Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Oakensoul is ruining the PVP experience, and needs to be balanced ASAP.

  • Hexquisite
    I agree with React. Equal players , the Oakensoul wearer wins.
    The person with Oakensoul NEVER has to worry about resources to keep up their buffs, they NEVER have to worry about keeping those buffs up, they don't have to worry about a window to burst DPS, and can keep constant pressure on the opponent. In open world PvP/BGs they are also free to use Tri pots or Immovables without sacrificing DPS.

    I feel that the writing has been on the wall for small scalers for a few year now, and that this just really seals that. I went through the Meteor Era, The Sloads and Dot Era, and Dark Convergence, Plaguebreak and Hrothgar Era. Those all had counters, even before they got nerfed/changed/fixed.
    PC NA
    ~Ethereal Traders Union~
    ~Spicy Economics~
    ~Tropic Thunder~
    ~Us Ghosts~

  • TechMaybeHic

    I'm seeing MagPlars getting two tapped, something unthinkable for quite some time prior to this.

    Really depends what you run. I know p
    Hexquisite wrote: »
    I agree with React. Equal players , the Oakensoul wearer wins.
    The person with Oakensoul NEVER has to worry about resources to keep up their buffs, they NEVER have to worry about keeping those buffs up, they don't have to worry about a window to burst DPS, and can keep constant pressure on the opponent. In open world PvP/BGs they are also free to use Tri pots or Immovables without sacrificing DPS.

    I feel that the writing has been on the wall for small scalers for a few year now, and that this just really seals that. I went through the Meteor Era, The Sloads and Dot Era, and Dark Convergence, Plaguebreak and Hrothgar Era. Those all had counters, even before they got nerfed/changed/fixed.

    Its really gotten to where you almost have to run a full on ball group. I see multiple groups of 12 stacked together in a ball lately.

    Lag is better but now the game is lost
  • divnyi
    Oaken brought up one interesting detail about ESO gameplay: skill buffs cost a lot for their short duration.
    I wonder if bumping all buffs to ~40s is the way forward.
  • Minno
    how much mitigation you guys running?

    Something tells me this issue is because of the trend where players dropped mitigation sets for one of those 6k WD/SD builds that were popular the last 2 years.

    There is most likely power creep happening on the stat gear than anything. Cause the buffs shouldn't make you autowin, you still need to press some buttons. You'll prob need to adjust your mitigation/health values in order to survive enough for your heals to pull through.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • HowlKimchi
    Yeah it sucks. I was planning on going back to eso to have some casual pvp fun in IC and cyro since I heard that servers got better, but then I see a youtube video of Oakensoul on a gankblade one shotting everyone from stealth everytime soul harvest is up in IC.

    Im just playing fall guys while waiting for diablo 4.
    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • Urzigurumash
    Flare slotted and 1 GCD every 20 seconds and you have all the defensive power of Oakensoul on a 2 bar build.

    Along with more heals, better blocking, Evasion, etc.

    From what I can tell, outside of defensive Ult spam an Oakensoul player sacrifices defense for offense.

    I'm seeing MagPlars getting two tapped, something unthinkable for quite some time prior to this.

    You're massively oversimplifying things and ignoring a lot of the ring's benefits, even defensively. It gives Major courage, a big chunk of raw spell/wd which makes their healing stronger and only had two sources before this, raid buff sets. It gives permanent sorc/brut and savagery/prophecy, so it frees up more than just one GCD every 20 seconds and all of that provides both offensive and defensive power. Even if someone wasn't slotting skills to get those four buffs and was instead using mana/sorc/prophecy pots or stam/brut/savagery, now they don't need to run those and can instead swap to tristat or immove pots.

    Then when you toss in the extra offensive power all that gives AND major berserk, force, and courage, it's a hell of a lot easier for the oakensoul player to put his target on the defensive spamming to try to stay alive, rather than hitting back.

    Well ok then, so some of the nerfed damage can be returned to Sword and Board skills, and Radiating Regen is in no need of a nerf, because these things never meaningfully contributed to the Tank Meta?

    Your point about Major Courage is a good one, but many of those unkillable MagPlars from the last few patches were backbarring Olorime.

    In my experience it is very uncommon for a PvPer to run Power Pots, I don't think anybody "tanking and spanking" was ever running them. I could be wrong but I never heard of it.

    Yes the Oakensoul player can put the non-Oakensoul player on the defensive better than vice-versa. But can the Oakensoul player defend as well as the non-Oakensoul player? Hence, does this ring introduce some "Trinity" to PvP?

    I always thought a defensive backbar was a big part of "tanks being able to deal damage". I'm surprised to hear the alleviated mag costs / GCDs given by Oakensoul entirely replace all of the advantages gained by a defensive backbar, but I'll take your word for it, still being new to this patch.
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • DrSlaughtr
    A lot needs to be done in regards to ganking. Nerfing the ring isn't nearly enough, I was getting one shot by inferno heavies and traditional melee ganks last patch in full impen heavy 30k health builds.

    Because the issue is, and always has been...cloak

    I wasn't aware DKs could cloak.

    It was a response to ganking. Which is 90% night blades. You know, the reason hardly anyone plays Imperial city.

    One, they don't need a get out of jail free card. They have the best mitigation, healing and sustain in the game. Furthermore they have the easiest set of skills/passives to push heavy attack damage to obscene amounts than anyone else. The ring just made it even easier.
    A lot needs to be done in regards to ganking. Nerfing the ring isn't nearly enough, I was getting one shot by inferno heavies and traditional melee ganks last patch in full impen heavy 30k health builds.

    Because the issue is, and always has been...cloak

    I wasn't aware DKs could cloak.

    They can't but they also don't have a get out of jail free card

    Two, a get out of jail free card isn't very effect with there are a dozen easy counters to it. Literally has nothing to do with oakensoul, by the way, but someone always has to chime in with NB hate. Blame the ring. Your average player with a low floor will always flock to what makes it easier for them to play. Class and build are secondary.

    People get ganked easier in IC because they are even less likely to pay attention to their surroundings than in Cyro or run around by themselves with a big ol target on their back. Or, you know, the whole "I just want to run around mindlessly attacking other players and not get hit from flank."
    Edited by DrSlaughtr on June 26, 2022 6:20PM
    I drink and I stream things.
  • Thecompton73
    Digiman wrote: »
    I actually think that nerfing the oakensoul is stupid for the price you pay to get it and wear it. Been on the receiving end of these and admit most of the mistakes I first made I learned from and was able to adapt.
    There's never been a successful pay to win pvp game, and there never will be. The cost to get the item should never be a factor in balance calculations.

    You must be joking to call an item which is accessible to everybody P2W. P2W is something different and not part of an expansion.

    Every MMO must be P2W with your assumptions.

    Q: Is the item in question part of the base game, meaning everyone can acquire and equip it regardless of whether or not they buy the new chapter?
    A: No

    Q: is the item in question part of a chapter you have to PAY for in order to have access to it?
    A: Yes it is

    Q: Can the item in question be used in direct competition against other players that have not paid to access it?
    A: Yes it can

    Q: Does the item in question, which you must PAY to have access to, allow you to "win" against opponents that do not have access to it, and whom you would otherwise lose to?
    A: Yes it does

    Conclusion: The item in question is P2W
    Edited by Thecompton73 on June 26, 2022 8:06PM
  • Wolfpaw
    Digiman wrote: »
    I actually think that nerfing the oakensoul is stupid for the price you pay to get it and wear it. Been on the receiving end of these and admit most of the mistakes I first made I learned from and was able to adapt.
    There's never been a successful pay to win pvp game, and there never will be. The cost to get the item should never be a factor in balance calculations.

    You must be joking to call an item which is accessible to everybody P2W. P2W is something different and not part of an expansion.

    Every MMO must be P2W with your assumptions.

    Q: Is the item in question part of the base game, meaning everyone can acquire and equip it regardless of whether or not they buy the new chapter?
    A: No

    Q: is the item in question part of a chapter you have to PAY for in order to have access to it?
    A: Yes it is

    Q: Can the item in question be used in direct competition against other players that have not paid to access it?
    A: Yes it can

    Q: Does the item in question, which you must PAY to have access to, allow you to "win" against opponents that do not have access to it, and whom you would otherwise lose to?
    A: Yes it does

    Conclusion: The item in question is P2W

    Nah, p2w will always be buying an item with real life currency that has stats equal or better than in-game.

    Your perspective makes every mmorpg I have played p2w...& I'm/most are ok with your version of p2w.

    If money is an issue for some, well video games/mmorpg's are not the problem in that scenario.
  • Kalitas
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.
    @Kevin-G | Ajani | Wü-Tang Clan
  • Wolfpaw
    Kalitas wrote: »
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.

    It's not that bad, do we constantly want nerfs after a release? If anything it has made me better in PvP, I am not so dismissive to core combat abilities, timing, los, etc...

    I hope no nerfs...but if a must, change Courage & Heroism to minor.

    my 2c
  • React
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Kalitas wrote: »
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.

    It's not that bad, do we constantly want nerfs after a release? If anything it has made me better in PvP, I am not so dismissive to core combat abilities, timing, los, etc...

    I hope no nerfs...but if a must, change Courage & Heroism to minor.

    my 2c

    Changing those two buffs to minor will do very little to alleviate the issues being caused by this mythic in PVP. Removing the heroism and the force entirely would be the bare minimum in order for this mythic to be somewhat balanced.

    I am glad that it has helped you in PVP. It seems like the main thing it has done for you is lower the APM (actions per minute) you need to do while playing by removing the need for you to maintain buffs. That is fine, and that is what the ring is designed to do. Even with the heroism and force removed from the ring, you will still retain all the accessibility functionality it is providing you currently - but the setups I mentioned in the original post will cease to function as they are currently, and the PVP experience will improve for the vast majority of players.

    Again it is fine for the mythic to provide accessibility for those who struggle with their actions per minute, but it is not fine for it to grant your average PVP player more damage than an entire 5/5/2 build, significant mitigation & sustain, and emperor tier ult gen in PVP.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    Disagree with your solution.

    I would Keep Major Heroism, Major Force, Major Savagery, Major Prophecy, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery and Major Berserk.

    Get rid of the rest. Make it pure offensive and ditch the defensive stuff. This way players that run it will have to either stay squishy or swap out skills on their one bar for defensive ones.

    Get rid of Major Heroism and it won't be used as people have said. This single buff is the selling point for the Mythic.

    It needs nerfing, but not in this way. Nerf it too much and the loss of a bar of skills will be too high a price.
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    A lot needs to be done in regards to ganking. Nerfing the ring isn't nearly enough, I was getting one shot by inferno heavies and traditional melee ganks last patch in full impen heavy 30k health builds.

    Ranks are strong because of Proc Sets not because of this ring. Caluurion's and Ashen Grip seems to be popular these days. Personally , I think a simple fix would be for proc sets to not work from stealth and for 4 seconds after.
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    A lot needs to be done in regards to ganking. Nerfing the ring isn't nearly enough, I was getting one shot by inferno heavies and traditional melee ganks last patch in full impen heavy 30k health builds.

    Ranks are strong because of Proc Sets not because of this ring. Caluurion's and Ashen Grip seems to be popular these days. Personally , I think a simple fix would be for proc sets to not work from stealth and for 4 seconds after.

    If someone successfully games you without using proc sets.... Then that is simply a good build and they earned it. Killing ganking possibilities completely will kill NB's completely. They are already almost dead in terms of their assassination skills.
  • Wolfpaw
    React wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Kalitas wrote: »
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.

    It's not that bad, do we constantly want nerfs after a release? If anything it has made me better in PvP, I am not so dismissive to core combat abilities, timing, los, etc...

    I hope no nerfs...but if a must, change Courage & Heroism to minor.

    my 2c

    Changing those two buffs to minor will do very little to alleviate the issues being caused by this mythic in PVP. Removing the heroism and the force entirely would be the bare minimum in order for this mythic to be somewhat balanced.

    I am glad that it has helped you in PVP. It seems like the main thing it has done for you is lower the APM (actions per minute) you need to do while playing by removing the need for you to maintain buffs. That is fine, and that is what the ring is designed to do. Even with the heroism and force removed from the ring, you will still retain all the accessibility functionality it is providing you currently - but the setups I mentioned in the original post will cease to function as they are currently, and the PVP experience will improve for the vast majority of players.

    Again it is fine for the mythic to provide accessibility for those who struggle with their actions per minute, but it is not fine for it to grant your average PVP player more damage than an entire 5/5/2 build, significant mitigation & sustain, and emperor tier ult gen in PVP.

    My APM is not what I said makes me better, It's the ttk from enemies that has made me more aware due to increased damage output. Prior I would just keep BB buffs/hots and ignore most a damage build, not anymore.

    My apm went from face tanking dmg w/buffs & hot uptime BB, to more of a focus on core combat abilities. Actually takes more skill w/one-bar.

    Everyone running it ttk is more lethal & it's great.

    The ring as is, is fine, & PvP feels great.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on June 27, 2022 5:50AM
  • xHotguy6pack
    All I know is I have 0 problems this patch other than people who wanna run away to their zergs. I haven't noticed any difference in PvP other than healing being better. I haven't even come near those numbers on my recap when I die. The only time I have died this patch was from more than 5 or 6 people on me and I run out of resources. Sounds like people who complain about oakensoul being broken need to get better. Just saying.
  • auz
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    React wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Kalitas wrote: »
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.

    It's not that bad, do we constantly want nerfs after a release? If anything it has made me better in PvP, I am not so dismissive to core combat abilities, timing, los, etc...

    I hope no nerfs...but if a must, change Courage & Heroism to minor.

    my 2c

    Changing those two buffs to minor will do very little to alleviate the issues being caused by this mythic in PVP. Removing the heroism and the force entirely would be the bare minimum in order for this mythic to be somewhat balanced.

    I am glad that it has helped you in PVP. It seems like the main thing it has done for you is lower the APM (actions per minute) you need to do while playing by removing the need for you to maintain buffs. That is fine, and that is what the ring is designed to do. Even with the heroism and force removed from the ring, you will still retain all the accessibility functionality it is providing you currently - but the setups I mentioned in the original post will cease to function as they are currently, and the PVP experience will improve for the vast majority of players.

    Again it is fine for the mythic to provide accessibility for those who struggle with their actions per minute, but it is not fine for it to grant your average PVP player more damage than an entire 5/5/2 build, significant mitigation & sustain, and emperor tier ult gen in PVP.

    My APM is not what I said makes me better, It's the ttk from enemies that has made me more aware due to increased damage output. Prior I would just keep BB buffs/hots and ignore most a damage build, not anymore.

    My apm went from face tanking dmg w/buffs & hot uptime BB, to more of a focus on core combat abilities. Actually takes more skill w/one-bar.

    Everyone running it ttk is more lethal & it's great.

    The ring as is, is fine, & PvP feels great.

    Having to press less buttons and manage less buffs is more skillfull and your proof is your performance has improved? Interesting conclusion.
  • Wolfpaw
    auz wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    React wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Kalitas wrote: »
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.

    It's not that bad, do we constantly want nerfs after a release? If anything it has made me better in PvP, I am not so dismissive to core combat abilities, timing, los, etc...

    I hope no nerfs...but if a must, change Courage & Heroism to minor.

    my 2c

    Changing those two buffs to minor will do very little to alleviate the issues being caused by this mythic in PVP. Removing the heroism and the force entirely would be the bare minimum in order for this mythic to be somewhat balanced.

    I am glad that it has helped you in PVP. It seems like the main thing it has done for you is lower the APM (actions per minute) you need to do while playing by removing the need for you to maintain buffs. That is fine, and that is what the ring is designed to do. Even with the heroism and force removed from the ring, you will still retain all the accessibility functionality it is providing you currently - but the setups I mentioned in the original post will cease to function as they are currently, and the PVP experience will improve for the vast majority of players.

    Again it is fine for the mythic to provide accessibility for those who struggle with their actions per minute, but it is not fine for it to grant your average PVP player more damage than an entire 5/5/2 build, significant mitigation & sustain, and emperor tier ult gen in PVP.

    My APM is not what I said makes me better, It's the ttk from enemies that has made me more aware due to increased damage output. Prior I would just keep BB buffs/hots and ignore most a damage build, not anymore.

    My apm went from face tanking dmg w/buffs & hot uptime BB, to more of a focus on core combat abilities. Actually takes more skill w/one-bar.

    Everyone running it ttk is more lethal & it's great.

    The ring as is, is fine, & PvP feels great.

    Having to press less buttons and manage less buffs is more skillfull and your proof is your performance has improved? Interesting conclusion.

    Not managing less buttons, different buttons.

    Let me slow this down...I traded (what some think is skillful play, including me til recently) keeping bb buffs/hots up to counter the majority of incoming damage over core combat skill play.

    Since many players are running Oakensoul, enemy vs enemy with the same Oakensoul buffs are equals, in that context.

    This leaves a focus on your 1bar and managing skillful play of core combat skills. With the higher damage output mistakes come at a higher cost.

    Edited by Wolfpaw on June 27, 2022 7:32AM
  • Brrrofski
    I have to be honest, as flat out broken as this is, it's a lot of fun.
  • auz
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    auz wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    React wrote: »
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    Kalitas wrote: »
    Is it possible to get a comment on this from @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_Kevin or anyone from ZOS? This is clearly a large issue that is plaguing the game right now. Any sort of response would be very appreciated by the community.

    It's not that bad, do we constantly want nerfs after a release? If anything it has made me better in PvP, I am not so dismissive to core combat abilities, timing, los, etc...

    I hope no nerfs...but if a must, change Courage & Heroism to minor.

    my 2c

    Changing those two buffs to minor will do very little to alleviate the issues being caused by this mythic in PVP. Removing the heroism and the force entirely would be the bare minimum in order for this mythic to be somewhat balanced.

    I am glad that it has helped you in PVP. It seems like the main thing it has done for you is lower the APM (actions per minute) you need to do while playing by removing the need for you to maintain buffs. That is fine, and that is what the ring is designed to do. Even with the heroism and force removed from the ring, you will still retain all the accessibility functionality it is providing you currently - but the setups I mentioned in the original post will cease to function as they are currently, and the PVP experience will improve for the vast majority of players.

    Again it is fine for the mythic to provide accessibility for those who struggle with their actions per minute, but it is not fine for it to grant your average PVP player more damage than an entire 5/5/2 build, significant mitigation & sustain, and emperor tier ult gen in PVP.

    My APM is not what I said makes me better, It's the ttk from enemies that has made me more aware due to increased damage output. Prior I would just keep BB buffs/hots and ignore most a damage build, not anymore.

    My apm went from face tanking dmg w/buffs & hot uptime BB, to more of a focus on core combat abilities. Actually takes more skill w/one-bar.

    Everyone running it ttk is more lethal & it's great.

    The ring as is, is fine, & PvP feels great.

    Having to press less buttons and manage less buffs is more skillfull and your proof is your performance has improved? Interesting conclusion.

    Not managing less buttons, different buttons.

    Let me slow this down...I traded (what some think is skillful play, including me til recently) keeping bb buffs/hots up to counter the majority of incoming damage over core combat skill play.

    Since many players are running Oakensoul, enemy vs enemy with the same Oakensoul buffs are equals, in that context.

    This leaves a focus on your 1bar and managing skillful play of core combat skills. With the higher damage output mistakes come at a higher cost.

    Well... it is less buttons. Half as many. Half as many bars to manage. Zero buffs to keep up. That allowing you to " manage skilfull play of core combat skills" while negating a large portion of game combat mechanics is literally what is wrong with it. You might feel the same if you could " manage skillfull play of core combat skills" with 2 bars.
  • MetallicMonk
    People actually arguing now that 1 bar takes more skill [snip]

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on June 27, 2022 4:21PM
  • Ahk1lleez
    To be honest, this mythic and the Occult Overload buff have made it feasible to combat ball groups without needing one of your own. This is exactly what pvp needed. Specific HOT stacking still needs to be done away with, but this was a step in the right direction. That and another addition that I won't go in depth with. I don't mind the occasional one shot out of stealth...or the bombs. It takes more skill to be a successful ganker/bomber and survive than it does to run in a ball with all the HOT stacking. I feel like if HOT stacking isn't going to be addressed, then we need more viable sets that proc AOE status effects to take advantage of Occult Overload. Livewire is an example, but in Cyrodiil against ball groups it simply isn't viable.

    Oaken as it fine. You're sacrificing a bar and you're bound to give up utility. Whether it's AOE damage reduction in the form of major evasion, a speed buff, or a HOT. It is by no means overpowered in relative terms. People claiming that it is have simply refused to adapt.
  • Ahk1lleez
    And this is where I'm going to say, having said what I've already said...that certain sets need to be reworked to be less effective based upon how many group members there are. The range and damage on dark convergence needs to be brought down based on the numbers of your group similar to the way Rallying Cry works. Not to a degree to which it isn't viable, but as it stands now it's just too much. And as it pertains to making sets that proc an AOE status effect like Livewire....make Hrothgar....which is a pvp set...proc chilled on all within the radius. I mean all it takes is a simple rework in this instance. More sets that proc AOE status would be beneficial to the health of pvp though I think.
  • DizzyMac
    If the ring is the problem, then how was i consistently getting hit in CYRO with 28k-31k one shots from NBs 2+ months ago? how was it that DKs were taking 0 damage with massive heals yet still dish out 19k one shots? and thats with me having 29k spell resist, 26k physical resist, 2500 crit resist and dual shields. the ring isnt the problem, people adapting to the changes is
  • divnyi
    DizzyMac wrote: »
    how was it that DKs were taking 0 damage with massive heals yet still dish out 19k one shots? and thats with me having 29k spell resist, 26k physical resist, 2500 crit resist and dual shields. the ring isnt the problem, people adapting to the changes is

    New CP star that boosts next direct damage by 25% after block for 5s, couple that with corrosive and fully stacked whip. Your resist are irrelevant at that point, block/roll or you are dead. Also not a bad idea to look for green glow on DKs and escape when they have it.
  • DizzyMac
    divnyi wrote: »

    New CP star that boosts next direct damage by 25% after block for 5s, couple that with corrosive and fully stacked whip. Your resist are irrelevant at that point, block/roll or you are dead. Also not a bad idea to look for green glow on DKs and escape when they have it.

    The DK was easy to figure out, the constant massive one shots from NBs not so much
  • divnyi
    DizzyMac wrote: »
    divnyi wrote: »

    New CP star that boosts next direct damage by 25% after block for 5s, couple that with corrosive and fully stacked whip. Your resist are irrelevant at that point, block/roll or you are dead. Also not a bad idea to look for green glow on DKs and escape when they have it.

    The DK was easy to figure out, the constant massive one shots from NBs not so much

    Well depending on when, oneshots from NB were achieved by different means. They try to fix the most broken things here and there, but players find new and new ways to push for very high burst numbers.

    I'd like them to reduce damage over the board, as well as healing, because when 30k+ builds get 2GCD'd it's obviously not right, same as bloakhealing from 10% to 100% in 2GCDs isn't right.
  • sunshineflame
    I also died in PvP, sadly I did not take screenshots to prove it, but I did. Please nerf everything but what I play. Thank you 😘😘😘
  • DaisyRay
    I've been murdered numerous times by oakensoul wearers and non oakensoul wearers, but it doesn't bother me. You guys seem to complain about everything. It's a wonder pvp still exists at this point.

    To me, pvp isn't supposed to be like pve, so everyone shouldn't be doing the same small attacks. You have everything you need to create good defensive and offensive builds that can counter almost anything. I've done it with my healer, and I've seen other players do it as well. So your claims that the ring ruins the game is just silly.

    If it's specifically aimed at nighblades and ganking, I can point out a few videos that showed gankers how to one shot even before this ring was even on the pts. This has existed for a long time it's not new at all. You're only complaining now because you enjoy complaining.

    The ring is used for people like myself who are still new to this kind of game and is not capable of switching bars so quickly while in battle. I rarely ever use it on my nb because ganking is boring to me. I use it on my sorc and this has made everything so much easier for a potato like me. Am I OP? Not really. I can still die just as easily as before. The only difference is I can navigate my attacks better without needing worry about flipping bars and pressing the right button at the right time. You see, when you have no thumbs this is hard.

    If you want to know what the real problem in pvp is, it's faction imbalance. It's difficult to do anything when one faction has 40+ people all at one keep and the other has no more than 20. Unfortunately, I never hear anyone complain about the things they can't fix on their own.

    [I didn't read all the posts because it was too long, so if what I pointed out already came up...oops]
    ⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿ DaisyRay ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
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