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Veteran Vateshran hollows last boss difficulty

  • Jaimeh
    I had remarked on the discrepancy in difficulty between the three realms and the last boss, from the PTS. In vMA the last boss is also very difficult (especially for first clears) and it should be, but at least the difficulty between stages is incremental, whereas in vVH, even with the mobs at ''full power'' in the third realm, they are nowhere near the chaos of the last boss. There's also the RNG nature of the fight, which can be controlled to some extent, but it's very difficult: getting three skeletons at the same time, and on top of the shade mechanic (making it impossible to target the shade), etc. Not everyone has such high dps to burn the boss before summoning the shades at each phase, so it's very frutrating from this perspective. The last boss should be challenging but the previous rounds are completely disanalogous to it. They are like vet dungeons versus a vet trial in HM. That said, I do think it should be a hard fight, and we need challenging solo content in the game (and although we can't really compare it to vMA because the state of the game was very different back then, the fact that people got trifecta clears half an hour after the server went up is kind of crazy, compared to toiling away for months, as was the case for vMA).
  • tmbrinks
    could you imagine if they released something as difficult as vMA was at launch today?

    the forums would absolutely explode.

    I think vVH is slightly more difficult than vMA is Both final bosses have burn strategies.

    I've gotten to the point, on my Argonian Magplar, that I just come out of each side boss on the final fight and just beam the boss, nothing else. Beam them back down to do the next side boss, then beam to kill. Don't even have to do any of the other mechanics. Although when I was learning, it was quite a bit more difficult. The last fight is extremely punishing to low DPS because of the healing mechanic, which is one thing I do not like about it. I think things should get easier the more dps you have, but this one does so exponentially, rather than linearly.
    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    The Unchained - Oathsworn - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger
    66,110 achievement points
  • morrowjen
    Ok I just logged on to finish the last boss. My buffs are now gone for some reason. THAT was enough for me to close the game completely.
  • MellowMagic
    I didnt find the last boss hard at all same with the minotaur boss theyre just tedious fights. I got my ss title in 3 runs.

    Its crucial you go through the portals in the right order for either stam or mag. Doing the pyrelord on the 3rd portal with a stam character is a nightmare.

    For the last boss dont stack the skelly adds on the boss or she will spawn more as she loses hp. Save your ult for the dps check or spirit realm mini bosses.
    PC / NA @MellowMagic
    Imperial named with some sort of variation of "Deo"
    By the Divines...
  • Shxm
    morrowjen wrote: »
    Ok I just logged on to finish the last boss. My buffs are now gone for some reason. THAT was enough for me to close the game completely.

    Did you go to the arena of the boss itself? I know they are not activated when you just ported in, but once inside they should be there?
  • Firstmep
    Guys, what the hell is going on with targeting the shades? I am trying to kill one of them and always have other adds staying in front of them and cant target them at all.

    Last boss is a total mess. Jesus Christ, what's the fun in doing so frustrating content like this one? It's more annoying than enjoyable.
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.

    vMA is a joke if compared to last boss in vVH. I ve even completed it with my tank (!!!!) with S/B but last boss here looks impossible for me. I cant target the shades at all because other adds stay in front and red mini-boss wipes me every time, no matter if I do it 1st or 3rd. If I do it first then I can't survive the flameshapers during main boss fight, if I do it last I get wiped inside portal. Makes my pets die in seconds.

    Dunno, maybe my magsorc build sucks for this arena.

    Either you need enough single target so you push the boss to 10% before the chains get to you (there is an achievement for this actually), or enough aoe that the targeting issue doesn't matter as the add just evaporates to all the aoe.
    Or both.
    There have been a few lightning staff heavy attack builds popping up on the forums, and I can tell you that they absolutely make this boss fight a walk in the park.
  • Firstmep
    Guys, what the hell is going on with targeting the shades? I am trying to kill one of them and always have other adds staying in front of them and cant target them at all.

    Last boss is a total mess. Jesus Christ, what's the fun in doing so frustrating content like this one? It's more annoying than enjoyable.
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.

    vMA is a joke if compared to last boss in vVH. I ve even completed it with my tank (!!!!) with S/B but last boss here looks impossible for me. I cant target the shades at all because other adds stay in front and red mini-boss wipes me every time, no matter if I do it 1st or 3rd. If I do it first then I can't survive the flameshapers during main boss fight, if I do it last I get wiped inside portal. Makes my pets die in seconds.

    Dunno, maybe my magsorc build sucks for this arena.

    The huge skeletons body-blocking the shades is most frustrating part of the arena. That just makes the last fight even more of a DPS race because you really want to skip that and have less annoying adds that can get in the way.

    People who have insane DPS will say the order doesnt matter (and it doesn;t for them, because they only have to deal with 30% of the boss health when coming back), but if your DPS is not in the caliber, the red mini boss has to be done last. I'd kite the mini boss to the power sigil as soon as you get it there. You can let too many spinny inferno mages spawn.

    You dont need insane dps, if the chain is causing you issues, simply hold your aoe ultimate and pull everything to the add and aoe there.
    I will say, if you want to do this fight with a mostly single target build than yes, you'll need some beefy dmg.
  • zvavi
    After getting my behind handed to me by last boss for an hour without the buffs (still finished it) doing it with the extra hp+mag was a walk in the park. In my opinion the arena was pretty disappointing. Feels a lot like dps check, cleave, and melee unfriendly.
    Edited by zvavi on November 7, 2020 10:17AM
  • Xiomaro
    The main issue I had on my Stamsorc was the positioning of the chain mobs - and this will apply to other stam characters too. I died to the chain a few times when I definitely didn't walk through it. This is clearly a lag/desync issue but it made it very tricky to get the distancing right. I needed to be close enough to land my abilities but far enough away that desync didn't get me.

    That is, of course, until I discovered you can just streak through them and ignore the mechanic. Now it's easy peasy.

    Maybe there's a little more lag due to the new content, maybe the light attack weaving issue is contributing. But in any case, it's actually cool to have a challenging final boss. It's pretty chaotic on a melee build. I'll have to try on my Magsorc next and see if it's as easy as some people have been saying.
    Xiomaro: Nord Stamsorc
    Xio'maro: Breton Magsorc
    Falura Avelni: Dunmer Vampblade
    Ulric Longboi: Nord Stamden
    Sha'boom-boom: Orc Werewolf Tank
    Morga The Roarer Nord Stamcro
  • gatekeeper13
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.
    Firstmep wrote: »
    Guys, what the hell is going on with targeting the shades? I am trying to kill one of them and always have other adds staying in front of them and cant target them at all.

    Last boss is a total mess. Jesus Christ, what's the fun in doing so frustrating content like this one? It's more annoying than enjoyable.
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.

    vMA is a joke if compared to last boss in vVH. I ve even completed it with my tank (!!!!) with S/B but last boss here looks impossible for me. I cant target the shades at all because other adds stay in front and red mini-boss wipes me every time, no matter if I do it 1st or 3rd. If I do it first then I can't survive the flameshapers during main boss fight, if I do it last I get wiped inside portal. Makes my pets die in seconds.

    Dunno, maybe my magsorc build sucks for this arena.

    Either you need enough single target so you push the boss to 10% before the chains get to you (there is an achievement for this actually), or enough aoe that the targeting issue doesn't matter as the add just evaporates to all the aoe.
    Or both.
    There have been a few lightning staff heavy attack builds popping up on the forums, and I can tell you that they absolutely make this boss fight a walk in the park.

    The point is that the game should let you hit the target you want. And in VH it is impossible. It has not always to do with dps and burning adds fast because many times the boss itself stays on top of a shade and "shields" it.
  • Erelah
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    The right build is DPS only. That is not fine unless you only play DPS and that is not fine. People talk about wanting more tanks. This solo arena says they are not welcome and that is horrible game design. This is group play so good design is making decent mechanics which adds in difficult to defeat. A DPS check on a tank that is not a good design.

    I collected the essences I did everything else no problem. Just lacked the DPS on my tank. Nothing can kill him except one shot mechanics based around a 24 second 225k DPS check.

    Another part which was not difficult and just plain annoying was the Hircine challenge with the Spriggans granting invulnerability. It was not difficult it was annoying.
  • vesselwiththepestle
    So far I've done Vateshran ~15 times, 1 time was on Stamblade, the other times it was on Mag DK.

    On Stamblade I could burst the last boss and just ignore the ghost mechanics. Very easy kill, but you need the dps for it, I gues when you reach ~75k dps at the raid dummy you might consider try nuking the boss. As soon as you can nuke the boss, this becomes one of the easiest boss fights in the arena (side bosses apart, I consider the first red boss the easiest one).

    On Mag DK, on which I learned the arena, the fight was lot tougher because I couldn't burst the boss and I needed to play the mechanic. At the same time there were so many adds and there came more and more... In the end, when I finally got the trifecta achievement, I was just spamming Deep Breath for 10 seconds or so. So I'd say this boss is considerably harder than the rest of the bosses. When I did my first run, I got to the last boss with 10 lives left or so. Then I guess I needed like 20 tries or so on the last boss, or at least as much time as I needed for the whole arena before it... Biggest problem was to understand some mechanics (why is the boss summoning several colossus at once etc.) and to actually hit that ghost to break the wall, even when you get it in tab target, when it hides behind the boss or some colossus it's nearly impossible to hit. Yes, you can use aoe damage, your destro ult etc., I know I know, but stuff like that makes the last boss the least fun to play for me.

    I think in general the difficulty seems ok, although overall I've got the feeling that having good dps is more important than in vma, or at least a lot more helpful.

    That minotaurus boss, I don't like all that jumping around, it's laggy and strange and when you need to interrupt the ghosts, you lose so much time to actually damage the boss, when you can finally damage you need to change the platform again, then you need to kill those ranged ghosts, you can barely hit the boss, then change platform again, oh, it's time to interrupt... it's just mechanics, no combat... I don't like that, but I guess there are players who like that kind of game.

    Actually I have most issues now with the big blue boss, the last one in the blue area. The beholders on top, often I can't target them with melee skills although standing right next to them. Their hit box is too small, that is a huge issue. This needs to be fixed.
    Edited by vesselwiththepestle on November 7, 2020 5:10PM
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • gatekeeper13
    Managed to clear the arena in vet mode with the magsorc build from this topic.

    With the right dps and dmg mitigation, completing it was a total joke. I wonder why I wiped so many times before using that setup.
  • naarcx
    I just cleared Vet today and would like to give my two cents... (810cp Glass canon magblade + paleorder perspective)

    First, before I start with the negativity, I wanna say that I love the blue portal, this area is by far the most fun to play and feels the less tedious overall. You can (and are probably supposed to) use the bosses' attacks against the adds intelligently and stuff like that... Just really good design.

    Everything I love about the blue portal, the opposite is true of the green portal. Not even talking about the buggy insta-deaths either (because I know this will get fixed)... It's just 100% not fun to play--and as a rule I *love* the grappling hook (fourth boss of Unhallowed is one of my favorites). The minotaur is just the worst--THE WORST. This fight takes forever even when done it's your first portal... Like I don't know if he has some sort of hidden mega-resistance to magicka damage or something, but he takes about a third or fourth of the damage I was dole'ing out to the last boss. Combine that with his invulnerability switches and you're in it for a long haul. Basically you have a bunch of 1 shot mechanics that aren't hard to avoid, but you have to do them so many times that you'll get impatient or careless and have to start over. This is not difficult in the way the other bosses are, it's just tedious. It makes me wonder if this fight was designed as some kind of meta-word-play about "Stamina." It FEELS like there should be a way to make him take increased damage, but there isn't (as far as I've discovered.) I suspected that maybe if he gets hit by the fire he takes additional damage, but it's nearly impossible to make this happen without dying yourself. And speaking of the fire, something I really hate is that after grappling, you have to do an extra action before being able to bash because of the weapon stow, which feels especially clunky to do when you have the boss leaping ontop of you. (I should note that yes, I was running a fairly large amount of penetration and using major breech as I complain about his defenses.)

    The red portal is mostly fine... Not as fun as blue, but not as soul crushingly tedious as green. One thing I found annoying is that the "danger indicators" or whatever you'd call them for the last boss's flame wheel attack don't always match the actual attack range. A few times, the range of the wall was actually maybe 150% of what the (default red) area would have you believe it is, and it one shot me. I feel like this is a bug, cuz other times it matched. Maybe has something to do with a Flame being up or whatever.

    And finally the last boss... I liked it. It's challenging, but not broken or unfair. The targeting of the shades can be bad (even when using tab), but after you die one time to that, you know about it and can plan accordingly by either running away from the adds while you have space to establish a LoS or to just bring a cleave skill to use when things are wild. If I were to give tips to people on this boss, I'd say it's mostly about add management and being set up for the last push... You basically want to ignore adds (except interrupting the flame guys) from the moment you go into that 3rd portal so you finish it quick and can come back out to the boss still being at least under 40% and then just go wild straight at him (stopping for the shades). What worked for me was killing all the adds BEFORE portaling everytime so that I could finish the portal quick and not let her heal as much, while also keeping adds in check. What also worked was popping my destro staff ult inside the portals to finish off any adds that followed me in while still focusing down the miniboss.

    Hope that helps... And if not it was at least therapeutic to complain about the minotaur fight... :p
  • TheDuke
    What made doing vet easier for me is just using streak to get out of the instakill ghost circle.
  • Firstmep
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.
    Firstmep wrote: »
    Guys, what the hell is going on with targeting the shades? I am trying to kill one of them and always have other adds staying in front of them and cant target them at all.

    Last boss is a total mess. Jesus Christ, what's the fun in doing so frustrating content like this one? It's more annoying than enjoyable.
    Raikiki wrote: »
    I managed to kill the boss within 3 Minutes, she has so low health you can push her into the mechanics soo fast.

    VMS is much more difficult in my opinion.

    vMA is a joke if compared to last boss in vVH. I ve even completed it with my tank (!!!!) with S/B but last boss here looks impossible for me. I cant target the shades at all because other adds stay in front and red mini-boss wipes me every time, no matter if I do it 1st or 3rd. If I do it first then I can't survive the flameshapers during main boss fight, if I do it last I get wiped inside portal. Makes my pets die in seconds.

    Dunno, maybe my magsorc build sucks for this arena.

    Either you need enough single target so you push the boss to 10% before the chains get to you (there is an achievement for this actually), or enough aoe that the targeting issue doesn't matter as the add just evaporates to all the aoe.
    Or both.
    There have been a few lightning staff heavy attack builds popping up on the forums, and I can tell you that they absolutely make this boss fight a walk in the park.

    The point is that the game should let you hit the target you want. And in VH it is impossible. It has not always to do with dps and burning adds fast because many times the boss itself stays on top of a shade and "shields" it.

    I already pointed out that the underlying mechanics are bad, the fact of the matter is skipping mechanics with dps shouldn't ever be a thing.
    If you have low dps the last boss is definetly an issue, as doing all the mechanics rather than skipping them makes the fight an absolute clusterfrack.
  • Ramber
    Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »
    I did this on magcro and magblade, one of which had 12/15 lives and the other with my own will to live going down the drain, needless to say the class you take in as well as order you do the arenas in will really affect the difficulty, doing the Minotaur first made doing the coldharbour one last a pain but doing mino one last was by far the more painful choice.

    Im on a magblade. 35k dps, Alcast build (which i would use anyway) full cp, full yellow gear etc. And i can't finish this junk for the last 2:30h. i did all 3 waves and had boss on 5% and then flamedude poked me for 30k through harness and my health (and yes i have both boosts, and all the orbs for blue and red)

    Alcasts builds are fine for him but they are very niche and work for him as he tests them on the PTS over and over before streaming (most streamers are this), again on the pts with less lag then live. i have 3 builds on 3 diff toons that i completed the arena on live only by Tuesday. I basically took my vMA builds and went from there and on mag sorc, warden and templar was able to finish by day 2 sign unseen. I admit i did it in the wrong order the first time as i did them sight unseen (to learn mechanics on my own, i haven't been on the pts in years as its not a business for me) and i died a lot the first day but i figured them out (the builds and mechanics). Don't always run to youtube for builds, sometimes what you already know can help you do even better then what you can find there plus its more fun to do it on your own as frustrating it might be. vVH is all about sustain and aoe with some burst when you need it, its a balance and you must get them bonus orbs!
  • tim99
    Ramber wrote: »
    Alcasts builds are fine for him but they are very niche and work for him as he tests them on the PTS over and over before streaming (most streamers are this), again on the pts with less lag then live. i have 3 builds on 3 diff toons that i completed the arena on live only by Tuesday. I basically took my vMA builds and went from there and on mag sorc, warden and templar was able to finish by day 2 sign unseen. I admit i did it in the wrong order the first time as i did them sight unseen (to learn mechanics on my own, i haven't been on the pts in years as its not a business for me) and i died a lot the first day but i figured them out (the builds and mechanics). Don't always run to youtube for builds, sometimes what you already know can help you do even better then what you can find there plus its more fun to do it on your own as frustrating it might be. vVH is all about sustain and aoe with some burst when you need it, its a balance and you must get them bonus orbs!

    ok, just to doublecheck... you are suggesting to not use his builds as base idea, because he tested them before?


  • morrowjen
    Shxm wrote: »
    morrowjen wrote: »
    Ok I just logged on to finish the last boss. My buffs are now gone for some reason. THAT was enough for me to close the game completely.

    Did you go to the arena of the boss itself? I know they are not activated when you just ported in, but once inside they should be there?

    I tried entering and exiting a couple of times but they eventually came back after a few complete re-logs.
  • MudcrabAttack
    The last vateshran boss seems easier to me when not in a big rush. I go with blue, green and red order since I got tired of flame shapers hiding behind things while machine gunning fireballs.

    What got me a no death was taking my time every time on the main platform. Take out the active big shade collosus every 20-ish percent of the boss health. Then as the boss reaches around 15-20ish percent, it's heavy attacking to make sure the resource pool is maxed, while also making sure to clear out any trash adds so they don't become a nuisance at the next mini boss.

    Nuking the mini bosses became trivial with a maxed out resource pool on a nightblade.

    I'm on a stamblade archer without snipe because of the light attack weaving bug. single target damage is kind of hampered since acid spray is my spammable, but it's nice for clearing out mobs quickly with AOE.

    The first time I went in without the ring and it was a painful learning experience. Now with the ring and knowledge of mechanics it seems pretty easy, kind of like learning the bosses of vMA
  • AyaDark
    Shxm wrote: »
    Ok listen. I grinded for that pale order ring based on just rumors. But that did it for me. I tried for 2 days straight to get the skin and achievement without the ring but once I got the ring, I got it in 1 run.

    Did not farm it yet but i did no death on second run.

    In my first run first death was: i did not know the way so jump to waterfall because quest show that way.

    But last boss would kill me for sure, because i did not know its mechanics.

    Will try to get the ring, to check is it really so good.
  • UrbanMonk
    Anyone who is having problem with collosus and chain ghosts, just kill all the collosus before you start focusing the boss. They are chained at beginning but all it takes it 1 LA to make them active. Or else they become active on their own at every 25% of boss health, and if you burst the boss down too fast, then you'll end up with more than one on you and other mobs plus ghosts...

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • UrbanMonk
    I've done 4 or 5 runs so far, and I've finished it in less than 45 min not using any sigil. Got wasted twice for a single death for my own stupidity. But what I've experienced compared to my 1st run vs 5th run, is that I was very defensive on my 1st attempt. Got the clear but was not easy, and then I tweaked my setup for as much as damage I could ( im not a DPS god by any means) on my magblade, the fights became much easier.
    Also having 2 setups, one for green and another for blue+read undead mobs helps too.
    Though I still can't figure out if last boss and the adds on that fight ate daedric/ undead or just regular but I use my undead setup anyway for that fight.

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
  • AyaDark
    Erelah wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    I ran the arena a lot on the PTS and I knew the Minotaur boss and the last one will be tricky compared to all other bosses in there.

    The last boss should be difficult, that is fine, if you have the right build the shades won't cause any trouble. I think the problem with the Minotaur boss is that there is just too many mechanics such as the grapple hook (which isn't made for in combat purposes because you have to sheath your weapon mid fight), his color change, the mages fire mechanic and trillions of stuns and interrupting which all make the fight a lot longer.

    I have seen many players not get the ESSENCES that boost your stats by up to 10k, I recommend reading the Vateshran Holllows Arena guide (English & German Versions) to get more info on that.

    If you need further help you can also check out my Youtube Playlist of Vateshran Hollows which has runs of almost all magicka/stamina setups.

    The right build is DPS only. That is not fine unless you only play DPS and that is not fine. People talk about wanting more tanks. This solo arena says they are not welcome and that is horrible game design. This is group play so good design is making decent mechanics which adds in difficult to defeat. A DPS check on a tank that is not a good design.

    I collected the essences I did everything else no problem. Just lacked the DPS on my tank. Nothing can kill him except one shot mechanics based around a 24 second 225k DPS check.

    Another part which was not difficult and just plain annoying was the Hircine challenge with the Spriggans granting invulnerability. It was not difficult it was annoying.

    For tank it is not a problem. Tanks can try to survive the explosion in center, if he can mitigate 8 strikes of 15 k it is all ok, but it is what tanks need to do. I do not know is it blocable or not but i even survive it on dd with barier and in vampire skill.

    Magma = 100% survive.

    And i did not go full dps, i full dps only 2 bosses to get achivment for it, because i did not know what to do there before i pass it.
  • Magdalina
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Anyone who is having problem with collosus and chain ghosts, just kill all the collosus before you start focusing the boss. They are chained at beginning but all it takes it 1 LA to make them active. Or else they become active on their own at every 25% of boss health, and if you burst the boss down too fast, then you'll end up with more than one on you and other mobs plus ghosts...

    Afaik they auto-respawn, at least no matter how much I tried to free and kill them before focusing boss, she'd always summon one at some point anyway. The % is weird too. I'm not sure if it's buggy or a random value in a set range but I've seen her summon the first colossus at 80% and 65% both. I've also seen her summon 2 at once at 65%, I'm absolutely certain it wasn't me accidentally pulling because she literally yelled 'THE VOID GIVES ME STRENGTH!' twice in a row and sure enough, here come to colossi. Honestly, this would be much easier if it at least was consistent...
  • Iskaldt
    I agree this arena does have bugs that need fixing. Like minotaur boss, instantly dieing from falldamage when grappling up to it, buggy heavy attack etc. Shade of the grove boss randomly resetting and porting you to nowhere.

    But, bugs arent making it impossible. In fact, the arena is not even that hard to finish. done it several times already on vet.

    If youre playing a magica character, you need to do it in the order of Green,blue,red.. And for stamina its Blue,red,green.
    If you dont know why this is, id say you are most likely not ready to do veteran.

    And for Maebroogha and her death wall, if you cant make a hole in the wall in time, before it gets to small and you get body blocked, it is most likley becouse youre lacking dps and cant clear adds fast enough, or the wall fast enough.

    If you cant kill the wall or adds fast enough, you can simply avoid the wall fully by playing the right class for the job. Like Magblade, that can shade teleport trough the wall, or Sorc, that can streak trough the wall.

    Good luck on your runs and wish you the best loot :)
  • Nairinhe
    Iskaldt wrote: »
    If youre playing a magica character, you need to do it in the order of Green,blue,red.. And for stamina its Blue,red,green.
    If you dont know why this is, id say you are most likely not ready to do veteran.
    P.S. I'm not ready for veteran
  • Iskaldt
    Nairinhe wrote: »
    Iskaldt wrote: »
    If youre playing a magica character, you need to do it in the order of Green,blue,red.. And for stamina its Blue,red,green.
    If you dont know why this is, id say you are most likely not ready to do veteran.
    P.S. I'm not ready for veteran

    That is correct ;)
  • Odovacar
    Last boss can be annoying due to the flame shapers but a nice interrupt will shut them up for a while. Also, if you're running a sorc (possibly struggling with DPS) you can use streak to go through the void chain. Good luck everyone!

    p.s. VOID DYE IS > VOID SKIN :p
  • UrbanMonk
    Magdalina wrote: »
    UrbanMonk wrote: »
    Anyone who is having problem with collosus and chain ghosts, just kill all the collosus before you start focusing the boss. They are chained at beginning but all it takes it 1 LA to make them active. Or else they become active on their own at every 25% of boss health, and if you burst the boss down too fast, then you'll end up with more than one on you and other mobs plus ghosts...

    Afaik they auto-respawn, at least no matter how much I tried to free and kill them before focusing boss, she'd always summon one at some point anyway. The % is weird too. I'm not sure if it's buggy or a random value in a set range but I've seen her summon the first colossus at 80% and 65% both. I've also seen her summon 2 at once at 65%, I'm absolutely certain it wasn't me accidentally pulling because she literally yelled 'THE VOID GIVES ME STRENGTH!' twice in a row and sure enough, here come to colossi. Honestly, this would be much easier if it at least was consistent...

    Once you kill the Colossus that are there when you start the fight, Boss does not spawn any more...I can confirm this...the only time they come back is when you come back from portal phase. And as far as for multiple colossus, that I'm not sure how happens, but I've noticed the health percentage of boss is probably not the main factor for Colossus to turn on. But then again I kill them 1st, so can't be sure about multiple going on at same time.
    In my case, all 3 are dead even before reaches 90% and after that I just burn the boss...
    Edited by UrbanMonk on November 11, 2020 2:52PM

    -Monk I- Magden- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Tsürügi- MagBlade- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Bantam Bomber- MagPlar- AVA28
    -Hot Nöödle- MagDK - AVA37
    -Pablo Necrobar- StamCro- AVA24
    Easiest mDK for vMA and vVH-

    Balance for the Sake of Balance is no Balance at all.
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