Update on PTS v5.2.2 Maintenance

  • SidraWillowsky
    Davadin wrote: »

    Dude, I ran full-speed into one of those ballord things on my road bike a few months back; I'm an idiot and wax looking down to adjust my mirrors and boom... Probably close to 20 miles per hour since I was on a downhill, stratight over the handlebars. Yeah, it Is as bad as it looks.

    [back to regularly scheduled programming]
  • SidraWillowsky
    Marto wrote: »
    It's a testing server... It doesn't follow the release schedule of the live game, and it never will. It will have delays, it will have downtimes.

    You don't pay for it. You aren't entitled to it.

    The purpose of it is for people to test specific areas of the game. ESO is far, far larger than just "class deals this damage". There's quests, there's events, there's music, there's zones to explore, there's housing.

    Every single patch notes thread starts with Gina explaining the purpose of that week's PTS, asking us to test a specific mechanic, event or feature. How can you expect to provide constructive and helpful criticism if you're unwilling to read the first paragraph of a developer post?

    I mean... It's just a sandbox for some (ie me) to test new builds, but isn't it something that PLAYERS do for ZOS and not the other way around? ZOS gets free bug testing from many players; I'd say that THEY are doing the favors here.
  • Luckylancer
    Bound arnaments was added after initial patch note release. Same treatment would be nice.
    New even, interesting.
  • MehrunesFlagon
    Bound arnaments was added after initial patch note release. Same treatment would be nice.
    New even, interesting.

    No, they forgot to add it to the patch notes.It was an oversight.
  • juhislihis19
    Natch potes nerfed even before release whut?
  • gepe87
    What is the point of this uproar?

    You cant wait just 1 day?
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • LoreToo
    Boom baby!
  • Vapirko
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Vapirko wrote: »
    I don’t get it. If you’re holding the PTS notes until the event announcement (?) but you’re releasing the notes tomorrow morning, when are you announcing the event? How do PTS notes spoil the event? Definitely something went wrong with the EU character copy like last time.

    Dude. You just don’t get it, do you?

    ZoS is giving us the opportunity to unlock a unique skin for our mounts. It will involve a tedious an exciting and mind-numbing fun-filled annoying run adventure through the lands of Tamriel!

    They can’t just spoil the details!! What kind of barbarian would do that?!

    So, like, calm your ***, bro. Seriously.

    Edited by Vapirko on October 1, 2019 6:37AM
  • ku5h
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Any rough time frame for when during the day they will be released? :)

    Also, this has nothing to do with the contents of the combat patch notes. Please slowly raise your hands above your head, and gently remove your tinfoil hat ;)

    lol ZoS is so shady, it could have it's own X-files episode...but nice try.

  • Schattenfluegel
    It looks different to me...

    1) Someone screwed something up on the Implemention from EU Copies or that Event, which no one interessted in yet.

    2) Holding Information back from that event, which nobody cares...

    Which possibility should i choose? :D
    Edited by Schattenfluegel on October 1, 2019 6:44AM
    Love my Stamsorc
  • tim99
    Hello everyone! We know you’re anxious to see what the next PTS patch has in store.

    Seems you are a bit anxious to show us ^^
  • Sarousse
    A simple "We messed up and are not ready" would have been better (and the truth obviously).
  • Schattenfluegel
    Sarousse wrote: »
    A simple "We messed up and are not ready" would have been better (and the truth obviously).

    That would press the sales figures down...some people would already complain about that.
    Love my Stamsorc
  • LordGodzilla
    Maybe it's new mount yes like indrix after the White one.
    But it's maybe a new CP rework or feature or delete.
    Maybe a F2P version.
    Maybe a new year anoucement like Dragon year.
    Maybe a prologue quest.
    Maybe it's "Eso : Tamriel classic"
    Maybe a TAA for replace this ugly fxaa
    Maybe just a new event reward motifs
    Or maybe the new party finder
    Maybe it's lot of thing.

    But i hope it's not trash one
    Edited by LordGodzilla on October 1, 2019 7:29AM
  • macsmooth
    Something they’ve not done before..... now this is a tricky puzzle to workout

    They are going to try communicating with their player base, no that can’t be it
    They are going to UAT their own game, no that can’t be it
    They are going to listen to their players, no no that just can’t be it
    They are going to follow the nerf bots and nerf classes the nerf bots don’t play, nope that can’t be it
    They are going to speak to the player base without deliberately insulting or degrading them, no just nope can’t be that
    They are actually going to funny when they make jokes,........ okay I may of gone over the top there

    God this is difficult to workout, something they’ve not done before ...........
  • LordGodzilla
    When i just read again the first post and understand.
    I was so dispointed...
  • themaddaedra
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    The naafarligus event is obvious, i wanted patch notes already.

    You mean Nafaalilargus? The jewel of the crown? Gib spoilers pretty pls???

    @Aliyavana just tagging because why not owo
    Edited by themaddaedra on October 1, 2019 8:08AM
  • Cinbri
    Edit to avoid possible spoilers o:)
    Edited by Cinbri on October 1, 2019 8:19AM
  • red_emu
    Player Vs player

    Since balancing PvP and PvE together is too difficult, we have removed PvP from the game.
    Cyrodiil is now one big crafting station, to park your nerfed classes and Battlegrounds are now a 4v4v4 /lute competitions.

    We plan to add timed PvP tokens in a future update. We are not ready to share the vision for this update yet and never will be.
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • CASBrown1996
    Soul Shriven
    Why am I scared, I feel worried, my brain hurts.
    CASBrown1996-PvP, PvE, Social.
    I am a casual, but also an analyst, so lets read some Natch Potes.
    DC-DragonKnight-Stamina-Lord of the Dragons
    DC-Templar-Stamina-Yavanna of Rivendell
    EP-Sorcerer-Magicka-Pull the lever Kronk
    DC-Dragonknight-Magicka-Baby Balrog
    DC-Templar-Magicka-Gandalf the White
    EP-NightBlade-Stamina-Legolas Thrandullion
    PvP Top Achievements = Former Emperor
    PvE Top Achievements = Flawless Conqueror(vMA), Dro'mathra Destroyer(vMoL)
  • uFuqinwitme
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Any rough time frame for when during the day they will be released? :)

    Probably late morning, eastern time.

    Also, this has nothing to do with the contents of the combat patch notes. Please slowly raise your hands above your head, and gently remove your tinfoil hat ;)

    The fact that you, the community spokesperson, are accusing your community (that pays the bills for the company you are employed by) of analyzing incomplete agendas, effective or not, for a half decade old game that still doesn't know what clothes it wants to wear...that is a major yikes.
    Al Mualim: Before you go, I have a question for you.
    Altaïr: Of course.
    Al Mualim: What is the truth?
    Altaïr: We place faith in ourselves. We see the world the way it really is, and hope that one day all mankind might see the same.
    Al Mualim: What is the world then?
    Altaïr: An illusion. One which we can either submit to, as most do, or transcend.
    Al Mualim: What is it to transcend?
    Altaïr: To recognize nothing is true and everything is permitted. That laws arise not from divinity, but reason. I understand now that our Creed does not command us to be free. It commands us to be wise.
  • Vildebill
    Maybe it's new mount yes like indrix after the White one.
    But it's maybe a new CP rework or feature or delete.
    Maybe a F2P version.
    Maybe a new year anoucement like Dragon year.
    Maybe a prologue quest.
    Maybe it's "Eso : Tamriel classic"
    Maybe a TAA for replace this ugly fxaa
    Maybe just a new event reward motifs
    Or maybe the new party finder
    Maybe it's lot of thing.

    But i hope it's not trash one

    EU PC
  • ebix_
    will permafrost stay 12s , will dwsing stun again ? can we put dots on our bars again ? we are asking the wrong questions ..
    will we ever see the natch potes before aliens attack ? cuz I don't know about you guyz if aliens attack I will be out there killing them I won't be home anymore to read natch potes

    Edited by ebix_ on October 1, 2019 8:42AM
  • Delgent

    Please slowly raise your hands above your head, and gently remove your tinfoil hat ;)

    But...the way things have been around here lately, Tinfoil Hat is BiS.

    To live for good is to die in the name of honor.
  • Vahrokh
    Patch notes have been nerfed by 67% too.
  • JumpmanLane
    The PTS is STILL OFFLINE lol. What joke! Lol
  • Schattenfluegel
    Ist About 6-8 a Clock in US, the day is starting there.
    Love my Stamsorc
  • Nordic__Knights
    Ist About 6-8 a Clock in US, the day is starting there.

    306 am west coast
  • Schattenfluegel
    Maybe...Europe is About 5-6 Hours ahead. We have 1.10.19 and lunchtime, ist 12:09 here. Naturally the EU Maintenance starts @12:00 for us...they worked from US on Eu Servers.
    Edited by Schattenfluegel on October 1, 2019 10:12AM
    Love my Stamsorc
  • Nordic__Knights
    Maybe...Europe is About 5-6 Hours ahead. We have 1.10.19 and lunchtime, ist 12:09 here.

    No im from the west coast its 311am now 😆
    Graveyard shift
    Edited by Nordic__Knights on October 1, 2019 10:13AM
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