Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

ESO PvP Update [Updated June 2022]

  • mav1234
    Really do need some kind of recognition or announcement from Zenimax about servers
  • NeeScrolls
    mav1234 wrote: »
    Really do need some kind of recognition or announcement from Zenimax about servers
    It was already given here:

    Best bet is to always follow the 'DEV TRACKER' up top ^
  • Sagetim
    blktauna wrote: »
    Sagetim wrote: »
    "special rulesets or weekend events" WHEN???? been months now and nothing.
    Remove all proc sets for a weekend.
    I know it was posted that it had no effect on the servers but It breathed life into PVP like crazy for that month that it happened.

    I would bow out because I very much dislike the no proc way.

    But plainly now its half a year and nothing has happened so I think we can take it as read that nothing will ever happen with this. We were just being teased and I find that bordering on disrespectful.

    All this game is now, Dark Convergence and Plaguebreak... one skill warriors
  • blktauna
    Sagetim wrote: »
    blktauna wrote: »
    Sagetim wrote: »
    "special rulesets or weekend events" WHEN???? been months now and nothing.
    Remove all proc sets for a weekend.
    I know it was posted that it had no effect on the servers but It breathed life into PVP like crazy for that month that it happened.

    I would bow out because I very much dislike the no proc way.

    But plainly now its half a year and nothing has happened so I think we can take it as read that nothing will ever happen with this. We were just being teased and I find that bordering on disrespectful.

    All this game is now, Dark Convergence and Plaguebreak... one skill warriors

    LOL Not where I play it isn't. But back to topic, Does anyone really think thies PVP events will happen? I don't like to be a downer, but I'm pretty sure nothing will happen.
  • DrNukenstein
    Why not organize our own PVP events and content through reddit, and guild discords?

    -Tel-Var "arena" clubs in obscure sections of the sewers. Go in with a team of 3 with 1k tel var each and fight 3 people of another faction. Waiting participants can provide security during fights
    -Duel Paloozas in scenic areas where audiences/waiting participants can bet gold on winners
    -Pick a day, and challenge everyone you see that day to a duel. wind up heavies on them until they accept or log out/fast travel
    -Anything that encourages Foitin' and naturally generates a prize through participation

    Guilds know guilds, and anyone can post on reddit. It's possible, just not as "my idea".

  • blktauna
    I think people are doing that and that's great. The point is that ZOS insinuated they would do this and have basically ignored the elephant in the room since the damage control was done. I don't think its wrong to remind them we pay attention to their words.
  • Knockmaker
    It has been almost 7 months. Still no development? Nobody wants to hear another "we are working on it" and "it is a slow progress, it takes a long time". Even at the slowest speed, there has to be something to tell, some progress to talk about after that many months, unless it as all another false promise...
    Edited by Knockmaker on June 20, 2022 8:21AM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • blktauna
    Wonderful :) Thank you for the update. The BG folks are looking forward to some fresh challenges. I'm interested to see what things are in store for Cyrodil.

    Hopefully it won't be another half a year for the next update.
  • CyberOnEso
    Thanks for the update Gina! Really appreciate it!
    @CyberOnEso PC | EU - Jack of all Trades - Armory Style Manager Planesbreaker | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Immortal Redeemer | Tick Tock Tormentor | Gryphon Heart
  • React
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    Great to hear that the groundwork is being done for these events. However, 25% AP in battlegrounds alone is hardly an acceptable "PVP event". Very disappointing that we have been waiting 6 months for this news.

    In terms of cryodiil and imperial city, increased EXP alone is a very poor incentive. A huge majority of PVP players are already far above the effective CP cap, and the EXP offers them nothing. Increased EXP alone is not at all acceptable as a "pvp event" that we were hinted at back in January, when we were told there would be no PVP content for an entire year.

    At the very least, these events should include double AP, so there is an actual incentive for players above the effective CP cap. Further, in imperial city specifically, things like 2x telvar and 2x key frags would be greatly appreciated by everyone.

    I really hope that zenimax can offer the PVP community a little more than "25% AP in battlegrounds and double EXP in cyrodiil".

    The last actual PVP content we received was in February 2019, when we got one single BG map. It has been over three years since we've had any new PVP content, and we were told there would be no additional content for the next 6 months. Is there content already planned for Q1 next year? Or are we just getting completely led on? I cannot express enough how disappointing it is as a PVP player to hear that the one thing the community was promised back in January has turned out to be such a niche and unrewarding incentive.
    Edited by React on June 23, 2022 6:21PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • coletas
    After 6 months, sorry... We are all out of the game. We dont believe a word anymore. Good luck with the new triple A with go and mariadb lol
  • runa_gate
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    I haven't had a sub-50 character in years but I know that those folks who want to stay in that campaign are typically wary of receiving XP boosts while in Cyrodiil and hitting level 50.
  • dinokstrunz
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    Just revert BGs to Morrowind BGs so we can play BGs with our friends without the painful waiting times. Waiting times is the most important thing Zenimax should be focusing on.
  • Destai
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    Thanks for the update!
  • FangOfTheTwoMoons
    25% AP and extra EXP are barely anything. This is not what PVPers were waiting 6 months to hear.

    The tech that was mentioned sounds cool tho. Goodluck to the team developing it!
  • geonsocal
    25% AP and extra EXP are barely anything. This is not what PVPers were waiting 6 months to hear.

    truth is - my expectations for any new pvp content are relatively non-existent...actually, after the introduction of the hammer a couple of years ago, maybe it's for the best (although i did like the lancers)...

    glad to hear you all are working on improving the equipment :)

    hopefully one of these days: Lag and Stuck in Combat become things of the past...

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • ATomiX69
    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.
    I guess its neat to encourage people who dislike or are afraid of PvP to get into it, but most long-term players have at least 1 grand overlords worth of AP, so this really isnt a motivator for alot of the PvPers unless you give us options to spend our currency on. :)
    smurf account
    New PvP content when?
    Better cyro performance when?
    Farmed about 3 GO's worth of AP
    world 3rd immortal redeemer (22.02.18) and other not noteworthy trifectas
  • Dagoth_Rac
    It looks like ZOS are more interested in getting new players to engage in PvP, rather than reward existing PvP players. And a bigger PvP player base would certainly be good for existing PvP players, but it would be nice if ZOS could do both. Entice more players to try PvP and reward dedicated PvP players.
  • acastanza_ESO
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    So a small AP boost for playing whatever battleground mode you happened to draw out of a hat that weekend, and a worthless XP boost in Cyro or IC. Is this a joke?
  • VaranisArano
    Thanks for the update!
  • WiseSky
    Happy to hear that EU and Console will get new Servers that is good news
    Immersive Quests Addon
    Wish to Quest without Quest Way Markers? ''Talk to the Hooded Figure'' Turns into ''Talk to the Hooded Figure, who is feeding the chickens near the southeastern gate in the city of Daggerfall in Glenumbra.'' If you Wish To write bread crumbs clues for quest for other players to experience come join the team!
    List of Immersion Addons
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Hi everyone,
    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    Hi @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_Kevin

    Thanks for the update, I think everyone appreciates it when time is spent to communicate with the pvp audience even if it's not always what we want to hear.

    As feedback on these plans, they do seem quite lacklustre after 6 months (9 by the time of next update). From Matt's original post:
    In the meantime, we’ll consider additional ways to keep Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds interesting and exciting (for example, potentially special rulesets or weekend events)

    I think a lot of players were expecting more. Especially around the 'Ways to keep Cyrodiil interesting' side. Adding more XP is really not what the majority of PVPers are 'interested' in. It helps those grinding CP for sure and that's always nice but as a PVPer it feels like this is being done done just to do 'something' without much real thought into it (honestly players would generally level via BG's if they wanted to do so as the random bg gives decent xp so perhaps just boosting xp there instead would be more beneficial).

    If we're looking at small changes along these lines I think players in general would prefer:

    1) Updates to the Golden vendor, For example: Normal arena weapons at 500k-1 mil AP, All Monster Helms/Shoulders, 'Mayhem' style jewllery weekend but updated with the current cyrodiil sets too.

    2) Short double AP and double Telvar events (3-4 days per month each in months where midyear mayhem isn't active. Preferably in the middle of the 30 day campaign window.) - Don't add tickets or mayhem boxes for this.

    3) Armory stations and guild stores access via the banker at the alliance gates or inside Sheo's realm there (non combat spawn area)

    4) Additional quick slot wheel for siege.

    5) Adjusting Cyrodiil buffs to increase the power and AP gain of players who have less home keeps / scrolls instead of more keeps / scrolls (empowers lower populations without needing to fix the low population buff with it's current issues).

    There's many other suggestions about core changes/special events but I wanted to try and keep to just smaller things which could be quickly added to provide quality of life and 'interest'.
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on June 24, 2022 11:02AM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Fhritz
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    Amazing ! People find a way to actually complain about this, but it's already a big step in the good direction.
    I'm a single character man.
    Stamblade. Khajiit. Mostly pvp.
    And...that's it.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Fhritz wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    Amazing ! People find a way to actually complain about this, but it's already a big step in the good direction.

    It's a step in the right direction but nothing spectacular. Just applying MYM ap bonus for the entire duration of time it takes to get PVP in a proper state would've been a way better update by a long shot. Cause MYM bonus grants XP and ap at the same time, and way more from PVP. We were expecting something like changes like maybe no hammer rules in cyrodiil, maybe actual queueable game modes.

    Something that's better than a budget midyear mayhem bonus lol...
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • coletas
    Fhritz wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

    Amazing ! People find a way to actually complain about this, but it's already a big step in the good direction.

    We all bought a game. Paying it. Some of us wanted only to play PvP. Nothing wrong except we are years without being able to play it without lag, skill delays, desynchs, bugs (is yet a year without dk leap? 5 from stucked in combat?...

    And the response after months is... Hey... Take more APs and we are in peace. Lol

    I dont know what to make with more aps and more telvars... I want to play... Aps, telvar and xps ... All for u... I want to drink a potion when i want, not 5 seconds later, i want to fire the ultimate when i press the ley, not 1 cigar later lol

    We all know what comes next... In december... Ah, no, we still dont have anything, and our server parts dealers are still on shortage (lolllll)... Buuuuut.... We are giving to you some exp scrolls...And a mount!!! All for free!!! We take your money while you cant play, but hey, a virtual mount is a mount.

    And I think u can guess what is prepared for 2023...
  • acastanza_ESO
    Hi everyone,
    First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

    Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

    Hi @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_Kevin

    Thanks for the update, I think everyone appreciates it when time is spent to communicate with the pvp audience even if it's not always what we want to hear.

    As feedback on these plans, they do seem quite lacklustre after 6 months (9 by the time of next update). From Matt's original post:
    In the meantime, we’ll consider additional ways to keep Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds interesting and exciting (for example, potentially special rulesets or weekend events)

    I think a lot of players were expecting more. Especially around the 'Ways to keep Cyrodiil interesting' side. Adding more XP is really not what the majority of PVPers are 'interested' in. It helps those grinding CP for sure and that's always nice but as a PVPer it feels like this is being done done just to do 'something' without much real thought into it (honestly players would generally level via BG's if they wanted to do so as the random bg gives decent xp so perhaps just boosting xp there instead would be more beneficial).

    If we're looking at small changes along these lines I think players in general would prefer:

    1) Updates to the Golden vendor, For example: Normal arena weapons at 500k-1 mil AP, All Monster Helms/Shoulders, 'Mayhem' style jewllery weekend but updated with the current cyrodiil sets too.

    2) Short double AP and double Telvar events (3-4 days per month each in months where midyear mayhem isn't active. Preferably in the middle of the 30 day campaign window.) - Don't add tickets or mayhem boxes for this.

    3) Armory stations and guild stores access via the banker at the alliance gates or inside Sheo's realm there (non combat spawn area)

    4) Additional quick slot wheel for siege.

    5) Adjusting Cyrodiil buffs to increase the power and AP gain of players who have less home keeps / scrolls instead of more keeps / scrolls (empowers lower populations without needing to fix the low population buff with it's current issues).

    There's many other suggestions about core changes/special events but I wanted to try and keep to just smaller things which could be quickly added to provide quality of life and 'interest'.

    You put more thought into this, and came up with better ideas in a single day than ZOS did in 6 months.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    They can still "redeem" themselves by awarding a mount and a pet or something. That's just more of the same though. BGs with CP or no proc sets won't cut it either.

    They aren't giving us new content, just turning up the dial a notch or two. It's more, more of the same lol.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • Solantris
    I am incredibly pleased to see updates and commentary in the pvp space. Thanks for communicating with us!
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    It's an update saying that nothing has been implemented yet and that we are still waiting.

    And yes the 'gift' is in actual fact just more 'lag creation' why we wait. It makes literally no sense.

    (No bash, just discussing the gifted solution)

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