Profit's guide to Leveling Enchanting quickly.‏

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  • Cheatingdeath23
    pyradius wrote: »
    I would also add that I have 0 skill pts in Blacksmithing yet my Blacksmithing is Level 17. My Enchanting (which I have been focusing on and skilling up in) is 14. My Clothing (also 0 skill points invested)? 22!

    You must break down a lot of things!

    The question is, can you make the proper runes for your current level?

    I think someone said it best, the enchanting isn't like blacksmithing, it is like crafting unique sets of armor... it takes forever to research enough traits to do the unique sets, just like it takes forever to level up enchanting.
  • Bromburak
    If you know the book spots with 20-30 shelves areas and roam them daily after reset you dont need to be stressed with leveling enchanting on tough material levels. Gives you 1-2 Levels just by hitting E in 30-45 min.
    Edited by Bromburak on April 27, 2014 5:08PM
  • Mansome
    Bromburak wrote: »
    If you know the book spots and roam them daily after reset you dont need to be stressed with leveling enchanting on tough levels. No problem til 30.
    Can you elaborate on this a bit more? I noticed sometimes when I rechecked books I got a skill up. I just thought I might have missed clicked the first time I checked the books. Name some of these book spots if possible.

  • Bromburak
    Well lets say you roam public dungeons those with tons of shelves, try them daily and you will see you gain levels again and again. Of course its luck what kind of book will spawn but enchanting is part of the random rotation. Its like with spawn points of mats they always at the same spot and just depends on their type.
    Edited by Bromburak on April 27, 2014 5:15PM
  • pyradius
    Soul Shriven

    You must break down a lot of things!

    The question is, can you make the proper runes for your current level?

    I think someone said it best, the enchanting isn't like blacksmithing, it is like crafting unique sets of armor... it takes forever to research enough traits to do the unique sets, just like it takes forever to level up enchanting.

    I am level 44, and the rune drops I am getting now I can't even craft so to answer your question, no I cannot.

    Yes, I break down virtually everything (and only rarely sell). I figure that way if I ever do decide to focus on another profession it will take a simple respec to do so (I also research all the professions). I can appreciate that not all professions work the same way, but Enchanting seems to have all disadvantages when compared to the others. Even the whole "break down other people's items" isn't specific to enchanting, and since we already seem to get less xp per item, Enchanting still lags behind the other professions.

    My primary professions I decided would be Alchemy, Woodworking, and Enchanting.

    The only one I have run into challenges leveling is Enchanting. At first I had trouble with Alchemy too until I realized it was somewhat unique in that you actually get decent crafting XP simply by crafting potions (unlike most professions which give you very little for crafting). Enchanting doesn't get nearly the Deconstruct XP that other professions do, in part likely because the glyph drops are so much rarer than regular gear drops, but even "per piece" amounts seem much lower. Yet we also get virtually nothing for crafting glyphs.
  • Thete
    Gillysan wrote: »
    This thread is about - adapt & conquer. Place take the whining to your own thread or one of the other countless ones.

    It's not at all. It's about trying to show how the extra inspiration from breaking someone else's runes magically puts the trade on a par with other professions which it doesn't. You also get extra inspiration from breaking down the work of others in woodworking, blacksmithing and clothing. However, whether you try to do it sharing or on your own, the latter three are always way ahead in development terms when compared to enchanting.

    Also, this is a forum; it means people can disagree. If you want to say something without being challenged, I suggest you set up your own blog page.
  • Malediktus
    Bromburak wrote: »
    Well lets say you roam public dungeons those with tons of shelves, try them daily and you will see you gain levels again and again. Of course its luck what kind of book will spawn but enchanting is part of the random rotation. Its like with spawn points of mats they always at the same spot and just depends on their type.
    Not working, each book only gives exp once per character. There are 82 skills books in total (across all skills in total), so there are probably only 5 enchanting levels to be gained from books in total. Tbh I wouldnt open any bookshelves at all untill you get the hard skills @ 40+
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Thete
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Tbh I wouldnt open any bookshelves at all untill you get the hard skills @ 40+

    I'm not 100% sure on how they work, but that could well be sound advice. Certainly I used to get skill upgrades on a regular basis early on and only once in a blue moon at later levels.
  • Malediktus
    They give one level worth of exp each. If you are lvl 10 +42% it will put you to lvl 11 +42%
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Bromburak
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Not working, each book only gives exp once per character. There are 82 skills books in total (across all skills in total), so there are probably only 5 enchanting levels to be gained from books in total. Tbh I wouldnt open any bookshelves at all untill you get the hard skills @ 40+

    It worked for me and the "hard skills" shortly after release were actually 16-20 to close the gap until you can move on with the Level 5 runes.

    Other players pay a fortune to get them quickly to move on with extracting higher glyphes and in fact the market was small shortly after release you could make a lot of money this way.

    Enchantment takes longer in comparison to other professions but its not really hard as long you get into the epics and at least Level 20 for Level 5 runes.

    I didnt feel 40-50 was hard, to close the gap between 16 and 20 was way harder cause i had no one providing me with higher glyphes during the beginning.
    Without books it would have been terrible in the first 10 days after release.
    Edited by Bromburak on April 27, 2014 7:12PM
  • Malediktus
    Just join some trading guilds and buy epic glyphs from the guildstore. I am in 5 trading guilds and can buy epic glyphs for less than 1k gold each. Very cheap and fast way to get to lvl 16.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Bromburak
    I think you don't understand!

    I have 50 in enchanting and sold the end game glyphes. (without recura , cura and kude because didnt have VR 6 and VR8 runes)
    But as i mentioned before, there were no trading guilds or other high enchanters during the first days so you had to level all the way up by your self because not everyone had a partner. So it only worked with help of books and buying glyph drops of other players.

    Now its easy anyway, because you just buy epic glyphs of high enchanters like me for moving on quickly. But me and some others did not have this option and still got 50 ...

    Thats why 40-50 is not hard as you mentioned before because then you just extract everything from vet content and build high level stuff on legendary and epics and exchange with other players for reinvesting in your profession.

    Edited by Bromburak on April 28, 2014 5:43AM
  • Malediktus
    I think you dont understand. The books were useful at release. Now its a waste to use them when you can buy epics from other people to salvage to 40+
    Gold wise it will save more.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Maverick827
    Profit's Guide for Players Who Can't Level Enchanting Good and Want to Level Other Things Good Too
  • Bromburak
    Someone who thinks books in general are not useful and even call them waste has no clue.
  • Gillysan
    Thete wrote: »

    It's not at all. It's about trying to show how the extra inspiration from breaking someone else's runes magically puts the trade on a par with other professions which it doesn't. You also get extra inspiration from breaking down the work of others in woodworking, blacksmithing and clothing. However, whether you try to do it sharing or on your own, the latter three are always way ahead in development terms when compared to enchanting.

    Also, this is a forum; it means people can disagree. If you want to say something without being challenged, I suggest you set up your own blog page.

    Come at me bro! Weaklings will fail. That includes weak minds.

    Lot's of good advice here to get ahead but at the same time this game is not quite 1 month old and people are already crying that they aren't at max level already.

    There is the guide. The spreadsheet I made and others you can find on the internet to get organized. There is the discussion of books. Trade guilds. Where to get drops. Farming or just leveling through the game. There is the positive feedback and encouragement of those who have gone before you. I have tried to contribute. What have you done?
  • Gillysan
    Bromburak wrote: »
    Someone who thinks books in general are not useful and even call them waste has no clue.
    Agreed but books serve multiple purposes here, not simply to level. They are part of the Elderscrolls flavor. You can read them for the lore and entertainment value. Also they help others who don't want to pursue crafting but are still running around harvesting. You can get Keen Eye and not have to spend a bunch of other points in the craft skill.

    I think they are more for the lore and the giving you a level in skills is just an extra perk and invitation to at least open the books and look at them.

  • class101
    Interesting, deconstruct x35 orichalc daggers (white quality lvl26, no traits) and you get a smith hireling on each other 7 toons
    Edited by class101 on April 30, 2014 12:12PM
  • crm381121b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks so much! Now I just need to find someone else that is working on enchanting to level up with :)
    NA Server
  • Xal
    Best enchanting guide found on the web. Thank you a lot.
  • Soloeus
    Wonderful guide. I have used white glyphs I have found to decon on my enchanter. I am not actively playing this character, just using it for a mule at the moment. Once I vet this char and start the enchanter, it will have a nice head start and hopefully be successful.

    This guide and many of the posts in it are quite helpful.

    Within; Without.
  • Acharnor
    This post was so helpful! Actually progressing with enchanting now, letting my alt make glyphs for my main to deconstruct, buying them from a buddy and dungeon running. Having fun too. Had not thought too much about the deconstruct part before. Thanks all!
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Vorkk8383
    Thank you all for the info. I bookmarked this page. I was leveling it slowly and using all the runes that I had and deconstructing, etc but I will make some changes. I'm lvl 8 on the character that I finally chose to play with (yes I tried a lot of combos before I chose to be a healer templar mainly) and the xp is going up SOOOO slowly at the moment in enchanting. I personally would like to see a bit of a boost (nothing huge-maybe 25-50 extra xp) but I'm sure that some would disagree too.

    Either way, I'll get it done eventually. I maxed tradeskills in Everquest 1 when you could only have 1 darn rockhopper pelt at a time! For the EQ1 veterans, you now know that I am one of those people who have mental problems lol OK, I'll give you an LOL too if you're thinking ''I knew that without playing EQ1''. But ya...this was one of the toughest systems of tradeskills ever and I made it so I know that any tradeskills can be maxed out (unless bugged) with time and effort. I'd still not say no to a bit more xp per combines ;p
  • Sneakyfool
    Just about to hit level 50 Enchanting guys, keep up the good work, and a friendly bump for those that need the help.
  • Moi_523
    Anyone have any good tips on farming the actual runes? I have started trading glyphs with a guild mate but keep running out of level 3 runes.
  • Laharl_Overlord
    Moi_523 wrote: »
    Anyone have any good tips on farming the actual runes? I have started trading glyphs with a guild mate but keep running out of level 3 runes.

    Use a harvesting add on. I use this, it keeps track of everything I harvest on my map, then I can see wherever I've harvested runes in the past.

    Use the hireling alt trick. Make new characters, skip tutorial - you start with 3 skill points. Leave mats for deconstructing in the bank. Deconstruct to craft level 3 on all the alts and activate hirelings on all of them. I get Rekuta's and Kuta's everyday, usually multiples. Not to mention all the other runes you get.
    Edited by Laharl_Overlord on May 7, 2014 6:23PM
  • radiostar
    Sneakyfool wrote: »
    Just about to hit level 50 Enchanting guys, keep up the good work, and a friendly bump for those that need the help.


    Your tips helped me a lot, I'm at level 18 Enchanting. My char is just turned 23, but I feel that's not too bad. I will keep on your tips, I think it really helped me. I couldn't find a suitable enchant partner, so I'm using my guildies. I got them giving me all the glyphs they loot, in return I make them green/purple glyphs.

    I'm hoping to hit 50 enchanting soon so I can move on to the next craft! TY for the inspiration :smile:
    Edited by radiostar on May 10, 2014 4:46AM
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • yodoberman
    Iam looking for a buddy. Iam lvl 18 enchanter. If anyone is interested ad me as a friend and we can talk about it. My name is yodoberman yopper
  • ruzlb16_ESO
    The issue is more that enchanting s buggy as hell, tbh. Chant trading circumvents this somewhat, but I don't think it's intentional for it to be the only practical way.

    For example, anyone notice a shortage of Po 6 runes? Yeah, that's because they're bugged. Loads of times when you're meant to get a Po 6, you get a 7 instead (including breaking down the Potency 6 (VR1-3) glyphs, and many of the zones where Po 6 ought to be the standard found rune). So while you might be able to push chanting fro 25-30 solo, you actually can't because the runes you ought to recover from breaking down glyphs are the wrong ones.

    Anyone also notice that 24->29 chanting costs about 250k IP per level, yet all the levels after that cost only ~70k? That seem right to anyone? No, because it's bugged. Now, I dunno if that's because there's a missing digit in the >30 levels, or an added digit in the <30 ones, but it's still bugged.

    So yeah, while trade-levelling works, solo-levelling essentially becomes impossible at around level 25 enchanting due to immense level targets and the sudden disruption of the craft-break-craft cycle from the Po 6 shortage (both of these problems hitting at the same point in the levelling process).

    Prior to level 25 enchanting, I wasn't too far behind level-appropriate. However, grinding through 25-28 cost me 100,000s of gold and was still basically impossible. I never had more than about 10 Po 6s ever. By the time I finally hit ench 30, I had just under 100 Potency 7 runes to use - so I was able to push through to the Potency 8s in almost no time.

    So yeah, those waiting for a patch to fix enchanting aren't necessarily doing it wrong; there's definitely bugs screwing up enchanting atm. I noticed these ones due to the insane amount of time needed to push 25-30, but there could easily be other dumb level target jumps or rue shortages at lower levels.
  • ckf12b14_ESO
    Thanks for this guide. Been glyph trading with guildies and life has gotten way easier.

    However, I do think enchanting needs some major number tweaking. Even after glyph trading, enchanting is just ridiculous. Compare it to all of the other crafting skills, the numbers are just out of whack. Deconning a purple crafted glyph gets you 8k exp. Crafting a potion in alchemy nets you 16k exp. So either enchanting is illogically and ridiculously slow or all the other crafting skills are way too sped up. I'm gonna go with enchanting being just too slow rather than the other 5 crafting skills being too fast.
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