Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Are you considering or already canceling your subscription post patch?

  • fyendiarb16_ESO
    I will keep my subscription but am unhappy with the direction of Zenimax
    I am still enjoying the game and expect to enjoy it for some time to come, hoping for it to be a long time. I am worried though at the direction they are taking.

    Things like extra veteran levels already in the very first content patch while they already dominate Cyrodiil. Not giving pre-VR players a decent enough boost to be able to compete, although at bad odds ofc, with VR players. The new 2 VR levels seem to be solely group content (I may be wrong here) and I mainly solo. The absolute bizarre choice to change the looks of pre-VR gear instead of just buffing end game gear's looks....

    It seems their focus is on end game and my focus is on the journey. It is too early to tell for real, but if this is the case then I doubt my enjoyment will last for too long.

    However at the time being still enjoying the game enough to keep my subscription up.
  • terence.caroneb17_ESO
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Grim13 wrote: »
    I feel like I'm watching a Conspiracy of Stupidity in the manner with which Zos are handling themselves...

    Seriously, there are times when I wonder if they are secretly trying to push people out the door... Nah, they couldn't be that foolish... could they? No. Just really really lacklustre.

    That's the conclusion we came to with a guildmate the other day. It's like they mostly listen to the people praising the game (because those people are the few lucky ones not having them, or they don't see it cause they're not using add-ons and understand how their skills don't work, or they just play 1h a day so they don't explore all the mechanics or encounter graphical errors/crashes etc) and only react when ONE problem gets the most topics.

    So the mistery is still there: what is Zos doing ? Are they just a bunch of people repeating "we're working on issues" for weeks before giving us a patch with more bugs than fixes ? Is there a captain on board who realizes they're on the road to f2p (though I would hate the game to be a f2p and I wouldn't even try to get back to it, if it does) cause of how slow they fix stuff, and how fast they break stuff ?

    It's funny cause I know people here will think I'm overreacting, and if I tell those people I know the game well cause I've already played more than 300hrs, they'll tell me I'm a nerd never satisfied and nitpicking. Thing is, people like me are the ones more concerned about the game's success (and failure), cause we're the ones giving bug reports, feedback, etc ...

    I'm not saying people playing 1h a day don't know the game, or they don't have problems, but they don't see the whole picture (cause they don't have the time to play more, or the interest to check different features and only do solo quests for example, and are not even in VR zones also).
  • Turial
    I will keep my subscription
    Love the way the poll had no positive option, all RAGE and one choice for being indifferent. #Loltopic
    "Neither a 'Borrower nor a Lender' be."
    Never Forget

    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
    Please check out Enchanting Alchemy - A Progression Guild
  • bitaken
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Pretty much. My reasons are simple:

    1) Grouping is punishing for leveling.
    2) I do not like solo game play and the quest lines are just the same thing in every factions zone - so the whole idea of grinding the same stupid quests for 3 factions worth of zones to make a new character...nope not gonna happen.
    3) PvP zone is a horrible lag fest of warping and 4 second delay if there is anyone in it.
    4) I don't see very much response from the devs to bring group leveling content anywhere so far.
    5) Everything is too fine a point in this game. They need to broaden their developer minds and realize that players want different things.

    I don't care about the story lines, or the actors' voices or the pretty zones or the lore of any MMO. I was lured to this game thinking that it was an RVR focused end game. Not only did they raise the level cap already - meaning more PvE to PvP - which worries the heck out of me making legendary gear now - but they completely ignore the idea of grouping and leveling together.

    Very disappointed.
    Edited by bitaken on 27 May 2014 10:00
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • Bigcalm1331
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Sadly i am seriously considering cancelling i play nord templar heavy armour 2hand sword and healing im vt10 and getting killed by packs of 3 vt9's most of the time due to the time it takes between attacks / switching from dps to healing (lag/latency issues).
    now i can understand there will be a few calls of l2p but when im dead if all three decide to hit me at the same time i consider there to be something wrong if i die in three hits only way around this is to kill things using healing staff and kiting which takes forever and not very fun. im now also starting to notice in the vt9 area that im getting stun locked i have no way of knowing this other than spamming buttons and nothing happens and a nice death notice to tell me after the fact.
    I really want this game to work and i am a patient person but there is a lot wrong with this game and its getting to the point now where i just want to play something else rather than go through the frustration.
  • Snippit_Thomas
    I will keep my subscription
    I am happy with the game and will be sticking around.
  • Kililin
    I will keep my subscription but am unhappy with the direction of Zenimax
    bitaken wrote: »
    Pretty much. My reasons are simple:

    1) Grouping is punishing for leveling.
    2) I do not like solo game play and the quest lines are just the same thing in every factions zone - so the whole idea of grinding the same stupid quests for 3 factions worth of zones to make a new character...nope not gonna happen.
    3) PvP zone is a horrible lag fest of warping and 4 second delay if there is anyone in it.
    4) I don't see very much response from the devs to bring group leveling content anywhere so far.
    5) Everything is too fine a point in this game. They need to broaden their developer minds and realize that players want different things.

    I don't care about the story lines, or the actors' voices or the pretty zones or the lore of any MMO. I was lured to this game thinking that it was an RVR focused end game. Not only did they raise the level cap already - meaning more PvE to PvP - which worries the heck out of me making legendary gear now - but they completely ignore the idea of grouping and leveling together.

    Very disappointed.

    1) grouping is very benificial for leveling, like very very good++ just not for questing, but questing sucks anyway :)
    2) yeah quests suck balls, a few are quite nice, but they get drowned in a mass of mediocrity.
    This game does a better job in making me hate them than wow.
    3) no idea, have not experienced it, but with so many complaints there is something wrong for sure
    4) there is group leveling content, why you are saying there is not. from dungeons to aoe farming.
    5) i dont understand

    tl,dr: there is group content, levelling and otherwise
    oh and quests suck, big time

  • Lodestar
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Cogo wrote: »
    Where is the button for "I am very happy with the game and how Zenimax handled the HUGE patch, and I very happy subscription to ESO"

    Not trying to be rude, but did you choose only negative options in your poll, so you can say that you did a poll and everyone was considering canceling?

    That would be, I am keeping my sub. What other options is there supposed to be? If your keeping your sub, you must be happy with the game.
  • Ibura
    I will keep my subscription
    I'm quite happy with the game. It is the journey that matters to me, so I'm not a very high level yet, I like what I see, I trust problems will be solved in time. I have patience, golden quality in life *grin*.
  • Metacon
    Cancellation was never a question. I cancelled my sub about 2 Minutes after I entered my retail key.

    Why? Because I read the fineprint of the EULA and Zenimax dares to formulate a "you have to cancel your subscription 30 days in advance before it ends otherwise we are allowed to automatically resubscribe you".

    I dont take such legal trick lightly. (Not to mention that trying to hide such things in the fine print really *** me off)

    Instead of subbing I switched to Gametime Cards - so basically my account is always "cancelled"... Im missing that in the poll options.

    About the guys who always argue in the line of "Calm down the game has only been live for <insert time> you cannot expect them to fix everything right now... but you should be patient"

    That comments always make me smile. Because: How long would I have to be patient to be right about not subbing to this game any longer? If they dont deliver after 3 months into paid release, is it ok to cancel? Or is it still too early?

    Would it be ok to cancel after ZSO fails to deliver after 6 months? 12 months? "oh noes... you cant demand a game being finished only 1 year after release...

    Can I?

    I would say: I can demand a game being "finished" on the very exact DAY of release. Because THATs the day they start charging me money for it. (Of course I know software will never be 100% bug free - but what I had to witness the last 2 months is a little more than "just a couple of glitches".. part of it is gamebreaking)

    I'm wondering myself what happens when those people who still demand patience buy a new car. (a BMW for example) For a lot of money for the initial sale and then they have to pay monthly for gas and taxes... but the car doesnt run.

    Every couple of minutes (when someone joins or leaves your car raid - your engine would freeze. You had to stop the car, everyone had to get out and stand on the street... get in again only to be able to turn on the engine again to drive for another 1-2km.. then whe car breaks down again.

    Then you drive your BMW to the "veteran zone".. just to notice that you are now forced to be driving a Mercedes (you have to experience the two other car manufacturers alliances)... and your car doesnt run 180km/h anymore.. but 4 km/h. ... Oh the joy... and when youre done with veteran driving your "forced Mercedes". You will be forced to drive a Suzuki. Why Did I buy a BMW in the first place when I have to drive other cars 66% of the time just to reach "car driver veteran 10"?

    When entering your car you notice that altough you bought the car for you and your 3 friends... two dozen chinese people are already sitting in your car spamming you with "buy new cheap leather seats..." "buy cheap gasoline" "buy cheap rubber mats". 5 of them are also camping in your trunk for boss spawns and selling you the loot.

    When you get home in your car your looking at an achievemt that says "Hero of BMW drivers"... that required you to complete 62 of 62 driving quests.... but you roamed your entire city for weeks and could not find and complete more than 61/62 quests. BMW brings out a bugfix 4 weeks later.. that resets your achievemt to 0/51.... (which actually fixes nothing)

    So basically your paying out of your rear end for owning and supporting a car that FAILS to perform as advertised in a multitude of ways for MONTHS.

    I would say it depends on every single customer to decide for himself when he has burnt enough money until he is ready to quit.

    I for myself would fire an employee who had promised me the world at his job interview... when I find out that he still isnt able to deliver after I have already been paying his salary for 3 months.

    Even more if there are other job-applicants in the market who are about the same qualificaiton level (or "unqualification level") as the first one.. but dont demand a "fixed montly salary" but rather go for a "you only need to pay me when the job is finished" business model.
    Edited by Metacon on 27 May 2014 11:10
    Any barbarian can lead a mob - but a paladin will turn a mob into an army.
    Emerald Security Blog
    "I used to be a PvE adventurer like you - but then I took a 'veteran content' to my knee."
    "I used to be a PvP adventurer like you - but then I took patch 1.2.3 to my knee."
  • zeuseason
    I have already canceled my subscription
    I have because of: BOTS

    I really enjoy the game and have no problem paying & playing, but I'm insanely tired of seeing train after train of bots running around like it's their business (it is). If Botimax would rather take bots money then I will take mine somewhere else.

    On side note, I have personally reported hundreds of bots. I'm tired of it. Tired of seeing zoom bots flash across my screen. Tired of seeing underground node bots pop up in the scenery and disappear again. Tired of seeing characters in game wearing the prison rags.
  • fab.plub16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I have already canceled my subscription
    1) Lag Lag Lag. Eu server in EU !
    2) Craglorn is a bad joke. Lots of exploits
    3) Class & Skill totally unbalanced
  • Regoras
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    I am still on the fence... while I have switched to playing a DK, it's just not the same as playing a rogue class.
  • Oblongship
    I have already canceled my subscription
    My sub is already gone...I can't justify giving ZoS money any longer.
  • Orizuru
    I want to keep my sub, but at this point I don't see it happening for long. I have no major issues with the game though, I just have lost all my connections withing the community. The friends that I brought with me from other games have all given up and gone back to other games and I find Dark Souls II to be more entertaining that trying to find a new group of people to play ESO with. /shrug

    I'll be keeping my sub for a bit in case something changes, but if the next billing cycle passes and I'm still playing solo, I will probably drop the sub and look for something else to play.
  • Swordguy
    I have already canceled my subscription
    already cancelled, and will judge whether its worth it to resub when my gametime runs out. not because 15 dollars is a lot of money these days, but because you gotta speak with your wallet, as that is usually all that counts in the mmo world, with rare exceptions.

    Do you Troll bait?

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  • bitaken
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Kililin wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Pretty much. My reasons are simple:

    1) Grouping is punishing for leveling.
    2) I do not like solo game play and the quest lines are just the same thing in every factions zone - so the whole idea of grinding the same stupid quests for 3 factions worth of zones to make a new character...nope not gonna happen.
    3) PvP zone is a horrible lag fest of warping and 4 second delay if there is anyone in it.
    4) I don't see very much response from the devs to bring group leveling content anywhere so far.
    5) Everything is too fine a point in this game. They need to broaden their developer minds and realize that players want different things.

    I don't care about the story lines, or the actors' voices or the pretty zones or the lore of any MMO. I was lured to this game thinking that it was an RVR focused end game. Not only did they raise the level cap already - meaning more PvE to PvP - which worries the heck out of me making legendary gear now - but they completely ignore the idea of grouping and leveling together.

    Very disappointed.

    1) grouping is very benificial for leveling, like very very good++ just not for questing, but questing sucks anyway :)
    2) yeah quests suck balls, a few are quite nice, but they get drowned in a mass of mediocrity.
    This game does a better job in making me hate them than wow.
    3) no idea, have not experienced it, but with so many complaints there is something wrong for sure
    4) there is group leveling content, why you are saying there is not. from dungeons to aoe farming.
    5) i dont understand

    tl,dr: there is group content, levelling and otherwise
    oh and quests suck, big time

    Where is the group content that yields the same XP as questing per hour? Please...do tell. Pre-Craglorn and the few grinds they put in (all of them have been completely gutted btw) There is NO VR content that yields a decent XP / Hour. Sure, you can grind to 50 in an AE group. Try it at VR 3-7 and tell me how that works out for ya vs. someone who is solo questing and not reading or listening to the quest baloney. Chase gray arrows for two hours - and grind for two hours on "normal AE mobs" in VR content - see who gets more. I know that answer - believe me. Dungeons - Vet dungeons in particular - yield a tremendously low XP per hour vs solo questing. Tremendously low.

    Cyrodil was tolerable on my home campaign of Wabbajack prior to this patch as THE most populated PvP campaign. Now, you can't defend a keep without massive lag and warping and 4-8 second delay on abilities activations.

    What I mean to say about the game being too fine a point: The whole leveling up process is built around the premise that we want to experience all three realms stories and lore. The whole AVA is built around destroying and dominating your enemies (who's quests you have to do ...hrm) in the field as much as possible. At the same time - excellence in AvA can only be achieved by acquiring maximum level and then crafting highest tier set gear. While I am fine with the gear part as it is crafted and not drops or grind forever to buy gear (ala other MMO's) I am not fine with the process of leveling. Who do you know that will make an alt to go all the way to VR 12 with? Or, should I say, who in their right mind will make an alt to go all the way to VR 12 with - after they have one VR 12 character?

    So, you best like the class you picked - or you're in for a heck of a ride of questing (solo play) to get to VR 12 with the one you should have picked.

    What I would like to see is instances throughout all the zones that allow a group to summon boss mobs (much like the original design of kardala) but that yield 1/2 the boss XP per kill (based on your level) and a 1% chance to drop a level appropriate purple - 5% to drop blue - 10% chance to drop a soul gem. People would actually enjoying grouping up and running these dungeons and having fun with friends. Look how other MMO's do it with random PUG's forming up and plowing dungeons to level up - and compare it to this process of leveling up. Seriously - who enjoys solo questing forever?

    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • Ruddertail
    I will keep my subscription
    bitaken wrote: »
    Where is the group content that yields the same XP as questing per hour? Please...do tell.

    Okay okay, I'll tell you. It's Wayrest Sewers. Are you happy now?
  • Still_Mind
    I will keep my subscription
    Enough with the blackmailing attitude. Give them time. This is a HUGE game, and they need time to polish it. Have some patience. If you can't simply enjoy the experience, don't expose yourself to it.

    Honestly, I blame WoW for this MMO player generation.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Zanagan
    I have already canceled my subscription
    Canceled. Looking forward to Wildstar May 31st.
  • Ruddertail
    I will keep my subscription
    Zanagan wrote: »
    Canceled. Looking forward to Wildstar May 31st.

    Have fun playing a game that has nothing in common with the game you stopped playing I suppose!
  • theyancey
    I will keep my subscription
    I am enjoying the ride. I will award myself a badge of honor, loyalty, stubbornness, or some such down the road for weathering the 90 days post roll out. I've done this with several other games. There is a certain sense of satisfaction that comes with perseverance.
  • zeuseason
    I have already canceled my subscription
    Zanagan wrote: »
    Canceled. Looking forward to Wildstar May 31st.

    I'm on the fence with Wildstar. It does seem like one very complete game at launch, but it feel's outdated to an extent.

  • Leijona
    I will keep my subscription but am unhappy with the direction of Zenimax
    I wont cancel my sub yet. For the moment, I will go on with my leveling process and when that is finished, I will see what I will do. Either there are things being implemented, that entertain me enough or there aren't.

    I played WildStar on Saturday and directly after it, I played ESO. And as I suppose, that WildStar wouldn't make more fun then ESO, I decided to stay with ESO.
    And of course, the WildStar launch wont be completly smooth. The whole beta tells me otherwise :)
  • Thechemicals
    I will keep my subscription
    Im keeping my sub, ive no reason to quit. However, i can see why others quit: the learning curve for this game is very high. You have to have some technical understanding to keep the game stable and performance decent and you have to be able to download and implement addons. You would be surprised how many people dont know how to install an addon or just simply avoid it thinking its some sort of cheat.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    Thalmar I agree with you 100 % !!!!! precisely what they are doing.
  • hk11
    I am seriously considering canceling my subscription
    I am probably going to cancel for a little while to play Wildstar.
  • Still_Mind
    I will keep my subscription
    Im keeping my sub, ive no reason to quit. However, i can see why others quit: the learning curve for this game is very high. You have to have some technical understanding to keep the game stable and performance decent and you have to be able to download and implement addons. You would be surprised how many people dont know how to install an addon or just simply avoid it thinking its some sort of cheat.

    That bolded part is actually a good thing. The community, compared to WoW-generation MMOs, is much less elitist, and much more supportive, from what I've seen. If you ask a question, you're very likely to get an educated answer, instead of trolling, or elitist sneering.

    I love the fact that I have to *think* here, instead of just going with a cookiecutter 46\10\0 build for XYZ class. Yes, there are optimal setups here, but there's so much space in-between, that is situationally more better then the top-dog setups, and is preferable, depending on personal playstyle.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • AinGeal
    I have already canceled my subscription
    Already canceled but I have over 160 days left. So they have time to change my mind.
  • Metacon
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Give them time. This is a HUGE game, and they need time to polish it. Have some patience. If you can't simply enjoy the experience, don't expose yourself to it.

    Just in case you happen to own a company: I hereby apply for a job.

    I will gladly accept your monthly payment of my salary while I will only be delivering half-finished work and asking for more patience.

    "Yes I know, i have been working on this ONE excel spreadsheet for 12 months now - and the numbers still dont match left and right.. but give me time, its a huge yspreadsheet and i need more time to polish it. but if you can't enjoy the experience of having me as your employee, dont expose yourself to me." :)

    Its as I mentioned in my earlier post... every customer has a different amount of tolerance. If the customers perceived value he receives for his money does not meet the expectations - it will have consequences.

    First the consequence is contact with customer support or forums, voicing the opinion... and in the end its "voting with the wallet."

    If the latter happens - its already too late.
    Any barbarian can lead a mob - but a paladin will turn a mob into an army.
    Emerald Security Blog
    "I used to be a PvE adventurer like you - but then I took a 'veteran content' to my knee."
    "I used to be a PvP adventurer like you - but then I took patch 1.2.3 to my knee."
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