Sylvermynx wrote: »
Llandras was standing across the way from the deposit crates on both PC NA and EU when I crafted on both accounts earlier. When he wasn't dead, I mean....
The same thing was mentioned during PTS for Encratis. Normally a tank would simply run a flame glyph on their front bar weapon. It's the same for any set that requires an element to proc, it can't be done with glyphs now. That no longer works. I don't believe there was a response to that during PTS, either.I used to be able to proc the EC effect (a fire aura on a foe)with a light attack from a 1H weapon with fire enchantment or both the lightning and ice aura with a crushing wall from an ice staff with Lightning enchantment. What I have found so far since the Ascending Tide Patch was released are these:
1. Light attack from a melee weapon with element enchantment (Fire /Lightning/ Ice) no longer proc the EC status on foes
2. Crushing wall from an Ice staff with Lightning Enchantment can only proc an Ice aura on foes, instead of both lightning and ice auras.
I am not sure what is going on.Can use some answers.
Hey All, wanted to clarify a few things here regarding why we are asking for feedback. First, thanks to everyone who has provided feedback so far. We started this feedback thread to encompass everything to come with U33 and Ascending Tide. While Account Wide Achievements are apart of that, they are not the only thing that released with U33 and Ascending Tide.
However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
That being said, we want to reiterate that the dev team will always try to meet player request and expectation whenever possible. So our job is to facilitate the communication to get us there. We know it can be frustrating to provide feedback, especially when some of you have expressed feeling ignored. However, we go through the threads and responses to provide an accurate reading of what players want and how they feel about anything related to ESO.
So to answer part of @Destai's question, we have noted positives like players enjoying the flexibility and challenge of the new dungeons and loving the music. We have also noted the player reaction to account wide achievements (as we did before with the PTS Account Wide Achievement thread and had the Q&A based on that). We are highlighting those who are upset with the current implementation and whose with detailed feedback about ways it could be improved.
We hope this helps regarding why we are asking for feedback. It is not only asking for feedback on Account Wide Achievements, though those are welcome. We are looking for feedback overall on everything in U33 and Ascending Tide.
However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
painsworth01 wrote: »As primarily a solo player, this last quarterly "update" is a perfect example of nothing to look forward to.. My opinion of it sadly is MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.
Please, Zos, give us solo players access to solo or duo versions of new group dungeons. Would not cost you much and would give the solo players much content to enjoy. We would not expect loot to be commensurate with group versions of the dungeons.
As to yet another half dozen new gear sets, just more junk to decon.
As to card games in ESO -- seen it in other mmo's and not very likely to increase lagging interest
Please remove earned by from other characters there is no need for that tooltip or at least hide it in the background so we dont have to use addons to hide it@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno
A full rollback would not be possible, but it seems to me that there is at least one thing that could be done for Skyshards, Areas of Interest, Delves, World Bosses, Dolmens and other world events (Abyssal Geysers, Harrowstorms).
Firstly: It seems that, for each of the above, there are two boolean on-off variables: "Discovered / Not Discovered" and "Completed / Not Completed".
This leads to weird situations where a thing can be both Completed but still Not Discovered, which is just wrong.
These could productively be replaced on the in-character map, by a three-state CHARACTER-BASED variable, where 0 = "undiscovered" (does not show on map), 1 = "discovered but incomplete" (appears black), 2 = "completed on this character" (appears white).
Since Skyshards are already noted in the Zone Guide on a per-character basis, then Delves, WBs and World Events (Dolmens, Geysers, Harrowstorms) also can.
A quick-and-dirty fix would be to make a fix which runs the following processes, when a CHARACTER logs in for the first time after the fix...
Since these are already correctly noted on a per-character basis in the Zone Guide, they are already divorced from Achievemets. So: Check through all Skyshards. If they are "Unclaimed" in the Zone Guide, copy this to state 1 on the map, so all undiscovered Skyshards are visible but black. If they are "Claimed", copy this to state 2, so they are either invisible, or visible and white, depending on map filters.
In the Zone Guide, these are all noted as discovered if ANY character has discovered them, even if THIS character has not discovered them. Therefore, the copying needs to go the other way: from the current map info, to the Zone Guide, of the "discovered" versus "undiscovered" status. If it's not already white on the map, then turn it off in the character-based Zone Guide, so that the specific character needs to rediscover it.
All of these are incorrectly marked as "completed" in the Zone Guide, even for characters that have not completed them, if just ONE character has completed it. To restore a per-character completion basis of this, the best that can be done is to check whether they are in fact "Undiscovered" on the map (i.e. not visible at all), and if so, copy this info from the map to the Zone Guide, to un-complete them in the Zone Guide for this specific character.
Characters who have ALREADY discovered (but not actually completed) one of the above, will obviously have it marked as complete on the map now, and thus will have the relevant feature still "complete" in the Zone Guide: but, if it's not yet discovered by that character, it is now at state 0 on the map ("undiscovered") and should convert NOT to state 2 ("completed", appears white) but to state 1 ("discovered but incomplete", appears black), when the specific character discovers it, and will still appear as "not complete" in the Zone Guide. When the specific character completes it, THEN AND ONLY THEN should it turn white on the map, and turn to "complete" in the Zone Guide.
This way:
- Achievements would still be account-wide, for the completion of any Delve, World Boss, Dolmen, Harrowstorm, Abyssal Geyser, Area of Interest and Skyshard
- Zone Guide would be fully divorced from Achievements, and be character-specific rather than account-wide.
- When a thing turns from state 1 to state 2 in the Zone Guide, the bonus XP for discovery / completion could be restored.
- MOST of the "character-specific discoveries" would be reverted to the correct state of "not completed on this character" by virtue of having been "not discovered on this character". Those which had been "discovered" before the fix would still be marked as complete even if the character had not done so: but those which were not "discovered" until after the fix would only be marked as "discovered" but NOT as "completed" until the actual character completed them, thanks to divorcing the Zone Guide and the Zone Map from Achievements.
This question has been asked, and the answers ignored numerous times. Things that go to the PTS are going to Live regardless of improvements we suggest. The bugs we point out are ignored on a consistent basis.
I guess the answer to your question is: stop asking your question. We've all been around long enough to know that what we say doesn't matter. It is insulting to pretend like our opinions would have any sort of affect on the decision making process. "The Vision" is proprietary, and we have no say in it.
Just my two cents on this since I'm also a member of the group of players that didn't start the game since U33.However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
Hey All, wanted to clarify a few things here regarding why we are asking for feedback. First, thanks to everyone who has provided feedback so far. We started this feedback thread to encompass everything to come with U33 and Ascending Tide. While Account Wide Achievements are apart of that, they are not the only thing that released with U33 and Ascending Tide.
However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
That being said, we want to reiterate that the dev team will always try to meet player request and expectation whenever possible. So our job is to facilitate the communication to get us there. We know it can be frustrating to provide feedback, especially when some of you have expressed feeling ignored. However, we go through the threads and responses to provide an accurate reading of what players want and how they feel about anything related to ESO.
So to answer part of @Destai's question, we have noted positives like players enjoying the flexibility and challenge of the new dungeons and loving the music. We have also noted the player reaction to account wide achievements (as we did before with the PTS Account Wide Achievement thread and had the Q&A based on that). We are highlighting those who are upset with the current implementation and whose with detailed feedback about ways it could be improved.
We hope this helps regarding why we are asking for feedback. It is not only asking for feedback on Account Wide Achievements, though those are welcome. We are looking for feedback overall on everything in U33 and Ascending Tide.
Hey All, wanted to clarify a few things here regarding why we are asking for feedback. First, thanks to everyone who has provided feedback so far. We started this feedback thread to encompass everything to come with U33 and Ascending Tide. While Account Wide Achievements are apart of that, they are not the only thing that released with U33 and Ascending Tide.
However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
That being said, we want to reiterate that the dev team will always try to meet player request and expectation whenever possible. So our job is to facilitate the communication to get us there. We know it can be frustrating to provide feedback, especially when some of you have expressed feeling ignored. However, we go through the threads and responses to provide an accurate reading of what players want and how they feel about anything related to ESO.
So to answer part of @Destai's question, we have noted positives like players enjoying the flexibility and challenge of the new dungeons and loving the music. We have also noted the player reaction to account wide achievements (as we did before with the PTS Account Wide Achievement thread and had the Q&A based on that). We are highlighting those who are upset with the current implementation and whose with detailed feedback about ways it could be improved.
We hope this helps regarding why we are asking for feedback. It is not only asking for feedback on Account Wide Achievements, though those are welcome. We are looking for feedback overall on everything in U33 and Ascending Tide.
Hey All, wanted to clarify a few things here regarding why we are asking for feedback. First, thanks to everyone who has provided feedback so far. We started this feedback thread to encompass everything to come with U33 and Ascending Tide. While Account Wide Achievements are apart of that, they are not the only thing that released with U33 and Ascending Tide.
However, we wanted to address Account Wide Achievements in relation to this thread. When we gather feedback, we share both positive and negative sentiment with the dev team. This is for the team to have player information in addition to the many other data metrics they have to make the best decision at the time. As noted in another thread, sometimes player expectation does not match what the dev team is able to do. And there are a myriad of reasons why this can happen. As we noted in the Q&A, the current implementation of Account Wide Achievements needed to happen to reduce the data footprint for achievements. This is ultimately for long term maintainable database stability and performance.
That being said, we want to reiterate that the dev team will always try to meet player request and expectation whenever possible. So our job is to facilitate the communication to get us there. We know it can be frustrating to provide feedback, especially when some of you have expressed feeling ignored. However, we go through the threads and responses to provide an accurate reading of what players want and how they feel about anything related to ESO.
So to answer part of @Destai's question, we have noted positives like players enjoying the flexibility and challenge of the new dungeons and loving the music. We have also noted the player reaction to account wide achievements (as we did before with the PTS Account Wide Achievement thread and had the Q&A based on that). We are highlighting those who are upset with the current implementation and whose with detailed feedback about ways it could be improved.
We hope this helps regarding why we are asking for feedback. It is not only asking for feedback on Account Wide Achievements, though those are welcome. We are looking for feedback overall on everything in U33 and Ascending Tide.
While Account Wide Achievements are apart of that, they are not the only thing that released with U33 and Ascending Tide.
Yes, because “Earned By” is a misnomer. “Completed By” would be more accurate, and “Stolen By” even more appropriate in many cases.
How does the GW 2 system work? Yes how they did it in ESO is stupid in that aggregated achievements get counted from all characters for everything like master crafter who counts motifs known and adds up all the base game racial ones on adds up so now all with 5 alts should have it.
its not about that but if your going to call it account wide achievements then make them truly that because its not truly an awa system when you have other characters tied to it. at that point they should have just left the system the way it was. just look at gw2 for example it has a true account wide system. no earned by completed by it might be hid behind the scenes.
proprio.meb16_ESO wrote: »Ive already participated a little in PST thread and so dismayed by the lack of acknowledge there that im not even that inclined anymore to read and write in the forum.
I'm still sharing here my two cents though, as i can never underline enough how broken the content is atm (and possibly in the future - what has been done is no easy thing to "fix" as someone still hopes... in the pts the hope of some was that awa could have been fixed in time for the release and here we are):
i created a main back when i started with one tamriel (had participated to the beta but not again until one tamriel) and did a lot of content with it pretty mindlessly and soloing everything i could. Then my kids were born and ofc i left pretty every game i was playing or kept playing at a minimum.
Ive returned to play more regularly when elseweyr was released and, thanks god, i was able to create a brand new main which is my actual one. With it i've been able to enjoy all questlines (comprising those i had done already, but had forgot or skipped) and most of the content. Unfortunately i rushed through some and it's a long time i plan to create a new character to taste again some of those i loved more, maybe all of them... he could have become my new main focus (those of you who are currently broken hearted for the whole situation know what i mean).
My elder kid is also growing up fast and showing interest in ESO (as he see me having fun - he's often beside me when i play) and another plan was to let him create a new character and start his own playthrough when he'll be wanting to.
Note that i'm not against AWA as a thing. My two "mains" have merged and so be it, fortunately i did only base game content with my old main, but can totally feel and be sad for people who just felt betrayed by this update. The more you've diversified your playthrough the hardest this change has hit you.
With the game in the actual state, and the alts that does not count anything anymore:
- the fresh start i had wouldn't have been possible
- my plan for a second playthrough is far less attractive now and i think i just wont do it unless things change.
- my kid will have to buy his own account for a fresh playthrough? really? i'd probably rather address him towards something else
LesserCircle wrote: »The update feels laggy in general, I have worse performance with latency and FPS