Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Quest - God of Schemes

  • Aerdrie
    I think hes scared of us.

    Update, customer support survey received before response to me telling them I was online and ready for in game assistance.

    /vacuums while watching monitor?
    Guild: Imperial Trading Company, EU
    Aeland Gemleius - Imperial Drgonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant Vet14 Master Crafter
    Dar'Kissan - Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldemeri Dominion
  • phtony06b14_ESO
    I share your feelings. Just happened to me. I slip through his fingers & fall to the ground just as you described then the quest just stops.

    Can't progress into vet content without this quest...I've turned a blind eye to ALL of the naysaying about the bugs in this game until now. It's the most important quest in the game! At least up to that point.

  • 23prisbot_ESO
    I share your feelings. Just happened to me. I slip through his fingers & fall to the ground just as you described then the quest just stops.

    Can't progress into vet content without this quest...I've turned a blind eye to ALL of the naysaying about the bugs in this game until now. It's the most important quest in the game! At least up to that point.


    I completely agree with your statements all around. I played the long term beta and I knew bugs were going to happen during that. I did my duty and reported things with the impression that these types of things would be mostly fixed by launch. I realize that there is a much higher population now that the game has launched and this can turn up some bugs that the beta did not, but to allow the main questline to be bugged in this manner for the amount of time that it has been is not ok.

    Now that launch has happened my friends are nearly all experiencing issues that I never saw in the beta. Now the most important questline in the game is broken and none of us save one have been able to progress to Vet content. This is kind of a big deal in my opinion and I do hope that they fix this very soon. I already had two friends quit over this as they decided that was the last straw. Truthfully I cannot blame them for being upset that they cannot progress to level appropriate content.

  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    A response from them directly would be nice, as you said this is a big deal. How can you mess up so bad in a patch.
    Edited by Eridan4mpora on June 3, 2014 10:01PM
  • Anubis
    Yeah, one could think, they don't want their game to succeed... :(
    Edited by Anubis on June 3, 2014 9:54PM
    ~ Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~
  • garfsbastian
    DrOrpheus wrote: »
    Same here...he just stands there yelling and judging me..wtv

    He's not judging you, he just wants to look into your eyes and for you to tell him he's pretty. he is feeling lonely..i get it

  • Frunk
    Soul Shriven
    Really tempted to do the same..
  • szulerecki
    Soul Shriven
    If it wont be fixed up until tommorow my subscription will be canceled too because of the overwhelming bugs.
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    I feel like my life is spiraling out of control, I have nothing to do. I hit my Tumblr post limit, I can't play ESO. I need to seek counseling.
  • Ahza
    I hate to say it but im so glad this isnt happening to just me.. i didnt see this forum rant until i posted one about it my self and a nice gent forwarded me here. Did they give us an ETA as to when they will push out a patch by any chance?
  • gaiusbroseb16_ESO
    Nothing as of now.
  • Eridan4mpora
    Soul Shriven
    We are to fend for ourselves, we are praying that we will see something tomorrow.
  • Ahza
    what happens tomorrow? Is there a patch release?
  • Nsain
    Just a heads up to those in the same situation I'm in: you can still go to Craglorn to exp a bit while we wait on a fix for this. The rest of the vet zones you cannot, but at least we have Craglorn.
    Nsain - Dragonknight
    Bailian - Templar
    Sir Zapsalot - Sorcerer
    There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased that line.
    - Oscar Levant
  • Ahza
    i havent ventured the craglorn yet, dont you have to be a vet to go there?
  • Blackout_STi
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober - You guys have any info on this issue. I normally don't do this, but no response to my ticket(s). Thanks...

    Here is the response I got for my ticket...

    Greetings and Blessings from across Tamriel, brave adventurer!

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team. I do apologize for the issue you are having with fighting Molag Bal. I can definitely understand how frustrating this can be for you at this time. No worries, my name is Herisha an I am here to help!

    We are aware of the issue with Molag Bal's fight and we are working towards a fix for the issue.
    To work around this problem, we recommend that players leave the instance for about 20 minutes, zone to another map region, and then return to the Harborage to start the quest again.
    We also recommend selecting a different sacrifice from the one you originally selected.
    • If you selected Sai, choose Lyris or Varen
    • If you selected Varen, choose Lyris or Sai
    • If you selected Lyris, choose Varen or Sai
    If you continue to experience the issue, please let us know and we'll be happy to continue assisting you.
    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Edited by Blackout_STi on June 4, 2014 12:40AM
  • gaiusbroseb16_ESO
    Nsain wrote: »
    Just a heads up to those in the same situation I'm in: you can still go to Craglorn to exp a bit while we wait on a fix for this. The rest of the vet zones you cannot, but at least we have Craglorn.

    Thx for the idea, mate. I will do that until the issue is resolved.
  • Ahza
    i have tried selecting other NPC's didnt work.
  • BruceW1939
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober - You guys have any info on this issue. I normally don't do this, but no response to my ticket(s). Thanks...

    Here is the response I got for my ticket...

    Greetings and Blessings from across Tamriel, brave adventurer!

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team. I do apologize for the issue you are having with fighting Molag Bal. I can definitely understand how frustrating this can be for you at this time. No worries, my name is Herisha an I am here to help!

    We are aware of the issue with Molag Bal's fight and we are working towards a fix for the issue.
    To work around this problem, we recommend that players leave the instance for about 20 minutes, zone to another map region, and then return to the Harborage to start the quest again.
    We also recommend selecting a different sacrifice from the one you originally selected.
    • If you selected Sai, choose Lyris or Varen
    • If you selected Varen, choose Lyris or Sai
    • If you selected Lyris, choose Varen or Sai
    If you continue to experience the issue, please let us know and we'll be happy to continue assisting you.
    Thank you for your continued interest and support!

    Warm Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    Lucky, i sent in 4 tickets and haven't gotten a single damn response. not even an automated one saying my ticket was received. And picking a different character to sacrifice doesn't do anything. The stupid trigger doesn't work to use the synergy function to initiate the fight.
  •  Rebel230
    I have already tried all of that with no success. I have chosen all 3, I have exited the game for 9 hours and started over. I have way shrined to a different map to feed (vamp) and gone back, again, no success. I have tried the quest probably 20 times now and its ridiculous that for 3 days I cannot progress my main character and that Zenimax cannot simply complete the quest for me so I can keep playing while they figure it out. The last I checked I actually pay to play.
  • Aerdrie
    Just received a final response, and instead of the in game support that was offered by the first customer service rep, the second one said that a fix was being worked on and that I should work on side quests or explore pvp while I wait for the fix.

    This is the only quest I have, and I hate pvp. So I guess I'm done with ESO until its patched unless I want to go farm materials in Coldharbor. Very sad. I hope the patch is soon. :(
    Guild: Imperial Trading Company, EU
    Aeland Gemleius - Imperial Drgonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant Vet14 Master Crafter
    Dar'Kissan - Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldemeri Dominion
  • Ahza
    Ditto ^^
  • Wylde70
    Well... at least you guys are getting responses. I have filed two bug reports and not a single response yet. This is my 'unhappy' face.
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    Another one stuck here. On the EU server.

    I don't play alts so that's pretty much me done. Not happy to have just paid for 6 months game time just so I can sit and wait at the end of the main quest arc.

    I am not a happy bunny. despite several tickets and warnings they still pushed the patch without a fix to EU thats friggin awesome what a complete bunch of tools this dev team is!
  • Cytherion
    Stuck with this as well. Tried reloading and even dropping and redoing quest after running the gauntlet again still wound up getting picked up by Molag Bal then dropped when he does his roar instead of getting the x option then I look like a rag doll on the ground.
  • Wylde70
    Hey, all. As GossiTheDog mentioned, we are aware of this issue and are working on the fix now. We'll get it out as soon as we can so that Molag Bal is no longer giving you an uncomfortably long hug.

    Dear Tristan,

    Thanks for the placating reassurance. NOT good enough. As has been mentioned - repeatedly - this is is NOT a new bug. The game went 'Live' in early April. And by the end of that first weeks there are bug reports - in this very forum - of this VERY issue.

    This is NOT a case of finding too many books, or doing too much damage with shield bash, or heaven forfend the bots - which is another matter all together, but is at lest not one that is ACTIVELY preventing progress into the later stages of the game.

    The VET levels have been touted as being 75% of game content. Well now a long existing bug is preventing numerous players from getting to that 75%.

    My suggestion - make THIS fix a priority.

    Oh,but really, I do appreciate the 'keep your chin up, old boy, pip pip' and and all tht messages. I'll even 'hear it' in a Caldwell voice.

  • ZOS_JasonI
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Ahza
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.
    I mine as well cancel my subscription until they fix this, since i cant get past lvl 50 and cant get into new areas to finish the game. Looks like its end game for me a little earlier than expected, why waste my money? I cant do anything anyways.

  • Blackout_STi
    @ZOS_JasonL‌ Thank you for the response. I hope that we get a fix ASAP. That is all we care about. Been playing for two months to get to this point, and now we cannot progress any further. Frustrating is an understatement. This game already is lacking in immersion, and this definitely did not help. Whatever you can do to make a big stink about this, please do so. You will save many subscriptions by fixing this right away. Those of us who haven't given up on the game already deserve what we paid for. That is my opinion. Someone needs to try harder to prevent these issues from making it into these patches. I know plenty of people who made it through this quest without a hitch, which means whatever "fixes' they employed with this last patch broke the game. Quality control!
  • AscendBaldur
    Soul Shriven
    Yup, I think I'll do the same, this one is just too painful, and I'd rather spend the time until this is fixed playing WildStar, which so far I have not encountered any major bugs in. I'll keep checking in, and look very much forward to continuing my adventures asap, but I just can't be bothered to level an alt for the next 2 months to hit the same thing.
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