Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Quest - God of Schemes

  • Vladislaus1982
    Soul Shriven
    First off I have been a long time fan of the ES series (ES one was great same with 2,3,4 and 5) , was one of the first massive RPG video games I ever played on a PC. Yeah Bethesda games are known for having bugs and glitches in them, i.e. bodies falling out of the sky, corpses and skeletons having seizures on the ground when dead, heads disappearing off your character, but the games were still playable and the bugs were actually typically humorous. But, a massive glitch in a paid subscription game that halts progression completely, especially since it has been announced that the fight is like that for just about everybody since the last patch is pathetic. To me if I was the CEO of Zenimax or Bethesda I would be putting some devs. and managers heads on the chopping block, this is costing the company a lot of money refixing problems and loss of subscriptions.

    I am having the same issue. To me since this is a massively known screw up in the game and the devs have known about it from day one. those of us having this problem that are being limited to only 25% of the game, since it has been stated that the vet levels and zones make up about 75%, should get some sort of refund or some free game time.

    I chatted with a GM in game today about it and was told the same bs about relogging, reloading my UI, "DROPPING THE QUEST AND REACQUIRING IT", turning game off for 15 minutes. Hmmmmmm, seriously you think people would not have tried these things before asking for help. Also, IT IS A MAIN STORY QUEST, you can not drop and reacquire the bloody quest. After re-explaining the problem over and over to the guy I finally get "Oh, it is just borked." What type of response and explanation is that.
  • megatoesmalo
    Soul Shriven
    I am not a sky is falling guy. But I too, am ping ponged my Molag Bal. I too, share in the frustration of the many who are now stuck with progressing their characters, and I too, am wondering why I am paying to beta test a game that was clearly not ready for launch. I started the week with the login: timeout nonsense and now I cannot progress my character.
    Fix it... Soon... Or I will cancel my monthly subscription and tell anyone who cares to ask that this game and the dev team that runs it is not worth the time.
    Side quest bugs.. I can see waiting around for.... The main story quest that allows players to access the other 2/3rds of the game? I would think that is worthy of a hotfix... Yesterday!
  • crowsnet_bomber
    Soul Shriven
    I only play one character and as a result of this bug, I cannot play. I have done all the side quests that I wanna do, and now I can't progress. This is a game breaking bug for me.
    Going to cancel my sub, and come back to this game later in the year.. Just not worth it when there are other decent games around with competent developers
  • Mindprobe
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    @ZOS_JasonL & @ZOS_TristanK ,

    Could you at least add the God of Schemes quest to your thread In-Progress Known Issues, to reassure us that it does indeed have the highest priority ?
    Edited by Mindprobe on June 4, 2014 5:39AM
  • Sacklunch
    I just hit vet 1 today and was very excited to get to the first vet alliance and do some gathering. Then I got to the god of schemes himself as he flung me to my death 3 times and then just stood over my dead body. I had seen this bug on here but had my fingers crossed that I would make it threw unadulterated, no such luck. I do however see the irony in this and cant help but wonder if the god of schemes, torture,and enslavement had this planned all a long....mwa-ha-ha (/s)
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    Is there any way you can explain the following thread? And then tell me to have confidence in anything ZOS does?

    Mid April similar if not same issues that lasted 6 days for some. And yet it was suppose to have been fixed yet now the same or similar issue is recurring?

    Couple this with numerous issues including terrible lag spikes felt by all in cryodill...which was suppose to be fixed last patch, how do you expect to keep this game running with such *** poor patches.

    We wont even get into the balancing issues two classes are obviously more equipped then 2 other classes.

    This game is a major cluster *** right now and this is 2 months after launch. And you use the term rest assured? I cant wait to see what your devs break next.
  • Razzak
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    Usually such an answer is enough. In a case such as this, where bug is affecting progress in a way that can literally stop one from playing and it is a bug that was supposedly fixed, you are supposed to offer a timetable for a fix, not only "as soon as". This is not something that will take your devs days to fix and it is not something that can wait days for you to post it.
    I was able to finish this quest without problems, but I am also getting more and more frustrated by your inability to actually help in any constructive way instead of continuously offering nothing more that poor PR statements.
  • Cowkiller
    well till this is fixed i be in crag been chased by a female npc quest giver who bugged !!! she follows u everywhere and doesn't stop spamming talking ! I petitioned about the spam she been doing. this npc worse than the gold sellers a lest they spam once. she spams every few seconds.
    there nothing like a quest giver that for a quest 11 levels above yours and can only be done in a group following u ever where.
  • KerinKor
    Another one stuck here. On the EU server.

    I don't play alts so that's pretty much me done. Not happy to have just paid for 6 months game time just so I can sit and wait at the end of the main quest arc.

    I am not a happy bunny. despite several tickets and warnings they still pushed the patch without a fix to EU thats friggin awesome what a complete bunch of tools this dev team is!
    Totally agree.

    The very least they should have done, which is how Trion and even Blizzard have dealt with critical bugs discovered in one server farm update, is NOT to cripple the other server farm(s) with the same crap.
  • Anubis
    One could think they got moles in between their devs, paid for sabotage...^^
    Edited by Anubis on June 4, 2014 8:20AM
    ~ Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~
  • Flashygrrl
    Razzak wrote: »
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    Usually such an answer is enough. In a case such as this, where bug is affecting progress in a way that can literally stop one from playing and it is a bug that was supposedly fixed, you are supposed to offer a timetable for a fix, not only "as soon as". This is not something that will take your devs days to fix and it is not something that can wait days for you to post it.
    I was able to finish this quest without problems, but I am also getting more and more frustrated by your inability to actually help in any constructive way instead of continuously offering nothing more that poor PR statements.

    They must have hired some of the people that got laid off from EA a few months back. Being vague is one of the trademarks of the Sim Gurus on their forum.
  •  Rebel230
    Why cant they complete the quest for anyone who is stuck right now, why do we have to sit and wait for a fix for probably the most important quest so we can move on in the game. Its ridiculous. Just complete the quest for me so I can move on in the game. I also am not a pvp player and am really close to just canceling.
  • Deadeyemouse14_ESO
    I'm stuck with the same issue with my alt. It does suck.

    Got other characters to play as I wait this out. However, just wanted to throw my name on the list in the forums.
  • andre.oliveto2preub18_ESO
    its incredible! i did that *** quest on my 1s toon without problem, how can you guys broken that ***?! i am on my 2nd toon( my main char right now) and i cant *** play, so bad!!!
  • Ojustaboo
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    Unlike many, this has been the first really game breaking bug I've come across.

    A suggestion, it would have been nice now this is known to be bugged, that when we log in, we get an announcement saying so.

    I would have much rather gone into PvP than wasting about 1 hr getting to Molag Bal, finding he's bugged, trying various workarounds, submitting both bug and help tickets, then coming on here to find you already know about it.
  • gaiusbroseb16_ESO
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    Unlike many, this has been the first really game breaking bug I've come across.

    A suggestion, it would have been nice now this is known to be bugged, that when we log in, we get an announcement saying so.

    I would have much rather gone into PvP than wasting about 1 hr getting to Molag Bal, finding he's bugged, trying various workarounds, submitting both bug and help tickets, then coming on here to find you already know about it.

    I do agree. And it is, indeed, a truly gamebreaking bug: there's nothing to do, unless start a new character, waiting for the patch. Which is not exactly something you wanna do just following the 50 hours it took to get to lvl 50, and before the 150 you will spend on the other two storylines.
    Soooooooo I suggest playing something else, and possibly cancelling the subscription until it's fixed. I don't want to be a cranky son of a kitten here, but it just doesn't seem logical to pay for a game I can't play...
  • Ashtaris
    I just finished the Army Of Meridia and about to enter the Chasm. Sounds like I may as well take my time facing Molag as it won't do me much good until it gets fixed.
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    3 days and they still dont have a fix? they cant be that incompetent..but I believe they would be foolish enough to wait till their regularly scheduled maintenance to fix this as they love to just *** on their consumer.

    So yeah I would not be surprised if they have a fix for it but are just waiting to implement it on Thursday with a patch that they say will improve the game and will wind up breaking something else..these guys have no understanding of what a customer is and how to support them.
  • GossiTheDog
    This needs a client side patch, and the client side patch delay is usually weeks rather than days (see also: the lost achievements issue). The quest hasn't worked properly since launch (tracker here: Type Status Priority Owner Summary Reporter Attachments ) - however it looks like this another new issue with it.
  • KerinKor
    The quest hasn't worked properly since launch
    Given I have two characters in the VR zones and a good number of other players have also, it would seem your statement is a gross exaggeration.

    Clearly this got broken in the way being described here only in the last patch.

  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    this is just stupid, I am sure they realize that without that quest people cant move to vet ranked quests as you have to finish all main quests..there has to be some sort of quicker resolution on their part to help move people to vet ranks in the meantime. But nope nothing from them just completely useless morons.

    mental process for management on game progression stopping bugs..
    1) how long will this take to fix?
    2) if we cant fix it within 24 hours how do we assist our consumers through this so they can still play their chars via questing ie move them forward and bypass?
    3) get updates to the players often with status on issue and how we are resolving it.

    these are 3 key customer service thoughts any decent management team would think of in this situation..but nope ZOS says fkem they can play alts, or keep trying the quest or pvP or do dungeons we dont need to do anything.
    Edited by wllstrt75b14_ESO on June 4, 2014 2:29PM
  • GossiTheDog
    KerinKor wrote: »
    The quest hasn't worked properly since launch
    Given I have two characters in the VR zones and a good number of other players have also, it would seem your statement is a gross exaggeration.

    Okay - I'll rephrase. It hasn't worked properly since launch for some players. Search for God of Schemes, it's always been a popular topic here.
  • Ahza
    KerinKor wrote: »
    The quest hasn't worked properly since launch
    Given I have two characters in the VR zones and a good number of other players have also, it would seem your statement is a gross exaggeration.

    Okay - I'll rephrase. It hasn't worked properly since launch for some players. Search for God of Schemes, it's always been a popular topic here.

    More specifically malog bal broke-broke monday morning with the patch they threw out.
  • IronDragons
    Add me to the list.
  • trapesemonkey
    Soul Shriven
    Me too. Put me on the list.

    I've actually only run into 4 quest bugs since I've been playing. None of them halted my progress. Until now. So broke.
  • IronDragons
    ZOS_JasonL wrote: »
    Hey there, everyone. As @ZOS_TristanK mentioned, we are actively working on a fix. Rest assured, as soon as we roll it out, we'll provide as update here on the forums. We understand that it's frustrating, but we're working as fast as we can to fix the bug. Thanks for your understanding.

    I've been in the software development business for over 25 years. You guys seriously couldn't post this on the login page? Everyone knows Craglorn is here so how about using that bit of real estate to present helpful information? Just a thought...
  • Shadowfangz
    Soul Shriven
    I experience the same thing in this quest, he grabs me sometimes hold me tight never to let go just screams at me and with no option to actually make him let go, sometimes he drops me only to hover in the air 2 feet above ground and he still keeps screaming.

    Makes me wonder, if i really wanna kill him as he seems to be in such a pain already :smiley: anyway I tried everything i login logout reloadui lower graphics remove addons, triied running the hole thing again and again with different options like not freeing Mannimarco and freeing him tried sacrificing each of the companions still no effect, and last but not least i reinstalled the entire game still had no effect. Other than Molag Bal only seems to be in even greater pain now, but that could just be my own screams making it feel like that :smile:

    nevermind i see ur working on it :wink:

    First major bug for me, im in good faith you will get it working properly again
  • Fnoptik
    Same problem. Fix it asap please, it block access to vet content.
  •  Rebel230
    Please complete the quest for everyone who is stuck. We pay to play. Your answer should not be go make an alt or try pvp etc etc in the meantime. Its not for you to tell me how to play. Complete the quest so I can continue on to the vet areas with my friends who are now VR4-6 and I am stuck at VR1 with nothing to do. Its just not right. Anyone who wishes to wait until its fixed to do it should be allowed to do that also, but I am falling behind the people I play with and I am very frustrated. I know you can complete the quest for me so I can move on.
  • andre.oliveto2preub18_ESO
    It is a terrible lack of respect for who played from the beginning to now, supporting the bugs, at least you should fix that gamebreak ASAP, this support ZineMax this deplorable!
    Edited by andre.oliveto2preub18_ESO on June 4, 2014 4:57PM
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