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Quest - God of Schemes

Soul Shriven
This pretty much pisses me off, so...

The quest is now bugged, at least for me.
I get to Molag Bal. He pulls me up then drops me, without the break free animation.
I either die from falling damage, or nearly die. Either way it is the same result.
Molag Bal just stands there doing nothing. He never engages.
Since he never engages, I can not defeat him and move on.

Oh wait! I can't get to Vet Level.

And before people try to offer solutions.. NO, none of them work so don't even reply.
I've waste enough soul gems dying while running back and while there.
  • felixgamingx1
    Have you tried teleporting out to a guild mate and then teleporting back there to Molog ?
  • Mosquiton
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same problem
  • Fairydragon3
    have you tried turning it on and off
  • audrand9771_ESO
    Same issue, reported and mailed, Seems to be the interaction to bring him down to size is what is broke. cant move or teleport unless you relog, then you can get out by going to places on map tho. Waiting for him to say he gonna hug me and kiss me and call me George, while he squeezes me in his grubby claws
  • Morimizo
    This quest has had bugs all over the place since launch. I had the lovely experience of finally defeating the milk-drinker, and having him sink to one knee, and....nothing. Log in and out, and he's full health and invincible. I had to exit the area completely, and got lucky in a subsequent attempt. At least you didn't have to fight him for 10 minutes then glitch? I know, cold comfort. Look on the bright side; when they do get around to making this mission stable, whatever character class you're currently using will probably be nerfed to the ground! Oh wait, that's not so good...
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    Bugged for me today as well. He picks you up drops you... you die. Then relog, he picks you up drops you... you live and stand there... or he squishes you slightly about ground. Logged out for 30 minutes... had to redo the quest for the same results.
  • ShadoGazer
    Same bug, same quest here. This WAS working fine pre-1.1.3 patch. Reached level 50, so I went to finally see if my dark elf sorc could take him down, and now this bug....had a topic created about this but I'll post here since mine seems to be getting looked at but nobody's responding
  • GossiTheDog
    If you search this quest on the forum you will see this quest has had this bug intermittently since launch. Check out my signature, there's a bug tracker for it. It still isn't fixed properly. Don't worry, it's just the main game quest.
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    Love it. The last patch had my main to where he only logged into black screen. So I make a new character.. like it a lot more than broken nightblade, and here we go again... cannot play this character.
  • zentruehazzrdub17_ESO
    my buddy just had this issue too.
  • ShadoGazer
    If you search this quest on the forum you will see this quest has had this bug intermittently since launch. Check out my signature, there's a bug tracker for it. It still isn't fixed properly. Don't worry, it's just the main game quest.

    I REALLY hope this was sarcasm, because if it wasn't, that's actually kind of rude and insensitive. Lots of people play games to "complete" them, and you saying not to worry and that it's just the main quest of the game, no big deal is really....well I can't say how I feel about it, I'd most certainly be banned off the forums and possibly get my game account locked.

    Anyway to keep this on topic, I've put in a game ticket, which I'm sure will get the cookie cutter, condescending response of "Abandon and try again", even though I stated in my report that it's a main quest and can't be abandoned.
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    You could clearly tell he was being sarcastic. What does it matter anyway... can't play the game so who cares if it is off topic... this is now my $15 chat room as far as I am concerned.
  • ShadoGazer
    You could clearly tell he was being sarcastic. What does it matter anyway... can't play the game so who cares if it is off topic... this is now my $15 chat room as far as I am concerned.

    Well, keeping things on topic keeps the topic open you see. Going off topic and responding with sarcasm or misinformation runs the risk of the topic being closed due to idiots who make useless posts with no help or concern for the original purpose of said topic.
  • Wester
    Soul Shriven
    Same thing here he grabs me and drops me to my death.
  • Nsain
    Same exact issue here. How ridiculous is it that the FINAL part of the FINAL main story quest is broken? Preventing all progress? Seriously ZOS, this should be of TOP PRIORITY. Sent in several tickets, reported the bug, etc. Getting generic responses now from customer support. A+ work here.
    Nsain - Dragonknight
    Bailian - Templar
    Sir Zapsalot - Sorcerer
    There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased that line.
    - Oscar Levant
  • garrycampbellb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I also received this bug today. Finally got to the fight.. He started by picking me up then dropping me... and growling and making me dance like a marionette. I logged out came back in, he picked me up dropped me this time I died.
    I have restarted the game.
  • Wylde70
    Ditto here as well. Took my time getting here, have been looking forward to this for literally weeks, and now this? Seriously? Submitted a bug report, but from what I'm seeing on the forums, a LOT of people have had this problem since quite literally day 1 and thus far no comment from Zenimax. Can't wait to see what they do about this.

    Cookies anyone?
  • rfpalmerb16_ESO
    I had the same problem with my NB. I fixed it by playing MWO for a while then starting a Sorc.
    Round peg? Square hole? Not a problem with a big enough hammer.
  • angel59
    Add another to the list with the same bug as OP. To say this is frustrating is an understatement. I have had enough today and will go back tomorrow. Maybe the quest will work tomorrow.
  • Wylde70
    So because someone had made the suggestion on another thread I tried it - dropped my graphics settings to virtually nothing re-set and did it all over again. Didn't help. Got me a new bug- where he shook me like a rag doll in his first for about 10 minutes, and after a re-load it was back to marionette on a string routine.
  • Garetth
    angel59 wrote: »
    Add another to the list with the same bug as OP. To say this is frustrating is an understatement. I have had enough today and will go back tomorrow. Maybe the quest will work tomorrow.

  • angel59
    Garetth wrote: »

    :# One can be optomistic. ;)

  • ZOS_JasonI
    Thanks for reporting this to us, guys. We've sent this along to our team to investigate. In the meantime, please use "/bug" in-game so we can collect more information.
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    Staff Post
  • Morimizo
    angel59 wrote: »
    Add another to the list with the same bug as OP. To say this is frustrating is an understatement. I have had enough today and will go back tomorrow. Maybe the quest will work tomorrow.

    angel59 wrote: »
    Garetth wrote: »

    :# One can be optomistic. ;)

    "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." - Mark Twain.

  • angel59
    Lol. Nah, not denial. Maybe delusional. :#
  • DrOrpheus
    submitted a bug and went to log back in and it reset the quest for me. Wind back up at molag bal for the same bugs. hopefully this gets fixed ASAP.
  • esob14_ESO24
    Soul Shriven
    same bug here and on 2 different accounts :(
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    4 attempts various issues, I was stuck in a loop once where he kept breathing on me in his hand he would not drop me nor did I die just sat there watching the *** code loop over and over... now it wont even load stuck starring at the loadig screen to Hearts Grief...Guess its time to start another alt so I can run into another quest that prevents me from moving further..sounds like a Beta session..well at least for most games..But not ESO in ESO we get to pay to test the game and then learn that the devs like to break quests again and again and then fix them and then break them and then fix them...

    FYI job security for developers is not fixing the crap you continue to break its developing new content.
  • audrand9771_ESO
    How bout sarcasm off, and post and report information. Have tried all 3 sacrifices and letting manni marco go, so no work around that way. Has to be the interaction that is bugging out or not being triggered after he Pulls your char from the stairs to his hand. From watching vids on encounter should pop after his 1st 'roar'. Any other info or work arounds tried let us know so we don't waste our time
  • audrand9771_ESO
    One thing I noticed on relog was Mobs below Molag's platform area respawned, although I had no way to jump down and clear, the hole in wall was closed. Also If you die from falling damage, the pull will not trigger again til relog.
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