Which "fake" role makes your dungeon group fail most?

  • kargen27
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Eedat wrote: »
    Depends on the dungeon and difficulty but for the actual hard ones, not having a tank leads to people getting one shot left and right. On normal dungeons and a lot of easier vet ones I prefer fake healer over a real one lol

    You mean you prefer a fake healer over an average healer. A real healer through applying buffs and all that fun stuff lets you concentrate entirely on DPS meaning even with the two DPS instead of three the run goes quicker and smoother. This assumes your DPS prowess is on par with the healers skills.

    For me I run mostly premades in vet content. 3DD when we are doing a death run to farm some sets real quick and we don’t touch HM. If we run the trinity I do it with healers that will change sets for each boss fight sometimes to give and extra buff or more healing if there is a heal check. Healers that know their stuff can make a run go so much smoother.

    I run with tanks that do the same thing, certain fights they need to go selfish and leave us DD to handle our own buffs. Often when I’m running DK dps with my buddy on tank he will ask me to slot igneous weapon and/or igneous shield to buff the group instead so he can run a different set or skill.

    Premade groups have that kind of communication and synergy. Pug groups what you see is what you get. Most fake roles can get by until they hit the HM scroll and you barely notice otherwise, at least on console where we don’t have metrics to check stuff other than watching their skills and HP bar. Fake tank and heals will get exposed fast when we try the HM almost every time.

    IDK that there is fake DPS though. You are either good or you aren’t. Your DPS doesn’t meet to be phenomenally high to be good. If you can get out a few skills, swap bars and generally not stand in stupid than your DPS is likely good enough to get through all but a few fights. If all you can do is spam light and heavy attacks and self heal it’s better you queue for normal dungeons. I will happily carry anyone through normal and even run the quests with you, but don’t bring that nonsense to vet.

    When I was doing this type of thing my healer had six different sets of gear. One was for when I ventured into PvP, still that was five sets to choose from to fit the situation. My problem is sometimes I am not very situationally aware. Luckily we had a tank that would keep me straight in Discord.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Calm_Fury
    Fake Tank
    As Google would say:

    Did you mean bad role?

    Definition of fake: to pretend.

    Definition of bad: not good in any manner or degree.

    Fake role =/= Bad at role
  • rotaugen454
    Normal dungeons I can solo unless there is a specific multi person mechanic, so I don't care.

    Vet dungeons- any fake role can ruin the group.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Zatox wrote: »
    If you're going for a specific outcome, speed run, etc, use a premade. Use a premade until they come up with the selection options that allow one to pick the playstyles they're willing to group with, and then prepare to wait even longer to queue if that style is not checked on someone else's list.

    Use premade if you want to roleplay. Im gonna play how i like it. Most of the time i have at least one group member, who's like to rush and he is dont vote for kicking me.
    Your random might be someone else's specific. Don't use RDF if you are expecting anything other than a random group. You'll be doing the 'roleplayers' a favor too. It's not the kind of player they care to be exposed to. There are 100 more like you, just as capable, with at least a hint of concern for their fellow player.

    Inability to get kicked doesn't translate to permission to not allow any flexibility for the rest of the group, it just means there are probably two ***** instead of just one.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • universal_wrath
    A very serious quetion, how do you fake dps? I know as a fake tank you cwn be either a healer or dps; fake healer being a dps, but how do you fake dps? Queue tank/healer as a dps? Why would you do that?

    By the way, nothing bothers more than fake tank who don't tqunt. It is fine to be a fake tank or fake healer, just do you basic role tasks lile taunts and healer/support to absolute minimal.
  • YstradClud
    Fake DPS
    By the way, nothing bothers more than fake tank who don't tqunt. It is fine to be a fake tank or fake healer, just do you basic role tasks lile taunts and healer/support to absolute minimal.

    Can't taunt if you don't have one.
  • Vignar_Giantsbane
    Fake Tank
    I don't care if people Fake Tank (in normal); I do care if they're so awful that they die in normal dungeons.

    To be honest I prefer 4 DD runs on normal and 3 DD + Tank runs on Vet.
  • Nord_Raseri
    zvavi wrote: »
    Fake tank is likely carrying the group
    Fake healer is helping fake tank carry the group

    This is so, so, so, so wrong. There are so many fake tanks and heals, that don't freaking know how to play, and just skip queue. While I agree that fake dds are a plague (the last 2 random vets I did on my dedicated tanks, I had 30%+ of the damage). Many times if not most, those fake tanks/heals, are actually fake dds that skip queue.

    We had one of those today. A tank and dps, both low level rocking bows with nothing but LAs and instantly dying, not only at each boss, but at each add pull. They were friends(Almost identical names) so couldn't kick if I wanted to. Thankfully I can easily solo dungeons, and healer just left them dead. At end, I thanked them for group and went on my merry way.
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • linuxlady
    The fake poll role? Ahahaha
  • Nordic__Knights
    Fake Tank
    being i take this to be for vet not normal an fake tank means death to all and fake healer means more dps ,and i dont get fake dps as idk any healer/tank wanting to be in que for loner then needed now if you mean WEAK dps in some places it can mean death to run but more times then not it just makes things take longer and you know we play an mmorpg we dont have time to do things slow lol so again AN FAKE TANK IN VET DUNGEONS MEANS DEATH TO ALL !!!!!!!!
  • zvavi
    Fake DPS
    Calm_Fury wrote: »
    As Google would say:

    Did you mean bad role?

    Definition of fake: to pretend.

    Definition of bad: not good in any manner or degree.

    Fake role =/= Bad at role

    You are right, bad tanks that try to hold agro by dealing damage are just bad, they are not fake, while fake dds queue without the intention to be the main damage source in group, therefore fake.


    Please, it is hypocritical to demand something from tanks (hold agro) while regarding dd's as something that can use 1 light attack in the begining of the dungeon, and already count them as dds because they dealt damage.
  • bmnoble
    Fake DPS
    If its just the one the group can usually compensate for them, if you luck out and get 2 low damage dealers at the same time, assuming one can't be replaced with a vote kick it turns into a race to see which support role leaves first.

    Not having a tank is a pain in most of the harder dungeons due to all the different one shots, many who PUG expect to get a fake healer and have self heals ready to go, so a fake healer is less of an issue and no matter how great the healer they can't heal one shot mechanics.

    But if the groups damage dealers can't kill stuff, or at least kill it in a reasonable amount of time, the support roles will abandon the group, you might get lucky and get some patient people who will stick out the run but those kinda runs are what eventually drives tanks in particular from using the group finder.
  • rpa
    Fake DPS
    I solo (easy) dungeons with my fake dps no problem. But would not impose it on random players.
  • StrafeSinnlos
    Depends whether it's DLC or non-DLC. DLC it's usually fake tanks, non-DLC I'd say dds.

    Edit: to explain. If I'm tanking, I consider an unbearably long run a failed run,that's why I'd say fake dds for non-DLCs. I don't pug tank DLC dungeons precisely because I don't want to ever be in that situation in a DLC dungeon.
    Edited by StrafeSinnlos on December 12, 2020 10:56AM
  • UrbanMonk
    Fake DPS
    And here its proven, me plugging in as fake Healer is The least of the failed dungeon run reasons.

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24

    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH- https://youtu.be/dUxQO1FO1XQ

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • L_Nici
    If you are a competent player a healer is not needed anyway, so obviously that will be rarely the reason to fail. I prefer to play 3 DD and a tank in Vet, in normal just 4 DD or solo, but usually I play with guild members so there is no fail.
    A very special girl

  • mobicera
    Fake DPS
    I generally don't pug, but when I do its not the fake healer that causes me to leave or will cause the dungeon to fail(I main a tank so typically play that role). Its going to be 1 ability spam dps that causes me to leave or will cause the dungeon to fail.
    It also seems to be the reason skilled players avoid the group finder pugs, both dps and tanks...
    Real healers just don't know their place is in trials🤣
  • Integral1900
    Fake Tank
    Maximum dps is the easiest way to get past dungeons

    But ..............

    Max dps relies on targets not moving so you can stack all that damage

    Fake tanks means the tedious job of boss chasing because the stupid thing sooner or later takes a shine to the lowest dps player.... you know, the bow wielding healer with 11k health 😡🤬
  • Sarannah
    Fake Tank
    Fake DPS does not destroy a run. Yes, it goes slower. And yes, they might get kicked and replaced. But they are replaced almost instantly. Therefor fake DPS does not cause a run to fail, they only cause a slight delay. Fake tanks and healers on the other hand, they do destroy runs. As they are hard to replace, this actually causes runs to fail. Mostly from a time point-of-view.

    The advantage of being a real tank is that healers have to do less healing. Often causing them to DPS as well, this makes runs with a real tank very very smooth(mechanics aside) most of the times!

    Have to vote fake tank, since they are the hardest to replace. And based on my personal experience with being placed in partially finished runs.
    Edited by Sarannah on December 12, 2020 4:47PM
  • AlienMagi
    Fake Healer
    I once ran a random normal dungeon with a "healer" that did absolutely nothing. The low level teammates kept dying and i was forced to use my heal skills as a DPS just to get through the dungeon.

    Makes me feel pretty stupid for waiting over 10 minutes in queue as a DPS when i could've just rolled healer.
    Edited by AlienMagi on December 12, 2020 6:47PM
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    Fake DPS
    100% of the time as a healer, I get fake dps
  • spartaxoxo
    Fake DPS
    Btw I don't think there are "fake damage". Why would someone queue for damage if they are tank or healer, knowing it would take longer? lol. Maybe OP meant Weak DPS.

    The last dungeon I was in as a dps, I would estimate I did maybe 75% of the damage between the two of us. And that would been 90 if I wasn't on a fairly new toon who I don't have good deeps yet. I think he was pulling less than 10k dps, and he was dps'ing using a sword and board. I think calling that a real dps is an insult to dps players that are simply weak. I was more in that line of thinking until I saw that. Screw that noise. I feel bad for all the 15k dps I said were fake because they made that dude look fantastic.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 12, 2020 7:59PM
  • Recent
    Fake dps...with low damage dungeons take forever
  • Glurin
    Fake Tank
    Not only is "fake dps" not a thing, but saying that it is just shows you've become completely dependent on the dps nuke crutch.

    The proof is in the pudding. With a real tank, you can succeed in most dungeons even with dps pulling sub-10k numbers, which you know these days you pretty much have to work at it to get below 10k. With a fake tank, you must pull super high numbers or you will fail.

    Fake healers you can work around as long as you've got some decent self heals and/or someone is willing to work a heal or two into their rotation.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • mobicera
    Fake DPS
    Glurin wrote: »
    Not only is "fake dps" not a thing, but saying that it is just shows you've become completely dependent on the dps nuke crutch.

    The proof is in the pudding. With a real tank, you can succeed in most dungeons even with dps pulling sub-10k numbers, which you know these days you pretty much have to work at it to get below 10k. With a fake tank, you must pull super high numbers or you will fail.

    Fake healers you can work around as long as you've got some decent self heals and/or someone is willing to work a heal or two into their rotation.

    No if you go into a vet DLC with 10k dps you are essentially a fake dps.
    It's also very disrespectful to your other team mates.
    Also no one should sign up for a random vet and be expected to run for 3 hours just to clear because some "dps" only presses 1 button.
    This is why I really don't pug anymore, the worst part when you dare suggest improvement or layering dots you are an elitist or your example using dps as a crutch?
    Are you serious?
    10k isn't dps it isn't even trying.
    I'm not going to spend 3h in any dungeon for random people I don't know when with even average dps and a healer! it can and should take no more than 30 minutes.
  • Beardimus
    Fake DPS
    Bad DDs are the biggest problem. You can steam roll most stuff with decent pew pew
    Xbox One | EU | EP
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    Xbox One | NA | EP
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    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • CrimsonGTX
    What is a fake DPS? How is that possible? A inexperience DPS isn't a fake DPS they just lack understanding of the game and mechanics. IMO it's between a fake healer or Tank, and I would easily say a Fake tank can cause failure in dungeons.
    Sorc & Warden Main - PC NA(CP 1k+) & Xbox NA (CP 1k+)
  • Glurin
    Fake Tank
    mobicera wrote: »
    Also no one should sign up for a random vet and be expected to run for 3 hours just to clear because some "dps" only presses 1 button.
    This is why I really don't pug anymore, the worst part when you dare suggest improvement or layering dots you are an elitist or your example using dps as a crutch?
    Are you serious?

    Dead serious. If you are incapable of completing a dungeon with subpar DPS even with a good tank and healer, it proves that you are using super high DPS as a crutch.

    That's not an excuse for DPS to be lazy, mind you. But if you can't handle not being able to nuke the boss in two seconds, I have no choice but to question your actual skill level and disposition.
    Edited by Glurin on December 12, 2020 11:46PM
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • zvavi
    Fake DPS
    Glurin wrote: »
    mobicera wrote: »
    Also no one should sign up for a random vet and be expected to run for 3 hours just to clear because some "dps" only presses 1 button.
    This is why I really don't pug anymore, the worst part when you dare suggest improvement or layering dots you are an elitist or your example using dps as a crutch?
    Are you serious?

    Dead serious. If you are incapable of completing a dungeon with subpar DPS even with a good tank and healer, it proves that you are using super high DPS as a crutch.

    Dead serious, when we wiped today on vet icereach last boss when dds failed the dps test, it was 100% not my fault, I was providing alkosh, yolna symphony brittle, crasher, and 5k dps.
  • Vevvev
    Fake Tank
    Glurin wrote: »
    Not only is "fake dps" not a thing, but saying that it is just shows you've become completely dependent on the dps nuke crutch.

    The proof is in the pudding. With a real tank, you can succeed in most dungeons even with dps pulling sub-10k numbers, which you know these days you pretty much have to work at it to get below 10k. With a fake tank, you must pull super high numbers or you will fail.

    Fake healers you can work around as long as you've got some decent self heals and/or someone is willing to work a heal or two into their rotation.

    Seems you've never been in a veteran Lair of Maarselok or veteran Icereach dungeon and slammed headfirst into a DPS check your DPS couldn't pass. Fake DPS exist dude, and it's a serious problem in the higher end content.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
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