Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Quest - God of Schemes

  • Fairydragon3
    Mallow wrote: »
    Actually GMS can help with getting past the part where molag bal is defeated already, but the end sceen animation isn't going through. Ya'll issue it the same quest, but you still haven't acctually fought Molag bal, so a GM can't help with getting you past that

    Actually, I defeated Molag Bal earlier this week but at 0% hp he just sank to his knees and stayed there -- no animation. When I put in a ticket they just told me to redo the quest. So no help there, after a 10 minute fight.

    Because it also takes pretty much setting up an appointment with them. And if it was your first time contacting them, of course they will ask you to restart just in case that works, becasue it is alot easier than finding a available GM, i'm pretty sure there are just plain not enough on their payroll
    Edited by Fairydragon3 on June 3, 2014 2:38PM
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Nope...Instead of having a GM on standby in game ready to assist folks they just continue to let their mo
    What GM powers do you think exist that could help players stuck like this even if ZOS had the will to make it happen?

    You're surely not asking for a GM to mark the quest as 'complete' in cases like this, are you?

    a GM helped another player by activating the mechanism that triggered the event which moved the fight to the ground..thought I explained that..therefore allowing that player to complete the quest.

    And to be honest I would much rather they mark my quest complete as I have done it before on another char, so that I can move forward as opposed to just using another alt and mindlessly grinding quests I have done 3 times already.

    I know its a difficult concept for some and especially for ZOS. I believe GM's dont have the ability to mark quests as complete anyways, which is a mistake in developing the game as allowing progression as opposed to not fixing progression blocking quests should be an option.

    But the lack of foresight by ZOS dev team is remarkable and now people are stuck between vet 1 and level 50 content finished via quests so what do you propose these players grind xp for no reason? or is simply using a new alt acceptable for you?
    Edited by wllstrt75b14_ESO on June 3, 2014 2:45PM
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    Still not working today
  • GossiTheDog
    Zenimax rep posted in another thread saying they're aware this quest is now broken for all and they're working on it.

    My guess is since a client patch broke it, a new client patch will be needed to fix it. My other guess would be this will take weeks to get fixed to before. (And even then, it was intermittently not working).
    Edited by GossiTheDog on June 3, 2014 4:37PM
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hey, all. As GossiTheDog mentioned, we are aware of this issue and are working on the fix now. We'll get it out as soon as we can so that Molag Bal is no longer giving you an uncomfortably long hug.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    Hey, all. As GossiTheDog mentioned, we are aware of this issue and are working on the fix now. We'll get it out as soon as we can so that Molag Bal is no longer giving you an uncomfortably long hug.

    The update is appreciated the confidence in Zos's dev team on a fix and in a timely manner is in serious question especially since this is not a new bug but reintroduced with another useless patch.
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    Ok, so can we get a GM to assist until then. I don't know about Zenimax work schedule, but I tend to prefer to play the game when I am off, and not while I am at work. 1.5 days was long enough as it is.
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    Soooooo bored doing the same content that gets me no where. Even half of these quests are broken.
  • Theosis
    I know many people who used to play and are now leaving due to these things.. Im trying to stick it out because I just love the Elder Scrolls Franchise. This is a deal breaker. Fix this now.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    I love this game, and I know their busy, I don't know them or their life. But this is one of those issues that might be a top priority. Right?
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    I love this game, and I know their busy, I don't know them or their life. But this is one of those issues that might be a top priority. Right?

    you would think but aparently not as they fixed it before and if it was a top priority you would think the GM's would find a way to help out the players. But I sat for 2 hours in game waiting for a response via the in game tools and nothing.
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    Come on guys it took 8 years to destroy the economy its going to take a little bit longer for them to fix this bug.
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    I just went to bed and got the response in the morning, I am just praying they fix it within a few days. (even tho that won't happen)
  • Fairydragon3
    I love this game, and I know their busy, I don't know them or their life. But this is one of those issues that might be a top priority. Right?

    you would think but aparently not as they fixed it before and if it was a top priority you would think the GM's would find a way to help out the players. But I sat for 2 hours in game waiting for a response via the in game tools and nothing.

    oh stay the hell away from that chat tool. I find it asinine that if you go way from that one screen, it will mess up and they wont be able to respond to you for that ticket, pretty much each time you do it, it starts a new ticket
  • philliprock23_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    pls fix this annoying bug i want to move on to more content
  • Blackout_STi
    I want to get UA's from all of the developers. At least the one's that "coded" (or tried to) these quests that are breaking. I do a different type of programming professionally, and yes, bugs happen, but bugs that halt progress like this? That there is no way to miss if you just run through it one time...? That is plain and simple irresponsibility.

    Ways to make up for complete disregard for quality:

    1) Fix the damn problem immediately after receiving tip about the bug. YES, drop everything you feel is more important, and FIX IT! You are professionals yes?

    2) Hire testers to check your work, just to ensure the people that pay hundreds of dollars to use it are be provided with the services they pay for.

    3) Fire the bad weeds that lied on their job application about their abilities regarding game development, and hire someone who can provide the quality you need to create a beautiful game like ESO.

    In my workplace, when disasters like these quest-breaking bugs occur, somebody pays dearly. And after the second or third disaster, somebody looses their job. However, the problems are fixed immediately. As if, I don't know, it was important to do so. There is no downplaying this one. This is bad. Nobody can "beat the game". That is bad. Bad bad bad.
  • Doubletime92
    Soul Shriven
    I've too stuck and can't abandon quest ):
  • Cowkiller
    if u get Stuck and can't move DO PVP u can move to the pvp zone and u are able to move after u zone i found this out after i tryed /reloadui , loged out , /stuck , port to guildy
    only joining the pvp zone worked
    but i'm wondering what did they change to make him buged any ways wasn't mentioned in patch notes
  • Fairydragon3
    Cowkiller wrote: »
    if u get Stuck and can't move DO PVP u can move to the pvp zone and u are able to move after u zone i found this out after i tryed /reloadui , loged out , /stuck , port to guildy
    only joining the pvp zone worked
    but i'm wondering what did they change to make him buged any ways wasn't mentioned in patch notes

    It's possible that this bug was always there, but until now, hasnt shown itself
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    I wonder where the staff is on all of this, are they going to try and fix it in a day or two, or wait a few weeks?
  • domfrago2b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same exact problem here.
  • MAOofDC
    I have also put in a ticket. This really sucks my guild mates have been pushing me to skip a bit and join them in the Vet areas. But I've been holding off because I'm a completionist. I want to do as many of the quests I can and see as much of the story as I can. Well NOW the only quest I have left to do is the quest that will allow me to join them in the Vet areas is now completely bugged joy.
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • michael.shortprb19_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Another one stuck here. On the EU server.

    I don't play alts so that's pretty much me done. Not happy to have just paid for 6 months game time just so I can sit and wait at the end of the main quest arc.

    I am not a happy bunny.
  • DrOrpheus
    Yeah i just found out all of my friends who have been trying to put up with the bugged quests and various other issues flat out canceled their subs after hitting this bugged quest claiming, " its clear this is just a cash grab, we pay a sub for quality content, not shoddy half assed patches that end up ruining the game." I will be staying on as my sub time was a gift, but i just lost my entire friends list to this bug. Get on your *** zeni, dont push out stuff without checking it first for bugs like this, because this is what you end up getting, people dropping you and you ending up with a failed project. I really, REALLY want you guys to succeed, but the continued half assed approaches to "balances" and broken quests are making you guys loose subs left and right which leaves a small dedicated group like me who hopes you get your *** together, and the bots.
  • Anubis
    Same over here... Zeni is really talented in bugging THE quests... :(
    ~ Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    I met a few people in game who had the same issue
  • Aerdrie
    I'm here stuck as well. He picked me up, dropped me, I rezzed, he dropped me, and I lived but was still in the stuck animation on the ground. Rezed at wayshrine, he wouldn't talk to me, did /stuck, he dropped me again.

    Submitted a bug, then went to ask for help. Got an email telling me to wayshrine out (map, use the pushpin tab to get to all the zones) and then come back to see if that fixes it. If not to email them back with a time I'd be online. Wayshrined to The Harborage, came back in, got dropped, emailed back and now waiting for a response :(
    Guild: Imperial Trading Company, EU
    Aeland Gemleius - Imperial Drgonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant Vet14 Master Crafter
    Dar'Kissan - Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldemeri Dominion
  • garfsbastian
    Same here...he just stands there yelling and judging me..wtv
  • DrOrpheus
    Same here...he just stands there yelling and judging me..wtv

    He's not judging you, he just wants to look into your eyes and for you to tell him he's pretty.
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    This error 307 better be you fixing me. Not you ruining the dungeon I was in the middle of doing.
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