mook-eb16_ESO wrote: »Am right in saying that after you dodge roll a check message is sent back to the client to tell it its been completed, or mitigated certain attacks .. at high server load afters I dodge roll my skills go out and some times they don't light back up for up to 4 seconds at extremes. or is something else going on ??
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
Aren't add ons more of a client side thing, allegedly? Might be a good idea though.
Sure, the big fights are fun - but there's a reason that you'll find people just staying at Sej or Nikel, despite the fact that another alliance is running around taking most of the rest of their territory - and it's not just because "big fights are fun." Going to counter the ones taking keeps would give one a "big fight," but it would mean leaving the one location (and potentially losing a juicy d-tick), and losing AP during the time spent traveling, etc. So no, I don't believe it's just the fun aspect that keep people hanging around one or two locations instead of moving around more on the map.
techyeshic wrote: »We can't even be updated a week+ in the test of what they're seeing, planning, or thinking. Doubt we'll get details
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »At this time, we are planning for this test to run for at least 3 weeks, and will let everyone know when we have next steps locked in.
techyeshic wrote: »@ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker Whoever may possibly be listening. Lag has gotten worse since you started the testing and each day since it gets even worse. I hate procs with a passion. I have argued with guildies about how terrible I think procs are; but enough is enough. Something you did when you turned this on has gone horribly wrong. I don't know how; but it is.
It is ZOS' decision to allow said collaborations be run through addons, so it is not against TOS regarding third party software like you seem to imply. Also group collaboration isn't a part of the game which is automated. You can't tell via the game to another player, that your ultimate is ready - you would have to use a voice chat, for example. If we were talking about automation of aspects of gameplay, Lazy Writ Crafter (which automates crafting) and some addons more like that would be greater contestants. So I would be careful where you go with a point like that. Additionally I'd like to point out like many others before, that console does not have addons and they aren't running exactly at peak performance. Only ZOS knows, though, how console server capacity compares to PC server capacity. Maybe they run on 20% of the server capacity...Personally, I have a hard time with this myself as it does seem like people are using third party software to automate some aspects of gameplay, in this case group collaboration, that would otherwise need to be done manually.
First, I agree with all of the first part of your post - those of us who have been around from the beginning remember all of the many things that have been tried over the years. We had AOE caps, then no AOE caps, we've had new skills introduced that were supposed to be ball-group busters to discourage ball groups because of the performance hit they cause (and which every single time, simply turned into something the ball groups themselves used). I think at this point, we've gone through just about every iteration possible.
But in terms of the argument of "we need reasons to not pile up in one place and ignore the rest of the map and that would help" - they've already done that. Multiple times. It hasn't helped. The now-destroyable milegates and bridges, the three capturable towns, the addition of the extra outposts - again and again, they've added other locations intended to draw players out to other objectives. And it's never drawn enough folks away. Yes, solo folks and small groups will go off and capture towns or outposts, resources, etc. But most players still pile up at one or two objectives.
No one's gonna like what I'm about to say - but one of the big reasons a lot of folks stay where the big fights are is... AP. AP and the desire to earn it is part of what's killing Cyrodiil. Folks want to stay where the big AP gains are. Second? Folks want to be where the fights are. PvDooring is looked down upon and laughed at - and it doesn't earn anyone anywhere near the amount of AP a good fight does,. which goes back to the AP gain motivation.
Joy_Division wrote: »Of course I stay with the big fights for the AP; there's nothing else to do in Cyrodiil.
Apparently not. Addons like RDX and the custom private addons some ball groups like Drac use optimize gameplay across the group by providing collaboration on ultimates and other group oriented abilities. To provide this type of functionality, I would suspect they are communicating with the server. While I am no expert on addons, I recall reading a thread on this last year. (see Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO response in this thread
Personally, I have a hard time with this myself as it does seem like people are using third party software to automate some aspects of gameplay, in this case group collaboration, that would otherwise need to be done manually. I'm sure you could make the case for many other addons, but it seems that success depends on as much IT knowledge than ESO gaming skills.
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
Those addons seem a bit sketch to me. We might as well be running BOTS!
@ZOS_BrianWheeler, @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker any thoughts on the above add on?
I imagine this has been said, but playing on full servers during prime time, the performance is much worse than it was before midyear mayhem, which was the last time I did such a thing. I gave it a couple nights. I don't know if this is the reversion of the cross healing or not; what else could it be?
As one example, I stood near bleakers with fighting nearby and cast harness magicka 20 times, all 20 times the skill failed in the middle of the animation.
Game-play is much more fun than proc-tank meta on the lower population servers though!
@ them as much as you want, they will still blatantly ignore anything like this and bury their head in the sand like they always do. Now if you had @'ed them about how brilliant they are and how amazing their game is, you would have a reponse in minutes.
techyeshic wrote: »@ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_SarahHecker Whoever may possibly be listening. Lag has gotten worse since you started the testing and each day since it gets even worse. I hate procs with a passion. I have argued with guildies about how terrible I think procs are; but enough is enough. Something you did when you turned this on has gone horribly wrong. I don't know how; but it is.
vesselwiththepestle wrote: »At this point I hope for a test week with no guards in Cyrodiil.
No grass. All those server checks to see if the grass is still there are causing lag.
Each weekend the lagg increases, I guess due to more players on the megaserver, since cyro is full the whole week.
So the man problem seems to be server capacity.
relentless_turnip wrote: »
Cyrodill is on its own server and so is each of its campaigns. I think there is an argument for how efficiently it communicates with the neighbouring servers on the megaserver whilst players are in cyrodill. There is a definite difference between prime time pop lock and pop lock the rest of the time.
No the cyro campaigns are only instances on the megaserver, like any other region.