silenced for three seconds after Incap is the most short-sighted change ZOS has made in 5 years, which is saying quite a bit because there have been a lot of bad changes.

    You know what burns my ass? The fact that even most of the Class Reps are against this decision. Apparently, they weren't even told about the change.

    Why the hell do we have Class Reps to represent the player base if ZOS is going to keep the Reps in the dark about changes/decisions like these?

    What a slap in the face to the community.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • bpmachete
    Juhasow wrote: »
    bpmachete wrote: »
    Counter, Bone Sheild... They should give us an Undaunted Ultimate called Utility so we could get a third bar to get some abilities in there so people would not need to give up a slot for useful counters to certain things.

    You wouldnt be able to activate ultimate while silenced anyway.

    No. You would have Bone Sheild sloted and be able to put like Crit Surge or other buffs on the ulti utility bar.
  • Tessitura
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.

    Admit the mistake and delete this change. Simple.

    it wasnt a mistake
    they only gona change it because MASS complaints.
    this happens every single time sorcerer gets touched in the SLIGHTEST.
    allways has been, allways will be.

    From what I remember they introduced minor mangle 1st to incap but due to the mass nightblades complaints they've changed it to silence. This also happened when they removed berserk from grim focus and added heal but due to nightblade complaints also added up to 15% dmg reduction. That also happened when ZoS removed fracture from supprise attack and changed it to 5% penetration debuff because they said mark already have fracture but due to nightblade complaints they made mark free to cast. ZoS is affaraid to nerf properly even 1 ability that stamblades are commonly using and they add even more usefull abilities like power extraction which can basically beat steel tornado in new update. One of the current combat team devs is well known for his fascination with nightblade class and stamblade in specific. Nightblade complaints during this PTS turned every nerf they recived into pseudo nerf or even buff so what is Your point again ?

    no changes have ever been made to nightblade skills "due to nightblade complaints"
    the only times anything has ever changed due to complaints was the 1 second delay on shields.
    then there was snipe
    then there was sloads
    then oblivion damage
    then shield breaker set
    this incap change revert will be number 6on that list, and only is happening from sorcerer complaints in mass.

    only from sorc and because sorcerers dominate thick on this forum.

    You're funny.

    wheres the joke?

    i listed facts, and if you need i can add more to that list of things.

    I don't normally get involved with these sorts of arguments, cause I already know you won't see reason but..... Prove that what you said is a fact. I dare you to show me the evidence and documentation that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that everyone complaining here is a sorc main.
    Edited by Tessitura on 9 May 2019 07:48
  • Gilvoth
    Tessitura wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »

    no changes have ever been made to nightblade skills "due to nightblade complaints"
    the only times anything has ever changed due to complaints was the 1 second delay on shields.
    then there was snipe
    then there was sloads
    then oblivion damage
    then shield breaker set
    this incap change revert will be number 6on that list, and only is happening from sorcerer complaints in mass.

    only from sorc and because sorcerers dominate thick on this forum.

    You're funny.

    wheres the joke?

    i listed facts, and if you need i can add more to that list of things.

    I don't normally get involved with these sorts of arguments, cause I already know you won't see reason but..... Prove that what you said is a fact. I dare you to show me the evidence and documentation that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that everyone complaining here is a sorc main.

    thats not what was said.
  • Amorpho
    From game launch (yes, I have been playing that long - without breaks), my main PVP class (and most successful build) has been my heavy armor magicka templar. After reading the patch notes, I'm just glad I have PVP stamina toons available to fall back on (including a stamblade!) However, I hate the idea of having to retire my magplar (or any other PVP magicka toon). I just love the magicka playstyle in both PVP and PVE. It's where I shine.

    This (together with cast time on shields) is by far the worst proposed change I have ever come across in this game. It makes me wonder if the devs even play PVP! It also shows they don't have any idea about what to change the nightblade class into as there is no discernible pattern in their changes. They nerf the magicka version of the class, when it needs some love (in PVP). But then they accidentally buff the stamina version in their attempt to tone it down. It just boggles the mind.

    I have been playing MMOS all my life, since the days of Ultima Online and I just know that players simply need to give positive feedback to devs and then learn to adapt through the various patches. But this change completely obliterates the presence of every magicka class from pvp zones.

    ZOS, please revert everything back to this current patch, take a breather and come back to us when you actually know what to do with this class.
    The Gaming Rev
    YouTube channel -


    Magicka Sorcerer, Altmer - Master Crafter
    Magicka Templar, Altmer
    Magicka Nightblade, Breton
    Stamina Nightblade, Khajiit

    Magicka Sorcerer, Altmer
    Magicka Templar, Altmer
    Stamina Templar, Orsimer
    Stamina Dragonknight, Dunmer
    Stamina Warden, Orsimer

    Aldmeri Dominion - 1700+ CP

    XboxOne EU
  • Zedrian
    I love how the changes are in response to PVP requests... always ... Whether Incap does a stun or silence in PvE is not really important... meanwhile the Magblade got gutted for PvE....

    I realize a big part of the complaint came from a PvP perspective... but don't be surprise if people give up on the PvE if you don't separate both.... The minor berserk taken away from Magblade is a nerf in PvE.
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