Do you plan on getting the Imperial City DLC?

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I know it is a bit too early, but there have been a lot of people upset about the announcements made about the Imperial City. There has also been a lot of excitement. With the information we have now, do you plan on purchasing the DLC? As a PVP player is this the style PVP you want? As a PVE player, is there enough content being added? Discuss.

***Sorry all Subscribers, I forgot that option-- you can just be that guy or give your opinion on what you would do if you didn't sub*****

Edited by Grimnaur on July 18, 2015 9:35AM
“Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.

Do you plan on getting the Imperial City DLC? 415 votes

I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
KalfisAttorneyatlawlElloarikimm16_ESOFat_Cat45Pirhana7_ESOthedrumchannell_ESOThymosEtharianKloudJHawkkdrzycki_ESOadarkartisteventide03b14a_ESONewBlacksmurfdjnapstyb14_ESOFreemanSentinelOsteossnowmanflvb14_ESO 189 votes
I will buy - I hope some things get changed though (Discuss)
Joy_Divisionkevlarto_ESOPsychobunniMysfitJandostevvvob16_ESOkoettybertenburnyb16_ESODaveTheMiniontimborggrenlarsenb16_ESODenaiaIWannaBeATigerheledironDarkeuskkravaritieb17_ESOnickreb17_ESOdroids097CouslyDenssorVis 36 votes
I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
ZazaajiEpsilon_EchotallennMasterFUNG_ESOSlurgNordJitsuLawfulEvilBigMxoduspaladinAnnraKendaricLauradanaSickDuckLark82CoatmagickyrowskiAlienSlofBarsDayaOlysja 78 votes
I will not buy - But I might if they change some things (Discuss)
Ysne58UglyTriangleMirra_Halfelvensmokesnikolaj.lemcheb16_ESORazielSRahstin2001nub18_ESOEtemRunefellHuxley12345KerinKorThunderTandorRomoTomasZeeCaspurLettigallAnhedonieEmma_Overloadsadownik 23 votes
I'm on the fence about it - need more information
driosketchcubbyhomesb14_ESOjgward87b14_ESODirtySmeegs33kupacmacLisaZigoSidAH93DanikatMoridin82VegarothThe_SpAwNGreySixjeanbulinckxub17_ESORosveenDerNachtfalteradriant1978painsworth01KeriokoShiunTraze 46 votes
I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
flintstoneMisterBigglesworthSoulshineDominoidlolo_01b16_ESOStarwhiteLava_CroftKnootewootZershar_Vemodsztartureb17_ESOMoonscytheabuniffpreub18_ESOTavore1138The_SadistNapharielEvergnarAFrostWolfSeth_Black[Deleted User]sylviermoone 43 votes
  • Zavinus
    I'm on the fence about it - need more information
    I always wait for a review before I go on about buying something.
    Edited by Zavinus on July 18, 2015 9:02AM
    ~Zavinus, Xbox One
  • phairdon
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Subscription gives me access to the Imperial City.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Grimnaur
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    I think the PVP players deserve some good content, and I hope this DLC will be good for them. As for myself, I like to PVE and don't see enough content for PVE only. So, I will not be purchasing this.

    Please, Keep This Topic Civil. Don't hate on each others play styles.
    “Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.
  • Tandor
    I will not buy - But I might if they change some things (Discuss)
    Although it's included in my subscription, I'm considering cancelling that as my characters are becoming seriously over-leveled and I have no means of dropping the 10% experience boost that comes with the subscription. On that basis, I might be in the position of having to buy Imperial City which is no problem as I'm awash with crowns and have nothing to spend them on otherwise.

    However, for Imperial City to be of any interest to me there will need to be a way of accessing the PvE content without being forced to PvP.

    That said, I am delighted that PvPers are getting additional content (which I'm sure they'll be universally happy with and won't be complaining about at all :wink: !), and if need be I'll happily wait for Orsinium to get additional PvE content, although I do think ZOS will have missed a trick on maximising revenue if they don't make Imperial City's PvE content readily accessible to PvEers.
    Edited by Tandor on July 18, 2015 9:12AM
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    I will, because I am both a PVE and a PVP player (they do exist you know). So it's sort of like a best of both worlds for me.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Grimnaur
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    I will, because I am both a PVE and a PVP player (they do exist you know). So it's sort of like a best of both worlds for me.

    Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply that some people didn't like both. With that said, will those players (other than you, of course) like the way it is going to be implemented? There are several love/hate threads going around the forums, I was just trying to get a rough idea in the poll of how many thought, whichever way.

    “Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.
  • Mos-De-Atmo
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    I will, because I am both a PVE and a PVP player (they do exist you know). So it's sort of like a best of both worlds for me.

    Same! :smile:
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  • Grimnaur
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    phairdon wrote: »
    Subscription gives me access to the Imperial City.

    I was trying to be witty with that last option, but it backfired on me. :(
    Thanks for pointing that out, though.

    “Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Edited by [Deleted User] on July 18, 2015 9:49AM
  • timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO
    I will buy - I hope some things get changed though (Discuss)
    If you are not the game endt here for you!
    - Be Anyone.
    - Do Anything.
    - Go Anywhere.
  • RazielSR
    I will not buy - But I might if they change some things (Discuss)
    It is too much pvp forced right now plus the tv stones system is just made for gankers.
  • The_Sadist
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    phairdon wrote: »
    Subscription gives me access to the Imperial City.

    Pretty much.

    I will decide whether or not to buy it based on my play through sort of thing.
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
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  • Sausage
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    No, Ill just sing Kumbayaa with Carebears in Craglorn.
    Edited by Sausage on July 18, 2015 10:03AM
  • Robo_Hobo
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Might as well. I'm not a PvP'r so I doubt I'll use it much, but I'll get it anyway just to have it.
  • david271749
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Love that last option. That guy always shows up for a poll.
  • sztartureb17_ESO
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    I have quit this game the moment VR16 was announced.
  • youninjabro
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    Elder Scrolls plus member so I get it but, Even if I wasn't I'd still pay for it. I
    VR 14 Templar Daggerfall NA
  • Romo
    I will not buy - But I might if they change some things (Discuss)
    Strange update that caters to gankers.

    I rode into Darkness Falls in Daoc, knew there would be some gankers, but it did not cater to them.

    I rode on PvP servers in Warhammer, again knowing there would be some gankers, but they did not cater to them.

    And like @Tandor, I will be dropping my sub, but only using my tons of crowns on other updates to see if the game will improve. No need to support this nonsense.

    I'll wander around in game off and on, but no where near as much as I do now(daily for hours). Whether I continue to do so depends on how they handle the rest of the Thieves stuff, cater to gankers again and I'm gone.

    Whether they figure out how to balance the CP stuff, fix the Vet stuff and fix transfers between pvp instances(having to pvp in a zone I don't like to get AP to transfer? get real) will determine if I ever go to PvP in this game.
  • Kronosphere
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    yup cant wait! looks amazing. everyone is complaining and whining like usual because the update doesnt let them insta kill all daedric princess at once with a light attack instantly
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • Flaminir
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    As somebody who likes both PvE & PvP I think it looks fantastic & very interesting.

    I do think there will be a few changes before launch though.... and fully expect the stone theft rate to drop from 100% as like most have said... this feels too punishing. A rate of around 20% would be better to keep the excitement of worrying about getting ganked, but also not destroy whole sessions by losing everything.

    I don't get the whole 'gated behind pvp' stuff either.... yes you have to go in there once to discover the areas... but after that there are 2 new normal dungeons, and two new vet dungeons that you can access without even having to go back there if you don't want. Along with all the new sets that are being introduced, and build options... etc etc. There's a lot here for PvE'ers too, without them having to PvP much / at all.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
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  • Phinix1
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Tandor wrote: »
    ...for Imperial City to be of any interest to me there will need to be a way of accessing the PvE content without being forced to PvP.
    Romo wrote: »
    Strange update that caters to gankers.

    I rode into Darkness Falls in Daoc, knew there would be some gankers, but it did not cater to them.

    I rode on PvP servers in Warhammer, again knowing there would be some gankers, but they did not cater to them.

    And like @Tandor, I will be dropping my sub, but only using my tons of crowns on other updates to see if the game will improve. No need to support this nonsense.

    I'll wander around in game off and on, but no where near as much as I do now(daily for hours). Whether I continue to do so depends on how they handle the rest of the Thieves stuff, cater to gankers again and I'm gone.

    Whether they figure out how to balance the CP stuff, fix the Vet stuff and fix transfers between pvp instances(having to pvp in a zone I don't like to get AP to transfer? get real) will determine if I ever go to PvP in this game.

    In b4 ESO: World of Grinding Gankers Craft.
    Edited by Phinix1 on July 18, 2015 11:53AM
  • Romo
    I will not buy - But I might if they change some things (Discuss)
    Strange low number of votes.
  • Kalfis
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    Romo wrote: »
    Strange low number of votes.

    Probably because the amount of whining about it is from a very small crowd.
  • Grimnaur
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    yup cant wait! looks amazing. everyone is complaining and whining like usual because the update doesnt let them insta kill all daedric princess at once with a light attack instantly

    I am a PVE player, but my decision not to buy this, isn't based on not having easy PVE gameplay. I actually liked the parts in the video they showed on ESO live with the big boss monsters walking around IC. I just don't like PVP, especially mixed in with PVE. I don't want to be in a group of 3-4 people trying to play, and have a big zerg come through and wipe us out, and steal what we have been playing for. This risk/reward system might be fun for some, but not for me.

    Like I said before, I'm glad people that like this update will be getting it. I just hope in the future that all the DLC has something for all the type of gamers in mind. Like if Orsinium came out with a PVE zone to level in, some more end game PVE dungeons, and something like PVP Arena battle. This game was released with all the gamer types in mind, but the added content just seems to cater to a portion of the player base. To me this portion doesn't seem worth investing in.

    “Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.
  • Teiji
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    I intend to hunt monsters, run quests and amass loads of Tel Var Stones with hopefully, regular spontaneous PvP whilst having detect potions on as often as I can afford.

    I hope that players can earn at least 400 - 500 exp an hour solo in Imperial City with relevant boosters, the Treasure Scamps, Polymorphs and Pets included in Imperial City interest me a lot, I just hope the gear set bonuses on all the gear which looks great is practical for gameplay purposes.

    Xivkyn can be crafted only in Imperial City too? I think they said this on ESO Live, but it wont really effect me as my crafting character is already V14, I pray to Boethiah for all the players with crafting alts which are low level.
    Edited by Teiji on July 18, 2015 4:24PM
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • Psychobunni
    I will buy - I hope some things get changed though (Discuss)
    I have enough crowns from the subscription pay off to get it free and don't mind paying out of pocket for future PVE zones.

    However, with the current 100% loot rate if I had to buy it outright, I would not.
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Zershar_Vemod
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Kalfis wrote: »

    Probably because the amount of whining about it is from a very small crowd.

    Funny enough, the most bitching / uproar are from the "Keep the 100% loot!" / "Hardcore PvP'er" crowd.
    House Nyssara (NA)
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  • Bromburak
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    I plan to buy some beer for the devs.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Remove the loss of stones I will buy it. We should not lose anything just like you dont lose anything now if you die in Cyrodill. This whole open pvp/corpse looting thing is outdated. I was offended how they giggled about people being ganked in the ESO live episode like that would be some fun thing. These guys dont have a clue what they are doing.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    As a console player I have no reason to play this DLC for a at least a few months. The PC transfers will be a major issue and ZoS still hasn't addressed a way to catchup with CP. I think the idea of IC sounds interesting but ZoS needs to solve some issues with Cyrodiil first. Hopefully 1.7 accomplishes this.
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