Profit's guide to Leveling Enchanting quickly.‏

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  • Bluntski
    I have not used 3x the mats as you. Not even close. I have farmed group dungeons solo for just glyphs. I bet I leveled with around the same amount you did.
  • Sneakyfool
    OK, so you're claiming you leveled up based purely on the white dropped glyphs from mobs?

    I was actually going to bring this up in my next post, crafted compared to the dropped glyphs.

    With cold hard facts and screenshots. and compare the two for all to see.

    So before I go away and then come back and completely destroy the thoery you used the same amount of mats as me, I just want it confirmed that's the case.
    Edited by Sneakyfool on April 11, 2014 5:08PM
  • Bluntski
    I said I used around the same amount as you and "around" is an arbitrary value. Yes. All of my enchanting XP has come from white/green glyphs from group dungeons and from crafting myself purple glyphs for new gear while leveling.

    Different people will find a different amount of glyphs while grinding because of RNG. What is your /played? That will give a better idea of how fast we leveled enchanting compared to each other.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 11, 2014 6:20PM
  • Brennan
    Profit and Blunt in a duel to the death!

    My monkey-style enchanting-fu beats your platypus style! Hyah!
  • jonpaul
    Let me ask you this question. My wife is currently an enchanter and we are slowly moving along. We are both about lvl 25 and her enchanting is just under level 10. I am a BS and Woodworker but would it benefit her enchanting more if she gave me the mats to make the enchants and she deconstruct them? I will also add that I have zero points in enchanting so could only make a limited amount. I would be ok with tossing a point into enchanting so I could use more runestones but would that help her out at all?
    Thanks in advance for the response. I will try to get on to check it out later as I am at work :(
    I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments. -Jim Morrison
  • Bluntski
    Honestly I hope he proves me wrong. If I can level enchanting faster than I have I could be maxed before I hit 50.
  • Sharee
    jonpaul wrote: »
    Let me ask you this question. My wife is currently an enchanter and we are slowly moving along. We are both about lvl 25 and her enchanting is just under level 10. I am a BS and Woodworker but would it benefit her enchanting more if she gave me the mats to make the enchants and she deconstruct them? I will also add that I have zero points in enchanting so could only make a limited amount. I would be ok with tossing a point into enchanting so I could use more runestones but would that help her out at all?
    Thanks in advance for the response. I will try to get on to check it out later as I am at work :(

    I was planning to test just that when my bank ate all my enchanting materials :s

    However, i did test this with blacksmithing, and the results are as follows:

    Creating a level 14 iron cuirass: 228 experience
    Deconstructing a level 14 iron cuirass with the same character that made it: 65 exp
    Deconstructiong the same curiass who was made by an alt: 489 exp.

    So it seems having an alt character (or a friend) make items, then deconstructing them with main, results in significantly more experience than making and then deconstructing the item yourself.


    So i got my runes back (mistakenly put them into guild bank instead of my own :| )

    Creating Jora-Denima-Ta glyph

    create: 14 exp
    destroy own: 15 exp
    destroy the same but made by alt: 156 exp

    Having someone else use your materials to make a glyph, then deconstructing it yourself gives over five(!) times more experience than using the materials yourself to make the glyph and deconstruct it yourself.

    (numbers may change as your enchanting level changes, but it seems having your wife give you mats to make glyphs for her to deconstruct is a good idea)
    Edited by Sharee on April 11, 2014 10:29PM
  • Malediktus
    156/15 is factor 10.4 so 1040% more exp than deconstructing yourself
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Sharee
    Malediktus wrote: »
    156/15 is factor 10.4 so 1040% more exp than deconstructing yourself

    156/29. You need to count in the experience for the creation as well. 440%.
  • Cheatingdeath23
    jonpaul wrote: »
    Let me ask you this question. My wife is currently an enchanter and we are slowly moving along. We are both about lvl 25 and her enchanting is just under level 10. I am a BS and Woodworker but would it benefit her enchanting more if she gave me the mats to make the enchants and she deconstruct them? I will also add that I have zero points in enchanting so could only make a limited amount. I would be ok with tossing a point into enchanting so I could use more runestones but would that help her out at all?
    Thanks in advance for the response. I will try to get on to check it out later as I am at work :(

    If you are in Daggerfall covenant, I'm looking for an enchanting buddy to do this with, and I've already invested several points into enchanting.

    Actually, I'm BS and enchanting, so I could help both you and your wife out if you wanted. I'm finding it slow to level up in either without a buddy (although dropped loot really helps with BS)
  • Dogga
    started doing with alt - thanks. does the same process work with alchemy?
  • SeñorCinco
    Sharee wrote: »

    156/29. You need to count in the experience for the creation as well. 440%.
    I agree. Those were the same numbers I got with testing whites from an alt. Still, it's so small of an amount I essentially abandon collecting them anymore or just destroy them from my inventory, as you can get a lot more form a higher tier than you will form a hundred whites.

    ... it's probably closer to 30 but I threw out 100 for emphasis. B)
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • MasterSpatula
    Thanks so much for the guide, @Sneakyfool. I can't say that I'm thrilled at this news, but at least now I know. Guess I really need to get myself into a guild.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Zythos
    @Sneakyfool Thanks for the guide, I have started swapping all professions with some guildmates, it makes a huge difference, as long as you don't mind waiting for someone else to craft.

    @Bluntski I agree with you that you can completely level Enchanting, or any profession,solo. Many others even @Sneakyfool agrees it's possible. All anyone is trying to explain is the potential to level faster is there, eventually saving you time and money. Saying you're failing might not be exact, but more so saying you're cheating yourself if you are making your own glyphs and deconstructing your own as well. @Sneakyfool was generous with the 3:1 ratio when the screenshots show an example of almost 10:1 (~300 xp to ~3000 xp)
    Dunmer Dragonknight - Wabbajack
  • Gillysan
    Just change that statement OP from the condescending "your doing it wrong". Simply state that through experimentation you have found you can reap much more crafting xp by having someone else or an alt deconstruct your created runestones. Then show your findings. Let the reader determine if their doing it wrong.

    Response to off subject person - Alchemy and provisioning don't have deconstruction in the workflow. Just look at the workbench.
  • Reece82
    Soul Shriven
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Just change that statement OP from the condescending "your doing it wrong". Simply state that through experimentation you have found you can reap much more crafting xp by having someone else or an alt deconstruct your created runestones. Then show your findings. Let the reader determine if their doing it wrong.

    He's addressing the whiners about Enchanting being broken. If you have a look through the forums you see a lot of complaining about Enchanting because it's difficult to skill up.

    Sneaky,great guide. I've done some preliminary testing of my own and it's pretty clear that this could be an efficient method.
    Edited by Reece82 on April 13, 2014 1:56PM
  • Luckstock
    Hi guys! Nice guide here!

    Since trading glyphs seems the way to go, I'm looking for an enchanting buddy!
    Is there any guild or player who is willing to trade with me? I'm a level 10 enchanter that mostly did solo-enchanting but I want to try this trading thing :smiley:
    Mail me @Luckstock in-game
  • Nazon_Katts
    Additionally, go farming for glyph drops. There's usually mobs in an area that seem to drop them rather consistently. If grouped, you could even tackle higher level mobs, which does seem to have a positive effect on loot chance.

    I'm not entirely sure about the math behind it, but considering you don't have to farm and hope for getting the right combination of runes, you'll get finished glyphs right away, net you some runes in the process, which in turn you can save up to have them ready for higher level enchanting and making profit, this is my preferred method.

    Considering alchemy, just always use the highest tier water possible and it levels almost as fast as provisioning. Loot those bottles and crates and skins, you'll get better water than from nodes.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • UnknownXV
    So it's a system that forces people to level in pairs.. that's less fun. Means more people will be maxed out, if you are.
  • Destabilizator
    UnknownXV wrote: »
    So it's a system that forces people to level in pairs...

    Combined with fact that you can trade only 5 items per session, it gets old pretty quickly...

    Vertor et revertor.
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Luckstock wrote: »
    Hi guys! Nice guide here!

    Since trading glyphs seems the way to go, I'm looking for an enchanting buddy!
    Is there any guild or player who is willing to trade with me? I'm a level 10 enchanter that mostly did solo-enchanting but I want to try this trading thing :smiley:
    Mail me @Luckstock in-game

    Are you in Daggerfall? I need an enchanting buddy in Daggerfall.

    (Also need higher level "Add" for my armor enchantments, any tips on where to find those runes?)
  • Dogga
    so many jode and jora :neutral_face: all useless, the reverse scale spawning in higher levels is annoying
  • Sadique

    Combined with fact that you can trade only 5 items per session, it gets old pretty quickly...

    i swapped to mailing items rather than trading since you can just copy paste the persons name and add items then send it really quickly. This does tend to cost 10-40g per 6 items depending on what you are sending though
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Sadique wrote: »

    i swapped to mailing items rather than trading since you can just copy paste the persons name and add items then send it really quickly. This does tend to cost 10-40g per 6 items depending on what you are sending though

    I trade with my wife all the time and much prefer trading to mailing, if you are in the vicinity.

    The perk of mailing is you can do it from anywhere at any time, so the convenience is a huge plus.
  • Antonie
    Heh we use a similiar way of enchanting. partnership and such. I started with 5days early access and i did not farm runes/glyphes at all so far. Just picking up what i get from coming along. Nontheless i am sitting on an enchanting skilllevel of 39 and a fellow guild enchanter around 41ish. Compared to what we would have accomplished in a fair solo attempt(level 18ish? from a fellow in a merchant guild i am a member of) we are doing well without putting too much effort into it.
    “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”-Albert Einstein
    Leben ist ein RPG. Was ist DEINE Rolle?-Motto von

  • GreasedLizard
    I'm L11 with L9 alt and had 3 days early access. Can't find square runes for [snip], and also farm so very few in Greenshade. Also run dungeons, farm mobs, and get the whopping 500xp per drop and next to zero potency runes from deconn....

    Also on vacation and spending 10+ hrs online. It's [snip] .. plain and simple
    Edited by [Deleted User] on October 29, 2021 11:38PM
  • deacon13
    The problem is . THERE IS NO FREAKING RUNES TO CRAFT !!!!!!!!!!!!

    In AD areas there are no nodes ! Heard in other areas there are more .

    I spent 2 hours in Greenshade earlier saw maybe 5 Runes . Spent untold hours in Grahtwood before . Audion before that

    With all the harvesting bots going I look at all high level Enchanters and go hhhmmm

    You might be posting to actually help people and if so that's a good thing .
    If you look at all the post on Enchanting the vast majority are saying the same things
    1 no runes to craft
    2 when they harvest runes or receive hireling chest . they are the wrong tier
    3 Hirelings worthless to leveling ( just adding that because some people think it will help )
    4 Not enough Enchant drops to help level
    5 Enchanters were going to be the jewelers of the game so leveling was based on making jewelry also .

    Right around level nine people are finding they have nothing to craft . As in no Runes . Tier 2 Runes and up seem to get really rare . I and other guild mates have found the same thing . Someone even posted on the problem in your post earlier ..wife stuck at nine .

    I have spent a huge amount time of harvesting . I bet more time harvesting than adventuring . Yes I have the Keen Eye skill .

    Edited by deacon13 on April 15, 2014 6:18PM
  • Sneakyfool
    Have you tried you know, buying them?
  • lichmeister
    Eris wrote: »
    One question, does the xp reduction on deconstruction apply to account or if I had a main and an alt craft and exchange with one another for decon would that be full xp?

    it is character based. i checked a couple nights ago when i was getting frustrated trying to find an enchanting partner. figured it would be kinda redundant to have 2 enchanters but would be better than nothing! sure enough i sent a few glyphs to my main and the inspiration was great!

    also as a comment on the OP: great thread! Deserving of a sticky, i would say :) I am seeing alot of frustrated enchanters so maybe they just need to take a minute and read your post!
    i would like to suggest that the whole send your materials away seems an extra step. why not simply trade your glyphs of a quality and level for your fellow enchanters glyphs of equivalent quality and level? i know you get more for inspiration for translating new ones but there are only so many before your are right back to grinding via the deconstruction process.
  • Cascade_V
    I'm L11 with L9 alt and had 3 days early access. Can't find square runes for [snip], and also farm so very few in Greenshade. Also run dungeons, farm mobs, and get the whopping 500xp per drop and next to zero potency runes from deconn....

    Also on vacation and spending 10+ hrs online. It's [snip] .. plain and simple

    Imo, You're playing it very inefficiently...

    Pick a main and level him to you go, everything gets sent to your desired cratfing alt(s), you get way more exp deconstructing higher level stuff. Don't even learn anything, because again you get higher exp values for learning them later in your career. Only craft off your main for what exactly you need. You can always gather later in any zone and you'll get more and earn faster at 50.

    Because deconstructing has no minimum, you can do this. Take a level 3 alt, he can deconstruct 2 mid 20 ish glyphs to get him to level 2. 4 more gets to level 3 and he hasn't even done any learning. Deconstructing at-your-level is a complete waste of time and resources. It gets worse as the level differential increases.
    Another example:
    DC a level 1 staff - get about 250 IP
    DC a level 14 staff - get about 900 IP
    DC a level 24 staff - get about 1500 IP
    Crafting would be about half or even less of those values.

    Its far more important to level a toon for constant access to more money and better IP opportunity. They should have minumum levels for deconstructing...

    Edited by [Deleted User] on October 29, 2021 11:40PM
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