Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Are you considering or already canceling your subscription post patch?

  • AvalonRanger
    I will keep my subscription but am unhappy with the direction of Zenimax
    >>I will most likely stop visiting forums as this is just hate,
    hate and hate all around.

    The people do Not try to abuse this game. Basically, once they love this game
    very much. Moreover, TES fan love this game very much. Therefor, people try to suggest problem of this game.
    Actually say, this game still contain tons of unreasonable game design
    (*ref.Look at Angry joe show in youtube). Notwithstanding such a huge problem, developer ignore fundamental matter.And push expansion contents.
    So,people angry about their behavior.
    Two month pass away from first launch, but this game basic system is
    still beta quality. It's not product. Customer can't pay money for Beta thing.

    And developer's lazy work...

    ESO is some kind of MMORPG assembled by TES object.
    But it's not TES itself. Developer should check previous TES once again.
    Originally,TES made in Bethesda is more romantic RPG game.

    Go to more and more higher veteran level area, the quest design getting more and more boring. Simpley say, most of it is lack of adventure and entertainment
    sence. And ,just crazy game difficulty make player's progression slow. These are major reason why people try to abandon subscription.....

    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • Bryong9ub17_ESO
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Well, considering i am UNABLE to play the game...yes i am really considering it.
  • Muletide
    I will keep my subscription
    I believe people really have no clue what it takes to create and maintain a game of this magnitude. There will NEVER be an MMO with a flawless launch, and this being a hybrid of a single player title and a MMO across 3 platforms (2 being new gen hardware), they are faced with challenges that other cookie cutter MMOs do not have. I can't think of a single MMO title in last decade that has not been constantly changing, patching, fixing, and evolving. It's the nature of the beast, something you have to expect when saying "Hey, I'm going to pay $60 + a monthly sub for this MMO."

    I'm enjoying this game a lot, and will continue to subscribe. They've created an awesome foundation to grow from and I can only see it getting better as things are tightened up and polished.
  • Akalukz
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    adding more VR ranks did not go ever well for me. I just want to PVP... not grind mobs in PVE.
  • sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO
    I will keep my subscription
    Akalukz wrote: »
    adding more VR ranks did not go ever well for me. I just want to PVP... not grind mobs in PVE.

    This is what I see as ZOS failure. Boosted in PvP must mean to scale all players to top vet ranks. (scale stats to fully equiped top vet in white non enchanted gear).

    System booster have to look at vet ranks and consider if their current equipment isn't better than boostee stats. If the gear is better do not boost / nerf him.

    This would still give top ranks in best gear slight advantage over others but not that I am the Marvel superhero feeling...
  • HandofBane
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Well, got the answer I was hoping I wouldn't see regarding nightblade fixes, time to change my vote to "already cancelled". Good luck folks, hopefully you have a fully functional game with all classes working before the end of the year.
  • AvalonRanger
    I will keep my subscription but am unhappy with the direction of Zenimax
    2014/05/30 I'll keep my sub few more month

    Today,I enter the Rift (Vet10 area) in skyrim area.

    Recently,this game getting "BETTER" :) . Some kind of quest has interesting mechanism.Good job! And,difficulty adjustment little become reasonable.
    But, I felt Vet6 stonefall dungeon boss little too powerful for recommended level. It still needs adjustment. The story is little emotionless in Vet6 stonefall area. So, please add more adventure type quest.
    (There are too many quest which include fetch something or bounty hunter quest) .
    Anyway,I feel good improvement flow in these days :) .

    There are one thing worry about :| . Higher Vet area player population is decreasing.I can't do Dolmen fight or Dungeon Boss.

    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • cmakcristyneb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    The reason I am considering is the huge imbalance between the classes. Take trials, what do see the group make up of majority of groups going through, DKS & Sorc. Rarely do you see much else. So why bother having the other classes or are they just traps to waste people's time.

    I started with a NB, got all the way to VR12 and it was painful with all the broken skills and abilities, but I made it. To me a NB is supposed to be DPS and what does he do... Heal, because it is really the only thing that isn't totally broken with the class, well maybe tanking is ok too, haven't tried it to be honest, but that isn't what they are meant to be in my opinion. It pains me having to go to something I really don't like to do to be able to be in Trials with my guild because the dps a NB puts out can't keep up with a DK or Sorc by any stretch.

    Another reason I am thinking about it is a few patches ago I lost a V2 I was leveling on the side. Logged in after a patch and it was gone. I submitted a report and got their cookie cutter response BS about not being able to restore the character at this time. So I wrote back saying they did it, not me and got the same exact email response, which makes me think, do they really look at the bug reports or just hit one button to respond to things.

    Last reason is the ninja patches and lack of communication from the company. it is like they want to plunge a dagger into their foot and twist it. Players are having fun leveling by grinding, well we can't have that.... ninja patch..... hahaha! no leveling for you now, now go back out and quest. Well if your in craglorn and not either a dk/sorc or have a destro staff impulsing your way through everything you don't quest very well when your dying on zone trash. I am a solo player mostly, I do group at times, but like solo, because it gives you time to collect resources and you go at your own pace, where craglorn forces you to group or you are questing. Don't even get me started on the Anom xp group runs... 10k dmg or no xp for you.

    These are my reasons and I am giving them maybe a month or two more at the most to get their ducks in a row or they will lose my business and probably a few other people I know that feel the same way I do as well, which will be a real shame since I do like the game overall.
    Edited by cmakcristyneb14_ESO on 31 May 2014 12:19
  • Ragekniv
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    It may not be research methods perfection but double blind stratified random sampling might be a bit too much to expect.

    I believe this is a reasonable representative sample of player base constructive feedback regarding concerns that may lead to an attrition of ESO player base.

    Checking friends list and guilds its hard not to be disheartened by the drop in activity.

    The request to address the issues as presented by forum contributors is done with respect and evidence of good faith.

    Please, can a ZOS moderator give feedback and forward the concerns to the appropriate chain of command that would be charged with addressing balancing all classes and addressing the game content issues that remain concerns of ESO's player base.
  • RatsnevE
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Not a very good poll question because it does not include, "I'm perfectly happy with ESO and have no thoughts of quitting/cancelling." <--or something like that.
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