Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Quest - God of Schemes

  • andre.oliveto2preub18_ESO
    fixed? i dont know why, but i tried to do and i did it, right now! (its not a troll!!!)
  • Anubis
    Yeah, it's fixed could just finish the quest... ;)
    ~ Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. ~
  • Phantom Ghost
    Phantom Ghost
    Soul Shriven
    Well I am now VR12 and still have not killed Molag Bal.
  • Frunk
    Soul Shriven
    Well to my supprise, after tyring to complete this quest for 3 days in a row, I got it working by pressing escape while he's grabbing me. Or was it a hotfix they pushed?
  • GossiTheDog
    Well done Zenimax - they hotfixed it server side!
  • SeltzerDuke
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    This was posted on the Developer Tracker:

    "We have pushed a hotfix for an issue that was preventing some of you from completing the quest “God of Schemes” in Coldharbour."

    Hope it works for everyone!

    Quoting this simply so people who don't check earlier pages in threads will see this update. Early reports seem promising. A lot of guildmates were having this issue at what should be one of the pinnacles of the game and it was bumming us all out, to say the least. I felt guilty for having already done the battle last week, heh.
  • wllstrt75b14_ESO
    yes they pushed out a fix almost an hour ago after 3 days so it seems to have worked.
  • megatoesmalo
    Soul Shriven
    *Confirmed* The quest is fixed. Just did it on my sorc.... Happy camper.
  • AlexisSilverflame
    Soul Shriven
    I can confirm this as well. Just beat Molag Bal. I am now a very happy vampire mistress.
  • Cytherion
    Working now as well
  • Ecco
    Holy crap, just in time! I just installed Wildstar on her machine. She doesn't know yet, so I'm not going to tell her and see if we can pick up interest in continuing onward for now.

    Good job, XoS.
  • Hiply
    Not working for me. I beat him, got out of his hug, killed him, and still I can't win because I got teleported to the next area, where I heard her tell me to come to her so I can get my soul back. But...she's not there. Can't see her, can't target her, /reloadui didn't work...and no way am I relogging so I can try Molag all over again.
    Edited by Hiply on June 5, 2014 2:33AM
  • GossiTheDog
    Hiply wrote: »
    Not working for me. I beat him, got out of his hug, killed him, and still I can't win because I got teleported to the next area, where I heard her tell me to come to her so I can get my soul back. But...she's not there. Can't see her, can't target her, /reloadui didn't work...and no way am I relogging so I can try Molag all over again.

    That's a different bug, I think that one has been intermittently outstanding for a while. I think you have to do the quest again.
  • Aerdrie
    So happy this was fixed. I spent roughly 20 mins in Wildstar before checking the forums in hope that there was a hotfix last night. Turns out the Wildstar animations are not my cup of tee for the characters moving around, glad I just had a 7day free trial.

    Defeated old sourpuss and off to Glenumbra vet content!
    Guild: Imperial Trading Company, EU
    Aeland Gemleius - Imperial Drgonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant Vet14 Master Crafter
    Dar'Kissan - Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldemeri Dominion
  • Doubletime92
    Soul Shriven
    Time to kick molag bal ass
  • baggio27
    MAOofDC wrote: »
    kbadziak wrote: »
    Done this quest 5 minutes ago. Had the same problem and seen that it has some to do with physics. So I've tried some crazy combinations like jumping, crouching, going to various menus when he graps me, and it worked (after ~10 tries). Hell yeah..

    Don't just tell us what you did worked, tell us WHAT you did that worked. Where you jumping while crouching and looking at the PvP score? Were you beating your redheaded stepchild who owed you money, while tossing a green salad with a light vinaigrette in the kitchen? WHAT DID YOU DO MAN OUT WITH IT!!

    I'm not sure now, for sure I've opened inventory menu just when he started screaming at me. Possibly also dodging just before he grabbed me, and gone close enough to get grabbed when he was starting to throw his ball of uberdestruction at me.
    Edited by baggio27 on June 5, 2014 2:24PM
  • Vladislaus1982
    Soul Shriven
    YAY!!!!!!!!!! the hotfix worked and now Molag Bal is dead for me
  • IronDragons
    I'm not home to try it out but thanks in advance for fixing this ZOS.
  • BruceW1939
    Soul Shriven
    Before you cancel, i got a response back from a GM, and they said to spam you fully charged ultimate ability JUST BEFORE he grabs you. i tried it, very skeptically i might at, but it worked. so give that a try. i don't know why they can't post that on here, but whatever.
  • GossiTheDog
    BruceW1939 wrote: »
    Before you cancel, i got a response back from a GM, and they said to spam you fully charged ultimate ability JUST BEFORE he grabs you. i tried it, very skeptically i might at, but it worked. so give that a try. i don't know why they can't post that on here, but whatever.

    Uhm.. If you see the GM again, tell them their employer hot fixed it yesterday.
    Edited by GossiTheDog on June 5, 2014 10:42PM
  • chris.isonub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Actually, since i already have one toon at VR3, that is EXACTLY what I am expecting. I am expecting that they autocomplete this quest for me. They can keep the *** worthless level 50 purple, that i don't care about, but the quest bug prevents you form progression IN ANY FORM, but since they refused to do that i do the only thing I could. I canceled my Sub, I think all of you should do the same, that way ZOS will now exactly how important it is to fix this.
  • Eswyn
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I finally finished God of Schemes, and I didn't run into a single bug on that run. Veteran content, here I come.
  • Shadowfangz
    Soul Shriven
    Just confirmed this on 2 of my characters before i couldnt complete this but i tried again just 5 mins ago on both toons in a group with another person and i was able to complete thequest God of Schemes and kill Molag Bal without any problems

    So for all you out there still having this problem try doing it when grouped with another person.

    (the person cant join u in the fight but just being grouped worked for both my characters)

    Good luck guys
  • Shadowfangz
    Soul Shriven
    Just confirmed this on 2 of my characters

    It now works :smiley:
    Edited by Shadowfangz on June 6, 2014 11:03PM
  • Shadowfangz
    Soul Shriven
    Just confirmed this on 2 of my characters

    It now works :smiley:
  • Shadowfangz
    Soul Shriven
    Just confirmed this on 2 of my characters

    It now works :smiley:
  • ronald58
    It only took 2 days to fix this, so I am glad to see that Zenimax is making an effort to fix game breaking issues.
  • rblown1988b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Just here to say that the quest is NOT fixed. Me and my GF have both encountered the being dropped to our deaths or becoming stuck after landing since the "hot fix". So either they broke it again or didn't fix it entirely to begin with.
  • Dominoid
    The hot fix applied late last week was overwritten with the old borked code from 1.1.3 by 1.1.4 this morning. The hot fix should have made it into 1.1.4 but didn't, so now they have to hot fix it again! Someone needs to push this immediately.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Could those of you having problems with God of Schemes today please give it another try? We just pushed a hotfix that should fix the issue.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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