LOL, so VR16 gear isn't needed till you finish VR16 content?
If that were true then clearly there's no point in VR16 at all!
LOL, so VR16 gear isn't needed till you finish VR16 content?
If that were true then clearly there's no point in VR16 at all!
@ZOS_GinaBruno think you can find out if this is the case? With dungeons/pledges scaling to VR16, will mob dropped loot be able to be deconstructed for a chance at some of the new materials - in old dungeons scaled to VR16 and/or the new ones?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Yes. Dungeons will be scaled up to VR16, and the loot you receive from these dungeons will also drop up to VR16. Loot you receive from both old and new dungeons (the new ones being the White-Gold Tower and Imperial Prison) can be deconstructed for a chance at some of the new materials.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Yes. Dungeons will be scaled up to VR16, and the loot you receive from these dungeons will also drop up to VR16. Loot you receive from both old and new dungeons (the new ones being the White-Gold Tower and Imperial Prison) can be deconstructed for a chance at some of the new materials.
Where does it state gear is BoP, or that equally strong gear doesn't drop from the new group dungeons? Or that the SO sets etc won't be good after they've gone through revamp (also happening next patch)?
All we've learned is that these armour sets are "mighty", so hopefully they'll be worth using (so this DLC isn't a waste of time) lol
Besides, the best gear on live version of ESO already comes from PvP (Morag Tong, Shadow Walker, Ravager* etc).
*Note: I do not like this. In my opinion, hard to acquire gear such as Vicious Ophidian, Infallible Aether etc should be BiS due to the difficulty in acquiring them.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Yes. Dungeons will be scaled up to VR16, and the loot you receive from these dungeons will also drop up to VR16. Loot you receive from both old and new dungeons (the new ones being the White-Gold Tower and Imperial Prison) can be deconstructed for a chance at some of the new materials.
MaximusDargus wrote: »
Will the chance to obtain crafting materials from VR15 and VR16 items going to be on par with current chance to obtain materials from LVL1-VR14 items?
Or there is a plan to make VR15 VR16 decon droprate significantly lower than rest of items for any reason?
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
The new materials are nowhere near as rare or difficult to obtain as Nirnhoned Trait materials.Though you don't obtain the new materials via crafting nodes, getting them through deconstruction is more comparable to other types of ingots. As you run around the Imperial City killing monsters, you'll get item drops like you would in a normal overland zone or dungeon. You can then deconstruct those for a chance to get the new materials.
Thanks so much! That's what logic told me, but just wanted to be sure. @HeroOfNone
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
That is 100% opposite of the reality in-game: PVP progression is gated by PVE requirements.
PVP players...
-Have to bust through the main story questline to get to the veteran zones.
-Have to bust through cadwell's silver to get to areas to level to vr14 as PVP XP is outright too low to do so with in any reasonable timeframe.
-Have to PVE repeatedly and daily, on multiple characters generally, with the Undaunted pledges to get the gold keys for bind on pickup sets that only come there but are widely applicable to builds game-wide in pve and PVP.
-Have to PVE trials and weeklies to get gear that only comes from them. This includes Veteran Dragonstar if using a Master weapon in your build, as they only come from there reliably, although a once-a-month or once-every-two-weeks campaign bag if you maintain a spot in the top 2% of the campaign can give you a low chance at one weapon of any type and any trait (unfeasible to get it from).
-Have to PVE repeatedly to get undaunted XP for the skill line or be left short 4-6% max hp/stam/magicka from the passive.
PVE players...
-Never have to step foot in Cyrodiil or the Imperial City and can just buy everything off a guild kiosk.
That's perfectly ok, but the point is that it's not just about you or me and what we think. There's a bigger picture, where different people prefer different type of PvP.
The PvP you enjoy, it'll still be there, except now people have another option as well if they don't enjoy the type of PvP ESO currently offers.
Just like what WoW & other MMOs did by implementing different game modes, just what MOBAs* do by providing different map mechanics and so on.
This is good for the overall health of the game, and also provides you with another option, if you ever find yourself getting bored of the current ESO PvP.
*I'm surprised nobody has brought up MOBAs so far. In many, many MOBAs one of the most common map mechanics is killing the other players & taking the coins/whatever they've collected by killing NPCs.
All content is available to players that are level 10 and up
A brand new PvP/PvE space, including the six Imperial City Districts
New quests and key characters within the Imperial City
One new Imperial City PvP Public Dungeon: The Imperial Sewers
Two new PvE Imperial City group dungeons with Normal and Veteran versions: White-Gold Tower and Imperial City Prison
The Tel Var Stone system
23 completely new Veteran Rank 16 item sets, only available in Imperial City
Treasure Vaults that contain new Veteran Rank 16 set jewelry and a chance for even rarer finds
Xivkyn racial motif style
New collectibles only available in Imperial City (pets, polymorphs, and a costume)
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Yes. Dungeons will be scaled up to VR16, and the loot you receive from these dungeons will also drop up to VR16. Loot you receive from both old and new dungeons (the new ones being the White-Gold Tower and Imperial Prison) can be deconstructed for a chance at some of the new materials.
sparafucilsarwb17_ESO wrote: »This is a horrible idea and just a grieving system. TV stones should not be lost when you get killed. This system is going to cause a lot of rage.
WoW had Arenas, I didn't like them*. -> this should never be implemented in ESO, not even for players who do like Arenas.
*Note: I absolutely adored Arenas in WoW. Just stating this for sake of discussion.
That is your logic at the moment, and it's just not convincing, sorry.
I'm sure they'll have PvP content specifically tailored for your taste in the future, just not this time.
There is no MMO in history more successful than World of Warcraft, and that game is most renowned for its end game PvE. Yet, developers added in Battlegrounds, they added Arenas, they had open world PvP (Contested zones).
Did people complain about them, and demand these PvPers should get nothing?
The entire reason they developed BGs, was to have different style of PvP experience for people who didn't enjoy open world. The reason for creating Arenas was to provide different style of PvP experience for people who didn't enjoy BGs and/or open world.
The reason ESO gets Imperial City is to provide different type of PvP experience for people who don't enjoy the current "zerg zerg die (whatever) respawn zerg zerg". It's that simple, really.
notimetocare wrote: »
Players will rage at anything added. So who cares?
Back at my time in WoW, I re-used some PvE items (rings etc.), however PvP gear was achievable in PvP and respeccing took about 10 seconds. In ESO it's a pain.
Some players will rage at anything added. This system has a large majority of players unhappy with it, enough so that people will stop playing. We care because we really enjoy this game and we don't want them to run it into the ground.
Some players will rage at anything added. This system has a large majority of players unhappy with it, enough so that people will stop playing. We care because we really enjoy this game and we don't want them to run it into the ground.
What are you talking about?
In ESO, you can get the top tier PvP gear the moment you hit VR14, just purchase it off a store - done.
If anything, it should be harder to get.
In WoW, you actually had to be a decent player to get that gear & work for it (High Warlord was no joke back in the days, nor was ranking high in Arena).
I am talking about in WAR all I had to do in order to PvP, was to just enter the RvR lake and that's it. No respecs, no re-gear nothing.
Same for EvE, but had to switch some modules. Or, smarter, just have PvP fitted ships in hangar to instant-use and then hop into FW / corp home system in 0.0.
In WoW I would switch gear with one addon (Wardrobe?), I would switch to PvP spec with 1 click (I don't recall the addon name) and voilà.
In ESO I need to teleport to another region and client memory leaks make the game crash after 3-4 zone changes (and slow down the client before that). Then I need to go find the NPC, then clear spec (I also respec health and magicka), then click skills, stats, morphs. So unnecessarily tiresome!
Also, in WoW but also in SWTOR I could play in a premade or even mini-premade (that is 3-4 players out of 6) or I could go in and solo at leisure (Arathi basin) or I could hook up a friend and do 2v2 arena.
In WAR we didn't have arena but had 4v4 to 12v12 (if I recall correctly) instanced PvP.
In ESO it's loading screen => click click click^2 => loading screen => loading screen => run run run => wallop wallop wallop => damn got sniped / damn gate bugged / damn zerg lagged directly in my face => back to loads kms away.
Oh look, another person using the word "majority" without truly understanding what it means.
With 317 votes, we can establish with 99% confidence that between 42.5-57.5% (50% with 7.5% margin of error) of people will purchase this DLC.
This evidence points to quite the opposite.
Yes, and I'm not necessarily even disagreeing with you, but aren't these all concerns unrelated to Imperial City & the implementation of this new game mode (Tel Var stones)?
Oh look, another person who is making an *** of themselves...
Just because they purchase the DLC doesn't mean they are happy with the Tel Var Stones system....because last time I checked that poll was only asking if they would purchase the DLC, not if they are happy with the Tel Var Stone system.
I'm keeping my subscription so I don't have to buy it, but I'm not happy with the system.
I'll even revise what I've said just for you:
From what I've read and heard, this system has a large majority of players whom unhappy with it, enough so that some people will stop playing.
Hop off and don't come across as so condescending, it will get you more respect from your fellow players and a lot further in life.