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Incapacitating Strike Silence 5.0.3

  • lassitershawn
    MirkoZ wrote: »
    StShoot wrote: »
    Yamenstein wrote: »
    I don't get it. Don't sorcs have a 12 sec ult that silences all enemies in it ? And deals damage ?

    The only difference is you can't roll out of incap strike and it only affects one person. But also sorc ult affects multiple people and has a higher cost.

    How often is incap strike front bared for the regen to be effective? Wouldn't dawnbreaker be more common on front.
    Heyo Gang!

    We have been reading your feedback about the changes to Incapacitating Strike and are investigating counter-play options for the Silence that's been added to this ability.
    My god, sorcs did that again ! Remember the cast time on shields that ZOS proposed some updates ago ? And all mag characters (mostly sorcs since shields) cried so hard that it created an Ocean on Sahara Desert ? Well.... it seems that they did that again. :o

    Yep, I've been reading forums very consistently for the last half-year, and it's first time ever that answer from ZOS's chief comes so fast. People may cry about NB dominance in population, but this is all BS, everybody knows that Magsorcs are in real influence here :D maybe Todd H. is secretly playing and has a magsorc..

    Fan fact, there are also magblades, magplars, magwardens and so on :)

    Yeah... this is literally a death sentence if used on any mag build.
    Negate - 192 ult (on a class with lower ult gen), low damage over time, can be escaped with one roll dodge.
    Incap - 120 ult, significant upfront damage, 20% more damage on everything you do (including already applied bleeds/dots), inescapable 3s silence. EDIT: and significant passive sustain for good measure...

    There is literally nothing you can do if you get hit by this on mag. You roll dodge spam for 3s and eat a ton of 20% buffed DoT ticks at best, come out of the silence with zero stam, get stunned, and enjoy another 3s of being able to do nothing. You block and take a ton of 20% buffed damage, if there are any bleeds they just nuke you through block anyways, and come out with zero stam. You sit there and eat it and you die.
    Edited by lassitershawn on 7 May 2019 23:01
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • J18696
    Mangle was like free dmg on top of incap with cutting targets health by a value lets add negate to it instead
    PC NA Server
    Pridē - Dragonknight
    Vanıty - Arcanist
  • Spizzie
    Azaduur wrote: »
    Silence is strong I agree, but when I read things like "don't discuss counterplay" all I see is "dont make me work to stay alive, just remove what will make my life difficult so that i dont have to deal with it myself." It makes it really hard to take seriously, I doubt theyll keep the silence on incap, they responded really quick to the outrage, i dont know what theyll do, there is only going to be one more round of changes before Elsweyr goes live. Really I'm just glad they got rid of Minor Mangle. I'd have traded Minor Mangle for this new "Reave" feature any day of the week, didn't need to silence in place of stun though, guess we'll see how it goes.

    Your inexperience on a Magicka character is blatant. There is no "working to stay alive" when you're silenced. Here are the options to stay alive when you're on a mag player and you're silenced:

    1. Become unsilenced

    That's it. There is literally no alternative. It'd be like telling a Stam character that in addition to having your heals and attacks unusable for 3 seconds, you also can't roll dodge or block. Funny enough, stamblades are probably the only class that -could- survive that because they can just cloak for the duration. The bias for stamblades in this game is absolutely gross, and I say that from the perspective of somebody who plays mag and stam iterations of every class.
  • Sandman929
    I guess we're all missing the sunny side here, we can just cleverly reposition now.
  • Deathlord92
    Now what is it you nb haters keep saying hmm 🤔 💭 ahhh that’s it adapt
  • Deathlord92
    I love this incap change silence on incap oh yess 😎
  • Alchimiste1
    Razier wrote: »
    This change is absolutely ridiculous and unfounded. They're nerfing the F out of incap, AFTER nerfing the rest of the class. Absolutely absurd and a disgrace. Instead of slowly implementing small nerfs and slowly seeing the change ZoS wants to NB they're going above and beyond to gut the class of it's stand out notoriety and absolutely shafting stamblade PvP. Just another absolutely disgusting decision by ZoS which is KILLING their PvP scene. I'm appalled and disgusted in their decision making. If these changes go through I'll be cancelling my ESO Plus. Thank god I haven't bought Elswyer yet.

    Edit: Anyone that says this is a buff or any other of the NB changes are buffs (BESIDES FEAR WHICH THEY'RE REVERTING BACK) can gtfo with their incompetence and lack of understanding. They're the reason these idiotic changes are even happening. "We collected feedback on the forums." Give me a break. Half the people on the forums don't know wtf they're talking about and another 20% are just trolling around to get other classes they don't use, nerfed.

    for a sec there I thought you were being serious and actually though the incap change was a nerf lol
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Forums right now... every one is like "panic mode on" :D .
    Have any one actually tested it on PTS ? How does it work and feel ?

    Oh and sorry but... but... I have to... I just have to: :D
    ^ This is literally how I felt some patches ago, and 2 patches ago and last patch. And I was told exactly what. To L2P.
    Are those changes really that bad that ppl simply refuse to even hear of this ????
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on 7 May 2019 23:09
  • Jaraal
    Rhaegar75 wrote: »
    is it me or there is no true solid counterplay?

    Race change to Bosmer and roll roll roll outta Dodge!
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Insco851
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Rhaegar75 wrote: »
    is it me or there is no true solid counterplay?

    Race change to Bosmer and roll roll roll outta Dodge!

    Bosmer MNb coming right up
  • fred4
    They're investigating counterplay? This change disproportionately affects magicka characters. Even if they add counterplay - which for the record is a stupid idea piled on top of a stupid idea - it still seems like a nerf to magicka characters. Who complained about falling to nightblades? Which nightblades complained about difficulties bringing down specifically magicka characters? Will the counterplay be that Incap grants magicka characters 3 free dodge rolls? Cause that's about the only thing I can think of that would even the playing field. NOT THAT I'M ADVOCATING FOR THAT. This post merely aims to illustrate the sheer stupidity of the change.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • fullheartcontainer
    I'm sorry but this is absolutely the most ridiculous change I've ever seen in this game. If it goes live with a silence I'll be leaving this game and cancelling my sub.

    Stamblade has been S-tier for PvE and PvP since launch. I don't understand how devs can tack on MASSIVELY overpowered changes like this to Stamblades at the last moment in a PTS cycle while entirely ignoring the existence of classes like Stamsorc and Stamplar.
  • Sandman929
    I hope the "investigation" includes someone at ZOS firing up their game. Preferably during prime time on a packed campaign. The investigation might reveal quite a bit.
  • Insco851
    I'm sorry but this is absolutely the most ridiculous change I've ever seen in this game. If it goes live with a silence I'll be leaving this game and cancelling my sub.

    Stamblade has been S-tier for PvE and PvP since launch. I don't understand how devs can tack on MASSIVELY overpowered changes like this to Stamblades at the last moment in a PTS cycle while entirely ignoring the existence of classes like Stamsorc and Stamplar.

    Well they were actively trying to balance NB this patch. Not really other classes. I don’t mind that considering NB is a touchy class to balance properly.

    However, this idea.... this can’t happen. I get that they toned down the dmg and were trying to bring it back in another form, but this was just a giant oversight
  • Wolfahm

    Edited by Wolfahm on 7 May 2019 23:20

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • Sanguinor2
    Forums right now... every one is like "panic mode on" :D .
    Have any one actually tested it on PTS ? How does it work and feel ?

    Oh and sorry but... but... I have to... I just have to: :D
    ^ This is literally how I felt some patches ago, and 2 patches ago and last patch. And I was told exactly what. To L2P.
    Are those changes really that bad that ppl simply refuse to even hear of this ????

    Uhhh yes they kinda are this bad? Or which recent patch note caused whatever class it is that you Play to be unable to use all of your main Damage, healing and defense abilities? While also being not a cc so cant be countered and allows for a giant burst window without you being able to do something About it? Show me that patch note please, I really must´ve missed something.
    How am I supposed to defend myself on a magplar without being able to cast any abilities? Want to explain that to me? Oh and I also cant loose too much stam in doing so because then I will not be able to break the cc that will follow shortly after the silence and will be dead regardless because I get the full Duration stun of a fear. I guess I could respec to stam but that kinda makes every mag class obsolete.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • MartiniDaniels
    I am thinking.. maybe just interchange magicka/stamina scaling on Incap and Harvest? Magblade was nerfed and needs compensation which will be provided by Reave.. also given how risky is melee on magblade silence maybe an adequate debuff. High risk -> high reward. And stamblade looked ok and powerful at 5.0.2, just leave it with 70 cost harvest and major defile without stun from accumulated cost. So interchange them and all problems solved.
  • Wolfahm
    you just described all other types of CC.

    How about we just revert all the pointless nerfs to NB in the 1st place caused by the tears of the same people that are crying about silence right now?
    Edited by Wolfahm on 7 May 2019 23:22

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • Bosov
    I think incap should be a aoe too so i could silence everyone who is complaining about this change at the same time.

    Why is negate the only aoe silence in the game anyway? Doesnt sound fair to me... aoe silence incap does sound fair to me.

    Just an idea... but remember, if i dont get what i want i will cancel my eso+!
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • Wolfahm

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • JobooAGS
    I would rather have the defile returned to incap and keep reave than have silence. That is broken
  • Sanguinor2
    Bosov wrote: »
    I think incap should be a aoe too so i could silence everyone who is complaining about this change at the same time.
    Why is negate the only aoe silence in the game anyway? Doesnt sound fair to me... aoe silence incap does sound fair to me.
    Just an idea... but remember, if i dont get what i want i will cancel my eso+!

    Cant you uninstall the game instead and never enter a discussion About Combat balance again?
    Wolfahm wrote: »
    you just described all other types of CC.
    How about we just revert all the pointless nerfs to NB in the 1st place caused by the tears of the same people that are crying about silence right now?
    Nope we didnt describe all other types of cc because you can break cc´s but not the silence, well Maybe YOU cant break cc but that doesnt Change cc being breakable.
    Also nice to see that you dont even realize your class is getting big buffs (for PvP that is) if the changes go live as they are Right now. What was that that you said in this or another thread About magsorc mains not recognizing their PvP Status? Seems like you cant do so for your main class either.

    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • J18696
    Remember when they said it's the year of the dragon they made a mistake year of the blade bois
    Edited by J18696 on 7 May 2019 23:28
    PC NA Server
    Pridē - Dragonknight
    Vanıty - Arcanist
  • Morgul667
    Zos Cant be serious lol
    Edited by Morgul667 on 7 May 2019 23:29
  • Wolfahm
    Sanguinor2 wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    I think incap should be a aoe too so i could silence everyone who is complaining about this change at the same time.
    Why is negate the only aoe silence in the game anyway? Doesnt sound fair to me... aoe silence incap does sound fair to me.
    Just an idea... but remember, if i dont get what i want i will cancel my eso+!

    Cant you uninstall the game instead and never enter a discussion About Combat balance again?
    Wolfahm wrote: »
    you just described all other types of CC.
    How about we just revert all the pointless nerfs to NB in the 1st place caused by the tears of the same people that are crying about silence right now?
    Nope we didnt describe all other types of cc because you can break cc´s but not the silence, well Maybe YOU cant break cc but that doesnt Change cc being breakable.
    Also nice to see that you dont even realize your class is getting big buffs (for PvP that is) if the changes go live as they are Right now. What was that that you said in this or another thread About magsorc mains not recognizing their PvP Status? Seems like you cant do so for your main class either.

    You understand it takes time to CC break right? 1 roll dodge and you are in the clear .. if you main a magsorc and you are losing 1v1 to a NB you need to reevaluate your build.

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • J18696
    Bosov wrote: »
    I think incap should be a aoe too so i could silence everyone who is complaining about this change at the same time.

    Why is negate the only aoe silence in the game anyway? Doesnt sound fair to me... aoe silence incap does sound fair to me.

    Just an idea... but remember, if i dont get what i want i will cancel my eso+!

    Because negate don't have a 10k+ instant dmg tooltip on live my incap tooltip over 20k gib silence pls
    Edited by J18696 on 7 May 2019 23:30
    PC NA Server
    Pridē - Dragonknight
    Vanıty - Arcanist
  • Wolfahm
    The people that cried and complain about counterable NB skills caused this whole trashy PTS in the first place .. enjoy your own mess.

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • Minalan
    At least they saved me the trouble of buying their expansion.

    Now I can unsubscribe too. Done!
  • usmcjdking
    Why is there so much focus and attention going onto a class that is not only 5 years old, but spent the last few years reigning supreme and/or competitive in PVE & PVP.

    You've got entire specs that are borderline dead. You've got classes that ARE dead.

    How is the stealthy invisible rogue tankier than the Paladin? Why does the Paladin have worse healing than the fire breathing Dragonknight.


    Whatever vision you have for classes is not in tune with consumer expectations are - not only that they aren't in tune with any expectations you've given us.
  • Mr_Nobody
    Well the usual mag character can't roll 3 times in a row. Or block without doing anything, since you would already be 10k hp down.

    While you are all QQing, ill also mention that it does not give cc immunity for its duration, meaning u can get chained, or feared/ccd while with silence on you, making you completely vulnerable.

    Elder Stamina Online, here we go. This is upfront the most *** thing ive read in a while.

    Your typical scenario - open from cloak with a HA/incap, click whatever other skills u got, collect the AP and move on.

    They think they are changing/improving the game PvP wise but they are not. Fix/nerf core problems like purge bots in PvP etc. The campaigns lag due to stacking and only Purge allows grps to stack.
    ~ @Niekas ~

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