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Do you think there should be an AoE cap?

  • Custos91
    If there is something to fix, diminishing return is the way to go, with a hardcap for the diminish, so pvp groups don't stack, because standing in 10 aoes would still kill them, if it is only a bug fix and never was intended an SOME abillitys I would like to try it first
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
  • Rial
    I think a better solution to keep AoEs proper, but balanced would be to diminish the damage dealt to each enemy hit based on how many enemies got hit (the total amount of damage dealt strictly increasing with the amount of targets hit, of course).

  • xapher19
    Soul Shriven
    PvP will just be zerg vs zerg if this change goes live D:
  • ShivvaSykes
    For PvP players, the lack of a GW2 style AOE cap is a key differentiator for ESO.

    Please don't do this ...
  • Varivox9
    For PvP players, the lack of a GW2 style AOE cap is a key differentiator for ESO.

    Please don't do this ...

    Yep, by making the same major flaw, I don't see why PvPers would ever stay with ESO and pay a sub fee for shoddy PvP that they can get for free (and one that offers xp/loot)....
  • ardikus
    Don't put a blanket nerf on every single AOE in the game please. Nerf the ones that are out of control, like Vamprie Bat Swarm. The other ones are fine.
  • Joykiller
    Soul Shriven
    NO! - If this happens small term pvp will not be able to take out ZERGS. This will be Game breaking.
    Ebonheart Pact - Campaign: Bloodthorn
  • ugo.mattiab16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Uncapped AOE is one of ESO revolutionary features: you dont need to group to get buff & heals, as well as everyone close enough that ballista shot are quite dead... DONT NERF IT!
  • Varivox9
    With 11-1 against AoE caps here, I seriously hope ZOS sees this thread.
  • chaositic
    This is an incredibly bad idea. Top shelf stupidity if it hits live, there will be many who consider this a deal breaker and leave.

    For the same reason you wouldn't put a cap on a boss AoE, if you are stupid enough to sit in the hurty stuff you deserve to get splattered.

    As many have suggested, the counter to AoEs is simple - MOVE!
    Edited by chaositic on April 26, 2014 10:29AM
  • llynndonb16_ESO
    If you are going to implement an AoE cap to 6 targets in a large scale PvP area then you are going to kill PvP entirely. If this will be implemented, i will quit immediately because group PvP will be dead then.

    This is a bad joke... you want to sell us "balancing" by nerfing this? Better fix the abilities one by one. Thx.
  • sugewiseb14_ESO
    For PvP players, the lack of a GW2 style AOE cap is a key differentiator for ESO.

    Please don't do this ...

    I agree. If they are going to put AoE limits in AvA I might as well save $15 a month and play GW2. The whole reason I came to this game was to get away from this kind of development.

  • Perphection
    AOE Cap is not the answer. You've simply made AOE abilities too strong. Implementing an AOE cap would cause a majority of my guild to leave this game, which would be roughly ~50 players. It may not seem like much, but the sub cancellations would add up fast.

    *Actually.. I unsubscribed already. It's bad enough I paid 80$ to beta test this game anyway. I'll come back when it's F2P
    Edited by Perphection on April 26, 2014 1:20PM
  • Abuse
    Ehh, this game...
  • Devastator117
    I'm so close to leaving for good with what this patch seems to be doing and not doing.
  • ChairGraveyard
    Oh yeah and I should note at least two subs will be cancelled for sure if this change to AoE goes through. I had planned to play for years, but not if this is the type of terrible, game breaking lazy change that is going to happen all the time.

    I bought ESO for a reason and NO AOE CAPS was one of them.

    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 26, 2014 10:37AM
  • Varivox9
    Oh yeah and I should note at least two subs will be cancelled for sure if this change to AoE goes through.


    +1 more, I'm already on the fence as it is...Ruining PvP will put it over the edge. PvP is currently the only saving grace imo.
  • Fatbelly
    Soul Shriven
    DAOC had the best counter to PBAE and AOE effects....Spreading the hell out.

    It worked for 12 Years just fine...AOE cap however in GW2, Not so much...the biggest failure in that game.
    Without a doubt in my mind, the aoe cap was the biggest reason gw2 pvp failed.
  • Bunk
    xapher19 wrote: »
    PvP will just be zerg vs zerg if this change goes live D:
    Implying it isn't already

  • jamie123
    Soul Shriven
    Anything to make the game harder.
  • Aletheides
    Terrible idea! This will kill the games longevity. Use Dark Age of Camelot as a template, not the failure Guild Wars 2.

    If some AOE skills are seen as a problem. Then introduce individual mechanics to them to tune them down or make them work differently, getting around the problem. Force players to think and apply tactics, don't force everyone into the zerg mold. A blanket shotgun change of the entire AoE system is as game breaking as any critical bug that crashes servers or hinders progress.
  • bkzland
    If there really needs to be a cap instead of individual skills being balanced against each other, have the total amount of damage/heal be distributed among all affected targets. Selecting 6 random targets from a mass of players makes the game mechanic excessively unpredictable.
  • alan.lin.yub14_ESO
    this is a very bad idea.
  • LatinLegacy
    I vote no but as a long time MMORPG player, I have always been a firm believer that AOE spells should not do much damage. Instead, they should be a spell or ability that breaks up largeer groups of player & causes them to scatter. They should apply debuffs, dots & snares so they are used in a more tactical form. This opens the potential of having the opposition be picked off by focused & burst damage abilities. The problem with AOE's hitting everyone is the issue that has already been mentioned, AOE spam. It already takes little to no skill to just spam the same AOE skill over & over as is the case with a majority of Dragonknight players. These kind of players are the reason why AOE caps happen.

    I am okay with AOE's hitting all targets, as long as the damage is not substantial & has a very small chance of actually killing someone.
  • Vagash
    NOOO! :)
  • Damnii
    Soul Shriven
    There are three things that annoy me about this whole situation.

    First and formost this annoys me because it is an inherently flawed idea. I am not a world class PvP'er, I cannot solo PvP, but I absolutley loathe zerg groups. This leaves me with one real, viable option. Small, highly organised groups. We are not talking a group of 5-10 people who would win PvP tournaments across the world. These are average PvPers. AoE attacks give us a chance to beat much larger groups. Removing this option destroyed PvP in loads of MMO's, notably GW2. Capping aoe will lead to either zergVzerg, or worse, seigeVseige. Neither option works in other MMO's, learn from their mistakes please.

    Secondly, why am I being punished for someone elses stupidity/laziness? Why is my viability as a Pve and PvP player being diminished because people cannot move out of AoE? This feels very personal to me, my current build is very AoE orientated. Why is my playstyle suddenly less important than anyone elses?
    On the flip side, some AOE is in need of tweaking. But tweak it, don't arbitrarily make an entire spell type meaningless. Please, I really like my fire spam, don't take it away :'(

    Thirdly, and potentially the most annoying, is this sneaky wording to get it into patch.
    Fixed an issue with several area-of-effect abilities where they could erroneously hit an unlimited number of targets.
    Erroneously? Really? These are abilities that have gone through years of testing, and number crunching (until you took that away too), and you expect me to believe that this is only now being noticed? If you expect this community to back you, you need to give us a bit of respect. A bit of transparency, a bit of dialogue even, about this subject would have made this all easier to stomach. But to basically back-door us and hope we would just take it is naive, and upsetting.

    On a side note, how does this affect healing? Craglorn is a 12 player zone, is it going to be the case that even with 2 healers, you have no idea who is actually going to benefit from Aoe heals?
  • Aeronaut
    RivenVII wrote: »
    I also feel that it is more than just a little dishonest that the developer notes for the patch say, "Fixed an issue with several area-of-effect abilities where they could erroneously hit an unlimited number of targets." There was NEVER an AoE cap in this game since Alpha and this is a slap in the face to the customers who subscribe to this product that they tested extensively and previewed for over a year. You can't pull the wool over our eyes and pretend like this was "intended". What are you thinking, ZOS, that you can make a sweeping game change such as this, but are too scared to even announce what you are really doing and try to hide the truth behind phony patch notes.

    (1) While I agree that moves should be balanced individually instead of a sweeping AoE cap, I feel that you pulled this out of nowhere. Nightblade's Power Extraction is a morph where the tooltip explicitly states "Increase the number of targets from 6 to 9". And that tooltip has been in place from the beginning.

    To Everyone Else:

    (2) For everyone threatening to cancel sub, I doubt they care. You've already given them your $60-80 for the initial game. They could at any point treat it like a standalone title. They don't "need" anymore money from you.

    (3) I also find it a bit hypocritical that when a change is made that you don't like now you want to clamor. The fanboys have been "ZoS has designed the game they way they wanted, which is ABC. If ZoS wanted XYZ they would have put it in the game. Stop trying to make ESO something it's not." ever since beta. Now ZoS is making a change they want, and suddenly it's not their decision to make? I agree, it's not a good decision, but don't ride ZoS all month long then get upset when they turn around and use the same excuse you were giving them to make a change you don't like.

  • fabsley
    i really like this game, played my current character for more than 300 hours so far, but if this change hits live, ill be gone for good.
  • Devotion
    lost bank slots/was banned for no reason then unbanned/numerous bugs and glitches. pvp was the only thing keeping me in this game realistically. why would I pay a sub fee when it will be even more like the free2play gw2 .... no AOE cap was a huge reason I moved from gw to eso.

    the people saying yes have the most ridiculous answers.. "to make the game harder" "because it already is a zerg game" what....?

    AVA will take a huge hit if this goes through. imagine rolling around with 3-4 huge zergs across all sides, this isn't gw2 where the maps are small.
  • LGAllastair
    Vamps and DKs probably need a nerf (namely the DK standard) and I am a DK (but I refuse to go vampire), so I don't mind being nerfed a bit for the sake of balance. Capping the AoE targets is a VERY bad solution to the problem, it encourages mindless zergs and bad play, it removes the ability for a small coordinated group to kill a bigger uncoordinated one down, numbers become all that matter.

    Please ZoS, do not screw up your game with a lazy solution because of a few broken skills.
    Edited by LGAllastair on April 26, 2014 11:31AM
    Kristanna - Guild Leader of Vokundein, High Elder of LG
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