Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 16:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Essence Of Detection range on PTS???

  • acastanza_ESO
    100m Detection is a good thing actually.

    I think the vast majority of players would strongly support this change, and the "vocal opposition" is likely a minority with a specific vested interest here.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on May 1, 2023 7:22PM
  • RealLoveBVB
    I think the vast majority of players would strongly support this change

    Of course, because the vast majority doesn't play nightblades.

  • Jammy420
    Artim_X wrote: »
    Jammy420 wrote: »
    ioResult wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Why than should nightblade have similar thing informing him that someone used detect pot? If nightblade can suprise someone with stealth attack than other players deserve to suprise nightblade with detection.

    Anyone HIDDEN can surprise someone with a stealth attack, not just a Nightblade.

    Simply crouch and sneak around.

    Come up behind someone and attack them.

    This is not unique to nightblades.

    ZOS made it so easy for ANY class to do that, by giving everyone the Vampire passives - Dark Stalker & Strike from the Shadows - which *SHOULD* be Nightblade passives instead of Vampire passives. They are why we've had Sorc ganker builds, Necor ganker builds, DK ganker builds, you name it.

    But with the last few patches, the open world PvP that @ZOS_Kevin & @ZOS_GinaBruno now preside over is world of the Talentless Zerg:

    1) You can be a Warden, a DK, a Sorc or a Templar. Doesn't matter. It's all the same.
    2) Put on a crutch set like Mara's Balm, so healing is multiplied & you're auto-cleansing.
    3) Put a resto staff on your back bar to gain infinitely stacking AoE heals like Rapid Regeneration.
    4) Get in a big zerg. You don't have to be in an actual group because heals are all AoE and will stack infinitely.
    5) Everyone stay close so everyone can stack cross-heals on each other.
    6) Now - over & over again - everyone spam an AoE heal followed by a CC ability (stun, fear, immobilize) to build Ulti.
    7) When you see others dumping their Ulti, you dump your Ulti too. 10, 20, 30, 40 of you all on single targets.
    8) Repeat this simple rotation over & over & over and you too can Xv1 focus down any more skilled players, one by one.
    9) It's amazing! It takes NO SKILL. Anyone can do it as a result of the last few patches!

    You see, the vast majority of the time Nightblades are using cloak is not to sneak up on someone to gank them or bomb them, it is to get AWAY from the Talentless Zerg, .

    People new to Nightblade learn very quickly that cloak doesn't help you get away from experienced PvP people that you try to gank. They will throw flares, they know which abilities now pull Nightblades out of stealth, and use 20m range detect pots.

    Which leads me to the 10th rule of the Talentless Zerg:

    10) If you're a poor Nightblade, the Talentless Zerg wants you to please just wear Sentry and either spam Acid Spray or be a healer.

    Wait what? Sentry? Yes Sentry. A terrible set released by ZOS for no other purpose than to kill anyone hidden, not just Nightblades.

    The talentless Nightblade in the Talentless Zerg simply wears Sentry and then when THEY crouch, EVERYONE on other factions that is hidden (not just nightblades) is instantly revealed, NO MATTER HOW FAR AWAY THEY ARE.

    This awful set is already in the game. It already goes 100m or more. It has a shorter cooldown and a longer range than this new Detect potion. That is why this change to the Detect range is not necessary. All it does is make it so no one in the Talentless Zerg has to waste spots in their build to wearSentry. Now EVERYONE can wear two healing sets and do the Ulti-Build Shuffle!

    The bottom line is that this change only benefits the Talentless Zerg, no one else. It is not needed. The Talentless Zerg can already spam flares, run Sentry, cast all kinds of abilities that now pull Nightblades out of cloak, etc. They don't need it but that ARE going to abuse it if this change goes through.

    Because the ONLY thing that this change does is make it so no Nightblade can use a primary defensive class ability in their toolkit to get away from Xv1 combat and regain resources.

    There is zero need to make this change. It makes this potion too powerful and exploitable and it eliminates all but one Nightblade play style in PvP, the brawling Healblade (i.e. everyone using ReactSlower's build).

    I had no idea those 2 were in charge of the pvp balance now. That really explains a lot, lol.

    What?? This isn't true...is it? Where'd this come from?

    One is an admin, while the other is a community manager. I highly doubt they are responsible for gameplay changes.

    I know who they are, but why is the quoted person claiming this? :lol:

    I dont know if they actually are, but it would make sense, I have seen them play.
  • Jammy420
    100m Detection is a good thing actually.

    I think the vast majority of players would strongly support this change, and the "vocal opposition" is likely a minority with a specific vested interest here.

    I dont play stealth builds, stealth builds do annoy me , but I would never advocate for something that would completely destroy a class. [Snip]

    [Edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on May 3, 2023 5:43PM
  • Aka_
    100m Detection is a good thing actually.

    I think the vast majority of players would strongly support this change, and the "vocal opposition" is likely a minority with a specific vested interest here.

    So you just like one playstyle and want to make every class work the exact same way. Got it.
  • Syrusthevirus187
    Yay great change. Love it.
  • Galeriano
    Jammy420 wrote: »
    100m Detection is a good thing actually.

    I think the vast majority of players would strongly support this change, and the "vocal opposition" is likely a minority with a specific vested interest here.

    I dont play stealth builds, stealth builds do annoy me , but I would never advocate for something that would completely destroy a class. [Snip].

    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on May 3, 2023 5:44PM
  • auz
    Looking forward to all the cloak spammers uninstalling if this goes live.
  • Dr_Con
    Not a fan of the tactic of "X is broken, therefore you can't implement Y" arguments rants.

    Also, Sentry set has been around since at least 2019, that is hardly within the "last few patches" that you claimed it was and the use of set in the manner indicated is hardly severe and demanding of dev hours since you have to be out of combat to use it like that.

    Staying in stealth to rez your comrades or to stay perma invis in an enemy keep to gank people shouldn't be a tactic that people use, whose only counter is the existence of a hardly used set that you call it exploiting to use in that manner. This potion is a welcome addition.
    Edited by Dr_Con on May 2, 2023 3:11AM
  • Mayrael
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    Not a fan of the tactic of "X is broken, therefore you can't implement Y" arguments rants.

    Also, Sentry set has been around since at least 2019, that is hardly within the "last few patches" that you claimed it was and the use of set in the manner indicated is hardly severe and demanding of dev hours since you have to be out of combat to use it like that.

    Staying in stealth to rez your comrades or to stay perma invis in an enemy keep to gank people shouldn't be a tactic that people use, whose only counter is the existence of a hardly used set that you call it exploiting to use in that manner. This potion is a welcome addition.

    Well let's just turn Cyrodiil in CS like death match, why we should have any other tactic than grab your weapon, kill as much people you can, die and respawn.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Jammy420
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Jammy420 wrote: »
    100m Detection is a good thing actually.

    I think the vast majority of players would strongly support this change, and the "vocal opposition" is likely a minority with a specific vested interest here.

    I dont play stealth builds, stealth builds do annoy me , but I would never advocate for something that would completely destroy a class. [Snip].

    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    What do you call being able to detect someone from further away than they can attack? There will always be one person in groups spamming detect pots now and then stealth players are held at arms length.

    [Edited quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on May 5, 2023 12:55PM
  • Artim_X
    To put things into perspective for people who actually think this change is a good idea, I'm going to give you lot a real example.

    A couple of days ago I pop into PC NA Blackreach and decided to ride to an objective that needed defending. While almost halfway there I randomly start getting attacked. I ride for a bit more and pop an invisibility potion. As a rule I always have an invisibility potion with a dash of major expedition slotted while I'm mounted for these type of scenarios. Now while I'm hidden and moving further from the threat I turn around and notice that it wasn't just one person but two who were essentially trying to get easy kills. Keep in mind they were still trying to find me while I kept moving further away from them.

    If detect pots were 100 meters as it is on the PTS, then despite me doing everything right to counter the ambush, there is a good chance these two would've found me. I was on my templar so I can't just spam invisibility and teleport to a shadow pet to escape an encounter.

    Overall, a significant range buff to detect pots will negatively impact the game for everyone utilizing any form of stealth.
    (AD) Artim X/Xirtām/Måtrix |PC/NA| Casual staff wielding vampire sorcerer/templar/arcanist
    • Damage Dealing Build.
    • Gear: 5 Infallible Aether (All apparel light and Divines with Max Mag Enchants), 1 Slimecraw Guise for max spell critical (Divines, light, Max Mag Enchants), Maelstrom's Perfected Inferno/Lightning Staff (infused/shock enchant), and Rage of the Ursauk jewelry (bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant)/lightning staff (infused/flame/weapon damage enchant). 1 Mora's Whispers.
    • Ability-Bar 1: Critical Surge, Boundless Storm, Mages' Wrath, Lightning Flood, Twilight Tormentor (Twilight Matriarch for solo roleplay variant of build), and Power Overload.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Crushing Shock/Storm Pulsar, Streak, Flame/Shock Reach, Unstable Wall of Fire/Storms, Twilight Tormentor (Twilight Matriarch for solo roleplay variant of build) and Fiery/Thunderous Rage.
    • My Healer Build.
    • Gear: 5 Spell Power Cure (All apparel light and Divines with Max Mag Enchants), 1 Slimecraw Guise for max spell critical (Divines, light, Max Mag Enchants), Maelstrom's Perfected Lightning Staff (Charged/shock enchant), and Infallible Aether jewelry (arcane with spell damage enchant)/restoration staff (Powered with absorb magicka enchant). 1 Mora's Whispers.
    • Ability-Bar 1: Power Surge, Boundless Storm, Blessing of Restoration, Energy Orb, Twilight Matriarch, and Replenishing Barrier.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Dark Deal, Overflowing Altar, Elemental Drain, Blockade of Storms, Twilight Matriarch, and Aggressive Horn.
    • My Meme Tank Build that uses high resistance and variety of wards.
    • Gear: 5 Brands of Imperium (All body pieces except Head and Shoulders, with Divine trait, and with Prismatic Defense Enchants), full Mother Ciannait's (1 light and 1 medium. Divines and Max Mag Enchant), and Combat Physician jewelry (bloodthirsty with Prismatic Recovery Enchants), CP restoration staff (Infused with hardening enchant), and CP ice staff (Infused with crusher enchant).
    • Ability-Bar 1: Critical Surge, Bound Aegis, Deep Thoughts, Boundless Storm, Healing Ward, and Replenishing Barrier.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Silver Leash (Elemental Drain if healer isn't running it), Bound Aegis, Frost Clench, Blockade of Frost, Empowered Ward, and Temporal Guard.
    • Tanky stage 4 vampire utility focused PvP healer that can take down very inexperienced players but is primarily focused on working alongside others in an organized group, PUGs, or zergs.
    • Gear: 5 Torug's Pact for regular and NoCP build/Oblivion's Foe for dot build (medium chest and body pieces light. All Impenetrable. Max Mag Enchants). Gaze of Sithis and 1 light Mighty Chudan/Pirate Skeleton (light shoulders, and impenetrable with Max Mag Enchants). Knight Slayer/Pariah jewelry/Plaguebreak for dot build (bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant)/lightning staff (infused with oblivion enchant for regular and noCP build/absorb magicka enchant and Sharpened for dot build. Sharpened for dot build)/restoration staff (infused with oblivion enchant regular and noCP build/absorb magicka enchant and Sharpened for dot build).
    • Ability-Bar 1: Structured Entropy, Boundless Storm, Soul Splitting Trap, Radiating Regeneration, Healing Ward, and Life Giver.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Drain Vigor (Elemental Susceptibility), Race Against Time, Rune Cage, Radiant Magelight, Empowered Ward, and Shatter Soul.
    • My casual one bar heavy attack Templar build that only utilizes Aedric Spear abilities.
    • Gear: 5 Infallible Aether (Head or Shoulder and body pieces except Chest. All body pieces Divines with Max Mag Enchants), 1 Slimecraw Guise for max spell critical (Divines, light, Max Mag Enchant), Lightning Staff of the Sergeant (Infused/shock enchant), and Sergeant's Mail jewelry (One Ring and one Neck. Both bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant). 1 Oakensoul Ring (bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant).
    • Ability-Bar 1: Puncturing Sweep, Aurora Javelin, Toppling Charge, Blazing Spear, Radiant Ward, and Crescent Sweep.
    • Tanky stage 4 vampire utility focused PvP healer that can take down very inexperienced players but is primarily focused on working alongside others in an organized group, PUGs, or zergs.
    • Gear: 5 Torug's Pact (Heavy Chest with light Head, Waist, Hands, and Feet. All body pieces Impenetrable. Health enchant on head and everything else Magicka Enchants), 1 Medium Mighty Chudan/Pirate Skeleton Shoulder (Impenetrable, Max Health Enchant), Knight Slayer Restoration Staff (Infused/Decrease Health enchant/Stealth-Draining Poison IX), and Knight Slayer jewelry (One Ring and one Neck. Both bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant). 1 Oakensoul Ring (bloodthirsty with Spell Damage Enchant).
    • Ability-Bar 1:Radiant Oppression, Race Against Time, Aurora Javelin, Breath of Life, Resolving Vigor, and Life Giver (Shatter Soul).
    PvE Starter Gear
    • Gear: 5 Law of Julianos (heavy chest, gloves/belt light, and the rest can be light or 1 medium piece if you're not wearing medium anywhere else on your body. All in training if grinding for XP or divines), Armor of the Seducer or Magnus' Gift head, shoulder, and staves (light with 1 medium piece if you are not already wearing 1 medium Julianos piece. All in training or divines. The staves should be training or infused), and 3 purple Willpower Jewelry with Arcane trait (can be bought from trading guilds for relatively cheap.
    • Check tamrieltradecentre.com for the best deals if you're not using a price checking addon).
    • High elf, since you will not have issues with sustain, but other mag based races are also fine so this is more of a personal choice.
    Mundus Stones
    • PvP: The Lover for penetration when playing a sorc or temp.
    • PvE Healing/Damage: The Thief for decent crit rate.
    • PvE Tanking: The Lady to get close to resistance cap.
    Current Champion Points
    • DPS Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Exploiter, Weapons Expert, Biting Aura, Thaumaturge, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • Healer Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Enlivening Overflow, Hope Infusion, Weapon's Expert, Arcane Supremacy, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • Tanky Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Ironclad, Enduring Resolve, Reinforced, Duelist's Rebuff, Bastion, Ward Master, Rejuvenation, Fortified.
    • PvP Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Enlivening Overflow, Weapon's Expert, Occult Overload, Arcane Supremacy, Bastion, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • PvE Temp: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Fighting Finesse, Master-at-Arms, Weapons Expert, Biting Aura, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • PvP Temp: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Enlivening Overflow, Weapon's Expert, From the Brink, Arcane Supremacy, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    Favorite Foods and Potions
    • Parse Food for PvE:(DPS) Ghastly Eye Bowl (increases Max Magicka by 4592 and Magicka Recovery by 459 for 2 hours).
    • Gold/Purple Food for Sorc PvP and Meme Tanking:(PvP) Clockwork Citrus Filet (increases Max Health by 3326, Health Recovery by 406 [useful if stage 1 vampire], Max Magicka by 3080, and Magicka Recovery by 338 for 2 hours). Witchmother's Potent Brew (Increase Max Magicka by 2856, Max Health by 3094, and Magicka Recovery by 315 for 2 hours.
    • Trash Potions when feeling cheap: Regular CP150 Essence of Magicka pots that I obtain frequently from playing the game or Crown Tri-Restoration Potion obtained from dailies.
    • Crafted Potions: Essence of Spell Critical (Bugloss, Lady's Smock, and Water Hyacinth). Without magelight this is my primary means of obtaining Major Prophecy on my Sorc, which increases my Spell Critical Rating. This also heals and restores magicka. Essence of Immovability (Columbine, Corn Flower, and Wormwood). I use this in PvP, since this gives me stealth detection, knockback immunity, and restores magicka (better to use it when competent allies are nearby, since it might reveal that you are surrounded by multiple players in stealth and you will not have an emergency pot available after use). Essence of Invisibility with only 2 ingredients (Blue Entoloma, Namira's Rot, Nirnroot, or Spider Egg). I use this in PvE content that requires stealth and if I need more speed I'll use Rapid Maneuver before using the potion. Essence of Invisibility with 3 ingredients (Blessed Thistle, Blue Entoloma, and Namira's Rot). Very useful in PvP alongside the vampire Dark Stalker passive, since you'll be invisible, ignore movement speed penalty while in Crouch, and you'll have a 30% movement speed boost from Major Expedition (I always have this slotted when riding from point A to B in PvP land, since gankers are always lurking). My templar will mostly use Essence of Health (Tri-Stat Potion) Ingredients: (Mountain Flower, Columbine, and Bugloss).
  • DrNukenstein
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

  • Mayrael
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.

    Edited by Mayrael on May 2, 2023 4:09PM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • DrNukenstein
    Mayrael wrote: »

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Wow I didn't even think of that consequence of this change. This is likely to have a similar effect on in game inflation to the mass exodus of talented players following update 35 and its poorly received changes. If half the players who sell hakeijos are gone, then half the hakeijo supply on the market is gone too. Post update 35 golding gear costs about 1.5-2 times what it did before update 35, that's a pretty big reduction in accessibility to endgame gear despite the intended goals of "improving accesibility" to endgame content.
    Edited by DrNukenstein on May 2, 2023 4:24PM
  • acastanza_ESO
    Mayrael wrote: »

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Wow I didn't even think of that consequence of this change. This is likely to have a similar effect on in game inflation to the mass exodus of talented players following update 35 and its poorly received changes. If half the players who sell hakeijos are gone, then half the hakeijo supply on the market is gone too. Post update 35 golding gear costs about 1.5-2 times what it did before update 35, that's a pretty big reduction in accessibility to endgame gear despite the intended goals of "improving accesibility" to endgame content.

    That's because it is complete nonsense. You go through a door and queue out from the safe zone just like you can do now. If anything it'll make it safer to do so since you can more easily protect against the NB door gankers.
    Edited by acastanza_ESO on May 2, 2023 4:26PM
  • Ecgberht_confused
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.

    If this change goes through I think the opposite will happen actually. It'll be easier to farm telvar. The biggest obstacle to farming telvar is those (often AD, because khajiit) stealth blades jumping you when you're about to finish off a boss. Or if you're a bit more squishy they jump you at any point, cloak, and restart the fight if the gank failed. IC is full of those and if this change goes through a lot more people will be able to counter them and Hakeijo will be a lot cheaper.

    Not saying that I want the change to go through. I think it's unnecessary. Maybe increase range to 30 max or, you know, just leave it as it is.

    I also think people are exaggerating the effects of this change, in case it was intended. You still only have 15 seconds to secure the kill. If you pop the pot and see a NB say 50 or so meters away, they'll be too far for you to chase down and kill within the 15s window as soon as they notice they were detected and start moving.
  • N00BxV1
    If it was up to me then the detection range would be bigger and the duration would be longer... or better yet just delete cloak from the game.

    Everyone is expected to use specific sets, skills or potions just to reveal Nightblades with their on-demand invisibility. No one has to build specifically to counter any other class or skill in the game. And nothing else in the game requires you to use any of these specific things because nothing else uses invisibility... So just one class having on-demand invisibility in pvp is kinda dumb if you ask me. If Nightblades are so terrible without their crutch then maybe something should be done about the class?


    PS: Give DKs their old wings back.
  • umagon
    Seeing that this hasn’t changed with the current patch I have questions. Why wasn’t this in the patch notes? And why make something that targets one class specifically? I mean someone had to spend time to script the change.
    From: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/classes

    “Attack from the shadows, drain your foes' health, and vanish into the void with the Nightblade Class. The shadows truly are your greatest weapon as you wield abilities that deal devastating damage at any range and siphon your victim's lifeforce to your allies. Available with The Elder Scrolls Online base game.
    As a Nightblade, all of Tamriel fears your deadly unseen strike.”

    What I don’t understand is if this the intended playstyle for the class why every other patch there more mechanics created to completely destroy that playstyle. So, do the devs now feel that the class should no longer be a good rogue archetype? I see they don’t want it to be competitive at end game tanking; and now what no longer being a rogue archetype.

    So what is the nightblade class supposed to be masters of?
  • Galeriano
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Or people will actually start to visit IC more knowing that now nightblades won't be most favoured class there.
  • Aka_

    No response? At all? Sad Bowz noises
  • Galeriano
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    In BGs You can play nightblade without cloak and be very effective with it. And yeah if group decides to coordinate their defensive detection against gankers in a match than there is nothing wrong in that. And lets be honest if coordinated group would want to take down ganker or atleast make gankers in a match less effectve in BG they don't need 100m detection potions for that anyway.

    Nightblades will have to learn to gank not to have it handled on a silver platter with low risk high rewards type of playstyle that ganking currently is.

    Yes large group will run nightblades down like they do to everyone else. It's like nightblades suddenly realised they will be treated like everyone else and somehow it's a problem. You got the defense as strong or even stronger than others, now it's time to pay the price.
    Edited by Galeriano on May 2, 2023 6:20PM
  • BlueRaven
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Or people will actually start to visit IC more knowing that now nightblades won't be most favoured class there.

    I would visit it less. I just want to get the quest done and gtfo. I use stealth because all of the unkillable pvp monster players. Staying out of sight is my only choice.
  • Galeriano
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Or people will actually start to visit IC more knowing that now nightblades won't be most favoured class there.

    I would visit it less. I just want to get the quest done and gtfo. I use stealth because all of the unkillable pvp monster players. Staying out of sight is my only choice.

    In the context of tel vars that really doesn't matter. Less nightblades in IC equals more other classes there. Many people don't visit that place and refuses to farm tel vars specifically because of how big adventage nightblades have there.
    Edited by Galeriano on May 2, 2023 8:28PM
  • DrNukenstein
    Schrodingers class:

    Simultaneously "the developers favorite class", while also being the most targeted for nerfs outside of the rare patch where they get a buff or sideways adjustment after receiving so many consecutive nerfs.
    Edited by DrNukenstein on May 2, 2023 8:43PM
  • Panderbander
    I feel like there's a lot of misunderstanding what happens when you use a detect pot.

    - it doesn't reveal you when someone else uses a detect pot. And
    - only the potion user can see you

    Detect pots don't function the same way as the sentry set, which will straight up reveal you to everyone.
    Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • Mayrael
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Or people will actually start to visit IC more knowing that now nightblades won't be most favoured class there.

    All I need to do now is to chug potions with glyphs reducing potion cool down, running on my old sorc and no newbie can be safe there. You can't run from me, you can't hide from me. Ez tel vars. If something goes wrong, I'll just port behind a corner. Good luck catching me :)
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Vulkunne
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    It's not completly destroying a class though.

    It does destroy a class in team BGs when a coordinated team can take turns drinking potions to shutdown stealth with 100% up time.

    IIRC, detect pots share their detect with all team mates.

    Against coordinated groups it's another tool for them to flex their communication diff, and in those situations it will be absolutely brutal to play through if you are a stealth player.

    Solo players who aren't looking for fights depend on stealth to get around in cyrodil in IC for their non PVP reasons. This empowers large groups to hunt them down and run them over, which they probably will.

    That such a significant potential change has no explanation either in the forums or in the patch notes is absurd. Next to Arcanist and the permablock greaves, this is the most significant change to the game for PVP coming next patch. Some players might say this is even more significant than Arcanist based on what they've seen of the class on PTS.

    And this leads to another consequence of this change. Everyone likes Tel Var stones, and everyone has found themselves in a situation where they have a lot of them on them. Now imagine how easy it will be to bring Tel Var stones to the home base, knowing that there is no real possibility of hiding.

    And you know what the consequence of this will be? You like Hakeijo for 80k (today's prices from PC EU per piece), well, I hope you'll like them for 200k per piece.


    Or people will actually start to visit IC more knowing that now nightblades won't be most favoured class there.

    All I need to do now is to chug potions with glyphs reducing potion cool down, running on my old sorc and no newbie can be safe there. You can't run from me, you can't hide from me. Ez tel vars. If something goes wrong, I'll just port behind a corner. Good luck catching me :)

    Shush you :) You're making too much sense now. You know what I'm beginning to wonder about some of these changes.

    That said let's not give them any more ideas for future nerfs :)

    The strong will survive the rest will get purged and use another class or stop using Stealth. I've accepted that's just how this will probably play out for both NBs and Stealth users, this is the same as when the family-friendly vamp passives went straight out the window and were replaced by the modernized vampirism.

    We will survive and again, like with other things, people are still going to come back here and complain about the same thing. Wouldn't it be easier to just fix the problem itself? Oh well. Good Luck to all.
    Edited by Vulkunne on May 3, 2023 1:48AM
    "I know that someday that sun is bound to shine." -Ella Fitzgerald
  • Marto
    Schrodingers class:

    Simultaneously "the developers favorite class", while also being the most targeted for nerfs outside of the rare patch where they get a buff or sideways adjustment after receiving so many consecutive nerfs.

    It's almost as if developers are not as petty as the average gamer, and don't have these strong fanboy biases towards any specific class. And they instead want to bring balance to make the best game they can, by buffing and nerfing abilities and mechanics that might be underperforming or overperforming.
    "According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the batam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel"
  • Aka_
    Marto wrote: »
    Schrodingers class:

    Simultaneously "the developers favorite class", while also being the most targeted for nerfs outside of the rare patch where they get a buff or sideways adjustment after receiving so many consecutive nerfs.

    It's almost as if developers are not as petty as the average gamer, and don't have these strong fanboy biases towards any specific class. And they instead want to bring balance to make the best game they can, by buffing and nerfing abilities and mechanics that might be underperforming or overperforming.

    This one has never heard of a DK in the past two years...
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