Repair costs

  • RaZaddha
    Dear god guys, NEVER repair on the NPC, if you really want to, make sure the repair kit is less expensive than repairing the item. Also, go crafting, you can craft all the whites you need, from level 1-14 you can craft without spending a single point in the craft skill line.

    I agree, the repair cost is high, but I rarely repaired, and even then it was only blue items because I wanted to do a dungeon or spend some time in Cyrodiil. Craft a robe and compare it to a blue robe, you DON'T NEED blues or greens for leveling, you might end up overleveling stuff if you complete everything on the area anyway. I'm a melee templar, my stuff breaks only after long periods of questing and when it breaks I can easily craft, I have 100 iron and steel ingots at my bank waiting for when my stuff breaks, finding a high iron node is really easy with keen eye, I can go roam for some time and get enough to make a new set of armor.

    The way it is right now it's interesting, because crafting is useful for leveling, you dont find a complete set replacement every few levels, unlike other MMOS crafting stuff that is not max level is not completely useless anymore.
  • Kanvindr
  • RubyTigress
    Wow. That's good to know. Thanks for passing that along. But, the primary problem is outside of Cyrodil. You are spending half or more of what you've made on repairs.


    If your spending that much maybe don't die so often? That's the only time my armor takes a significant hit.

    You know, without specific tips to help limit the dying, this is kind of an obnoxious response.

  • rssslll2012
    I have to agree, repair costs are high, as well as everything else, plus why are beginning level merchants selling level 20-30 level items? and as for the not dying so much, good advise, I just can't seem to avoid it, unless I'm just pushing my level 9 character into harder areas to soon, but the enemies are only two to three levels above me??
  • nerevarine1138
    I'm still struggling to find a 1000g repair cost. After dying a couple of times in a dungeon, my highest repair cost has been 500g. Regularly, it's around 100-200g. I'm now level 22, and after sinking most of my gold into bank/bag upgrades, I still have 10k.

    If repair costs are killing your income, you're doing something wrong.
  • pat02468prerb18_ESO
    end up with less gold after a dungeon run, including selling all the loot. guess I won't be running dungeons for a while.
  • Thete
    They do seem very harsh. That being said, I always have enough gold to be able to afford them whilst still spending plenty on upgrading my bank and bag slots for crafting.
  • wingnamrwb17_ESO
    Don't spend money recklessly. Craft your own armor. Travel from way shrine to way shrine is free.
  • Shinn13
    i never got over 500g when i was low level. started to get like, 1k after i was about 20 something. I dont die often when im grinding cuz i do it in a group. I think those who never got over 500g is cuz you guys repair your equipments everything you see a merchant. I only repair when my equipments are completely broken, which is probably why they cost over 1k
  • Spryt
    If you can craft your own armour just make a new set when old one breaks. If you harvest all materials yourself then it's basically a "free repair". Also you can research trait so it wont break as fast if. Good for dungeons if you know you will end up dying a lot.

    But in the long run it's probobly better to try not do die so much. Dont run with all dps skills. Slot a self heal/shield or CC ability to help survive. Also make sure you have up to date health potions.
    Edited by Spryt on April 9, 2014 8:45AM
  • Sapphy24
    Costs are out of control in this game. They need to fix it, reduce them as grinding to pay repairs bills is plain crazy and not fun at all. And to pay $124 gold to go to a relatively close way station is just nuts, are you guys totally crazy?
    Do you have fun spending your hard earned gold?? I don't, so fix it.
  • Sapphy24
    Someone mentioned "Gold Sink" this game makes me wonder what they are really up too.
  • KidKablam
    I believe that last time someone posted a thread like this I responded with incredulity that their repair costs were so high. The same applies here.

    Someone on that thread suggested that maybe the OP had a bag full of broken armor or something. I couldn't say, but whatever you're doing you're doing it wrong.
  • ElliottXO
    I don't understand what problem you guys have.

    I just purchased a 42k horse on level 27. My gear was always fully repaired. I never trashed anything because of the repair cost.

    I did several dungeon runs and all content on all maps so far. I was never short on money and I keep my gear up to date with dropped and bought green/blue items.

    I never did any farming. Just enjoyed the game.
  • Rhylanna
    What seems odd to me is that even though a player is a proficient tailor, blacksmith, etc, we can't seem to figure out how to repair things... (I understand the "reason", it just strikes me as humorous.)
    Edited by Rhylanna on April 9, 2014 10:28AM
    Fatewalkers NA server, primarily Daggerfall Covenant, 30+ (mature, working folks with kids, dogs, etc!), casual, PVE oriented, small but growing!
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  • DFDelta
    I have a templar tank around level 35 and a melee dps sorcerer somewhere mid 20 (26 I think) and I have not yet seen a repair bill over 600g.

    I can usually replace my gear far faster from quest rewards and random green drops then I can use up its durability.
    Even if its not better then the old item, I can usually get something that is just as good as the now damaged item used to be for free.

    The few times I've had a bad streak or ran into a new type of enemy with a new moveset that I did not yet know I still never topped 600g.

    That might change once I hit the veteran ranks, when I'll finally get some gear that stays viable for longer then 60 minutes, but so far I don't see any reason to consider repair costs (or character maintenance costs in general) too high.
    EU Megaserver
    Chany Therall - Templar VR1
    - Tank in PvE, support Mage in PvP
  • Thybrinena
    I'd be in favour of a repair cost reduction. The higher level content can be punishing even without dying. It's not about having repair costs it's the way they scale in accordance to the content you're doing at a particular level. I believe it will be tweaked in a future patch tbh.
    Edited by Thybrinena on April 9, 2014 10:41AM
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    lvl 48, and repair costs are far to much at this level. questing and general hacking and slashing will wear on your gear far more than dying will. i have died 3 times in a row and only got a repair bill of 111g, but a hour or so of continual kill and farm and i have a 783g repair bill. the fact is, there is something unbalanced here.
  • Ojustaboo
    Something I noticed which could help with gold, I'm making these figures up as I'm not in the gamer, but it's along these lines.

    If you have 100 iron ore ingots they will sell to npcs for something like 200 gold.

    But if you spend a minute refining those and sell the Iron Ingots, you will get more like 380 gold

    I tried the same thing with Jute and again I got a lot more after refining.

    I had over 600G repair in spindle, but there was only 3 of us in group and I didn't have a clue what I was doing and we all died what felt like a million times, but really if we're dying that much, we should have given up until we had a full group etc.

  • Sallakat
    I do feel the repair bills are sometimes out of order. Very easy to get over 1k gold repair bills when nearly level 50. Not like I don't have the money cos I don't buy armor or weapons due to so many drops that give me decent upgrade all the time. But I'm wondering what it will be like when grinding end game content all the time and probly also dying all the time.

    The armor condition seems to go down rapidly even when attacking mobs and blocking/interrupting all the time and not dying. I have the addon that tells me the percentage of my armor condition and it baffles me at times.

    Like it's been said in the forums, you shouldn't repair all the time unless your armor is really broken and you have a boss fight coming up etc, cos you get drops all the time anyways. And it is true that you should always sell bound/broken gear from your inventory cos it adds up to the repair bill.
    Rebuilt - Aldmeri Dominion

    Kaia Linnea - templar
    Ruusu - sorcerer
    Aino - nightblade
  • Hawke
    I'm level 15 and I have like 20k in the bank. Saving for the 42k horse!

    I have run dungeons and I have wiped in dungeons, AND I have seen my fair share of repair costs.. between 600-800 gold..

    Do I feel the repair cost kind of high, meh. Sure. But what am I going to buy with gold?

    What I normally do, even if the armor has some good enchantments on it... scrap it and craft a new set if the armor rating in total dropped 150+ points.

    But that is just me, and I handle it.

    But let me ask, what is it you are needing to buy later in the game after you buy your horse?
  • Teroh
    VR1 here and yes repair costs are insane. Dieing isn't an issue just damage from mobs will drop it to 0 fast if your grinding. Constant 2000+ repair bills are silly. And the value of items doesnt increase as you level still getting 20-30 gold for green items

    Also once you get set items your not just going to scrap them
    Edited by Teroh on April 9, 2014 11:04AM
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • DanteYoda
    Yeah agreed its the most game breaking thing, i literally have cracked 3k at lvl 14 the first time ever 50% of all my money goes to repairs and i'm broke, it's just plain beyond stupid...

    Oh and bag space that's the second most stupid aspect to ESO honestly dumped all my crafting stuff i'm done with it because i have zero room..made no money of it because it was all 0....
  • PF1901
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Yeah agreed its the most game breaking thing...
    Hardly. It's when it hurts their wallets people start to think. I had to do it too after the first time repair costs would have eaten away 75% of what was in my pocket.
    Edited by PF1901 on April 9, 2014 2:27PM
  • Seroczynski
    Absolutely not. Just don't die too often, and if you do try another tactic or come back later. A game like this needs gold sinks, and repair costs are the most obvious and most used ones of that.

    Most complaint here come from people of whom I get the idea have no idea or a wrong way of maintaining their inventory space and cashflow.
    Edited by Seroczynski on April 9, 2014 2:30PM
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • Vikova
    BmcD73 wrote: »
    Then you haven't had a 1k repair bill yet. Spending 1/5 of your wealth at level 13 is too much. Especially when your intro horse costs 17k. I had a technical problem yesterday where I was falling infinately in the clouds. The only thing I could do is /stuck which damaged my gear. That didn't work. So I did it again. Damaged my gear. Didn't work and damaged my gear. I guess third time's a charm because it worked but guess what? Damaged my gear. Then we tried the first group dungeon and wiped like 50 times. Each of us had about a 1k repair bill.

    I've been able to live with my mangled gear until the next even level where I can make new stuff. Either the durability or the cost of repair to be adjusted.

    Get naked before using /stuck.
  • Elvent
    Sort of... I'm getting annoyed with having to die due to bugs such as the not being able to fight back bug.

    I hope gold gets easier I make in later levels but doesn't seem like it I'm level 38 so far.
  • Seroczynski
    Elvent wrote: »
    Sort of... I'm getting annoyed with having to die due to bugs such as the not being able to fight back bug.

    I hope gold gets easier I make in later levels but doesn't seem like it I'm level 38 so far.
    I found it easier to make money once I hit level 20. If you do quests for an hour or two you easily make a few k.

    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • DanteYoda
    PF1901 wrote: »
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Yeah agreed its the most game breaking thing...
    Hardly. It's when it hurts their wallets people start to think. I had to do it too after the first time repair costs would have eaten away 75% of what was in my pocket.

    Yes i start to think i really want to continue playing this

    That and i'm not enjoying this aspect at all.
    Elvent wrote: »
    Sort of... I'm getting annoyed with having to die due to bugs such as the not being able to fight back bug.

    I hope gold gets easier I make in later levels but doesn't seem like it I'm level 38 so far.

    This as well i'm find combat is buggy as sometimes i'll attack things and i do no damage, the thing is right in front of me dead in my sights and nothing.. if my target is off 1 mm i'll attack something else and sometimes my character wont even attack, i'm pressing the skills and nothing or 2 secs later it'll attack, all these things equal bills, when i shouldn't be getting bills....
    Edited by DanteYoda on April 9, 2014 3:52PM
  • Vikova
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    This as well i'm find combat is buggy as sometimes i'll attack things and i do no damage, the thing is right in front of me dead in my sights and nothing.. if my target is off 1 mm i'll attack something else and sometimes my character wont even attack, i'm pressing the skills and nothing or 2 secs later it'll attack, all these things equal bills, when i shouldn't be getting bills....

    Do you have a good connection? That sounds like latency.
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