Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

"Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

  • MilwaukeeScott
    KYNG wrote: »

    This DC issue is game breaking, crippling those who experience this issue.
    The DC issue isnt here or there, its EVERYDAY. Lasting to the point were people give up and quit.

    It's time to stop asking for help from Zenimax Customer Support. We're not getting any support from them.

    We need to start asking Sony Playstation for help. This game should have never been sold at the Playstation Store in it's current state. I didn't pay Zenimax for the game, I paid Sony at the PS store.

    From now on, whenever the game crashes or I can't login for days, I will be contacting Playstation support here,

    Maybe Sony will step in to help remedy the many issues that make this game so darn hard to try and play. If nothing else, it may bring much needed attention to our plight.

    I want to love this game but it's current playing condition makes that impossible.

    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • Darlgon
    The Internet itself has been broken the last two days.

    To put it in.. well. not simple terms, but simpler. Your computer, (playstation, console, whatever) sends little bits of code to the ZoS server. The ZoS server sends little bits of code back. This is what allows you to play.

    All those packets of data travel around paths on the internet, kinda like how mail travels from your mailbox to whoever you are paying your bill to. There are machines called DNS servers that route that mail, like the Post Office does real mail. Just as your mail goes first to the local office, then to a large postal distribution center to be forwarded on, your packets go to your ISP, then on to a main DNS server. Right now. a lot of the DNS servers are getting overloaded, which causes them to not be able to forward your packet to anyones ISP. The internet will try to rerout around those servers, but with a large number overloaded, your game just times out.

    THIS is what happened last night, and was happening again tonight.

    If you have had problems longer than this, then yes, by all means head to Sony support.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • KYNG
    Darlgon wrote: »
    The Internet itself has been broken the last two days.

    To put it in.. well. not simple terms, but simpler. Your computer, (playstation, console, whatever) sends little bits of code to the ZoS server. The ZoS server sends little bits of code back. This is what allows you to play.

    All those packets of data travel around paths on the internet, kinda like how mail travels from your mailbox to whoever you are paying your bill to. There are machines called DNS servers that route that mail, like the Post Office does real mail. Just as your mail goes first to the local office, then to a large postal distribution center to be forwarded on, your packets go to your ISP, then on to a main DNS server. Right now. a lot of the DNS servers are getting overloaded, which causes them to not be able to forward your packet to anyones ISP. The internet will try to rerout around those servers, but with a large number overloaded, your game just times out.

    THIS is what happened last night, and was happening again tonight.

    If you have had problems longer than this, then yes, by all means head to Sony support.

    The issue we are all discussing was long before ALL the servers went down.

    Not sure how its a Sony issue when ALL my online games work fine, minimal and definitely NO repeating DCs in those games.
    I can even run WoW on my crappy work laptop and play without DC problems, so its not my internet.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • Jaydace
    For the people who have been commenting in this thread for more than 3 days I've actually gotten a response from ZeniMax customer support Re: the issue we've been having for months which is constant DC and being returned to the title screen.
    Below is the message i sent to customer support and a reply with an actual admission of a problem from ZeniMax.

    Customer By CSS Web (Jason) (08/26/2015 03:42 PM)
    OK so the issues I'm having are still ongoing I have gone as far as DMZ for my ps4 to my router none of the other online games I play are giving trouble so it's not my ISP and just to make sure it wasn't them I had them change my profile and test the line so please please let me know if it is something to do with the servers because I'm at breaking point none of the fixes have worked and my internet connection hasn't dropped even when I'm dropped from the server. Now here's the thing in your forums in the ps4 tech support section there's a thread titled "unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection" this thread has almost 54 thousand views this is a serious issue and yer not taking any responsibility for it. I don't know what kind of scam ye are running but since todays maintenance the issue has worsened, before today i had some gameplay before i was sent back to the title screen to look at that same message for the millionth time. Now I'm kicked a few seconds after i log in. I will never buy a product from this company again and i will do my utmost to ensure everyone i know understands what a shambles this game is and to keep,away from any of yer future releases

    Response By Email (Andrew) (08/28/2015 04:54 PM)
    Our Development Team is aware of the issues and currently investigating it. I am sorry that this issue may have cost you some time in the game and that this response may be a little late, but we at the support team feel that everyone who sends in a question deserves a response and a resolution to their issue.

    If you have any more questions/comments/concerns please let us know and we will do our best to help you.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team
    Feeling Cheated
  • Lukeyguy
    Jaydace wrote: »
    For the people who have been commenting in this thread for more than 3 days I've actually gotten a response from ZeniMax customer support Re: the issue we've been having for months which is constant DC and being returned to the title screen.
    Below is the message i sent to customer support and a reply with an actual admission of a problem from ZeniMax.

    Customer By CSS Web (Jason) (08/26/2015 03:42 PM)
    OK so the issues I'm having are still ongoing I have gone as far as DMZ for my ps4 to my router none of the other online games I play are giving trouble so it's not my ISP and just to make sure it wasn't them I had them change my profile and test the line so please please let me know if it is something to do with the servers because I'm at breaking point none of the fixes have worked and my internet connection hasn't dropped even when I'm dropped from the server. Now here's the thing in your forums in the ps4 tech support section there's a thread titled "unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection" this thread has almost 54 thousand views this is a serious issue and yer not taking any responsibility for it. I don't know what kind of scam ye are running but since todays maintenance the issue has worsened, before today i had some gameplay before i was sent back to the title screen to look at that same message for the millionth time. Now I'm kicked a few seconds after i log in. I will never buy a product from this company again and i will do my utmost to ensure everyone i know understands what a shambles this game is and to keep,away from any of yer future releases

    Response By Email (Andrew) (08/28/2015 04:54 PM)
    Our Development Team is aware of the issues and currently investigating it. I am sorry that this issue may have cost you some time in the game and that this response may be a little late, but we at the support team feel that everyone who sends in a question deserves a response and a resolution to their issue.

    If you have any more questions/comments/concerns please let us know and we will do our best to help you.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team

    Ye i got this game 2 days ago & Getting randomly DC its a pain in the ass i'm just glad it doesn't take as long as GTA Online or i would be going mad lol
  • KYNG

    Still getting DC'd. This morning I played for 6hrs straight no DC issues.
    Went to eat, came back 2 hrs later and once again I get DC'd at the character loading screen. 5 straight DCs, I never make it to in game.
    Furthest I get is character loading screen.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KYNG
    Was able to log in for 20 mins.
    Then surprise surprise I got DC'd, then 6 attempts fail to relog.

    I got in on the 7th attempt only to lag out in less then a 1min.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • bryanhaas
    I can deal with getting kicked several times a day but this getting kicked and then cannot get in. I remember last time it did not look like anyone even touched it over the weekend.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FTV7ACtmEpQQwsEiHVcrBxC0zKaj6LKvc3An7dGG2t0/edit?usp=sharing
    Youtube: MaulochBaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRav05_8nWGvlTrfBBefaEw/featured
  • Jaydace
    Got two days of the game working reasonably well only got DC'ed bout 4 or 5 times (that's miraculous for me by the way) but now it seems all is right with the world (note extreme sarcasm) I'm back to the same old message only now it seems I can't get passed the character load before I see that bloody message "unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection" I'm also getting an unable to connect to PSN in between attempts to log in.What a complete load of tripe.
    Feeling Cheated
  • KYNG
    Its now September, can we get an update?

    Working on it?
    Still dont know?
    No plans to fix?
    Working as intended?

    How can you ignore a thread this big?

    Last zeni post was aug 10th ...
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KYNG

    Before I start I just wanna give a big middle finger to zenimax for not making this issue a priority and for not even updating us.

    So, once again here we are. I logged in, not 20-30mins later I DC. I already know the drill, try to log in knowing it wont work.
    I try anyway, after 8 or so attempts I give up. Then for the first time I try to make a character on the EU servers ...

    It worked! I was able to get in game, I called him DCSWAP. So knowing I can get on EU first try I KNOW ITS NOT AN ISSUE ON MY END!!!
    I then try US server again ... You guessed it, I got DC'd after character load screen, wont even load into the game.

    I also want to add REMOVE THE START UP SCREEN, where you press X just to go to the server screen. Its not needed, loads slow and tells something I already know. Which is Im playing ESO The BETA ...

    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • EltharionTheGrim
    Soul Shriven
    I sold the game yesterday.

    They are not capable of fixing a massive bug that is not just influencing the gameplay ir something but making the game completley unplayable!

    The developer just dont care. They just forward the issue to sony and the user internet connection even if both of them are working perfectley!

    I have created several negative ratings everywhere like amazon and several other stores to let everyone know that this game is just not working at all and the developer just give you the finger. I linked this thread so that everyone can see what is happening.

    Some friends of mine were interested in the game too but after hearing this here they were glad that they not have bought this beta-piece-of-sh** and saved their money!

    I would recommend you all to do the same and do not make idiots of yourself for running and pleading after a game developer that is incompetent and just dont care.
  • MacPhreak
    I wish I could return the game, but I bought it from the Playstation Store. So I have effectively just flushed my money down the toilet. I still check it every now and then but as soon as I get the first disconnect I don't even attempt to log back in and waste my time.
    I've plenty of other games to complete & enjoy my time in.
  • EltharionTheGrim
    Soul Shriven
    Thats really unfortunate man.... thats one reason why I defy download games... man you must be really pissed...
  • MacPhreak
    Yep. Could have bought MGS V for that money.
  • EltharionTheGrim
    Soul Shriven
    Thats what I did
  • Deveski
    Update on my end...

    I haven't tried it yet, got the email yesterday and I've been at work. Starting from the beginning, this issue has been going on for about five to six weeks for me. I can play a little, maybe five to ten minutes up to usually 30, then get the famous "Unable to connect..." message. I have contacted support of course, done the following with no success:

    Power cycle PlayStation and router
    Changed router settings
    Deleted all traces of the game from my PlayStation and reinstalled
    Ethernet connection (never used Wi-Fi and also triple checked wasn't connected)
    Opened ports
    Put PlayStation in dmz (when that didn't work took it out)
    Contacted phone support for ESO, Sony, and Comcast.
    Turned of voice chat as soon as I log in (which does seem to let me stay logged in longer but still get disconnected within 40 minutes)
    Done everything ESO support has said to do, and blamed problem is on my end still.

    The new thing they told me to try, my modern is a router/modern combo. They told me to try to run it in Bridge Mode, which they said essentially shuts off the router part and see if my problem still happens.

    I'm about done with this, when I try that, if it still disconnects, my game is going back to the store. Hopefully this post will give some help to someone in what to try/not try. If someone does try bridge mode let me know how it worked, I should try Saturday for an update.
  • Jaydace
    Feeling Cheated
  • Noerknhar
    bump. same issue. AGAIN.
  • Avonna
    I never ever.....in all my years playing online games, never fixed, tweeked, deleted files, rebooted, upgraded, unplugged..
    searched for solutions on the internet , quit in frustration, lagged out, saw more error codes that i even knew exsisted, and just flat out felt like i was being punked....then when i play ESO

    Edited by Avonna on 4 September 2015 21:27
  • KYNG
    Been playing MGS5, LOVE IT!!!

    Anyways my plan was to login once a day to do research and upgrade my mount speed.

    HA! I cant even login, yesterday and today.

    Thanks to MGS5 I'm not as pissed.

    Modem has put PS4 on DMZ, even though I shouldnt have to ...
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • Deveski
    I would like to refer @ZOS_GinaBruno to this forum. If you are telling us how to access the new DLC, maybe you can explain the step for us on how to log into the game to actually get use of the $60 we spent on it. Until that is resolved I won't even think to buy the DLC.
  • KYNG
    Deveski wrote: »
    I would like to refer @ZOS_GinaBruno to this forum. If you are telling us how to access the new DLC, maybe you can explain the step for us on how to log into the game to actually get use of the $60 we spent on it. Until that is resolved I won't even think to buy the DLC.



    Allocate some manpower to address this DC/login issue.

    At the very least RESPOND to this 650+ thread.
    How can the last reply to this thread from zenimax be from Aug 10th?

    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • Jaydace
    KYNG wrote: »
    Deveski wrote: »
    I would like to refer @ZOS_GinaBruno to this forum. If you are telling us how to access the new DLC, maybe you can explain the step for us on how to log into the game to actually get use of the $60 we spent on it. Until that is resolved I won't even think to buy the DLC.



    Allocate some manpower to address this DC/login issue.

    At the very least RESPOND to this 650+ thread.
    How can the last reply to this thread from zenimax be from Aug 10th?


    Agree 100%
    Feeling Cheated
  • MacPhreak
    It's being ignored because they already got our cash.
    Sad but true.
  • Jaydace
    Some maintenance scheduled this week for servers and login if that doesn't make a difference i think it might be time to pack it up which is a shame because the game itself is pretty good.
    Feeling Cheated
  • Deveski
    I am officially done. I told the support team that and they don't seem to care. So good luck everyone else with this problem. I hope they get something resolved for you soon. Oh and I wouldn't hold my breath for maintenance, it never fixed this problem before.

    Their reply to me quitting after weeks with this ticket open:

    "Hi Robert,

    Thank you for getting back to us, I'm sorry to hear that you no longer wish to pursue troubleshooting, I completely understand your decision.

    Should you wish to investigate again in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us again and we'll do our best to help.

    Warmest regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team"

    No attempt at customer retention at all, but they replied to that faster than an actually issue about the game
  • KYNG
    While I'm busy playing MGS5 The Phantom Pain, I'll still make sure this thread gets bumped.

    I've missed 3-4 days straight of research and horse upgrades due to this DC/login issue.

    While I dont play ESO anymore because it just wont let me, I still want to know I can come back to a working game later on.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KYNG
    I want to bump this since other players are making their own threads without realizing how bad the issue really is.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • NomaDz-2K
    Yes I /Agree
    Let me put it this way, if you purchase a NEW Car and when you turn the key to start it up it works once out of 10-20 tries, this means the NEW Car is defective.
    Now by law in the EU, if a product is defective you are entitled to a refund. Regardless the fact it is a digital purchase, i'm very sure if the majority of people were to request a refund, they will resolve the issue faster.
    If however you wish to wait for them to fix the problem this is up to you. I must state that this appears to be a Server related issues and not due to your PS4, ISP etc etc if you are able to play every other game online without such problems.

    Destiny was another example of a so called AAA title being pushed out on the market with game breaking bugs and issues.
    If I buy something new and it doesn't work I get refunded. Because if you don't hurt them where they will feel it, they'll just ignore the problem. As far as Sony are concerned, ESO is working perfectly fine on the PS4 and this is why you should open a ticket to sony support.

    If people do not request satisfation for their purchases, they will continue to develop broken, bugged and incomplete games on RELEASE date which will continue to have issues for months if not more. If you let them do what they like they will continue to do it forever and the quality of the product you purchase will be poor.


    Grendel ESO Ebonheart Pact PvE Guild
    Grendel ESO Ebonheart Pact PvE Guild Recruiting
    Contact PSN: NomaDz-2K
    VR16 - Dragon Knight - TANK
    VR16 - Dragon Knight - MAGICKA DPS
    VR16 - Dragon Knight - STAMINA DPS

    Crafting: Blacksmith, Clothing (Medium & Light), Enchanting, Provisions and Wood Working

    Crafting Level: 50 on ALL and 9 Traits

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