Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

"Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

  • scrzorz
    Just got kicked off server, maintenance it says. also for my mate he lives in the netherlands go.

    Yet others are online still playing ?????
  • iTzStevey
    It isn't Sonys fault,nor is it people internet (a lot of the time) it isnt so ys job to beta test the game,it's Zenimaxes responsibility. Also if it was peoples internet and not rhe game, you wouldnt be able to talk to tour friends in a ps party when you get kicked from the game, Zenimax is basically saying its so ys fault and ignoring the problem instead of actually looking into a way to fix it.
  • KYNG
    Here we are again.

    I thought the recent maintenance would solve the DC/cannot login issue, but no.

    Still cannot connect because ESO tells me I have no Internet. I just want to do more research and upgrade my mount speed, I dont even want to play.

    But I cant even login.

    About the refund, I'd love to get my money back. But no longer have or know where the receipt is. I wasnt expecting this issue to last this long, I had no idea this is how zenimax conducts their customer support.

    GTA Onlinewas the same, cant login or cant stay logged in or terrible lag. Within the month they fixed it.

    Its going on September and nothing has been done to address this issue, let alone tell us what they are doing or at the very least REPLY to us that they are still trying to fix it.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • Eshelmen
    250 megabit down/ 60 megabit upload speed with Comcast
    hardwired to the PS4

    Here's a list of Multiplayer games including MMOs that I have currently installed on my PS4-

    Battlefield 4 - (Have never been disconnected in the 12 months I've had this game)
    Diablo 3 - (Have never lost connection, even though players host the game, to an extent)
    Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn - ( I stopped playing because ESO came out, while I was playing, I was on WiFi for five straight months, and I disconnected ONCE!)
    DC Universe Online - (My kid plays this, and he's never been disconnected, even with hundreds of players in the area)
    Destiny- (Problems occured in the beginning, but Bungie took the blame *Hint Hint ZOS* and then fixed it, I've since, never disconnected)
    Warframe - ( A completely free to play MMO type of shooter game which has servers that have never failed me and has never disconnected me)
    Driveclub - (A completely free to play online racing game for PS PLUS users, and I've never disconnected.)
    Planetside 2 - (Completely free to play game that has been out on PS4 since around ESO has launched, and has since patched the ever loving crap out of it's game to make it near flawless in terms of lag, bugs and disconnections.) Since the heavy patches, I've never disconnected. Think 150 sorcs and temps fighting each other within 100 meters is taxing on a server? HA! Try 500-700 in an area where view distance isn't maxed at 100 yards, but more like a 1,000+ yards with better graphics, dozens of vehicles/aircraft and thousands of bullets flying in every direction every second.)

    And then there is
    Elder Scrolls Online-

    For every 2 hours in Cyrodiil, I crash on average 4 times. (That's once per half hour)
    Every half hour either I get kicked, get an error message or the players and environment freeze around me, resulting in a kick to the main menu with an ignorant message stating "Check your connection.".

    If I was ZOS, I'd be in absolute embarrassment.( Maybe why they dodge this issue?)
    I'm slowly not logging on every day because of this garbage of a server some of you may call quality.

    ZOS needs to get their head out of a gutter and take the full blame and effing fix this.

    I will not be buying the DLC until the servers are in top notch shape as they should be, and my guess is that they won't be any time soon, if ever.

    FREE to play games that I've mentioned and play, have an infinite amount of smoother connection and an infinite amount less of disconnections, than this apparent AAA title. Extremely embarassing.

    Some days, I won't disconnect, and I'd say those were the best days I've had with ESO, and then there is the rest of my time with ESO.....
    where it is absolute SHITE to log on to the only thing in ESO that interests me.

    Cut the crap ZOS

    What's worse is they cover it up and blame other companies or better yet, the customer themselves?

    To belittle and treat your customers with half assed responses is the wrong way to go. Your efforts are the worst I've ever seen with customer service. Nothing but half assed auto script responses, that nobody gives a flying eff about.
    Do your job or I promise, that five year goal you have for this game will be short lived.

    You have thousands of unhappy customers, and you're barely scraping the issue.

    Your patches are barely improving anything and they also create new types of bugs, glitches and disconnect issues. Sony's fault eh? Hilarious.


    Edited by Eshelmen on 11 September 2015 02:54
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • BigTank1201
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys I just posted a solution to this problem
  • BigTank1201
    Soul Shriven
    It's called PS4 ESO Login Issue Fix!
  • BigTank1201
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry I'm commenting again guys, I changed the name to The Solution for the PS4 ESO Login Issue!
  • Jaydace
    Sorry I'm commenting again guys, I changed the name to The Solution for the PS4 ESO Login Issue!
    Unfortunately not a fix for the issue plaguing us here well not for me anyway. I still got DC'd after about 20 Seconds but thanks for the advice all the same I always appreciate a little help, pity the developers don't take a page out of your book BigTank1201.
    Feeling Cheated
  • MacPhreak
  • KYNG
    MacPhreak wrote: »

    I support this bump, never let this thread go to page two ...
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • Jaydace
    KYNG wrote: »
    MacPhreak wrote: »

    I support this bump, never let this thread go to page two ...
    as do I but I stopped trying to play i invested in MG its great to be able to play a game without getting kicked all the time and so far its a great buy

    Feeling Cheated
  • KYNG
    Jaydace wrote: »
    KYNG wrote: »
    MacPhreak wrote: »

    I support this bump, never let this thread go to page two ...
    as do I but I stopped trying to play i invested in MG its great to be able to play a game without getting kicked all the time and so far its a great buy

    Haha, im loving MGS5 too. No patches every other day, and MGS5 functions all day ... everday.

    I still check ESO for mount upgrades INCASE ESO gets fixed, but once again I cant login today ....

    *UPDATE* I was able to login after 3 tries all telling me I have no valid internet, bought my mount speed upgrade then ran over to do some research, before I could start a research ... DC'd ...
    Edited by KYNG on 14 September 2015 03:29
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • MacPhreak
    *continued BUMP*

    Call me crazy but I'm expecting a whole fresh batch of players to be in this thread after server maintenance for the patch this week.

    Maybe ZOS will give us an update on this problem hoping it'll persuade us to buy the new DLC. (Personally I just want to play the game I've already payed for). *Paid* (also learned where the edit button was hiding) ;)
    Edited by MacPhreak on 15 September 2015 11:53
  • MacPhreak
  • KYNG
    MacPhreak wrote: »

    Hehe, you can just edit your post, hover over the upper right corner on your post and look for the cog wheel.

    Ok my turn.
    7, yes SEVEN attempts to login today, all telling me I have no valid internet.
    I get as far as the loading screen AFTER the character select screen, always DC at that loading screen.

    Loaded up MGS5, logged into servers first try.
    So once again, its not my internet thats the issue.
    Edited by KYNG on 15 September 2015 02:09
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • Avonna
    there is a group , it gets together every thursday at the bar. too discuss detoxing programs of eso

  • Deveski
    Any updates with the maintenance yesterday?
  • Shardaxx
    I had this problem since I got the game but I recently fixed it. I set the PS4 up to have static IP address (in the network settings) and then added that IP to the DMZ on my router and no disconnects since (I was getting them regularly before). Here's a link which walks you through the setting changes on the PS and router:


    Hope this helps.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Deveski
    Nope. I already tried that, still getting constant disconnects (haven't tried since their update yesterday). That was one of many things suggested to me to try
  • Shardaxx
    Are you using wireless or wired connection? I started on wireless but changed to using powerline adapters which gives a better connection, my final fix was the DMZ thing tho, make sure you add 50 to the IP address when you set it up as static as it says on that link. I feel for you, regular disconnects are horrible and ruin the experience, hope you find a solution soon.
    PS4 - Europe - Shardaxx - Wood Elf Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Deveski
    Wired connection. Always used it on the ps4 due to issues on the xbox 360. And yes I am sure it's wired in (in one of my ticket responses they told me that I was more likely wrong and had it wirelessly instead of wired). One second let me find a post I did, has everything I tried up to that point.
  • Deveski
    Deveski wrote: »
    Update on my end...

    I haven't tried it yet, got the email yesterday and I've been at work. Starting from the beginning, this issue has been going on for about five to six weeks for me. I can play a little, maybe five to ten minutes up to usually 30, then get the famous "Unable to connect..." message. I have contacted support of course, done the following with no success:

    Power cycle PlayStation and router
    Changed router settings
    Deleted all traces of the game from my PlayStation and reinstalled
    Ethernet connection (never used Wi-Fi and also triple checked wasn't connected)
    Opened ports
    Put PlayStation in dmz (when that didn't work took it out)
    Contacted phone support for ESO, Sony, and Comcast.
    Turned of voice chat as soon as I log in (which does seem to let me stay logged in longer but still get disconnected within 40 minutes)
    Done everything ESO support has said to do, and blamed problem is on my end still.

    The new thing they told me to try, my modern is a router/modern combo. They told me to try to run it in Bridge Mode, which they said essentially shuts off the router part and see if my problem still happens.

    I'm about done with this, when I try that, if it still disconnects, my game is going back to the store. Hopefully this post will give some help to someone in what to try/not try. If someone does try bridge mode let me know how it worked, I should try Saturday for an update.

    Sorry for double post but this was what I did before. Also new update did not help.
  • Zsteelo
    It's worse now since the update, I can't even get past the character load screen.
  • KYNG
    Deveski wrote: »
    Any updates with the maintenance yesterday?

    The update is its still a broken game.

    DL'd the update, the usual "no net text" DC.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KYNG
    Shardaxx wrote: »
    I had this problem since I got the game but I recently fixed it. I set the PS4 up to have static IP address (in the network settings) and then added that IP to the DMZ on my router and no disconnects since (I was getting them regularly before). Here's a link which walks you through the setting changes on the PS and router:


    Hope this helps.

    Already have my PS4 on DMZ.

    No improvement ... Yet EVERY ONLINE GAME I have works fine.

    The issue isnt us, its the game/servers.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KYNG
    Shardaxx wrote: »
    Are you using wireless or wired connection? I started on wireless but changed to using powerline adapters which gives a better connection, my final fix was the DMZ thing tho, make sure you add 50 to the IP address when you set it up as static as it says on that link. I feel for you, regular disconnects are horrible and ruin the experience, hope you find a solution soon.

    Tried both ... Same "no net" text crap.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KYNG

    Something new happened after update that never happened before.
    Game froze while at he character select screen.
    *Buys ESO*
    *Plays ESO*

    "Did I pay full price for a beta?" ...
  • KarenHimura
    Soul Shriven
    Been dealing with getting kicked off the server saying it timed out, saying login failed and that my info was wrong, saying my internet wasn't working when it was, once fully logging in everyone being frozen and all laggy (nothing wrong with my internet either), and finally...unable to jump in stealth at all. BLARG!
  • MacPhreak
    Getting real tired of your excuses ESO...... *BUMP*
  • Deveski
    Excuses? I've not heard any of those, I've just been blamed for all my problems lol.
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