Repair costs

  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Laerian wrote: »
    Too complicated, cut the repair cost by 1/5. End of story.

    God forbid they build in some additional depth to crafting but instead just nerf costs.

    After all, over the last few years MMO's have in general become so complex in gameplay that you need to be a university graduate to become a crafter in an MMO.
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
    Yes they are. I get 500 gold from a quest. I can do one or two quests and costs are around 800-900 so my profit is 100-200 gold and this is in the very end game of the game. Of course that is a worst case scenario but still, it is ridiculous.

    Now if I would be a dedicated blacksmith. Your income will stay still and barely claim upwards if you deconstruct most of the stuff you get from questing. Of course you could sell some but that is not the point.

    There even was one public dungeon that was so ridiculous that people treat it as a group dungeon. Lost 1,9k gold doing it.

    And no, I do not die often with the exception of that one dungeon.
    Edited by BETAOPTICS on May 5, 2014 9:14PM
  • universe555
    They seem to drop as I level up... great news as the more money I get the more I spend!
  • jircris11
    i do agree that repair cost are a bit...much. But i am able to make lvl 32 armor and use it till 36 with no repairs by then i just make my new set lol.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • methjester
    Once again, everyone seems to be lost in how gear to damage is calculated. XP gain = damage. Deaths don't help, but grinding for a solid hour taking a few hits will rack up a bigger repair bill than multiple deaths. That's mine and a lot of other people's beef. It has nothing to do with entitlement, I just can't understand why any game developer thought it would be a good idea.
  • kasain
    Thesiren wrote: »
    Has anyone played with their armor gone down to 0%? Does it break and fall off, or does it stay on anyway? And how much difference does it really make in your overall performance?

    I played the whole game. lvl 10-50 without repairing armor. I beat Molag bal, and his quest line no armor. I beat mages and fighters guild the same way. I am V1, I did make an armror set but I let that go and I don't repair as its not needed. Repairing is truely a aste of time, just like crafting armor as besides some passave abilities you can get, but live without it is pointless.

    It really doesn't make sense to buy the books to craft if people will just be frustrated with gear. While a small amount of people think its ok the way it is. I don't think the game will retain many players when they can't enjoy there character or what gear they make.

    Also I won't make any armor repairs as my main issue is 30x a night /stuck, or even worse running around and dying to monsters that never even loaded on screen. I feel this is a developer fault and thus I should never have to pay for repairs in these cases. As a paying customer if they don't get this foxed whiten minty days, I will not give them my money as I think these issues are so 2000 in MMO game and we are in 2014.
  • Lord_Hev
    The repair costs are very high.

    I'm not sure where I seen it, but I think I remember seeing a dev mention they are looking into lowering the costs a bit in a future patch. Don't quote me on that though.

    You should send an in-game feedback about this. That's what I did when I had a repair cost of 1,964g... twice... on one long quest.

    Had 2,000g after a single run in Vaults of Madness... Absolutely ridiculous.
    Edited by Lord_Hev on May 6, 2014 12:35AM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • RatsnevE
    I think Zenimax is shooting for way to much in one game. I've reached level 11 finally and just saw my first 4,000 gold. The casual MMO gamer is mixing it up with experienced MMO gamers and its not a good mix playing games in town on their 17 K to 47 K horses on balconies and the like--leave the horses in the stable--but since we can just pass through each other who cares.

    Heck, I'm playing a NB and I can't get the Shadow skill to level up even though everything else I need/use seems to be leveling. And now I'm hooked and can't do the sensible thing and quit for 6 months while things get straightened out.
    Edited by RatsnevE on May 6, 2014 12:39AM
  • Chryos
    Zagadka wrote: »
    I think the cash income is sufficiently balanced. You do have to resist buying stuff early on (you level out of it very quickly).

    That said, I feel like the quest rewards are really... stupid. They don't even make an effort to match your class, so you end up with completely useless loot.

    I was wondering if it was intentional to promote selling and trading of items. If everyone always got exactly what they needed, there wouldnt be much need for the trade market. Just wild speculation tho.

    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos
    Granz wrote: »
    I agree they are out of line. Getting the 1k repair bill really is a kick you know where. Try doing an instance and dieing a bunch and getting the bill. It's way too high.

    If they make it any easier, I will go back to something more difficult.. like WoW.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • RatsnevE
    Go already! MMOs are a genre where the newcomer, Zenimax, has bitten off more then it can chew trying to balance the new Solo MMO gamer life with the old Group MMO gamer life.

    Ten more slots in the bank for 1,000 gold. Heck, I lost more space then that when I deposited my unused CE treasure maps--thanks a lot--the pack should come with 20 slots for your pack and another 20 slots for the bank.
    Edited by RatsnevE on May 6, 2014 12:59AM
  • Cybrdroyd
    I think the price is high, but I think its a consequence I can accept. There should be consequences to death that have meaning. I don't really spend my gold on much else (yet) as I learn to accept what I get from loot and quest rewards, as well as crafting my own gear. I'd rather have a repair bill than lose levels, but I think it makes me more careful and less willing to throw my life away. It's a good thing.
    The road leads ever onward...

  • Ashigaru
    Chryos wrote: »
    Zagadka wrote: »
    I think the cash income is sufficiently balanced. You do have to resist buying stuff early on (you level out of it very quickly).

    That said, I feel like the quest rewards are really... stupid. They don't even make an effort to match your class, so you end up with completely useless loot.

    I was wondering if it was intentional to promote selling and trading of items. If everyone always got exactly what they needed, there wouldnt be much need for the trade market. Just wild speculation tho.
    An example of what the guy was talking about. I completed cadwels journal and at completion at Vet 10 i got a lvl 50 blue item. Now to me that is ridicules, I just completed a series of quests that started pretty much at 50 and ended at vet rank 10. I should sure as heck not get a lvl 50 item. That is just one example and i feel its an extreme example but honestly the loot for quests is just vendor trash.

    Not only that the drop rates on items are insanely low. We can run vet rank dungeons and out of 5 runs maybe get 1 purple the rest of the time its either nothing or some green lvl 50 item.

    To get back to the original conversation about repairs, i do agree they are way to high. I can run a dungeon or so and i come back and sell and i make 2k .... sweet.... but then i look at my repair costs and they are 1900 and this is not a 1 time or a random time its everytime.

    Now that they have reduced the drop rates on motifs and increased the "empty" crates and what not there really isnt a way to make any cash except selling duped upgrade regents and you know who you are mister i have 300 wax's, solvents and alloys but even though they are duped and you know it he wants prime market prices for them grrrr.
  • skarvika
    Far from it. My armor went down from 1600 to 1100 in about 30 minutes of playing without dying. Keep in mind I was not grinding mobs for xp. The degradation rate is absolutely ridiculous. I remember when the game was first being talked about to the press, the devs said that armor degradation would be a punishment for dying, but really what difference does it make? I don't often make any special effort not to die anymore because I know I'll need to craft new gear the same day anyways.
    I've never once repaired my armor and don't intend to, it would cost me several thousands each time and at this rate, I would end up blowing 30-40k each level on repairs, and questing among other various things don't give enough gold to make up for the massive hit my bank would take spending on repairs.

    Edit: 8 minutes later, another hundred points down...
    Edited by skarvika on May 6, 2014 7:24AM
    QQing is a full time job
  • Bhakura
    ... im at a loss here ...
    How do you people play? Must be doing something wrong myself, my gold balance only goes up without selling anything to other players and repairing everytime im in town, 140 bankspaces, 120 inventory spaces, 5 horses on 5 toons, one of em is black, near 100k gold balance, and its still going up. Heck even bought a 2k purple dagger in guildstore for research because it had training trait and was tired of trying to loot one.
    I dont get it /shrug
    Maybe im bugged, but im having same repairbills, 2kish everytime i go to repair ... and no i didnt buy gold from spammers, sigh.
    Edited by Bhakura on May 6, 2014 8:08AM
  • Mucera78
    Zagadka wrote: »
    That said, I feel like the quest rewards are really... stupid. They don't even make an effort to match your class, so you end up with completely useless loot.
    There is no useless loot because there are no class based items. Every class can use any item. I am a NB and i use no medium armor, no daggers and no bow.

    Edit: Forgot to answer OP, i think the repair bills are ok, i repair a lot although i really should just craft new stuff though :(
    Edited by Mucera78 on May 6, 2014 10:52AM
  • bugulu
    I never bothered repairing until I reached veteran rank and crafted my own gear. Then those 1.8k repair bills didn't matter much since you gain tons of gold just by questing.
  • FrauPerchta
    I think repair costs are far too expensive.

    But then I also think if you are skilled in Blacksmithing, Clothing, Woodworking you should be able to repair your own equipment for the cost of a few harvested ingredients.
  • Awesometographer
    Most of us complaining don't have a problem with the COST.... it's the mechanic of how armor degrades.

    I spent 30 minutes last night grinding a level at the cliffs in coldharbour. I took practically zero damage, did not die once, and received 2,000 gold from vendoring everything... my repair bill was 2,200g.

    That's not even the worst... the problem is that AC drops as its degrading. It's very possible for a tank, after a dozen pulls in a group dungeon, to have his armor degraded to the point that HE HAS THE SAME ARMOR RATING AS A CLOTH HEALER... that's the problem in my book.

    a) Equipment degrades too fast
    b) The fact that AC scales with that value

    Tank: "BRB guys, gotta repair my gear before this boss fight.
  • Xithian
    methjester wrote: »
    Once again, everyone seems to be lost in how gear to damage is calculated. XP gain = damage. Deaths don't help, but grinding for a solid hour taking a few hits will rack up a bigger repair bill than multiple deaths. That's mine and a lot of other people's beef. It has nothing to do with entitlement, I just can't understand why any game developer thought it would be a good idea.

    Does that mean that at Vet 10 you stop having to repair your armor?
  • Awesometographer
    Xithian wrote: »
    methjester wrote: »
    Once again, everyone seems to be lost in how gear to damage is calculated. XP gain = damage. Deaths don't help, but grinding for a solid hour taking a few hits will rack up a bigger repair bill than multiple deaths. That's mine and a lot of other people's beef. It has nothing to do with entitlement, I just can't understand why any game developer thought it would be a good idea.

    Does that mean that at Vet 10 you stop having to repair your armor?
    It seems more tied to "does/would this mob give XP" so essentially if it gives loot, it contributes to decay.

  • methjester
    Xithian wrote: »
    methjester wrote: »
    Once again, everyone seems to be lost in how gear to damage is calculated. XP gain = damage. Deaths don't help, but grinding for a solid hour taking a few hits will rack up a bigger repair bill than multiple deaths. That's mine and a lot of other people's beef. It has nothing to do with entitlement, I just can't understand why any game developer thought it would be a good idea.

    Does that mean that at Vet 10 you stop having to repair your armor?

    Wouldn't that be lovely. No, the devs have a fun scheme at vet ten and it involves you paying lots and lots of gold to keep the armor you like from breaking. It's supposed to be an enjoyable mechanic.

    To heck with hand holding, paying gold every hour of gameplay is fun. Ammiright??? I always thought the rake at the poker table was the best part.

    Edited by methjester on May 6, 2014 3:38PM
  • Xithian
    Xithian wrote: »
    methjester wrote: »
    Once again, everyone seems to be lost in how gear to damage is calculated. XP gain = damage. Deaths don't help, but grinding for a solid hour taking a few hits will rack up a bigger repair bill than multiple deaths. That's mine and a lot of other people's beef. It has nothing to do with entitlement, I just can't understand why any game developer thought it would be a good idea.

    Does that mean that at Vet 10 you stop having to repair your armor?
    It seems more tied to "does/would this mob give XP" so essentially if it gives loot, it contributes to decay.

    Is it based on how much XP you would get? Cause if I wanna be masochistic and grind for VR I'm all over those mud crabs... Single shot kills from stealth, same VP as any other mob.

    I put way too much thought into game mechanics.
  • Awesometographer
    Xithian wrote: »
    Is it based on how much XP you would get? Cause if I wanna be masochistic and grind for VR I'm all over those mud crabs... Single shot kills from stealth, same VP as any other mob.

    I put way too much thought into game mechanics.
    I still have testing to do, but it seems if the mob is flagged as "would give xp/loot" it contributes a static amount towards decay. 4 levels below, 4 above (or whatever the metric is) seems so far to all contribute the same.
    Edited by Awesometographer on May 6, 2014 3:55PM
  • paulmettersb16_ESO
    At low levels the repair costs are more than manageable, As i've levelled past 35, the costs are just stupid. I'm a level 40 Sorcerer have the 42k horse and i'm literally just keeping my head above water by questing and grinding with repairs while i'm levelling. As a test, I fully repaired my armour, then i went and killed 1 mob using 3 actions (curse, crystal frag, crystal frag) and it cost me 10 gold in decay, i didn't take a single hit from it. That is just flat out ridiculous. I've shelved playing my main until its addressed.
  • Xithian
    At low levels the repair costs are more than manageable, As i've levelled past 35, the costs are just stupid. I'm a level 40 Sorcerer have the 42k horse and i'm literally just keeping my head above water by questing and grinding with repairs while i'm levelling. As a test, I fully repaired my armour, then i went and killed 1 mob using 3 actions (curse, crystal frag, crystal frag) and it cost me 10 gold in decay, i didn't take a single hit from it. That is just flat out ridiculous. I've shelved playing my main until its addressed.

    While it may be ridiculous it's hardly a reason to quit playing the character. Your gold is still going to go up instead of down. If you are that close to bankrupt, perhaps you should have waited a bit for the mount. I try to give myself a 10k buffer on gold.

    I'm V2 at the moment. At no point have my repair costs exceeded my income. I do not sell to other players. All of my gold income is from quests and vendoring items. I deconstruct all metal items for blacksmithing.
  • methjester
    Xithian wrote: »
    At low levels the repair costs are more than manageable, As i've levelled past 35, the costs are just stupid. I'm a level 40 Sorcerer have the 42k horse and i'm literally just keeping my head above water by questing and grinding with repairs while i'm levelling. As a test, I fully repaired my armour, then i went and killed 1 mob using 3 actions (curse, crystal frag, crystal frag) and it cost me 10 gold in decay, i didn't take a single hit from it. That is just flat out ridiculous. I've shelved playing my main until its addressed.

    While it may be ridiculous it's hardly a reason to quit playing the character. Your gold is still going to go up instead of down. If you are that close to bankrupt, perhaps you should have waited a bit for the mount. I try to give myself a 10k buffer on gold.

    I'm V2 at the moment. At no point have my repair costs exceeded my income. I do not sell to other players. All of my gold income is from quests and vendoring items. I deconstruct all metal items for blacksmithing.

    As pointed out by many jaded Eso players, this game is meant to be hard. At what point though is paying a near hourly repair bill fun? There are so many other things I could be dropping money on, but being forced into a repair bill just seems like a silly artificial vengeful mechanic.

    Ya Ya zeni, make the game hard for the sake of being hard, but I think you guys went a little overboard on a few things. I know they wanted a different kind of MMO, but they could have borrowed a few things. The fanboys wouldn't have minded. They'll probably leave after they've done it it all anyways.

  • paulmettersb16_ESO
    Xithian wrote: »
    At low levels the repair costs are more than manageable, As i've levelled past 35, the costs are just stupid. I'm a level 40 Sorcerer have the 42k horse and i'm literally just keeping my head above water by questing and grinding with repairs while i'm levelling. As a test, I fully repaired my armour, then i went and killed 1 mob using 3 actions (curse, crystal frag, crystal frag) and it cost me 10 gold in decay, i didn't take a single hit from it. That is just flat out ridiculous. I've shelved playing my main until its addressed.

    While it may be ridiculous it's hardly a reason to quit playing the character. Your gold is still going to go up instead of down. If you are that close to bankrupt, perhaps you should have waited a bit for the mount. I try to give myself a 10k buffer on gold.

    I'm V2 at the moment. At no point have my repair costs exceeded my income. I do not sell to other players. All of my gold income is from quests and vendoring items. I deconstruct all metal items for blacksmithing.

    My repair costs don't exceed my income, but i find it ridiculous that a single mob can cost 10 gold in repairs when i didn't take a hit on it at all. I begrudge questing/grinding for an hour, earning maybe 1500/2k gold and its costing me 1k in repairs with zero deaths.

    Why should i wait on getting the mount? i shouldn't have to give myself a 10k buffer for repairs?, that is just another flat out ridiculous comment!

  • Khandi
    I think the cost is to high.

    I would like to know from the people that say they never repair, do they not recharge their weapons either?
    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • Xithian
    My guess is that they're avoiding the whole "tank gets stuck with massive repair bills, ranged point and laugh" scenario by evening the playing field with repair costs. While you may not like your gold bouncing back and forth like that, it's part of a balancing act. If repair costs are halved, then vendor prices for selling loot will be halved right along with it. To drastically drop gold out without dropping gold in will just kill the value of gold across the game.
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