Let me ask you this question. My wife is currently an enchanter and we are slowly moving along. We are both about lvl 25 and her enchanting is just under level 10. I am a BS and Woodworker but would it benefit her enchanting more if she gave me the mats to make the enchants and she deconstruct them? I will also add that I have zero points in enchanting so could only make a limited amount. I would be ok with tossing a point into enchanting so I could use more runestones but would that help her out at all?
Thanks in advance for the response. I will try to get on to check it out later as I am at work
Malediktus wrote: »156/15 is factor 10.4 so 1040% more exp than deconstructing yourself
Let me ask you this question. My wife is currently an enchanter and we are slowly moving along. We are both about lvl 25 and her enchanting is just under level 10. I am a BS and Woodworker but would it benefit her enchanting more if she gave me the mats to make the enchants and she deconstruct them? I will also add that I have zero points in enchanting so could only make a limited amount. I would be ok with tossing a point into enchanting so I could use more runestones but would that help her out at all?
Thanks in advance for the response. I will try to get on to check it out later as I am at work
I agree. Those were the same numbers I got with testing whites from an alt. Still, it's so small of an amount I essentially abandon collecting them anymore or just destroy them from my inventory, as you can get a lot more form a higher tier than you will form a hundred whites.
156/29. You need to count in the experience for the creation as well. 440%.
Just change that statement OP from the condescending "your doing it wrong". Simply state that through experimentation you have found you can reap much more crafting xp by having someone else or an alt deconstruct your created runestones. Then show your findings. Let the reader determine if their doing it wrong.
Hi guys! Nice guide here!
Since trading glyphs seems the way to go, I'm looking for an enchanting buddy!
Is there any guild or player who is willing to trade with me? I'm a level 10 enchanter that mostly did solo-enchanting but I want to try this trading thing
Mail me @Luckstock in-game
Destabilizator wrote: »
Combined with fact that you can trade only 5 items per session, it gets old pretty quickly...
i swapped to mailing items rather than trading since you can just copy paste the persons name and add items then send it really quickly. This does tend to cost 10-40g per 6 items depending on what you are sending though
One question, does the xp reduction on deconstruction apply to account or if I had a main and an alt craft and exchange with one another for decon would that be full xp?
GreasedLizard wrote: »I'm L11 with L9 alt and had 3 days early access. Can't find square runes for [snip], and also farm so very few in Greenshade. Also run dungeons, farm mobs, and get the whopping 500xp per drop and next to zero potency runes from deconn....
Also on vacation and spending 10+ hrs online. It's [snip] .. plain and simple