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Do you think there should be an AoE cap?

  • ChairGraveyard
    The GW2 style "stacking" of a hundred people so they're effectively immune to damage was the worst thing in WvW in that game.

    ZOS please don't ruin the RvR combat in this game with this poorly thought out, broken change.

    It also ruins most PvE skills for AoE as well, turning them into useless garbage.

    ZOS - don't be Nexon. You're acting like Nexon, and that's not something you want to be doing.
  • McQueen76
    Stop ruining your own damn game, or start allowing refunds again. You can still probably get a refund through PayPal, if you went that way.
  • Zolyok
    RivenVII wrote: »
    Zolyok wrote: »
    Yes an there should be an AOE cap, but 6 is too small at least raise to 10
    And some skill need to be nerfed ... vampire ...
    Ah and complaining because there will be zerg ?
    It's already the case 3 zerg taking fort and never confronting themself.
    When want to roam ther is less and less player roaming.

    And it's not an AOE nerf it's a debug, it was intended to be like at at the beggining.

    A. Your entire first paragraph is difficult to understand and also horridly wrong.

    B. It is not a bug. This game has never had AoE caps since Alpha, through the betas, and into launch. Stop being a zombie and blindly following what the developers are blatantly lying to you about.
    Fixed an issue with several area-of-effect abilities where they could erroneously hit an unlimited number of targets.
    Fixed an issue where a number of abilities (especially area-of-effect abilities) were not properly obeying line-of-sight rules.

    Yes it's a bug fix

    Sorry for my bad english it's not my native language

  • RivenEsq
    Zolyok wrote: »

    Yes it's a bug fix

    Sorry for my bad english it's not my native language

    They are lying. Trying to pretend as though they are fixing something rather than overhauling an entire system's worth of combat mechanics and interactions.

    Evidence is based on the fact that there have never been AoE caps and the game was marketed as not having them. I am disgusted that the development staff would try to do this and then try to cover up their true intents on top of it.
    Edited by RivenEsq on April 26, 2014 8:37AM
    Ryan "RivenEsq" Reynolds
    CEO & Founder of [KG] Knight Gaming
  • Zargorius
    Nononono reduce the damage farther away from the center, revise costs, anything but the AoE cap, it's just plain wrong and stupid, it breaks the game much more than people abusing AoE abilities. This will lead to very big balancing issues and will probably extremely damaging to the game. An AoE hits an AREA, no matter what - putting a limit to it makes it a multi target not an AoE any more.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • Djursnerb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I agree that ranged AoE abilities needs to be reviewed. There is nothing more boring to watch 10-20 veteran players group up in a strategic corner and murder a whole zerg, but limiting AoE to 6 people is a bad choice. How will it affect healing and PvE? I say give AoE diminishing returns when struck on more than 6 people, so that they take less damage instead of immunity.
  • Cootie
    Laura wrote: »
    I say no to MOST things but SOME Things should (like vampire bats is the only one I can think of)

    vampire bats are broken the rest should not have a cap.

    Exactly. They should fix SOME skills (namely how much reduction an Ultimate can get from set bonuses etc) but not change the ENTIRE AOE SYSTEM.

  • Adernath
    I also do not understand this introduction of an AOE cap. When I do AOE ALL targets should be affected in the range. If they are too stupid enough to stand in this area, than its not my fault.
  • Strontium-Dog
    Cant help thinking that sploiting game mechanic vamps have caused this.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Zolyok wrote: »
    RivenVII wrote: »
    Zolyok wrote: »
    Yes an there should be an AOE cap, but 6 is too small at least raise to 10
    And some skill need to be nerfed ... vampire ...
    Ah and complaining because there will be zerg ?
    It's already the case 3 zerg taking fort and never confronting themself.
    When want to roam ther is less and less player roaming.

    And it's not an AOE nerf it's a debug, it was intended to be like at at the beggining.

    A. Your entire first paragraph is difficult to understand and also horridly wrong.

    B. It is not a bug. This game has never had AoE caps since Alpha, through the betas, and into launch. Stop being a zombie and blindly following what the developers are blatantly lying to you about.
    Fixed an issue with several area-of-effect abilities where they could erroneously hit an unlimited number of targets.
    Fixed an issue where a number of abilities (especially area-of-effect abilities) were not properly obeying line-of-sight rules.

    Yes it's a bug fix

    Sorry for my bad english it's not my native language

    Not the first bug that has show to be better than the planned original design even if that is true.

    If this is a bug , it is time they make it not be, cause it is absurd that out skills would only hit a bunch of randoms and not who we wanted in the first place.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • RedTalon
    AOE caps would destroy pvp it would make zerging the only valid tactic, in some campaigns zerging is already bad but you can counter it with well placed aoes and siege weapons strikes which are aoes.

    Please don't ruin the pvp aspect of the game ZOS, instead do something to counter zerg tactics like an alliance skill line for digging pitfalls and bobby trapping walls and doors, among other things. Along with lacing battle flieds with oil and the like.

    Please don't reinforce the zerg mindset, make the battles about tactics not just raw numbers.

    At the very least spread out aoe damage istead of capping or reduce radius

    Sorry for any typos and errors, just very confused about why zerging is good for pvp and why there needs to be an low aoe cap in pvp.

    Just my two cent and sorry for typos and errors multi-tasking.
    Edited by RedTalon on April 26, 2014 12:28PM
  • Bahriel
    AoE Abilities are meant to counter zergs, what's the point of employing them if you only hit a small fragment of the zerg?

    Zerging is already growing to be the prevailing form of pvp combat, we don't need to empower the zerglings, we need to empower those fighting agaisnt the zerglings.
  • Haddie
    If a swarm of player gets killed by AoE, they did not spread out. This would promote zerg/swarm behaviour and discourage small skirmishes.
  • enrico.torazzaneb18_ESO
    Tweak the skills, not the mechanic in this way.
    Capping the number of affected targets will just make zerg stronger
  • haDro
    I hope the developers reconsider this change.
  • reptipresb16_ESO
    Apparently, I agree with the MASSIVE amount of players here that DO NOT want this installment.

    I agree that if they feel that AOE attacks are too powerful, then the radius should be reduced, NOT the number of players affected.
  • Kryzen
    Please do not let this go live!
  • H3adcrash

    Because AOE caps promote barely organised zerging over well coordinated small groups.

    Craglorn Raids are 12man. If you limit healing to 6 random targets, healing even with several Healers becomes a crapshoot.
    There is at least one Skill whose morph allows to hit 9 targets. Whats with that?

    With all that said some Build combinations in PVP involving emperor/vampire skill lines could use a bit (a lot?) of nerf batting.
    But please do it with skill balancing, not kneejerk reactions.
    Even if it takes some time and/or several iterations to get it right.
  • sSolutionSs
    So I think this post made it click for me. Now I understand! This is a PVE game!
    I don't think they know what to do with PVP.

    TESO Caters to the PVE player in most ways:
    1. Cyrodill is the only place to PVP if you want to do it Go there but if not We will keep other bad players from ever finding you.
    2. Abilities, Combat, CC's, Buff's, etc are all animation base so it will not "Ruin" your Immersion into this game. Hey Pvpers you guys can use sub par Addons from a 3rd party since we dont really care about developing pvp that much.
    3. The Budget to this game Went Mostly To Voice Acting every Quest from actors you may have heard of.
    4. Should I go On?
    5. Once Again dont worry about another enemy player killing you while you craft or run quests that give you real xp.
    6. The Skill lines and abilities are Really strong to give player a good standing in pve content. Some abilities or passives even OP. This is cool until you die in pvp and cannot even CC break fast enough to fight back.
    7. No GCD.. LOL go ahead and spam your abilities LOL Animation lock whats that? JK animation cancel = mass burst...
    8. Cyrodiil is PVP for Levels 10-VR10 ( lvl 10-60) idk what this has to do with pve but thug life.

    Please ADD YOUR OWN
    Edited by sSolutionSs on April 26, 2014 9:41AM
  • Sherbniz
    A hard-cap seems like it would be easier to implement, but hurt us in more ways then one.

    I like how it's portrayed with Puncturing Strikes on the Templar: All targets receive the damage, but the closest gets extra damage.

    So at the very least, AOE could be unlimited targets, but closer targets get extra damage and further-away get regular.
    Or it could start tapering down like a soft-cap?
    I'm not sure if people like that idea either, though.

    Either way, we possibly need a different solution.
  • RivenEsq
    At this point, I feel like those who voted for AoE caps would wish for their vote back given that we outnumber them 13 to 1. They'd need to have no AoE caps so they have a chance against us zerging them down.
    Ryan "RivenEsq" Reynolds
    CEO & Founder of [KG] Knight Gaming
  • ChairGraveyard
    Stacking will happen - effectively makes the entire group of 100 or whatever totally invincible. Goodbye siege effectiveness. Goodbye tactics and strategy.

    Hello Stacking Scrolls Online.

    This is a bad change, period. There is literally another game which already has it and it's universally reviled as one of the stupidest things to exist in a game ever.

    Entire swathes of PvP players will simply quit because of this and move on - it's that bad.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 26, 2014 9:43AM
  • Pryda
    I don't want another GW2 game style. You're obviously not capping siege AoE, next step is everyone using ballistas in guild fights, awesome.
    Edited by Pryda on April 26, 2014 9:44AM
    Sorcerer on Auriel's Bow EU - & (1-50 & VR leveling guides + PvP Videos)
  • Gisgo
    Hey DEVs are you reading this?

  • IvorySamoan
    RivenVII wrote: »
    Nerfing individual abilities is the answer, not single-handedly destroying all AoE ability's use in PvP.
    .....and this x 1000000000.

    Just returning some video tapes.........
  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    Zenimax always promised that there will be ways for smaller groups to deal with big zergs. To deal with large zergs where no one has a clue what it happening, that is.

    So the solution to new players (i mean, the game isn't out for a full month now) dying amass is to give the "good"/organized pvp groups a serious handicap? A handicap that encourages zerging and makes small nuke groups likely impossible and gives guild groups a very hard time? Lol. I've bought this game because of the PvP, because it promised to be fun. And now, a "bugfix". So we're all supposed to camp chokepoints with multiple oil pots? No, thanks. It's just GW2 with different graphics and oil instead of arrowcarts.

    edit: typos
    Edited by r.jan_emailb16_ESO on April 26, 2014 9:51AM
    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • Jue
    Soul Shriven
    Whilst I agree there needs to be some kind of AOE nerf, this is the completely wrong route to take to solve this problem.
  • Varivox9
    If no AoE limit is a bug....why have I never seen another reference to that cap....ever....?
  • Varivox9
    RivenVII wrote: »
    At this point, I feel like those who voted for AoE caps would wish for their vote back given that we outnumber them 13 to 1. They'd need to have no AoE caps so they have a chance against us zerging them down.

    My guess is that they are very casual PvPers (I don't mean "casual" as an insult, just as it being a rare, almost non-existant, occurance to PvP.). They also probably never saw what GW2 PvP was and what it is now that they implemented an AoE cap.
  • Gisgo
    Varivox9 wrote: »
    My guess is that they are very casual PvPers (I don't mean "casual" as an insult, just as it being a rare, almost non-existant, occurance to PvP.). They also probably never saw what GW2 PvP was and what it is now that they implemented an AoE cap.

    I know several casual players smart enough to move outside of the aoe after dying a few times.
    This "bug fix" is for the lemmings.

    Edited by Gisgo on April 26, 2014 9:58AM
This discussion has been closed.