Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Pictoral evidence of XP problem with 1.5

  • diabeticDemon18
    Cazic wrote: »
    ZoS has stated that we may need to rethink leveling strategies a bit post 1.5.2. Since that statement, they've made several improvements to help speed up leveling, since it was obviously wasn't faster as they originally expected.
    I fail to see how this is relevant. Regardless of ZoS's explanation, a consumer is upset with changes made to a product. Why is it not valid to be upset when something is changed that negatively impacts you?
    "Rethink your leveling strategy" basically means "You may not be able to level at the same rate doing the exact same things you were before". That's why his complaint is not valid.
    Why? You didn't actually explain why. You just said that it wasn't.
    He's only complaining because things aren't working exactly the way he wants or expects.
    And you're only ridiculing him because they are working the way you want them to. Why are your preferenfes more valid than his?
    The vast majority of players do not share his concern

    I like how you're playing devil's advocate, it's nice to see someone else trying to see both sides... even though in this forum I have often times not found myself doing... I still like to see that and try to see both sides.

    As time has gone on, I've realized a few things... Yes, ZOS made a mistake and did not speed up leveling from VR1->VR10. They did not nerf it, for the majority. They just wanted people to play their content, as they intend the game to be played, not farming Bosses to lvl. As you can tell, from all of the posts before, the speed at which you level is still the same, if you play the way ZOS wants you to play. You say they lied on the "Play how you want" slogan. That's not true, the key points of that slogan were for you can use whatever weapons you want, no matter what class you are, you can use spells from a multitude of skill lines (ie. fighters guild, world, mages guild, undaunted, etc.) no matter what class you are. You can have any multitude of skills that you would like in your hotbar, as long as you have unlocked them. They have done a multitude of bug fixes... yes, and they are an improvement as many people said these bugs were "game breaking" for them, so they saved a lot of subs by fixing their mistakes.

    All in all, you aren't necessarily whining... but you aren't necessarily right. They have changed the way XP leveling is done, and have directly stated "you will have to rethink your leveling strategy" which means you can't level the same way you did. It LITERALLY means that, if you were to take a dictionary definition of that phrase, that is what you would get.
  • NukeAllTheThings
    Just an FYI, from the patch notes:
    • Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.

    Last week a core quest in Cadwell's Silver, "Amputating the Hand" in Alik'r Desert awarded 12,260 xp + a skill point.

    After the patch today a core quest in Cadwell's Silver, "To Walk on Far Shores" in Bangkorai awarded 12,260 xp + a skill point.

    I completed a number of other quests and they awarded the exact same 4490, 7485 and 9765 xp they did last week. XP gains have not increased for quests even while completing them 1 level higher than I did last week.
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • Cazic
    Cazic wrote: »
    spryler wrote: »
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.

    Given that I specifically posted that doing all content in a zone should over-level you by about 10-15% (like it did pre-1.5), then yes, its a lie to claim that I said you should level doing only 55% of the content, when I already said you should level after doing 85-90% of all available content in a zone.

    LIE. Willful deception.

    Onlinegamer1 didn't mention that his main problem with the xp change was due to him skipping a lot of mobs until like page 3 of this thread (or something). I find his complaints to fall into the "troll" category, so I recommend not taking the bait.
    The amount of mobs he skips is irrelevant. Before the patch, he was able to get x% of a level with y work. Now, he gets x-a% for y + b work. Why is this not a valid complaint?

    ZoS has stated that we may need to rethink leveling strategies a bit post 1.5.2. Since that statement, they've made several improvements to help speed up leveling, since it was obviously wasn't faster as they originally expected.

    "Rethink your leveling strategy" basically means "You may not be able to level at the same rate doing the exact same things you were before". That's why his complaint is not valid. He's only complaining because things aren't working exactly the way he wants or expects. The vast majority of players do not share his concern, which further lends to the probability that he's just whining.

    Now THAT is a ridiculous post if I've ever seen one.

    1. "Rethink your leveling strategy" directly translates to "We've nerfed Boss farming in Craglorn". Nothing more, nothing less.
    2. "They've made several improvements to help speed up leveling" is a joke. You obviously meant to say "They fixed some of the XP BUGS REPORTED FROM PTS, and also realized that 1.4 Million/Vet level was WAY too much (due to them again, not listening to PTS testers) and fixed it as well".

    Seriously, who would call bug fixes "improvements"?

    1. Are you sure about that? The changes made when switching from VP to XP were pretty major. It obviously affected more than just boss farming in Craglorn.

    2. I get your point. But whether due to a bug or not, it was bad and they made it better which qualifies as an improvement. Maybe "fix" is the proper term.

    What I see in your complaints is someone who's leveled several characters to max level and obviously spent a lot of time on the game. Things have now changed and you're upset that you can't level the same way you did before.

    I should not say your complaints aren't valid, sorry about that. Everyone has the right to voice their concerns and one person's are no less important than the next. But, I do feel you've not shown enough patience considering we're in a transitional phase (VR to CS) at this time. Yeah 1.5.2 was pretty messy, but they have stepped up, acknowledged and improved (or fixed bugs, whatever) on it.

    You can see that the majority of players don't share these concerns just by logging in and playing the game. The XP complains have died down a lot on the forums as well since 1.5.4.
  • ZOS_MichelleA
    Hey there, folks! We just wanted to pop in real quick and reinforce that we do expect everyone to adhere to our Code of Conduct when posting. Please remember to be respectful and constructive, even when disagreeing. We appreciate your passion, but please remember to be good to one another! :)
    Edited by ZOS_MichelleA on 17 November 2014 22:33
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Xandryah
    I still see not an improvement in %.

    before patch 1.5 i got around 50000 xp/"major"map quest (village/city/farm etcc...) while levelling around veteran 7 , that means, i got 50000 xp for a bar of 3.5 million xp (it's around 1.5%)

    now after patch 1.5.x i got around 10000 xp/"major"map quest, that means, i got 10000 xp for a bar of 1 Million xp (it's around 1%)

    Conclusion is that there is no improvement. :) oh my goodness... this thing should be taken seriously... just look at swtor and take inspiriaton how they handle the levelling up... they have 12x experience bonus right's another game with other balances , but still take inspiration there...Please...
    how are we supposed to level up 8 toons here... i only live once !

    Also they said they have improved xp-gains when killing mobs BELOW your level, what about killing mobs ABOVE your level, will that grant more xp, i get 480 xp / level 10 mob, while being myself at veteran 8. it's not good either... way too little xp...for a mob that is 3 ranks higher...

    Thank your for reading , approving ;) and considering...

    Have fun, take care...


    • Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.
    Did a Carglorn daily today 7,5k XP, on 1.54 this quests gave 12k...
  • Thavie
    Just finished one of the main quest in 10 VR Rift - 12k,1,2%. 499 XP for a easy one - this is 0,05%. I don't see any changes on XP AT ALL.
    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • EatUrNumNumz
    Neither do I. I was wondering why I was getting anywhere from 5k to 12k XP per quest. Also whenever I get xp it's not actually saying XP, it's still saying VP. I'm pretty pissed off because I haven't been able to level in going on 2 weeks now. Stuck at a perpetual v7.
  • Virck
    I'm just going to stay away from ESO for a bit, I can't take Zenimax wasting content anymore.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Virck wrote: »
    I'm just going to stay away from ESO for a bit, I can't take Zenimax wasting content anymore.

    Well Ive just found a way to make my stam NB work:

    MiddleearthShadowofMordor_CaragorRiding_Screenshot.jpg Ill be sticking with that for the moment :P
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on 18 November 2014 15:21
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Ohioastro
    ...and I'm leveling at the rate that I always have.

    Seriously now: we know that there is a transition to a new system. We know that you won't need to level characters above 50 to access the account pool of champion points. And we know that you do accumulate credit towards champion points for everything above 50, as well as at VR14 (as far as I can tell; confirmation on this point welcome.)

    They want to test the new exp system before they convert everything. They don't want people banking tens of millions of points grinding Craglorn bosses, which would create all sorts of balance problems.

    Their alternatives are either a low cap on "banked" champion points (so that people can't start with max champion points, effectively forcing others to grind to compete); or a leveling of the playing field. They certainly can't leave the status quo or the entire game at 50+ becomes grinding Craglorn bosses to the champion point cap, which would be a dreary and disastrous end game.

    So - if you want speed leveling to vr14 now, you have to live with a low champion point cap. If you want a higher cap (pre-revamp), you can't have a handful of methods that are way better than others. If you have a better transition idea (one that doesn't reward some methods of advancement with far better rewards than others)....this is a good place to put it, no?
  • Cherryblossom
    Hmmm, now concerned. Before the most recent 1.54 update I was having seriously nerfed xp, 499xp for Minor and 4k for a major at VR4. So I stopped leveling.
    yesterday, I started again with my leveling and was getting 4k for Minor and 16k for Major quests.

    but reading through the posts here it would seem that everyone is getting varying amounts of xp no clear picture on the actual figures.

    It is my hope that with my figures I'm currently getting I will be able to gain 1 level every zone now.

    I think it's wrong to assume that the leveling should include Dungeons, Pledges and PVP, as not everyone does this. I have only done 4 dungeons since starting back in April (more to do with LFG tool not working) and leveled happily through the zones without doing them.

    I think there are serious questions about how you will level up other skill lines after hitting max level and are only getting tiny returns of XP.
  • Maverick827
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?
    Edited by Maverick827 on 18 November 2014 15:50
  • Cuyler
    How I see it is that there are two types of players out there.

    1. works hard to level (i.e. questing)
    2. works smart to level (i.e. grinding)

    The thing is there will always be both types of players out there and the ones who level faster will always find a way to do that.

    Hardcore questers will always be slower. It's a product of having to travel back and forth to each quest. It just adds excessive amounts of time to do that.

    Grinders will always be ahead of the curve eventually. All ZOS did was make it harder for them for awhile (by nerfing crag grinds) until they find the next best way to do it...and trust me they will. This "balancing" of leveling speed is a pipe dream.

    Slowing down the players who choose a faster way of leveling is the equivalent of holding a student back a grade because the rest of the class didn't study and pass the final exam. Well my take on it anyways.
    Ohioastro wrote: »
    If you have a better transition idea (one that doesn't reward some methods of advancement with far better rewards than others

    This entire ideology is counterintuitive...IRL there are smart ways to do things and hard ways to do things. One method of advancement is always better than another. This nerf is only about holding players back that have figured that out.

    And as I stated above this "balancing" is a pipe dream. Balance like this is never attainable...there will always be players who will find the faster way of leveling.
    Edited by Cuyler on 18 November 2014 15:45
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Ohioastro
    It's a balance concern when the champion system goes live. At that point MMO players are always drawn to the shortest path - even if they hate it. It's a bizarre but real pathology of the genre: do something that you hate for 200 hours instead of doing something that you like for 250. In a champion system with a high cap there is simply no way to leave Craglorn grinding as more efficient - not by a small amount, but by more than a factor of ten. You'd be foolish to do anything else, and people would feel compelled to do it to be competitive in trials and PvP.

    I'd also prefer a faster overall curve now and a lower cap, but that's not the direction that they appear to have gone. Hopefully they'll adjust it (or give us a close ETA for the changes; I'm hoping to see them in the next update, but who knows!)
  • Thavie
    and trust me they will.

    Oh, maybe you should try to find it now, huh? I'd like to see your "smart way".
    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • diabeticDemon18
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?

    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.
  • Draxys
    I think one of the issues with xp at this point is that there are a lot of us that want to level alts. We've already quested once or twice, and we don't want to do it again. It feels like an annoying chore. There aren't good ways to grind levels quickly, and regardless of whether you like that leveling style or not, it should be an option for those of us (like myself) that have had a max level character since the first couple weeks of the game's life. Right now they are preventing that, and it is not a good thing.

    rip decibel
  • seneferab16_ESO
    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.

    I personally don't mind the slow levelling with my main, but I can understand players like him. There's a whole bunch of different players out there, and the current levelling system is directed towards one type only; the questers. There's some levelling in PvP as well, but it is slow and tedious (I should know) and it takes a long time until you start carrying your weight.

    I have rolled many alts because of how I am curious of how they play in PvP, but when I log one, do a quest and get a taste of the levelling experience I have infront of her, I get tired. So very tired. And then I log off.
    I _really_ do not want to do it again. I cared about the quests the first time, but I can't bring myself to caring again. Mostly because I know that the choices I make have absolutely no impact on the later game, and that everything will stay exactly the same my second run as it did my first.

    If there was a run around in circles while having a chat with a group on TS/Vent/mumble option to level from lvl 10 to vet 10, I think I would take it. Boring? Maybe. But not as boring as having to do the exact same content all over again.
    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • Maverick827
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?

    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.
    I have many characters. I have done all of the quests before many times. They are boring now. So yes, I do want to just zone out while I level now.
  • diabeticDemon18
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?

    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.
    I have many characters. I have done all of the quests before many times. They are boring now. So yes, I do want to just zone out while I level now.

    I can see why you don't want to do the quests, that makes sense. But you are playing a game, game designers don't want you to zone out, the entire reason they make a game is so that it pulls you in and makes you want to play more
  • NukeAllTheThings
    I am getting pretty tired of hearing about this mythical champion point system. It is completely vague in how it truly works and there is no timetable for it whatsoever. No one knows how it will be implemented or exactly what it will look like other than it is a new way to grow your character. It is not even on the PTS so the earliest we could see it is January with it most likely being a spring addition. The excuse to kill XP and "normalize" it is just excuse.

    Also, The people who are grinding Craglorn a significant majority stop completely the minute their they start glowing and they ring the VR14 bell. There was no other reason to continue and seeing someone V14 in those grind groups were more rare than an Imperial Motif drop.

    Now let's get to something real and tangilbe. XP as it stands today. It was explained to us in one of the last patches that:

    "The experience that you receive at the conclusion of a particularly difficult quest can reach a limit, and thus gets capped off. While the cap is there intentionally, it was set to level 50 values rather than VR values. This is being adjusted."

    We were told that the values for XP were set to pre-vet levels and it would be increased to "Vet levels".

    In the patch notes for 1.5.5 they stated:
    • Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.
    • Fixed an issue where some objectives that are tied to achievements were granting less experience than intended for those at Veteran Rank.

    Based on my experience this is not true and has not been fixed.

    I posted these numbers last week for XP rewards in V4 Alik'r Desert w/ an Ebonheart Pact character

    9765 - Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion
    499 - The Oldest Orc
    12,260 - Amputating the Hand + Skill Point
    8517 - Temple Treasures
    4990 - Restoring the Ansei Ward
    3742 - Kingdom in Mourning
    4990 - Lady Laurent's Favor
    16,002 - Trouble at The Rain Catchers
    7485 - The Nature of Fate
    9765 - Past in Ruins
    3742 - Satak Was the First Serpent
    3742 - A Winner for Onwyn
    7485 - Gone Missing
    9765 - Left at The Altar

    Here are the numbers after the patch yesterday:

    V5 Bangkorai
    4990 - Hallin's Burden
    4990 - The Lion's Den
    11,227 - Thirst for Revolution
    9765 - The Shifting Sands of Fate
    7485 - Trials & Tribulations
    12,152 - To Walk on Far Shores - + 1 Skill Point + High King Emeric Savior Achievement
    4990 - Cadwell Silver Completion

    V6 Auridon
    4990 - Unaccounted Crew
    7485 - Ensuring Security
    9765 - A Hostile Situation
    1215 - To Tanzelwil
    4990 - Silsailen Rescue
    4990 - Real Marines
    9765 - Teldur's End
    4990 - In the Name of the Queen
    4990 - Corruption Stones
    9765 - Rites of the Queen + 1 Skill Point + Sunder the First Veil Achievement

    V6 Kenarthi's Roost
    7485 - Storm on the Horizon
    4990 - Dark Knowledge
    12,260 - The Family Business
    16,002 - Temple of the Morning Springs
    12,260 - Moon Sugar Medicament + Skooma Watch Achievement
    9765 - Pinch of Sugar
    16,002 - Cast Adrift

    As you can see there is no increase in XP for max XP quests and since XP is tiered by level of difficulty there is no difference in any of them. Not even ones which earned a skill point and/or an achievement.

    I am not sure what was fixed regarding the 2 points mentioned in the patch notes, but the values did not increase. I really hope they take a real hard look at this or at least offer an explanation of exactly what has been fixed. T give credit where credit is due, discovering a new location has been increased from 397 to 716.

    Side note, I wanted to test this on a higher level character to see if the values changed so I used my AD alt to test a small quest chain in V10 Bangkorai (hoping that higher levels might give higher XP despite no increase from V4,5 or 6. My results show the exact same XP rewards for 4990 - Hallin's Burden, 4990 - The Lion's Den and 11,227 - Thirst for Revolution

    Edited by NukeAllTheThings on 18 November 2014 17:26
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • Thavie
    Oh my god, guys, there is not enough XP from quests right now for appropriate leveling. Doesn't matter you love questing or hate it, it is not enough anymore! Is it too hard to understand?
    Edited by Thavie on 18 November 2014 17:37
    "We grew under a bad sun"
  • Maverick827
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?

    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.
    I have many characters. I have done all of the quests before many times. They are boring now. So yes, I do want to just zone out while I level now.

    I can see why you don't want to do the quests, that makes sense. But you are playing a game, game designers don't want you to zone out, the entire reason they make a game is so that it pulls you in and makes you want to play more
    But I want to play the game. I want to play the dungeons and the trials and the PvP. But I want to be competitive, which means reaching the max level first.
  • Garetth
    I am getting pretty tired of hearing about this mythical champion point system. It is completely vague in how it truly works and there is no timetable for it whatsoever. No one knows how it will be implemented or exactly what it will look like other than it is a new way to grow your character. It is not even on the PTS so the earliest we could see it is January with it most likely being a spring addition. The excuse to kill XP and "normalize" it is just excuse.

    Also, The people who are grinding Craglorn a significant majority stop completely the minute their they start glowing and they ring the VR14 bell. There was no other reason to continue and seeing someone V14 in those grind groups were more rare than an Imperial Motif drop.

    Now let's get to something real and tangilbe. XP as it stands today. It was explained to us in one of the last patches that:

    "The experience that you receive at the conclusion of a particularly difficult quest can reach a limit, and thus gets capped off. While the cap is there intentionally, it was set to level 50 values rather than VR values. This is being adjusted."

    We were told that the values for XP were set to pre-vet levels and it would be increased to "Vet levels".

    In the patch notes for 1.5.5 they stated:
    • Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.
    • Fixed an issue where some objectives that are tied to achievements were granting less experience than intended for those at Veteran Rank.

    Based on my experience this is not true and has not been fixed.

    I posted these numbers last week for XP rewards in V4 Alik'r Desert w/ an Ebonheart Pact character

    9765 - Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion
    499 - The Oldest Orc
    12,260 - Amputating the Hand + Skill Point
    8517 - Temple Treasures
    4990 - Restoring the Ansei Ward
    3742 - Kingdom in Mourning
    4990 - Lady Laurent's Favor
    16,002 - Trouble at The Rain Catchers
    7485 - The Nature of Fate
    9765 - Past in Ruins
    3742 - Satak Was the First Serpent
    3742 - A Winner for Onwyn
    7485 - Gone Missing
    9765 - Left at The Altar

    Here are the numbers after the patch yesterday:

    V5 Bangkorai
    4990 - Hallin's Burden
    4990 - The Lion's Den
    11,227 - Thirst for Revolution
    9765 - The Shifting Sands of Fate
    7485 - Trials & Tribulations
    12,152 - To Walk on Far Shores - + 1 Skill Point + High King Emeric Savior Achievement
    4990 - Cadwell Silver Completion

    V6 Auridon
    4990 - Unaccounted Crew
    7485 - Ensuring Security
    9765 - A Hostile Situation
    1215 - To Tanzelwil
    4990 - Silsailen Rescue
    4990 - Real Marines
    9765 - Teldur's End
    4990 - In the Name of the Queen
    4990 - Corruption Stones
    9765 - Rites of the Queen + 1 Skill Point + Sunder the First Veil Achievement

    V6 Kenarthi's Roost
    7485 - Storm on the Horizon
    4990 - Dark Knowledge
    12,260 - The Family Business
    16,002 - Temple of the Morning Springs
    12,260 - Moon Sugar Medicament + Skooma Watch Achievement
    9765 - Pinch of Sugar
    16,002 - Cast Adrift

    As you can see there is no increase in XP for max XP quests and since XP is tiered by level of difficulty there is no difference in any of them. Not even ones which earned a skill point and/or an achievement.

    I am not sure what was fixed regarding the 2 points mentioned in the patch notes, but the values did not increase. I really hope they take a real hard look at this or at least offer an explanation of exactly what has been fixed. T give credit where credit is due, discovering a new location has been increased from 397 to 716.

    Side note, I wanted to test this on a higher level character to see if the values changed so I used my AD alt to test a small quest chain in V10 Bangkorai (hoping that higher levels might give higher XP despite no increase from V4,5 or 6. My results show the exact same XP rewards for 4990 - Hallin's Burden, 4990 - The Lion's Den and 11,227 - Thirst for Revolution

  • Garetth
    If you average the quest totals of the Alik'r Desert and make the assumption that there are about 50 quests per zone, this means that completing every quest will net you about 367,000 xp of the 1,000,000 needed to level.

    This is beyond stupid!
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    So the patch did nothing for VR XP... quelle surprise.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • diabeticDemon18
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?

    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.
    I have many characters. I have done all of the quests before many times. They are boring now. So yes, I do want to just zone out while I level now.

    I can see why you don't want to do the quests, that makes sense. But you are playing a game, game designers don't want you to zone out, the entire reason they make a game is so that it pulls you in and makes you want to play more
    But I want to play the game. I want to play the dungeons and the trials and the PvP. But I want to be competitive, which means reaching the max level first.

    Which makes sense, but to be competitive you have to do what the devs want you to do, unfortunately that's how every game works
  • Rune_Relic
    Which makes sense, but to be competitive you have to do what the devs want you to do, unfortunately that's how every game works

    And why everyone leaves for another game.
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Maverick827
    I'd rather not have my progress tracked for the future system and be able to level to cap faster than what we have now. I want to play the game I'm paying for now, not invest in a game that's months away.

    I am not playing the game anymore because of the slow leveling speed. Questing is boring. Grinding tens of thousands of world mobs is so much more incredibly boring than grinding hundreds of Craglorn bosses. In Craglorn you were part of a mindless blob and could zone out. Soloing/duoing isn't really the same, you need to pay more attention and it's really taxing.

    It's honestly to the point where I'm not even sure I'll return for the champion system itself if these are the kinds of moves Zenimax will pull.

    1. Say leveling will be quicker
    2. Actually make leveling 2 - 3 times slower
    3. Say this is due to bugs and that a fix is coming
    4. Fix does nothing
    5. Tell players it's their fault and they need to change how they play

    On top of all that, a lot of these issues are because of Zenimax's insistance of increasing the level cap, which is another decision that many people felt was a poor decision as well.

    How many second chances should a disgruntled consumer give them?

    ... you're complaining about leveling slowly whenever you don't want to do the quests that they intend to level you because you have to actually pay attention and can't zone out... that is honestly the laziest thing I've EVER heard someone complain about in my life.
    I have many characters. I have done all of the quests before many times. They are boring now. So yes, I do want to just zone out while I level now.

    I can see why you don't want to do the quests, that makes sense. But you are playing a game, game designers don't want you to zone out, the entire reason they make a game is so that it pulls you in and makes you want to play more
    But I want to play the game. I want to play the dungeons and the trials and the PvP. But I want to be competitive, which means reaching the max level first.

    Which makes sense, but to be competitive you have to do what the devs want you to do, unfortunately that's how every game works
    I did what the devs wanted me to do for six months. Then they changed their minds. In find this annoying.
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