Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Scrap Arcanist and give the game 3 new skills lines every existing character can use.

  • xXCJsniperXx7
    Too late OP, the class has been announced for this year so it's set in stone. Plus knowing zos, development probably started a while ago so it's up for pts testing when it drops.
  • fizzylu
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I pretty frequently saw people suggest a spellbook as a weapon skill line, so I think the idea of a class that fights with a tome was still something that was pretty responsive to feedback. Just perhaps not in the exact way people had suggested since most wanted the book to be a weapon.

    Arcanist is pretty fitting IMO. It's someone who has secret knowledge, and that fits really well with a Mora cultist who fights with something similar to a black book IMO.

    I would have preferred them to not take the easy route and actually make it a weapon line. And I'm also not saying the class is bad, it just feels random and off mark.... especially for something that they called a "highly requested feature". Then specifically with the name, I guess it doesn't seem fitting to me since there are already so many enemies in game with "arcanist" in their name.... so now having a class with a VERY specific theme called just that doesn't really click well in my opinion. Also; I don't think all the alien lime green really screams "arcanist", no matter how "secret".... but that's really just a preference thing. I see a raver before I see a dark cultist.
    Edited by fizzylu on January 28, 2023 12:24AM
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Grandsheba wrote: »
    And then balance those skill lines to be weaker at first launch and see how it goes. It's still possible to do this. There is 5+ months left!
    • Adding new skill lines adds way more liveness to the existing game. Forcing everyone to give up their mains and redo it all just to get some kind of new mechanic is awful.
    • Because right now. That portal skill is going to be removed. I guarantee. You cannot add a skill like that exclusive to one class and not get a backlash from pvp.

    If you take everything from the class and break it down into skill lines it will add so much more to the game!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno please read through and make this game more inclusive like other Elderscrolls games. We don't want to start over every chapter by force. To continue with the hero we create is what an RPG is. If others want to restart thsts fine they can, but making new skill lines will appease all sides as it gives everyone an option. Callnit class crafting if you want but uts a feature already in game, from the weapon skill line, to world, guild, war, vampire, werewolf and ect. Just make this inclusive!

    No it wont apease all side at all
    Lots of people want a new class not just skill line in fact i would hate that change. New class bring more potential than 3 aditionnal skill line on an old character as we can replay the game with a new character on top of everything new skill line would provide.

    And if new class mean new character, it also mean potential crownstore sale such as all skill line(more than 3), skyshards, mount upgrade, outfit and armory, slot(up to 8 time per new character) vamp or werewolf bite and even bag space upgrade. Granted most people wont buy all of these but some certainly will
    Edited by Dark_Lord_Kuro on January 28, 2023 1:35AM
  • shadyjane62
    Grandsheba wrote: »
    And then balance those skill lines to be weaker at first launch and see how it goes. It's still possible to do this. There is 5+ months left!
    • Adding new skill lines adds way more liveness to the existing game. Forcing everyone to give up their mains and redo it all just to get some kind of new mechanic is awful.
    • Because right now. That portal skill is going to be removed. I guarantee. You cannot add a skill like that exclusive to one class and not get a backlash from pvp.

    If you take everything from the class and break it down into skill lines it will add so much more to the game!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno please read through and make this game more inclusive like other Elderscrolls games. We don't want to start over every chapter by force. To continue with the hero we create is what an RPG is. If others want to restart thsts fine they can, but making new skill lines will appease all sides as it gives everyone an option. Callnit class crafting if you want but uts a feature already in game, from the weapon skill line, to world, guild, war, vampire, werewolf and ect. Just make this inclusive!

    No it wont apease all side at all
    Lots of people want a new class not just skill line in fact i would hate that change. New class bring more potential than 3 aditionnal skill line on an old character as we can replay the game with a new character on top of everything new skill line would provide.

    And if new class mean new character, it also mean potential crownstore sale such as all skill line(more than 3), skyshards, mount upgrade, outfit and armory, slot(up to 8 time per new character) vamp or werewolf bite and even bag space upgrade. Granted most people wont buy all of these but some certainly will

    And some of us won't spend another penny on this game if this is all we get. Didn't miss High Isle and I won't miss this what it is chapter.

    Tentacles, really?
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Grandsheba wrote: »
    And then balance those skill lines to be weaker at first launch and see how it goes. It's still possible to do this. There is 5+ months left!
    • Adding new skill lines adds way more liveness to the existing game. Forcing everyone to give up their mains and redo it all just to get some kind of new mechanic is awful.
    • Because right now. That portal skill is going to be removed. I guarantee. You cannot add a skill like that exclusive to one class and not get a backlash from pvp.

    If you take everything from the class and break it down into skill lines it will add so much more to the game!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno please read through and make this game more inclusive like other Elderscrolls games. We don't want to start over every chapter by force. To continue with the hero we create is what an RPG is. If others want to restart thsts fine they can, but making new skill lines will appease all sides as it gives everyone an option. Callnit class crafting if you want but uts a feature already in game, from the weapon skill line, to world, guild, war, vampire, werewolf and ect. Just make this inclusive!

    No it wont apease all side at all
    Lots of people want a new class not just skill line in fact i would hate that change. New class bring more potential than 3 aditionnal skill line on an old character as we can replay the game with a new character on top of everything new skill line would provide.

    And if new class mean new character, it also mean potential crownstore sale such as all skill line(more than 3), skyshards, mount upgrade, outfit and armory, slot(up to 8 time per new character) vamp or werewolf bite and even bag space upgrade. Granted most people wont buy all of these but some certainly will

    And some of us won't spend another penny on this game if this is all we get. Didn't miss High Isle and I won't miss this what it is chapter.

    Tentacles, really?

    In my opinion if your purchase of piece of content only come at the expence of an annouced feature that lots of poeple actualy want, you purchchase isnt worth catering to. But that just my opinion
  • peacenote
    And then balance those skill lines to be weaker at first launch and see how it goes. It's still possible to do this. There is 5+ months left!
    • Adding new skill lines adds way more liveness to the existing game. Forcing everyone to give up their mains and redo it all just to get some kind of new mechanic is awful.
    • Because right now. That portal skill is going to be removed. I guarantee. You cannot add a skill like that exclusive to one class and not get a backlash from pvp.

    If you take everything from the class and break it down into skill lines it will add so much more to the game!

    I, for one, am happy we got a new class over new skill lines and would be disappointed if that was changed. I'll never forget when Elemental Weapon was the preferred spammable and everybody had it, and it was just so, so boring.

    I do agree with you that, on first impression, the portal skill seems like it is OP and should be an ability that's accessible to all, but of course that's just from looking at it on a video for two seconds. We'll see how it plays in reality. Nightblades have had Shadow Image for a long time after all.
    EF321 wrote: »
    I kinda hoped this would be something to spice up gameplay of existing characters... 3 years, nothing. Companions, card game, new class, endless dungeon... nothing that would alter OG characters.

    Idk.... U35, uh.... definitely "spiced up" gameplay of existing characters. Careful what you wish for. ;) Plus, after U35 everyone specifically asked to slow down from the roller coaster of builds so... I think if you consider balance changes, we've gotten a lot in that department.
    Edited by peacenote on January 28, 2023 5:32AM
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • KingArthasMenethil
    Syldras wrote: »
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    This class is tied to a chapter. As in, it's only available due to the chapter coming out. I find this highly irregular...

    It was exactly the same with the necromancer or the warden.

    Necromancer avoided the Elsweyr and Dragon themes thankfully, which is why I play that class.

    Wardens are themed to Dark Elves…
    Arcanists will be Hermaeus Mora worshipers?

    This is a very specific, unattractive concept for a class. Especially in a roleplaying game.

    If I recall Wardens are tied to Y'ffre a god not worshipped in Morrowind. Just their creatures chosen are from Morrowind due to the zone they came with. Necromancer was sorta the same just Necromancers were involved in the main story as That Orc with the bad name and Tharn used Necromancy.
    EU 2000+ CP
    Gaius Sulla 50 Cyrodiil DragonKnight.
    Livia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Nightblade.
    Divayth-Fyr 50 Dunmer Sorcerer.
    Ragnar Shatter-Shield 50 Nord Dragonknight.
    Selvia Sulla 50 Cyrodiil Templar.
    Attrebus Mede 50 Cyrodiil Warden.
    Zirath Urivith 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
    Dame Edwinna Gelas 50 Breton Dragonknight.
    Agrippina Tharn 50 Cyrodiil Necromancer.
    Bedal Dren 50 Dunmer Dragonknight.
  • Ragnarok0130
    majulook wrote: »
    With the way ZOS messed up AWA its so bungled up, that I don't enjoy playing my current alt characters. Why Grind 10th?

    When elsweyr first came out, I made a new character to play necromancer and I only got to level 18 before I felt so drained from the soulless tedium of redoing stuff I stopped ESO for months. I won't even make it to level 10 this time. It's as lifeless as ESO's events.

    When I roll a new toon I level them up with random dungeons instead re-doing of all of the tedious stuff (I really enjoy dungeons). It's also a good way to get to know the class skills in a combat environment where everything doesn't die from a light breeze.
  • seventy_kg
    And then balance those skill lines to be weaker at first launch and see how it goes. It's still possible to do this. There is 5+ months left!
    • Adding new skill lines adds way more liveness to the existing game. Forcing everyone to give up their mains and redo it all just to get some kind of new mechanic is awful.
    • Because right now. That portal skill is going to be removed. I guarantee. You cannot add a skill like that exclusive to one class and not get a backlash from pvp.

    If you take everything from the class and break it down into skill lines it will add so much more to the game!

    community: classes don't have identity, give us identity
    also community: more skill lines that all classes can use!!!!
  • Red_Feather
    seventy_kg wrote: »
    And then balance those skill lines to be weaker at first launch and see how it goes. It's still possible to do this. There is 5+ months left!
    • Adding new skill lines adds way more liveness to the existing game. Forcing everyone to give up their mains and redo it all just to get some kind of new mechanic is awful.
    • Because right now. That portal skill is going to be removed. I guarantee. You cannot add a skill like that exclusive to one class and not get a backlash from pvp.

    If you take everything from the class and break it down into skill lines it will add so much more to the game!

    community: classes don't have identity, give us identity
    also community: more skill lines that all classes can use!!!!

    I understand. In guild wars 1 a player combines the skills of any two classes but the primary class is always stronger and has passives exclusive to being a primary that fundamentally affect skills and empower certain skill types. It is so well done. A Mesmer/Monk feels entirely different than a Monk/Mesmer. There's a way to do multi-classing and retain class individuality. It's been done in practice with guild wars 1.

    And now I feel a little sad. Besides that worst mmo ever video, nobody gives guild wars design aspects much thought in any industry. What a crock.
  • Ajaxandriel
    Kyell wrote: »
    I can understand that ZOS couples certain skill lines to a class because of balancing reasons....
    But I would wish that you could change the class of a character with different arsenal slots.

    This would make sense!
    TESO:Triskelion - forum RP, guilde francophone
    Ajaxandriel - haut-elfe gardien 50 ;
    Altarya - haute-elfe templière 50 ;
    Angelith - elfe des bois gardienne 50 ;
    Antarius Scorpio - impérial chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Artémidore de Corbeaulieu - bréton lame noire 50 ;
    Azothos Sadras - elfe noir sorcier 50 ;
    Celestras - haut-elfe sorcier 50 ;
    Diluviatar - elfe des mers sorcier 50 ;
    Dorguldun gro-Arash - orque sorcier 50 ;
    Hjarnar - nordique sorcier 50 ;
    Jendaya al-Gilane - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Sabbathnazar Ullikummi - elfe noir chevalier-dragon 50 ;
    Selvaryn Virotès - elfe noire lame noire 50 ;
    Tahajmi - khajiit sorcière 50 ;
    Telernil - haut-elfe templier 50 ;
    Zadzadak - gobelin nécromancien 50 ;
    Zandoga - rougegarde chevalier-dragon 50
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