Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Pictoral evidence of XP problem with 1.5

  • hammer_fella
    I am sick and tired of fanbois saying there is only one way to play a video game. Some of us play Nightblades. Gee, we have stealth, we stealth past mobs to get to objectives. Imagine that!

    Saying that bypassing mobs is "wrong" or "bad" just shows how much of a terribad you are.
    LOL... YOU are the one telling US how we have to play.

    And for the record, I am a NB too. That doesn't mean I get a free pass.
    Aldmeri Dominion (NA)
    Ferawen - VR14 Bosmer Nightblade
    Quvalwe - VR2 Altmer Sorcerer
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Belwurz gro-Yungash - Lvl 35 Orc Dragonknight
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dutseiwitsei - Lvl 27 Argonian Templar
  • onlinegamer1
    I am sick and tired of fanbois saying there is only one way to play a video game. Some of us play Nightblades. Gee, we have stealth, we stealth past mobs to get to objectives. Imagine that!

    Saying that bypassing mobs is "wrong" or "bad" just shows how much of a terribad you are.
    LOL... YOU are the one telling US how we have to play.

    And for the record, I am a NB too. That doesn't mean I get a free pass.

    That is a lie.

    I am saying you can either scrape every zone clean, or you can do the key things, or some combination thereof - i.e. player choice.

    To say that I am trying to "Tell you how to play" is just a lie (and classic projection).
  • DenverRalphy
    What is wrong with not wanting to kill every random mob in between quests?

    There's nothing wrong with it. But when you skirt past them, there's really no reasonable explanation for being surprised or upset when you're not getting XP for skipping content.

    You didn't need to kill them before and now you do. Why is it unreasonable to disagree with this change?

    And I would hardly call the random mobs in the way from Quest Hub A and Quest Hub B "content."

    Even under the older VP system, if you skipped too many mobs, you'd fall short (worse so than it is now depending on which faction's VR zone you were playing). My AD toons had to grind quite a bit under the Veteran Points system in the 1-5 VR zones, and a couple of times in the 6-10 VR zones. My EP toons, not so much, but it was noticeable. With the XP system, after the required XP was reduced to 1mil per level, they're blazing through.

    And nobody's saying you have to kill every mob from Quest A to Quest B. Simply those that you stumble upon along the way suffice. But if you're in a delve, dungeon, quest instance, etc.. and make it a point to sneak past or skirt around every mob whenever possible, then yes, it's skipping content.

  • Nihil
    What is wrong with not wanting to kill every random mob in between quests?

    There's nothing wrong with it. But when you skirt past them, there's really no reasonable explanation for being surprised or upset when you're not getting XP for skipping content.

    You didn't need to kill them before and now you do. Why is it unreasonable to disagree with this change?

    And I would hardly call the random mobs in the way from Quest Hub A and Quest Hub B "content."

    I don't think it is unreasonable to disagree, but your claims currently will fall on deaf ears, mainly because they have stated that exp from major quests are still capped at lvl 50. It is hard to say how much better the exp for a quest will be once it is scaled up to VR ranks, I also think that first time completion of dolmens should still give some exp (hard / very hard) for the first time you complete them too. It is part of the reason I did them leveling.

    But with the changing of the game their will be aspects that get slightly nerfed at times. I believe what their intended goal is, is to make any form of leveling receive equivalent exp / rewards (skill points for quests could be considered into the equation there) so when the champion system rolls out you can choose which way you want to play and be receiving exp at similar rates. If my assumption is correct, things that might need to be looked at would be boss monsters ( but less exp per time then regular mobs due to getting better drops on average), exp for dolmens, buff exploration armor maybe for those who like to explore?
  • Nihil
    Looks like the fix is going in today (hopefully).

    From todays patch notes.
    "Experience awarded for discovering new areas in Silver and Gold content now correctly scale to your level.
    Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.
    Fixed an issue where some objectives that are tied to achievements were granting less experience than intended for those at Veteran Rank."
  • diabeticDemon18
    From today's Patch: (1.5.5)
    • Experience awarded for discovering new areas in Silver and Gold content now correctly scale to your level.
    • Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.
    • Fixed an issue where some objectives that are tied to achievements were granting less experience than intended for those at Veteran Rank.

    1. Exploration XP was 76 xp (see OP post). I hope its not just 150 or 200. That would be meaningless.
    2. If only difficult quests were buggy, and thus fixed, this will not make up for the gap denoted in this thread.
    3. Same as 2, if only a few achievements were bugged and thus fixed, that will hardly matter.

    ZoS, you have a database at your disposal. You can measure XP gain with a few database queries. You can see how far off the XP rewards are now. What are you waiting for?

    Maybe they have checked and they agree with all the other people on this forum... that there isn't a problem... jsing
  • hammer_fella
    That is a lie.

    I am saying you can either scrape every zone clean, or you can do the key things, or some combination thereof - i.e. player choice.

    To say that I am trying to "Tell you how to play" is just a lie (and classic projection).
    Under what magical system of scaling could that ever work?

    If you can rank up by hitting 2 WB, 2 dolmens and 12 quests, then I will obviously be way overleveled if I complete the zone, doing 5 WBs, 3 dolmens and 42 quests.

    It's not a salad bar, you don't get to pick and choose what XP works for you.
    Aldmeri Dominion (NA)
    Ferawen - VR14 Bosmer Nightblade
    Quvalwe - VR2 Altmer Sorcerer
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Belwurz gro-Yungash - Lvl 35 Orc Dragonknight
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dutseiwitsei - Lvl 27 Argonian Templar
  • onlinegamer1
    That is a lie.

    I am saying you can either scrape every zone clean, or you can do the key things, or some combination thereof - i.e. player choice.

    To say that I am trying to "Tell you how to play" is just a lie (and classic projection).
    Under what magical system of scaling could that ever work?

    If you can rank up by hitting 2 WB, 2 dolmens and 12 quests, then I will obviously be way overleveled if I complete the zone, doing 5 WBs, 3 dolmens and 42 quests.

    It's not a salad bar, you don't get to pick and choose what XP works for you.

    That's called hyperbole. "OMG, if you could level with 2 mob kills and 1 exploration XP, that would be OP!!!!11!!one!!!eleven!!!"

    You should be able to level by:
    - doing most quests, some delves, some dolmens (except, they don't give xp at VR levels), and a world boss or two.
    - doing all quests, and a few delves.
    - doing some quests, all delves, all dolmens, all world bosses, and some mob grinding.

    That is what is called "Options". If, in THAT system, I choose to do:
    - all quests, all delves, all dolmens, all world bosses and some grinding

    then I would over-level by a bit (maybe 10-20%). MY CHOICE.

    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
  • hammer_fella
    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
    Of course a choice doesn't exist. Just like no choice exists to get to Cadwell's Silver until you beat Molag Bal.

    Just like no choice exists to reach Craglorn until you hit VR1.

    Just like no choice exists to run Undaunted Pledges until level 45.

    Your expectation of choices is really just a selfish sense of entitlement which utterly disregards all others playing the game. Get over yourself.
    Aldmeri Dominion (NA)
    Ferawen - VR14 Bosmer Nightblade
    Quvalwe - VR2 Altmer Sorcerer
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Belwurz gro-Yungash - Lvl 35 Orc Dragonknight
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dutseiwitsei - Lvl 27 Argonian Templar
  • NukeAllTheThings
    That is a lie.

    I am saying you can either scrape every zone clean, or you can do the key things, or some combination thereof - i.e. player choice.

    To say that I am trying to "Tell you how to play" is just a lie (and classic projection).
    Under what magical system of scaling could that ever work?

    If you can rank up by hitting 2 WB, 2 dolmens and 12 quests, then I will obviously be way overleveled if I complete the zone, doing 5 WBs, 3 dolmens and 42 quests.

    It's not a salad bar, you don't get to pick and choose what XP works for you.

    Prior to the new XP changes you would gain a level by doing only Cadwell's silver/gold, WB's, Dolmen, dungeons and a couple side quests that ran alongside Cadwell's.

    If you did full completion like this new system you would be well over leveled by at least 15%
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • DenverRalphy
    That is a lie.

    I am saying you can either scrape every zone clean, or you can do the key things, or some combination thereof - i.e. player choice.

    To say that I am trying to "Tell you how to play" is just a lie (and classic projection).
    Under what magical system of scaling could that ever work?

    If you can rank up by hitting 2 WB, 2 dolmens and 12 quests, then I will obviously be way overleveled if I complete the zone, doing 5 WBs, 3 dolmens and 42 quests.

    It's not a salad bar, you don't get to pick and choose what XP works for you.

    Prior to the new XP changes you would gain a level by doing only Cadwell's silver/gold, WB's, Dolmen, dungeons and a couple side quests that ran alongside Cadwell's.

    Bullocks. I've done all of the VR zones prior to the changeover from VP to XP, and that statement is nowhere close to true. Under the VP system, completing only the Cadwell quests, WBs, delves, and public dungeons, didn't even get you close to completing the zones. If you didn't work all the quests in the zone, you'd still be missing at least 1/4 of the bar to advance. The only time you'd get close only focusing on Cadwell's quests, was when the VR mobs were much tougher and gave significantly more VPs for defeating them. But everybody moaned about how difficult and slow going it was to fight the tough mobs, so they got nerfed to the ground to make it easier and consequently had the VP's reduced. But that was months ago that that change went into effect.

    Edited by DenverRalphy on 17 November 2014 15:50
  • Nihil
    From today's Patch: (1.5.5)
    • Experience awarded for discovering new areas in Silver and Gold content now correctly scale to your level.
    • Fixed an issue that was resulting in smaller than expected experience gains for difficult quests at Veteran Rank.
    • Fixed an issue where some objectives that are tied to achievements were granting less experience than intended for those at Veteran Rank.

    1. Exploration XP was 76 xp (see OP post). I hope its not just 150 or 200. That would be meaningless.
    2. If only difficult quests were buggy, and thus fixed, this will not make up for the gap denoted in this thread.
    3. Same as 2, if only a few achievements were bugged and thus fixed, that will hardly matter.

    ZoS, you have a database at your disposal. You can measure XP gain with a few database queries. You can see how far off the XP rewards are now. What are you waiting for?

    We need to wait to see how it actually takes place before saying it failed. Exploration exp was at 300 (at least when I checked in a vr4 zone) before this patch, increase in quest exp could make a drastic change to the over all leveling ( which might also affect leveling in PVP as the bounty quests appear to give "very hard" exp gain).

    Right now isn't the time to be telling ZoS to check numbers when we haven't even gotten into game to test... After you get in game and run a few different quests to analyze the change then you will have more foundation to your claims rather then "it was broken, it will still be broken" thought process.
  • onlinegamer1
    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
    Of course a choice doesn't exist. Just like no choice exists to get to Cadwell's Silver until you beat Molag Bal.

    Just like no choice exists to reach Craglorn until you hit VR1.

    Just like no choice exists to run Undaunted Pledges until level 45.

    Your expectation of choices is really just a selfish sense of entitlement which utterly disregards all others playing the game. Get over yourself.

    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
  • DenverRalphy
    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
    Of course a choice doesn't exist. Just like no choice exists to get to Cadwell's Silver until you beat Molag Bal.

    Just like no choice exists to reach Craglorn until you hit VR1.

    Just like no choice exists to run Undaunted Pledges until level 45.

    Your expectation of choices is really just a selfish sense of entitlement which utterly disregards all others playing the game. Get over yourself.

    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"

    And we love it when players like you grossly distort the meaning behind the term "Play how you want."

    That term only applies to how you choose your race/class/skill choices. It in no way states that you can just walk around willy nilly getting everything you want with little effort should you choose not to put forth any effort. Nor does it mean choices don't have consequences.

    Edited by DenverRalphy on 17 November 2014 15:55
  • NukeAllTheThings
    That is a lie.

    I am saying you can either scrape every zone clean, or you can do the key things, or some combination thereof - i.e. player choice.

    To say that I am trying to "Tell you how to play" is just a lie (and classic projection).
    Under what magical system of scaling could that ever work?

    If you can rank up by hitting 2 WB, 2 dolmens and 12 quests, then I will obviously be way overleveled if I complete the zone, doing 5 WBs, 3 dolmens and 42 quests.

    It's not a salad bar, you don't get to pick and choose what XP works for you.

    Prior to the new XP changes you would gain a level by doing only Cadwell's silver/gold, WB's, Dolmen, dungeons and a couple side quests that ran alongside Cadwell's.

    Bullocks. I've done all of the VR zones prior to the changeover from VP to XP, and that statement is nowhere close to true. Under the VP system, completing only the Cadwell quests, WBs, delves, and public dungeons, didn't even get you close to completing the zones. If you didn't work all the quests in the zone, you'd still be missing at least 1/4 of the bar to advance. The only time you'd get close only focusing on Cadwell's quests, was when the VR mobs were much tougher and gave significantly more VPs for defeating them. But everybody moaned about how difficult and slow going it was to fight the tough mobs, so they got nerfed to the ground to make it easier and consequently had the VP's reduced. But that was months ago that that change went into effect.

    it is 100% true because I leveled up 2 VR14's and a VR11 doing exactly that. I still have a bunch of quests in each VR zone on my 2nd VR14 specifically because I had already leveled up.
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • hammer_fella
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.
    Edited by hammer_fella on 17 November 2014 16:12
    Aldmeri Dominion (NA)
    Ferawen - VR14 Bosmer Nightblade
    Quvalwe - VR2 Altmer Sorcerer
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Belwurz gro-Yungash - Lvl 35 Orc Dragonknight
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dutseiwitsei - Lvl 27 Argonian Templar
  • onlinegamer1
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    @hammer_fella‌ , keep it goin'. You're making his numbers go up, which is what this is really about. I give you credit for determination, sir.

    If OP put half was much work into leveling (any way) as he does beating this dead goat (he's calling it a horse - don't bother correcting him), he'd have his other 3 VR14's a couple times over.

    Since XP's are registering correctly, there is enough content to level. The've already knocked it down by over 40% once.

    Don't you (OP) think if other people were having this kind of difficulty leveling, there'd be more posts than just your own?

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • diabeticDemon18
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.
  • onlinegamer1
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.

    Given that I specifically posted that doing all content in a zone should over-level you by about 10-15% (like it did pre-1.5), then yes, its a lie to claim that I said you should level doing only 55% of the content, when I already said you should level after doing 85-90% of all available content in a zone.

    LIE. Willful deception.
    Edited by onlinegamer1 on 17 November 2014 19:03
  • Csub
    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
    Of course a choice doesn't exist. Just like no choice exists to get to Cadwell's Silver until you beat Molag Bal.

    Just like no choice exists to reach Craglorn until you hit VR1.

    Just like no choice exists to run Undaunted Pledges until level 45.

    Your expectation of choices is really just a selfish sense of entitlement which utterly disregards all others playing the game. Get over yourself.

    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"

    I love it when people use the word "fanbois" when refering to people dare not agree with them.
    By the way, should I be complaining too if, for example, tonight I want to play as a god, oneshotting everything or instantly leveling a character to VR 14 from level 1 just because I cannot play how I want? Or that I cannot be successful in dungeons/PvP when I want to play as a naked Nord?
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Ohioastro
    Yes, I'd like to use no weapons or class skills, fight no opponents, and reach the level cap with the best gear. If I can't do that, I can't "play how I want", so clearly the developers deceived me!
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
    Of course a choice doesn't exist. Just like no choice exists to get to Cadwell's Silver until you beat Molag Bal.

    Just like no choice exists to reach Craglorn until you hit VR1.

    Just like no choice exists to run Undaunted Pledges until level 45.

    Your expectation of choices is really just a selfish sense of entitlement which utterly disregards all others playing the game. Get over yourself.

    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"

    NVM that. I love when people forget ZoS words that 1.5 will make leveling in VR faster than before.
    Csub wrote: »
    Right now, that choice DOESN'T EXIST.
    Of course a choice doesn't exist. Just like no choice exists to get to Cadwell's Silver until you beat Molag Bal.

    Just like no choice exists to reach Craglorn until you hit VR1.

    Just like no choice exists to run Undaunted Pledges until level 45.

    Your expectation of choices is really just a selfish sense of entitlement which utterly disregards all others playing the game. Get over yourself.

    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"

    I love it when people use the word "fanbois" when refering to people dare not agree with them.

    And then there are people who use the word 'haters' for the very same reason.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • spryler
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.

    Given that I specifically posted that doing all content in a zone should over-level you by about 10-15% (like it did pre-1.5), then yes, its a lie to claim that I said you should level doing only 55% of the content, when I already said you should level after doing 85-90% of all available content in a zone.

    LIE. Willful deception.

    Onlinegamer1 didn't mention that his main problem with the xp change was due to him skipping a lot of mobs until like page 3 of this thread (or something). I find his complaints to fall into the "troll" category, so I recommend not taking the bait.
  • Maverick827
    spryler wrote: »
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.

    Given that I specifically posted that doing all content in a zone should over-level you by about 10-15% (like it did pre-1.5), then yes, its a lie to claim that I said you should level doing only 55% of the content, when I already said you should level after doing 85-90% of all available content in a zone.

    LIE. Willful deception.

    Onlinegamer1 didn't mention that his main problem with the xp change was due to him skipping a lot of mobs until like page 3 of this thread (or something). I find his complaints to fall into the "troll" category, so I recommend not taking the bait.
    The amount of mobs he skips is irrelevant. Before the patch, he was able to get x% of a level with y work. Now, he gets x-a% for y + b work. Why is this not a valid complaint?
  • Cazic
    spryler wrote: »
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.

    Given that I specifically posted that doing all content in a zone should over-level you by about 10-15% (like it did pre-1.5), then yes, its a lie to claim that I said you should level doing only 55% of the content, when I already said you should level after doing 85-90% of all available content in a zone.

    LIE. Willful deception.

    Onlinegamer1 didn't mention that his main problem with the xp change was due to him skipping a lot of mobs until like page 3 of this thread (or something). I find his complaints to fall into the "troll" category, so I recommend not taking the bait.
    The amount of mobs he skips is irrelevant. Before the patch, he was able to get x% of a level with y work. Now, he gets x-a% for y + b work. Why is this not a valid complaint?

    ZoS has stated that we may need to rethink leveling strategies a bit post 1.5.2. Since that statement, they've made several improvements to help speed up leveling, since it was obviously wasn't faster as they originally expected.

    "Rethink your leveling strategy" basically means "You may not be able to level at the same rate doing the exact same things you were before". That's why his complaint is not valid. He's only complaining because things aren't working exactly the way he wants or expects. The vast majority of players do not share his concern, which further lends to the probability that he's just whining.
    Edited by Cazic on 17 November 2014 21:32
  • onlinegamer1
    Cazic wrote: »
    spryler wrote: »
    I love it when fanbois forgot ZoS own words when they were advertising the game: "Play how you want"
    LMAO When did 'Play how you want' turn into 'Do 55% of all zone content and become a certified VR14 Hero of Tamriel overnight! YOU ROCK!!!!!!'

    And LOL @ me being a fanboi, I've given ZOS way worse than I'm giving you right now, feel free to check my comments. It's actually rather telling that I defer to their logic in this regard.

    Again you lie with a made up number (55%) instead of what I actually said.

    It's a figure of speech... not a lie.

    Given that I specifically posted that doing all content in a zone should over-level you by about 10-15% (like it did pre-1.5), then yes, its a lie to claim that I said you should level doing only 55% of the content, when I already said you should level after doing 85-90% of all available content in a zone.

    LIE. Willful deception.

    Onlinegamer1 didn't mention that his main problem with the xp change was due to him skipping a lot of mobs until like page 3 of this thread (or something). I find his complaints to fall into the "troll" category, so I recommend not taking the bait.
    The amount of mobs he skips is irrelevant. Before the patch, he was able to get x% of a level with y work. Now, he gets x-a% for y + b work. Why is this not a valid complaint?

    ZoS has stated that we may need to rethink leveling strategies a bit post 1.5.2. Since that statement, they've made several improvements to help speed up leveling, since it was obviously wasn't faster as they originally expected.

    "Rethink your leveling strategy" basically means "You may not be able to level at the same rate doing the exact same things you were before". That's why his complaint is not valid. He's only complaining because things aren't working exactly the way he wants or expects. The vast majority of players do not share his concern, which further lends to the probability that he's just whining.

    Now THAT is a ridiculous post if I've ever seen one.

    1. "Rethink your leveling strategy" directly translates to "We've nerfed Boss farming in Craglorn". Nothing more, nothing less.
    2. "They've made several improvements to help speed up leveling" is a joke. You obviously meant to say "They fixed some of the XP BUGS REPORTED FROM PTS, and also realized that 1.4 Million/Vet level was WAY too much (due to them again, not listening to PTS testers) and fixed it as well".

    Seriously, who would call bug fixes "improvements"?
  • Maverick827
    Cazic wrote: »
    ZoS has stated that we may need to rethink leveling strategies a bit post 1.5.2. Since that statement, they've made several improvements to help speed up leveling, since it was obviously wasn't faster as they originally expected.
    I fail to see how this is relevant. Regardless of ZoS's explanation, a consumer is upset with changes made to a product. Why is it not valid to be upset when something is changed that negatively impacts you?
    "Rethink your leveling strategy" basically means "You may not be able to level at the same rate doing the exact same things you were before". That's why his complaint is not valid.
    Why? You didn't actually explain why. You just said that it wasn't.
    He's only complaining because things aren't working exactly the way he wants or expects.
    And you're only ridiculing him because they are working the way you want them to. Why are your preferenfes more valid than his?
    The vast majority of players do not share his concern

    Edited by Maverick827 on 17 November 2014 21:48
  • Cuyler
    So we had some tweaks to the xp in the patch today so this entire thread is irrelevant at best with a bunch of bickering. I vote to close.
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Maverick827
    Cuyler wrote: »
    So we had some tweaks to the xp in the patch today so this entire thread is irrelevant at best with a bunch of bickering. I vote to close.
    I don't believe the patch has been out long enough to determine whether or not this topic is relevant.
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