ZOS, please explain why there are discussions ESO related posted on social media and not here first

  • rpa
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    rpa wrote: »
    So what did they change?
    Nothing, yet --> https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/610438/update-35-combat-preview/p1

    i think that's sorta what Mr. Lambert was trying to say , but imho it's just so obvious there's no legit reason to say it out-loud on silly Twitter in public.

    Just let the vocal-minority rant & rage all they want.

    They will NEVER be satisfied. Ever. No matter what.

    Ah, I can see why some people would be annoyed. Myself would need to relearn combat anyway. (I still can solo normal dungeons.)
    Jeffrey530 wrote: »

    Hey is free, download it and give it a go, you can choose to only subscribe to specific accounts if you are so worried about misinformation
    Basically I'm not interested of social media beyond few hobby related forums. I guess if it's not important enough to put on official forum it's not important.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on July 11, 2022 10:12AM
  • aetherial_heavenn
    snipped for emphasis
    Elsonso wrote: »

    What I want in here is for @ZOS_Gilliam to post an update, in addition to patch note comments, that detail concerns and demonstrate that they have actually thought about these things and taken them into consideration. As of now, it just seems like a random, arbitrary, edict that they never plan on clarifying, elaborating, or modifying. I don't expect them to dispel that impression, but if they could at least start, maybe they could earn some of that trust they seem to expect.

    Agree. For example, re the LA changes, that will be the next cause of storms in tea cups on forums.

    This potential backlash could be addressed by a developer post with:
    • the % completing the new hardest content (vDLC dungeons and trials) from their own in game data,
    • data about % of those players that manage perfect LA weaving and buff up-times (thereby parsing over 95k). I know this is available from ESO logs because these players will tend to post logs of trifecta trials runs, so we'd see the number of top players for whom the change actually reduces their damage substantially. ie for whom 10-20% dps reduction is meaningful in terms of completion of the hardest content. In game data could also provide this information....I don't know what ZoS has access to but I assume every part of the game can be data mined.
    • the % completion on normal of same content and associated LA weave data.
    • a video showing the actual change to a near perfect LA weaver (like Alcast, Skinny, etc. or even a developer?) and then the change to an average LA weaver. Pull a typical member of the casual players community to demonstrate the actual affect on them.

    This would show exactly whose progression is limited by these changes, since a group can clear even nDSR with under a 100k total group dps. Many social groups and casual runs of friends can clear all the content except vet DLC trials with half the damage dealers unable to LA weave consistently, or at all! So, I am pretty sure the number of people who are directly affected by the change would be limited to hard-mode prog groups, trifecta groups, possibly prog vet trials groups, too, because they could take a bit longer to learn the basic mechs which could be frustrating for those particular players. overall, I think its unlikely to affect most of us in an extreme way, since our LA weaving is not optimal anyway.

    However, any rebuttal that this change will simply lower the ceiling (since, doing the opposite and buffing LA damage merely raised that ceiling, and did not raise the floor) will be dismissed by other players who believe a 10% nerf to their 20k parse on a 6million dummy is the difference between them getting gryphon heart and failing to kill an overland boss: 'they are nerfing my damage, so I can't complete anything' is already being posted on forums by people who are having trouble soloing world bosses and admit they rarely LA weave.

    Clear information on how this is envisaged working (ie flat amount of damage per LA, not based on weapon/spell damage...or something more complicated?) would also head off the over reaction predicted on social media.

    TL : DR Introducing a major change, not explaining how it is going to affect the majority of players (if it does at all) and then trying to be a 'small target' by avoiding the forums where such changes are actually analyzed and discussed in a cogent manner-as well as reacted hysterically to- is a pretty dumb communications model in my opinion.

    edited typos and clarity
    Edited by aetherial_heavenn on July 11, 2022 5:55AM
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • Vaoh
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    NeeScrolls wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    This game is made by the Devs, for the players. .
    Sorry but i've been on a 'dev team' for another MMO and , at least from my experience, devs (coders) certainly don't "make for the players" . They code & design from something internal (and, for the best ones, it's something inspirational) .

    Therein lies the biggest problem imo , since paying customers (or heck even Free-to-players ) have such a tremendously unhealthy sense of entitlement most of the time.

    So most gamers forget Rule #1 of MMO's: Gameplay is subject to change...at a whim.

    And any developer who caters too much toward the permanantly fickle & insatiable playerbase is gonna run into issues. ;)
    That’s interesting, what do you think of the Ashes of Creation approach which has been extremely community input driven?
    Never heard of it tbqh , however that's a very ironic game name to be sure. B)

    I'm def. gonna go check it out and read up on it.
    Vaoh wrote: »
    They’ve provided huge insight into their development process in all sorts of ways, wondering if you think this is mostly a good or bad thing. It’s catering more to their players than any game I’ve followed before.
    Behind-the-code-curtain insight is WONDERFUL ...and i personally believe the greatest "respect" you can give the playerbase (or any public society) is to provide them with as much actual hard DATA & INFO as is legally possible.

    Otherwise, a 'vacuum' can form...usually to be filled by trolls & conspiracies. :/

    I love ESO (because it’s a TES game) but Ashes is definitely something to keep an eye on 🙂

    Personally I’m not a fan of the combat balance direction of ESO. In fact idk if we can even call it a direction since it changes drastically every year, and usually in a negative way.

    On the bright side the content itself imo has been awesome this year. I really like High Isle/Amenos, Dreadsail Reef, and the dungeons.
  • Alinhbo_Tyaka
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    That same person and his spouse have also called the players a bunch of whiner's and that they don't listen to them on multiple streams

    It was his wife and it was the once.

    There were also comments made by the person themself about whiny players and ignoring the player base in answer to a question on a Stream Team member's stream about the Maelstrom Arena weapons award change. IMO there just seems to be a general feeling of contempt for the players who generate the revenue that makes the product possible.

    That is not what he said during that time.


    I didn't like what he said here either and still disagree with it but this is what his stance was basically the entire time. That he didn't feel players had earned the new weapons because they were entirely new weapons.

    It was a verbal interview/discussion on a Twitch stream not Discord. The person is no longer a Stream Team member but if their the session is still around I'll see if I can't find it.

    None of this changes the accuracy my statement that a person of his responsibility needs to watch what he says and how he says it as more times than not it alienates the player base further. In fact your reference just adds tot he list of statements that would have been better left unsaid.
  • AoEnwyr
    Because as crappy as social media can be, a lot of people feel the same about game forums being breeding grounds for toxic elitism. The forums also only reach players who are already engaged with the game, not those that might be on the fence or looking for something new to play.

    Only a small percentage of players access the official forums of any given game and social media has a broader reach. I absolutely agree than anything official should be posted here first. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't use social media to also share the same information, or promote upcoming event. If a specific question is asked of them on a social media platform, I also don't see the issue with them being responsive to players. As long as the messaging is consistent across platforms and in a timely manner
  • BretonMage
    Regarding the tweet itself... I hope at some level they realise that we're just exhausted with all the constant nerfs. It's a bit unrealistic to say "trust us" when we've had to react and rebuild to years and years of nerfs and changes, the latest ones just a month ago. So yes, when they make announcements like they did, a lot of us assume the worst, even if we don't mean to.

    And as aetherial_heavenn posted above, posting in real detail what changes are envisioned would help allay some fears.
  • BahometZ
    I know it's the world we live in but it's crazy to me how convoluted it is to find up-to-date information about this game.

    The devs use Twitter and twitch for the immediate and topical responses and announcements, then this forum for structured delivery of details, with occasional thought processes attached.

    Meanwhile let me tell you in all earnestness that the players who are continuously pushing the boundaries of the game in pvp and pve, soloing vet content, discovering broken combinations, warning ahead of time that some things are not working, and apparently forcing certain issues to the forefront to get nerfed or altered are discussing all of this on discord. Not here.

    Occasionally someone from the discord channels will post something here as a plea or despairing final wail.

    All the while the actual game platform that you have actually bought and are playing itself has the barest details about what is going on. Most websites have out of date information, try googling anything about the game and finding something that is still accurate.

    Obviously games change, but zos hadn't even finished correcting class imbalance before they veered hard into hybridisation, and that process hasn't even ended before they start talking yet again about lowering the ceiling. How many times have they tried that now?

    I guess on that note I'll say again for the umpteenth time that weaving alone is not holding people back. Changing LA damage solves nothing that needed solving. The delta is irrelevant. The ceiling will still do what they were doing, the floor will still be doing their thing. If you aren't LA weaving now, then you aren't engaging with the content enough to know how to do half the things it takes to get perfectas. That's not an elite take, I'm not keeping the gate shut. It's just a simple fact that this game has multiple levels of engagement, all of them fun, all of them valid, but unless you ask a ton of questions, accept the answers, watch videos, and test and practice and test and practice, there is a hard stop in terms of difficulty.

    I would wager that most people upset about the light attack change aren't upset about less damage, they're upset about the rationale behind it, and the lack of understanding it shows about how the player base engages with the game. The community has to continuously educate itself about the best tools to succeed.

    Endgame players would love to have more people completing endgame content (it's a tiny world, and everyone has raided with everyone else at one point), but I've lost count of the number of average players who push back against advice on how to get there. In theory it's all there for you if you look for it, it's just that you really have to look hard and then look again when Zos changes things again. And again.

    As someone in another post so artfully put it, it's a knowledge deficit that we're dealing with.
    Edited by BahometZ on July 11, 2022 5:03AM
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Hotdog_23
    spartaxoxo wrote: »

    It’s really ZOS’s own fault. I mean announce some major changes and be somewhat vague about what’s coming up and then say wait 6 days for the details. Of course, people are going to have knee jerk reactions because again the communication is not up to par to where it should be.

    While I appreciate, they are trying to give us more communication, they just missed the mark again. Major changes to the game are not the kind of information you tease you player base with if you don’t want knee jerk reactions.

    Stay safe and thanks for the quote from twitter :)
  • Indigogo
    They probably don't want to pay the mods overtime if Rich started posting here.
    Problematic doesn't come close to describing his approach to the playerbase.
  • Mesite
    When I first asked in my guild about this forum, I got the general impression that guild members thought the forum was full of people who complain They discouraged me from getting involved. So some people never visit the forum - I assume they may watch social media to find out what is going on instead.
  • EdmondDontes
    TaSheen wrote: »
    The real bottom line is that developers of a game have a vision for that game - and in my experience they generally do not move outside their vision.

    Players think devs make games for players - that's not really the actuality. Devs make games the way they want to see them - and of course also to make money for the investor(s). As well, they have to toe a line - if they want to be retained and make good (or not so) money, they have to at least give lip service to the suits.

    No one puts millions of dollars into developing a game like this one to "make players happy". As long as some players are happy, and the churn provides new players at a rate that keeps the investors happy, that's the actual bottom line. Yes, that's a pretty jaundiced viewpoint - but I think it's also pretty spot on.

    It's not just ESO. I've played many games - and IIRC, this is how all of them worked, at least the MMOs. Single player games are a little different but you only have to look at Skyrim to see the money trail....

    ZOS doesn't have investors or a board of directors anymore. All that went away when MS bought them out.
  • FluffyBird
    Mesite wrote: »
    When I first asked in my guild about this forum, I got the general impression that guild members thought the forum was full of people who complain They discouraged me from getting involved. So some people never visit the forum - I assume they may watch social media to find out what is going on instead.

    It's true. Most of the posts here are people being unhappy with something, interesting duscussions are rare. It's still useful though, for the dev posts or info on some major bugs.
  • Grizzbeorn
    Mesite wrote: »
    some people never visit the forum - I assume they may watch social media to find out what is going on instead.

    That is basically what is behind the industry-wide adoption of social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).
    They can reach more people using those modes of communication than they can relying solely on their official forums, because more players spend more time on Twitter and Facebook than a dedicated gaming forum.

    All of that said, these companies still need to consider that a not-insignificant portion of their playerbases (many of whom sink money into their games) don't have social media accounts and prefer to congregate on their official forums.

    Using social media to inform your players in this day and age is fine, probably even necessary, but it shouldn't be at the total expense of the players who populate your own official channels (forums, game launchers, etc.)

    I am curious as to what prompted this particular thread, though. What recent info was released on social media that wasn't also mentioned somewhere here?
    (I am one of those who don't have Twitter or Facebook accounts, so I wouldn't know what they post there unless someone complains about it here.)
    Edited by Grizzbeorn on July 11, 2022 7:52AM
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Katheriah
      spartaxoxo wrote: »

      Thank you for sharing.

      I missed a lot of the discussions that are going on, but I have been playing this game for multiple years and I've also seen the part of the stream about his wife sharing her or maybe even their opinion. I believe it was about something which actually has been performing really bad for years. Wasn't it Cyrodiil?

      Anyway, after reading the Tweet I just wanted to share a roughly translated proverb from my native language:
      "Trust comes by foot, but leaves on horseback."

      Maybe just think about that for a little bit, and why your customers lost trust. :)
    • ApoAlaia
      A friend has just posted this in discord, I thought it was a good fit for this thread:


      We have been asking for a bit of a 'heads up' on upcoming events for a while so this is a welcome step on the right direction.

      If only there was a place where they could post these things to, like, I don't know, a public forum for instance. Or maybe a dedicated website with a 'news' section.
      Edited by ApoAlaia on July 11, 2022 9:34AM
    • Cadbury
      ApoAlaia wrote: »
      A friend has just posted this in discord, I thought it was a good fit for this thread:


      We have been asking for a bit of a 'heads up' on upcoming events for a while so this is a welcome step on the right direction.

      If only there was a place where they could post these things to, like, I don't know, a public forum for instance.

      Wasn't this already posted on the forums?

      "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
    • ApoAlaia
      Never mind, just engaging on the usual Monday self-own.

      Today 'how to look like a clown in 200 words or less'.
      Cadbury wrote: »
      ApoAlaia wrote: »
      A friend has just posted this in discord, I thought it was a good fit for this thread:


      We have been asking for a bit of a 'heads up' on upcoming events for a while so this is a welcome step on the right direction.

      If only there was a place where they could post these things to, like, I don't know, a public forum for instance.

      Wasn't this already posted on the forums?

      Katheriah wrote: »
      Edited by ApoAlaia on July 11, 2022 9:40AM
    • Katheriah
    • theoriginalpickle
      I Agree whole hardly i despise the use of facebook and twitter as a main source of announcements and feedback. I have neither and have no interest in accessing either just get a bit of news.

      Please just post in a news section thats why you have a forum, i'm old i like forums i like being able to browse and read topical information .
      ]I am always the original pickle tickler nothing will stop my merciless reign
    • Cadbury
      I only use Bebo and MySpace for all my ESO news.
      "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
    • EdmondDontes
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      Mesite wrote: »
      some people never visit the forum - I assume they may watch social media to find out what is going on instead.

      That is basically what is behind the industry-wide adoption of social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).
      They can reach more people using those modes of communication than they can relying solely on their official forums, because more players spend more time on Twitter and Facebook than a dedicated gaming forum.

      All of that said, these companies still need to consider that a not-insignificant portion of their playerbases (many of whom sink money into their games) don't have social media accounts and prefer to congregate on their official forums.

      Using social media to inform your players in this day and age is fine, probably even necessary, but it shouldn't be at the total expense of the players who populate your own official channels (forums, game launchers, etc.)

      I am curious as to what prompted this particular thread, though. What recent info was released on social media that wasn't also mentioned somewhere here?
      (I am one of those who don't have Twitter or Facebook accounts, so I wouldn't know what they post there unless someone complains about it here.)

      The thread was inspired by finding out I'm not getting more current news updates on the official forum when that information IS being posted on social media. Social media is a slippery slope into a tar pit. IMO people should never be on social media for any reason. It's a cesspool of misinformation and conspiracy theories.

      And, why have an official forum if the official folks representing the company don't even use it?
    • EdmondDontes

      Thank you! At least one other person gets where I'm coming from with this thread. ...even if in this case the tidbit of information was actually posted here too. This is not usually the case.

      Please just use your official forum for posting news and game related information ZOS. Please. It's what this forum was set up for.
      ApoAlaia wrote: »
      A friend has just posted this in discord, I thought it was a good fit for this thread:


      We have been asking for a bit of a 'heads up' on upcoming events for a while so this is a welcome step on the right direction.

      If only there was a place where they could post these things to, like, I don't know, a public forum for instance. Or maybe a dedicated website with a 'news' section.

      Edited by EdmondDontes on July 11, 2022 10:49AM
    • Grizzbeorn
      The thread was inspired by finding out I'm not getting more current news updates on the official forum when that information IS being posted on social media.

      Funny, I could have sworn that I agreed that they also need to post any info that they post on social media HERE, as well.

      But you totally ignored my question...

      WHICH information, specifically, did you miss that was posted on social media and not also posted here?
        PC/NA Warden Main
      • peacenote
        NeeScrolls wrote: »
        spartaxoxo wrote: »
        BTW here's the tweet itself if anyone wants to see it.
        Seeing it makes it worse.

        Why even give any oxygen to the vocal-minority in the first place?

        Mistake by Mr. Lambert, imo.

        Just code the game YOU want to make and stop paying so much attention to the trolls, whiners, and so called "influencers".

        Vocal minority? Over 90 pages of feedback about AwA, plus the open sticky about the map/tracking issues with no comment, and that's a "minority?"

        The problem ZOS has is asking for feedback and then not bothering to address OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE it when they don't like it. No "we heard you but have decided to go in another direction. We get "give us feedback" and then... overwhelming silence. 100% worse than not asking for feedback at all.

        My trust in the devs and ZOS in general won't be restored until we get a response to the AwA map thread.

        As for this particular topic of light attacks, I would have more faith if the healing support role was at all called out and acknowledged in that very very long post from ZOS. But it wasn't. So the role will probably be collateral damage to these changes which focused on DPS... again.

        Assuming this all really isn't another performance-based change being released under the banner of something "we" have requested for a long time. Perhaps there's a reason the stated goals don't really seem to align with the planned changes...
        My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
        • Advocate for this HERE.
        • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
      • Kalik_Gold
        Refreshing to watch devs from Ashes....
        Main: (PvP & PvE)
        Ras Kalik a Redguard Templar, the Vestige

        Aurik Siet'ka a Redguard Necromancer
        Cacique the Sage of Ius a Redguard Warden
        Jux Blackheart a Redguard Nightblade
        Goliath of Hammerfell a Redguard Dragonknight
        Kaotik Von Dae'mon a Redguard* Sorcerer

        PvP: (Specialty)
        Tyrus Septim an Imperial Lycan Sorcerer
        Tsar af-Bomba a Redguard Vampiric Nightblade
        Movárth Piquine a Nord Vampiric Necromancer
        Uri Ice-Heart the Twin a Nord Vampiric Warden

        Cinan Tharn an Imperial Dragonknight
        Bates Vesuius of Dawnstar an Imperial Dragonknight
        Herzog Zwei the Genesis an Akavari* Templar
        Tav'i at-Shinji a Redguard** Warden
        Lucky Hunch the Gambler - a Redguard Nightblade

        Zenovia at-Tura a Redguard** Sorcerer
        Yesi af-Kalik a Redguard Templar
        Voa a Priest of Sep a Redguard* Necromancer
        Passives of another race used. (RP)


        Ras Kalik the Vestige, a renown Redguard warrior; He has been blessed to save Tamriel from Molag Bal’s destructive Planemeld while reuniting the Five Companions. His further accomplishments after defeating Molag Bal, has been to stop the destruction of Morrowind, the Clockwork City, return order to the isle of Summerset and create a new king in Wrothgar and a queen in Elsywer. These events have made him a living legend and continue to lead him into new adventures throughout Tamriel, as well as into the hearts of many ladies including the Elf Queen, Aryenn. Over many years of adventurous travels, Ras Kalik had become a loner, until he re-visited his homeland of Alik'r.

        Alik'r and it's cities were overrun by the undead Ra-Netu and therefore he made an allegiance with Alik'r's own Ash'abah tribe. These Ash'abah with his help, cleansed the city of Sentinel in Alik'r desert and it's surrounding areas of the undead brought to life by the Withered Hand. After rescuing Sentinel from the undead zombies, King Fahara’jad’s personal bodyguard the Goliath of Hammerfell, who was given this name by Imperials in the region; was asked to assist the tribe after learning of the defeat of the Withered Hand to the Ash'abah. Kalik promised Goliath he would task him with fighting living enemies on the battlefield if he so desired. Goliath being a Yokudan warrior wields a massive sword in respect to the Ansei, a gift given by the Imperial, Cinan Tharn. Not many soldiers are able to wield double two handed weapons, but Goliath loves to get up and personal in a fight, so he also carries a giant maul, both weapons laced with magical flames.

        Jux Blackheart is a master thief that masquerades as a Bard at the Sisters of the Sands inn, with his younger sidekick Lucky Hunch for pilfering and gambling during this time. Jux was known to infiltrate any towns bank vault he came across and even delved into Ayelid ruins without detection. Kalik can vividly recall the night he met the famed thief. Jux found himself rummaging thru a slightly inebriated Kalik’s pocket for too long, on a full-mooned night and because of his greed and the glimmer of his golden armor in the moonlight. He lost his left pinky fingertip as a lesson! But in return, he gained a new friend, as it was his first time since a child being caught red-handed...

        Upon arrival back in the Alik'r after many moons of adventuring, Ras Kalik ventures to Bergama. Visiting The Winking Jackal, he runs into Jux Blackheart, who introduces him to the coin game Crowns vs Forebearers (Heads vs Tails) and Golden Dwemer (RBG).... Jux constantly takes gold from the unfortunate thru theft or gambling, his biggest gambling victim is actually his partner in crime known as Lucky Hunch the Gambler. Lucky doesn't mind losing any gold coins to Jux... as Jux saved him from Altmer slavers in Summerset, by stealing a key and sending him on a boat to the mainland years prior. Lucky spent years in slavery with Khajiits in Summerset and picked up the art of subterfuge, using illusion magic disguises and stealing there.

        Kaotik Von’Daemon an outcast, and a half-caste between a Breton mother and a Redguard father. Kaotik become a pariah due to his conjuration of Daedra pets. He was taught healing magic during his childhood years by his Breton mother. His father due to Redguard customs exiled him from the desert, sending him by wagon caravan to be a soldier in the war in Cyrodiil. He happened to meet Kalik while traveling from Alik'r, during this long caravan ride the caravan he was in was ambushed in Bangkorai by a group of bandits. Kalik by chance was also traveling thru this area on his Auridon Warhorse (which was bestowed to him by his friend, Darien Gautier). During this ambush, Kalik was able to rescue five hostages from the bandits. Kaotik was the first rescued, and Ras Kalik also recruited him to be in the Ash'abah tribe. These core Ash'abah tribesmen may never be seen together in travel as they partake in their own adventures but they always know what each other is doing; as they frequent a hideout in northern Bankorai. Their hideout an old Orc castle ruin, is kept watch by Nuzhimeh and she passes messages written between them, and frequently they also enjoy her company and her bed.

        The other men rescued were a Dunmer banker, an Imperial mercenary and two other soldiers, an Imperial and a Breton Knight, stating proudly he was an Akavir descendent. One of the Imperials, Cinan, claimed to be related to Abnur Tharn the Battlemage of the Imperial Elder Council (One of Ras Kalik's mentors in the Five Companions). Cinan Tharn was really Abnur's drunkard treasure hunting illegitimate son. He was caught smuggling artifacts out of the Ayleid ruins in Cyrodiil and the elder of the two Imperials was Tyrus Septim a retired Imperial navy battle-mage (now a Lycan mercenary living in the city of Rimmen) and guard to the Tharn family. As much as Abnur Tharn hated his half-sister Euraxia, he dislikes his bas†ard son Cinan more. Tyrus now a ruffian and privateer had been paid by Abnur Tharn to watch over Cinan as much as possible. Cinan Tharn a drunkard, loves to drink at least a quarter barrel of Nord mead before he raids various delves and dungeons for relics to sell on the black market. Cinan also plans to one day, run an illegal gambling ring... which he thinks will net him more gold for his wares.

        The Dunmer captive shackled to the Imperials looked familiar to Kalik from his time in Morrowind.... and he recognized him as Tythis Andromo a House Telvanni slave-owner and banker from Vvardenfell. During a rough interrogation to Tythis, Ras Kalik learnt why the bandits accosted him. The racist Dunmer was providing slaves as soldiers for the Three Banner War. The bandits were trying to negotiate a lucrative ransom for Andromo and the Imperials.... Kalik did not need any of this gold and he could never set Tythis free as he did with the two Imperial soldiers. His past involvement with slavery and war crimes, made Kalik's blood boil. He chose not to execute Tythis, as he figured the worse punishment for this former rich and opulent slave owner, is to now be an imprisoned servant for Ras Kalik and the tribe.

        Herzog Zwei the Genesis a reknown Imperial/Akavirri battle-mage. His roots going back to Akavir through his mother’s bloodline. (His mother is descended from the Akaviri, through Versidue-Shae, and his Imperial father met her in Hakoshae, while traveling) Herzog earned the nickname "the Genesis" from his father as a child, as he was his mother's first born child, and last, as she tragically died in child-birth.

        Herzog was seeking to purchase an artifact from Cinan Tharn, before their capture and was meeting Tyrus while in Rimmen, who introduced him to Cinan. This artifact being the Ayelid artifact; the sword Sinweaver. After their rescue and the exchange of gold to Cinan for the sword he decided to slip away before Ras Kalik could question who he was, and why the Akavir descendant really wanted that sword. Herzog was headed to Nagastani — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Cyrodiil. He had read in scrolls that the Sword would give him magical powers to meet his mothers spirit, if he performed an Ayleid ritual at an old shrine hidden there. Equipped with the artifact sword, he was off to start his own adventure but Ras Kalik, did indeed notice the sword however and instead sent a letter to Jux Blackheart (whom also was interested in Ayleid treasures), to attempt to find Herzog and acquire the sword. (*Azani Blackheart in Elder Scroll's Oblivion is Jux's descendant some 747 years later)

        And so the Redguard, Imperial and Akaviri men parted ways ... While Ras Kalik went off to Elsweyr to encounter the latest threat to Tamriel, with Abnur Tharn and Sai Sahan - - DRAGONS!! Little did Ras Kalik know a few people were awaiting him in Senchal besides Sai. A necromancer survived his attack on the Withered Hand, while in Alik'r. The necromancer known as Auriek Siet'ka is also following him to the land of the Khajiits and Cacique the Sage of Ius a Shaman mystic who has become attuned spiritually with Tu'whacca (a Redguard God) and Ius (the Animal God), after being burned severely by the escaped dragons in Elsywer, is awaiting his arrival also. Aurik is a soldier of the Daggerfall Covenant that was introduced to necromancy while in the military, even though this magicka art is not spoken of openly by most of the Military leaders. He came to Alik'r and worked with the Withered Hand before Ras Kalik intervened on their plans. After the defeat of the Withered Hand, he aligned with the Worm Cult, and is constantly adapting and perfecting his necromantic arts.

        After his journey to Rimmen, Kalik heads south to Senchal, in the southern regions of Elyswer. This new adventure will also put him on a path to meet a strange Redguard man. The stranger which was infected with an untreated Peyrite disease and also was the exiled from the Order of the New Moon cult, due to his sickness. He originally joined the cult to worship Laatvulon, the green dragon, mistakenly thinking it was the Daedric prince Peyrite. This confused and suffering cultist is known as Tsar al-Bomba and he is on a path to spread the disease. He was originally infected in Orccrest while recruiting members there. Can Ras Kalik and the shaman Cacique cure this poor soul, only time will tell. Little does Tsar al-Bomba know, that his infection is tied to Vampirism, and eventually the desire for blood will take over his mind. Senchal also offers Kalik his latest love interest... Aeliah. Whom he fondly led thru battles with the Dragonguard.

        After the trek thru the heat, tropical and desert climate of Northern and Southern Elyswer, Ras Kalik heads north to the cold mountain range of Skyrim. His companion friend Lyris beckons for him with a letter sent by crow...

        Movárth Piquine - a former vampire hunter (now infected), within the Fighter's Guild (and a secretive necromancer) was in Skyrim working with the Morthaal Guard. On a patrol mission he was caught in Frewien's ice curse outside of Morthaal with the frozen undead. Movárth's vampiric infection kept him from becoming an undead minion to the curse. He was able to use necromantic ice-magic to encase himself safely until he was freed with Freiwen, when the Vestige Ras Kalik broke the curse.

        Uri Ice-Heart - brother of Urfon Ice-Heart. The twin sons of Atli and Oljourn Ice-Heart. The Ice-Heart family are originally from Markarth but now reside on the Jerall Mountain range near Cyrodiil, with their younger sister Araki. The twins had joined the Winterborn Reachmen while living in Markarth. Urfon pushed west to Orsinium with the Winterborn Clan, leaving his family behind. Uri stayed behind with his parents and sister to live in the family cabin for safety, avoiding the Vampire plague infiltrating the Reach. After news reaches him and he hears of Urfon's death... Uri leaves and heads home and is seeking vengeance. Meanwhile, his sister has also moved on to Windhelm to join the Fighter's guild. He will visit his sister, once before going to seek vengeance and she will craft him armor mixed with ice, called Stalhrim armor. Uri fearing death, after his brother's passing, falls victim to the convincing talk of Movárth at a Nordic tavern, and will also becomes a vampire.

        {time moves forward through the hour-glass}
        PS5/NA - Ras Kalik a Redguard Templar - Daggerfall Covenant • 1550+ Champion

      • SammyKhajit
        The thing is, people are just as critical on Twitter. The two-rider mount Twitter post as case example. People will still call out.

        This one predicts this forum will fold in a year’s time and rehouse into Discord or summat. Tik Tok, if you don’t stop “whining” ;)
      • JanTanhide
        Agree. This is the official Forum and all game related data/info from the company should definitely be posted here first.
      • Mascen
        AoEnwyr wrote: »
        Because as crappy as social media can be, a lot of people feel the same about game forums being breeding grounds for toxic elitism. The forums also only reach players who are already engaged with the game, not those that might be on the fence or looking for something new to play.

        Only a small percentage of players access the official forums of any given game and social media has a broader reach. I absolutely agree than anything official should be posted here first. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't use social media to also share the same information, or promote upcoming event. If a specific question is asked of them on a social media platform, I also don't see the issue with them being responsive to players. As long as the messaging is consistent across platforms and in a timely manner

        What you call toxic elitism i call healthy gatekeeping. People who are willing to go out of their way to make an account here for all their goods and bads are inidsputably dedicated and care about this game. The problem with social media is that companies are easily decieved by the "anti-fans". That is to say people who pose as being interested about XYZ hobby and/or topic but if you scratch below the surface of their veneer actually dont care at all and only see it as a vehicle they can parasitize to promogulate their own ulterior agendas. Combined with the widespread prevalence of bots and sockpuppeting accounts its quite easy for gaming companies to be decieved about what people want and if they're going in the right direction. In particular this has combined with IRL hot button topics among other gaming companies and been an utter recipe for disaster.
      • Aardappelboom
        I honestly think a forum is not the place for communication, it's a place for players to discuss the game and frankly no one should hope for it to become a communication platform. With all the stickies and dev replies here and there, no one is able to find exactly which info they need.

        News should be posted in a news feed, statements on hot topics should be summarized and posted in a news feed, preferably categorized so all players can find information easily. They could just add an RSS feed and post everything new on their website.

        Furthermore if a topic like LA is prone for discussion, organize an AMA in advance and channel the reactions and questions.

        Now as for devs posting to twitter about their personal feelings is something we could all appreciate if everything runs smoothly and while it's not wrong, in the case of ESO, where so many ongoing topics are hopeless for an official statement (overland difficulty ie. ), it's not the most tactical thing to do, but it's not a crime either so we should also stop acting like it is one.
        Edited by Aardappelboom on July 11, 2022 1:31PM
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