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Companions: a Breakdown of the New Feature by Rich Lambert

Companions Feature

This is a breakdown of the upcoming Companions feature as described by Creative Director Rich Lambert for the Blackwood Chapter of 2021 and Beyond.


What is a major reason for the inclusion of this feature? What does it do for Solo and Group play?
Lambert says the idea behind Companions is to allow solo players and small groups to take on dungeons without worrying about becoming overwhelmed. As a solo player myself, I bluntly asked Lambert what took so long for something like that to be added.

"I think we've learned a lot over the years. And one of the main, recurring themes that we've heard from players, especially our more hardcore Elder Scrolls people, is people are scary. And there's some content that they aren't necessarily comfortable within a large group, but they would do with a couple of close, trusted friends. And so the beauty of this system and one of my hopes is, you know, you and a buddy could go and do four-player dungeons because you have two companions to help you out."

Another benefit to the upcoming Companion system, Lambert hopes, is that it'll give folks the confidence to take on tougher dungeons, thereby getting the chance to mingle and engage more with the ESO community.

"It will help players, A: develop stronger social ties in-game with their companions, but also, B: help them kind-of edge a little bit more into some of the group content and meeting other players potentially, which is really exciting to me, because that's where the magic of MMO happens, you know, meeting other people and talking with them and developing those really close social ties."

Who are the first set of Companions we meet in this Chapter?
For now, there are two companions who players will get to know: Bastion and Mary. 
"Bastion is kind of this chivalrous Knight kind of personality," Lambert says. "And he was the son of a noble there was a little bit of strife with his history that you'll learn more about while adventuring with him. He ended up becoming a servant to another noble family and is essentially being the protector of this rich sniveling idiot. The questline that you go through with him to unlock him as a companion covers one of those adventures. And then once you unlock him, you find out a little bit more about who he is and what his personal tragedy is." 

Mary, on the other hand, is a Dunmer thief who Lambert describes as having a "stab you in the back" kind of personality. Lambert mentions that she has an interesting twist in her storyline, but wasn't willing to tell me more no matter how much I was intrigued to hear everything. 

What kind of relationships can we expect from these characters?
Now that companions are making their way into the online world to help make ESO even more single-player friendly, I couldn't help but ask if that addition meant romance was on its way in the future. The short answer? Yes. 

I recently sat down with Creative Director Rich Lambert to learn more about Oblivion and the tales it has to tell. When I asked if the relationship with companions could go deeper than just a battle buddy, Lambert said yes – but not in the typical romantic fashion, and not right out of the gate. He said the introduction of this mechanic in Oblivion is setting up for a goal the team has in mind for further down the road.

"With these companions, they have their own likes and dislikes," Lambert says. "You can go up one side and down the other side with your relationship to them. There is going to be something special that unlocks when you max out that relationship spectrum as well, though initially, romance won't be a part of it."
He adds, "Down the line, though, romance is definitely somewhere we want to get to. We just want to make sure when we add it that we do it right." 

Can We expect an expansion of the feature in the future?
Essentially, the introduction of companions is meant to lay the groundwork for more personal relationships going forward in future expansions. That being said, the team wants to make sure they don't rush adding something like this, ensuring that the highly requested feature is done in a way that will leave players feeling fulfilled with their story experience. 

What else can players do with this feature? What level of customization is intended?
Another interesting thing about these companions is that they are more than just pretty faces. Players can spec them out to suit their playstyle, and solo players can take them into instances that usually require additional players, such as dungeons. 

"So companions are there if you choose to use them – your permanent adventuring buddies – so you unlock them by doing quests in the Blackwood chapter," Lambert says. "Once you have them, you can level them up, you can equip gear on them, you can assign them to a specific role; so if you need a tank, you can have them go tanky, or healer or damage dealer. You can set their skills that they use and the order they use them in. Each companion also has its own series of likes and dislikes. There's a report system associated with this. This system will change as a player progressed through the story to unlock new quests to get to know each companion."

Lambert adds, "We're still going through how this all works within the world and figuring out exactly where you can use different companions as well. We know we don't want them used in PvP, so we've taken that option out, but outside of that, we want you to be able to use them everywhere else.”

Why this Feature instead of a New Class or Skill line?
Balancing multiplayer and solo activities in ESO is par for the course for ZeniMax, and the MMO has certainly gotten better at balancing this for players over the years. Since its reveal in 2012, it felt at odds with those two identities, but over time the team behind the MMORPG has found its groove, especially as they’ve rolled out these yearly stories and chapter releases. However, that then begs the question: is it becoming too formulaic? For some, it might be approaching that territory, and the team is well aware of the feedback.

“I think you’re always gonna see that kind of feedback in games – especially games that have been around for a long time, that release content at a regular cadence. ‘Oh I know what’s coming.’ And then they go in and play it and they’re like, ‘Holy *** I didn’t actually know what was coming. This is way different than I thought.’ I think there is a bit of that in there, but it’s definitely something that we internally take a look at and try to be as mindful of as possible.”

Part of the ways the team can combat this is by the features they are releasing with the MMO every year – and ensuring they feel different enough to not fall into that “formulaic” trap. Antiquities with last year’s Greymoor release helped contribute to that, giving players an entirely new way to enjoy ESO. Companions is just another extension of that desire and push to give players more ways to play the MMO, instead of simply adding a new class, like Elsweyr’s Necromancer a few years back.

“For us, Companions was a lot more interesting and a lot more compelling than a new class. And so, you know, that’s what we’re focused on. You know, same thing with Antiquities. I really love the idea of exploring how to add new alternate activities to the game. That’s one of the ways that we try to solve the formulaic issue that you brought up, right? Where if we do things and we mix things up a little bit differently, or we give you an avenue to play ESO a completely different way, that’s really good. And that changes kind of how players play the game and what they can expect.”

That is a basic breakdown of the feature which the developers are working to implement in the game in the Blackwood Chapter in 2021 and they plan to expand on it in the following years.
Edited by Iccotak on February 10, 2021 6:21PM
  • Iccotak
    Why Some People Play MMOs Alone

    For Those who did not watch @Starlock did a great breakdown of what it discusses
    Starlock wrote: »
    For those who don't usually bother with videos (I certainly don't) this is worth a watch if you have any interest in either game development or understanding player demography. To summarize some of the salient points:

    MMOs have shifted to accommodating single-player modalities
    What this basically means is that modern MMOs are already single player games by design. As the speaker put it towards the closing of the video "alone is the default state." Engaging in group point is the unique selling point of an MMO and there are various barriers and obstacles to getting players to engage in group play. Some of this is reflected in the speaker's summary of "ten types of loners" which I'll paraphrase shortly. In essence, folks play MMOs alone for many, many reasons:
    • Newbies. Many players first jump into a game alone. While some may desire to engage in social circles, they might feel they want to get a handle on the game before engaging with others. Or, they may find it difficult to be invited to established and often cliquish groups that already exist in the social space of the game.
    • Lurkers. Some folks just like to people watch, not engage with other people directly. As the speaker puts it, they view other players as content to absorb. This was compared to the phenomena of forum lurkers; lots of folks may read a forum but huge numbers don't actively participate in that social space.
    • Griefers. Any MMO developer wants to root these people out of their spaces, but nonetheless they exist. Some are not interested in groups because they are interested in ruining other players days. They don't care about the social conventions of the space and Mehrunes Dagon at them.
    • Constrained. Often, group play in MMOs requires a significant time commitment. Not everyone has the luxury of granting a video game that amount of time or devotion, but they are still interested in other parts of the game. So they play alone.
    • Introverts. Supposedly, the gamer demographic tilts introverted a bit more than the general population. These folks are content just doing things on their own, and while they may engage in social spaces (in fact, this can be easier for introverts in online environments) it isn't something they prefer to do in the game.
    • Breakups. At times, a player plays alone because the social circles they did have exploded. A guild became defunct, a friend they used to play with quit, and they haven't found new social circles to replace the old ones yet.
    • Unworthy. An unfortunate result of the "gg, scrub" attitude is that expectations placed on players in groups is high. This makes some players uncomfortable trying group content because they are concerned about failing. The speaker cites tanks in particular as facing especially high barriers here, as raids with a tank wipe waste lots of people's time.
    • Vacationers. Some play games just to get away. They want to play alone right now, even if they are in a guild, because they just want a break from obligations and responsibilities.
    • Commitment/Drama-Phobe. Perhaps the first time someone joined a social guild, it was full of a bunch of toxic drama. Some have tried to step into the social scene but were faced with such a bad experience. Or they tried a raid and it took forever and also left a bad experience. They just don't want to commit to social anything.
    • Loners. Some just prefer playing the game alone. They prefer the solo experience. They aren't interested in the group content at all, for whatever reason. They game can be played that way, so they play it that way. And ESO can certainly be played like a single-player RPG.
  • Klad
    Bravo hopefully that will help a lot of the naysaying.
  • Cireous
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.
  • Aptonoth
    I was definitely excited for companions as a mostly loner myself. I can definitely do group content like vet dungeons when the events roll around but would much rather explore and adventure.
  • seecodenotgames
    "You can set their skills that they use and the order they use them in." I assume this means you can give them a rotation?
    Houses on PC EU (newest first)
    70. Shadow Queen's Library (Shadow Queen's Labyrinth) - A forgotten library in the Evergloam
    69. Bank of Necrom (Emissary's Enclave) - A second bank in Necrom has opened for customers to store their treasures
    68. Aldmeri Mansion (Seabloom Villa) - The luxury home as an Altmer family
    67. Dawnwood Village (Gladesong Arboretum) - A village built into a new forest
    66. Undaunted Fortress (Mournoth Keep) - The undaunted have moved into these Orcish Towers
    65. Wedding at Sea (The Fair Winds) - Have a lovely wedding ceremony at sea and relax in the bridal suite in the Captain's Quarters
    64. Alikr Oasis Paradise (Sword-singer's Redoubt) - This grand home was built above a deep well to commemorate their ancestors
    63. Azandar's Tea House (Kelesan Ruhn) - A tea shop/cafe in the shape of a life-sized teapot
    62. Sand Castles (Fogbreak Lighthouse) - A literal life size sand castle
    61. Riften Meadery (Old Mistveil Manor) - A new meadery has opened outside Riften
    60. Helene's Writing Room (Golden Gryphon Garret) - A small room for Helene to get some quiet writing time
    59. Picnic at Pelin (Black Vine Villa) - Based on the lore book Picnic at Pelin (A Horror Story)
    58. Almalexias Temple (Forsaken Stronghold) - A Dunmer Tower with a shrine to the three
    57. Pirate New Life For Me (Highhallow Hold) - A pirate tavern where they gift you loot
    56. Woodvine Cathedral (Agony's Ascent) - A living cathedral thriving in the Deadlands
    55. Dark Elf Town House (Quondam Indorilia) - A small and cosy town house on the edge of Mournhold
    54. The Secret Tower (Exorcised Coven Cottage) - A hidden mage tower in the swamps on the Hag Fen
    53. Knight Club (Frostvault Chasm) - A disco in a dwarven mineshaft
    52. Dwemer Cave City (The Erstwhile Sanctuary) - A lost dwarven city has been found deep underground
    51. Alinor Gryphon Aerie (Colossal Aldmeri Grotto) - A place where gryphons are trained
    50. The Charred Towers (Doomchar Plateau) - Deadlands themed fortress with two towers and custom furniture
    49. Argonian Sea Town (Tel Galen) - An Argonian sea port
    48. Daedric Princess Tower (Seaveil Spire) - An underwater tower dedicated to the Daedric Prince Meridia
    47. Fargrave Observatory (Ossa Accentium) - An observatory in the portal realm of Fargrave
    46. Hundings Beach House (Hundings Palatial Hall) - Beach house and hottub
    45. Crystal Gardens (Snugpod) - Enchanted Gardens with crystalline trees
    44. Dawnlight Health Spa (Princely Dawnlight Palace) - Our spa waters are revitalising and ready to heal your aching body
    43. Mountainside Retreat (Pariah's Pinnacle) - An orc mountainside hall with an amazing view
    42. Volcanic Vile Villa (Kushalit Sanctuary) - A private hollowed out volcano for all your mad alchemist needs
    41. Arenthian Water Temple (Strident Springs Demesne) - A relaxing water temple outside Arenthia
    40. Woodland Cottage (Ald Velothi Harbor House) - A house in a tree, but not a treehouse
    39. Winter Snow Meadhall (Enchanted Snow Globe Home) - A winter meadhall has opened to get everyone in the festive mood
    38. Fire and Ice Hotel (Elinhir Private Arena) - An new hotel has opened with an ice bar and a lava room
    37. City of Princes (Pantherfang Chapel) - Citadese is under attack from a dragon invasion. Prince Tarvia is leading the escape through the sewers.
    36. Dark Brotherhood Home (Stay-Moist Mansion) - A Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary found beneath an Argonian village
    35. Volkihar Courtyard (Velothi Reverie) - A castle courtyard modelled on the famous Volkihar Castle in Skyrim
    34. Rada's Summer Getaway (Potentate's Retreat) - A Redguard mansion with a dark vampiric secret in the basement
    33. Cascadia Wine N Dine (Sweetwater Cascades) - Vineyard and meadery with two restaurants and a chapel
    32. Walled Kitchen Garden (Amaya Lake Lodge) - Fresh produce and cut flowers for sale. Hot food served in a family restaurant.
    31. Luckycat Summerhouse (Lucky Cat Landing) - A khajiiti villa with spa and dining
    30. Helene's Boutique (Water's Edge) - The famous dressmaker has opened a new dress shop in town
    29. Alinor Garden Party (Mathiisen Manor) - A party in the flower gardens of a Altmer noble's manor
    28. Markarth Bath House (Stone Eagle Aerie) - A relaxing spa and bath house with an arts and craft centre
    27. Treeboat house (The Gorinir Estate) - No one know how an imperial ship ended up in the treetops
    26. Varlaisvea College (Varlaisvea Ayleid Ruins) - An ancient library has been discovered deep inside an Ayleid ruin
    25. City on the Moon (The Orbservatory Prior) - Moonbase with housing and an inn under the stars
    24. Lakemire Water Gardens (Lakemire Xanmeer Manor) - Relaxing hanging gardens and a fish restaurant beneath the Xanmeer
    23. Hircine's Hunt Club (Hunters Glade) - A relaxing villa for werewolves to feast in the ever refilling hunting grounds
    22. Lost Dwarven Kingdom (Shalidor’s Shrouded Realm) - A lost Dwemer king's palace has been found in a mage's pocket realm
    21. Replaced with 54. The Secret Tower
    20. Topal Fishing Resort (Grand Topal Hideaway) - A resort in the middle of a fishing lake on a private island
    19. Castleton Manor (Alinor Crest Townhouse) - The home of Lord Castleton and his daughter Sonja
    18. Cave of BBQ N Ribs (Earthtear Cavern) - A secret rocky dome, hosts a BBQ and ribs restaurant
    17. Who Lived in a Shoe (The Ample Domicile) - There was an old reach witch who lived in a shoe
    16. Dwemer Party Tower (Hall of the Lunar Champion - Lion's Cradle) - A dwarven flying tower repurposed for parties
    15. A Taste of Alinor (Sleek Creek House) - A small piece of Alinor beside a creek
    14. Lava Submarine Base (Bastion Sanguinaris) - An evil vampire alchemy lab, accessible only via a lava submarine
    13. Spirit-tree Library (Wraithhome) - A library built atop an ancient forest within an ancient Daedric ruin
    12. Golden Beach Palace (Thieves' Oasis) - A dwarven inspired Redguard beach resort
    11. Mad Scientists House (Cyrodilic Jungle House) - Workshop and garage with an experimental De-lore-ean
    10. Big Toy House (Antiquarian's Alpine Gallery) - Two life sized doll's houses and a inn beneath the stairs
    9. Icy Falls Inn (Forgemaster Falls) - Two Nord lodges on a lake, serving mead and fresh fish
    8. Blue-ice Palace (Stillwaters Retreat) - Solitude, but on a frozen lake
    7. Mushroom Manor (Coldharbour Surreal Estate) - Dunmer house built from giant mushrooms
    6. Vampire Academy with wine bar (Daggerfall Overlook) - Come for the nibbles; stay for eternity
    5. Three Pillows War (Grymharth's Woe) - Re-enact the three banners war with pillow forts and floof balls
    4. Treefern House (Moon-sugar meadow) - Giant treefern treehouse
    3. Artaeum Theatre (Grand Psijic Manor) - Tiered Balcony
    2. Imperial Bridal Suite (Linchal Grand Manor) - Wedding venue with bridal suite extension
    1. Dragonguard Penthouse (Jode's Embrace) - 3 Extra floors, with indoor conservatory and top floor gym
  • Lysette
    "You can set their skills that they use and the order they use them in." I assume this means you can give them a rotation?

    I expect this to be probabilities rather than an order like a rotation.
  • adriant1978
    All I'll say, apart from how absolutely awesome this sounds, is that I hope Bastian and Mary are placeholder names that will be changed to something more lore friendly before launch. I just don't think these sound very appropriate for an Imperial and especially for a Dunmer.
  • Iccotak
    All I'll say, apart from how absolutely awesome this sounds, is that I hope Bastian and Mary are placeholder names that will be changed to something more lore friendly before launch. I just don't think these sound very appropriate for an Imperial and especially for a Dunmer.

    I would not be surprised of "Mary' is a nickname or a alias that she goes by considering that she is an Assassin type character

    Edit: we now know that her name is Mirri
    Edited by Iccotak on April 19, 2021 7:18PM
  • Sarannah
    @Iccotak Thank you for the in-depth post on what companions are/do!

    This seems like there will not be a heal/tank companion, as knight and thief only seems DPS to me. Which is weird, as most players are DPS and would rather have a heal/tank companion. Will we be able to give them their role(s)?

    Something that wasn't in the text posted: Will companions be an accountwide unlock, or unlocked per character? I would like them to be accountwide unlocks personally, so I do not have to do the unlock quests on all my characters, even non-dps ones.

    Relationships with NPC characters always seem funny to me. Looking forward to going through Mary's oblivion gate. :sunglasses:
  • SeaGtGruff
    Cireous wrote: »
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.

    Why would you even want to include a companion in your overland questing if that's the case? Just because they're going to be available doesn't mean you'll be obligated to use them.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Merlin13KAGL
    "You can set their skills that they use and the order they use them in." I assume this means you can give them a rotation?
    Depending on the level of control and command you can provide them, this could make or break many features of the game.

    It would be awesome if you were able to train them directly, essentially turn them into a bot of your own playstyle, but somehow I don't see them taking the capability this far. I'm hopeful they at least give the obvious options such as attack ranges, proximity to your character, and priorities on certain events (rez, heal, maintain aggro, focus me, focus yourself, focus the lowest group member, etc.)

    It will be interesting to see how well they handle the content you would really want the assist with, if they will be a slightly amped up version of the current NPC/AI (*le Sigh*) or if they can actually be made to be somewhat useful.

    Then again, they may place them right in the middle, not quite Hard Mode capable, but not completely inept, either.

    We'll see.

    [EDIT typo]
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on January 27, 2021 9:14PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • LannStone
    My memory of companions in Skyrim, especially Lydia, is them just getting in the way and dying and me leaving them at home - we'll have to see how this really works out
  • Iluvrien
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Cireous wrote: »
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.

    Why would you even want to include a companion in your overland questing if that's the case? Just because they're going to be available doesn't mean you'll be obligated to use them.

    Indeed, and even if I did, then I would be expecting them to stand back while my character melted everything that stood in his path.

    They would be there for conversation and company... not work.
  • goldenarcher1
    Direfrost keep solo again.

    "just stand on that square Mary" :p
  • Kory
    Direfrost keep solo again.

    "just stand on that square Mary" :p

    Hell yeah, I could actually solo that on Vet if it weren't for that gate! :s
  • Jarndyce
    "I am sworn to carry your burdens!"

    Ah, memories! :😁
  • Thealteregoroman
    @Iccotak thank you for posting this!!!
    ****Master Healer...****
  • goldenarcher1
    Kory wrote: »
    Direfrost keep solo again.

    "just stand on that square Mary" :p

    Hell yeah, I could actually solo that on Vet if it weren't for that gate! :s

    It does open up interesting possibilities for non-soloable and awkward mechanic dungeons for the purposes of gear grinding amongst other things.

    Be nice if the companions can loot chests as well. :)
  • Gilvoth
    very helpfull articles.
    thank you for this and the videos as well as the bullet points on everything.
  • UntilValhalla13
    So, are these things going to fill a legitimate spot in a group, or are they considered followers, like lyris, that just tag along? Are we going to be able to take 12 companions into a trial?
  • Cireous
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Cireous wrote: »
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.

    Why would you even want to include a companion in your overland questing if that's the case? Just because they're going to be available doesn't mean you'll be obligated to use them.
    Because I want an amusing AI exploring buddy. For entertainment :wink:
  • Parasaurolophus
    In the end, I think it won't be possible to complete the veteran HM DLC dungeon with 2 players and 2 companions. But if new players are able to complete normal dungeons as a story mod, I'll be glad.
  • Fata1moose
    "With these companions, they have their own likes and dislikes," Lambert says. "You can go up one side and down the other side with your relationship to them. There is going to be something special that unlocks when you max out that relationship spectrum as well, though initially, romance won't be a part of it."
    He adds, "Down the line, though, romance is definitely somewhere we want to get to. We just want to make sure when we add it that we do it right."

    Let my character marry Naryu or Kireth ZOS! Or whatever other players want in terms of relationships to ship. Go full on fan service with these.
    Edited by Fata1moose on January 27, 2021 9:58PM
  • Gilvoth
    Are we going to be able to take 12 companions into a trial?

    i would Love that, the more the merrier.

  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    Cireous wrote: »
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.

    Or you can... you know... not activate the companion. Crazy I know.
  • Tandor
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Cireous wrote: »
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.

    Why would you even want to include a companion in your overland questing if that's the case? Just because they're going to be available doesn't mean you'll be obligated to use them.

    Indeed, just like the soldiers in LoTRO. I occasionally summon mine to help in a particularly difficult fight, otherwise I leave them for the skirmishes they're intended for. Much as with EQ2 where I can use mercenaries but don't bother to do so as they aren't needed.

    Companions are purely optional, and so far as any impact on grouping is concerned, cannot a group leader stipulate "No companions permitted for this content"?

    If companions help some players they will be worthwhile, if they don't help other players they will be an irrelevance.
  • Cireous
    Cireous wrote: »
    I guess that means companions will be WAY too overpowered for the questing experience in Overland. I'm currently gearless and CP-less to eek out the smallest amount of challenge in the Overland (which mostly just slows down the fights--I'm still in no real danger of dying). I guess my companion would have to be equally naked as well, perhaps fighting with only their fists.

    Or you can... you know... not activate the companion. Crazy I know.

  • VaranisArano
    It sounds like unlocking and progressing with the companion will involve at least some questing. Also, assuming they follow in the TES and Fallout mode, Companions will have some unique dialogue for certain locations and quests. If ZOS is smart, Companion dialogue and reactions become a great way to add replayability to older zones for roleplayers and players who get really attached to their companion.

    So I understand the concerns of players who might want to experience ESO with a Companion...but not have that companion ruin the questing experience because they were balanced for group dungeons. That's not answered by a simple "then don't use the companion" solution.
  • wild_kmacdb16_ESO
    I was worried they were going to be like the useless NPCs that sometimes help you in quests, where they do nothing but tickle the enemy, but it sounds like they are going to be useful allies indeed. This should help with some of the less active world bosses / events as well. I do think they should probably occupy a party member slot in dungeons/trials though.
  • Fata1moose
    We're still going through how this all works within the world and figuring out exactly where you can use different companions as well. We know we don't want them used in PvP, so we've taken that option out, but outside of that, we want you to be able to use them everywhere else.

    Don't worry ZOS I can help, this is how it should work for group content/arenas
    • In dungeon finder the player/companion limit is set to four. It will always match four players but if someone drops you can summon a companion. If you queue for a replacement the companion will automatically be dismissed when a player enters the instance. This means tanks and healers need not worry about losing their fast queue times.
    • If you want to do a dungeon by yourself and a companion simply travel to the dungeon instead of using the group finder
    • Trials work in the same way where there's a 12 player/companion cap just without the group finder feature obviously. If someone drops and the leader invites someone else then the companion will be dismissed once that person enters the instance
    • Solo Arenas: Companions are allowed in normal instances but in veteran instances only the player is allowed. This will help less experienced players experience the content while the rewards for soloing the arena (perfected) and leaderboard integrity are maintained.
    • Group Arenas: Allow them in both normal and veteran with the cap of 4 players/companions. If you have two players with two companions in a vet arena they're likely doing heavy lifting since a companion isn't as effective as an actual player so I see no reason why rewards should be restricted
    • Already confirmed but no companions in PvP
    Edited by Fata1moose on January 28, 2021 12:51AM
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