Imo, You're playing it very inefficiently...
Pick a main and level him to you go, everything gets sent to your desired cratfing alt(s), you get way more exp deconstructing higher level stuff. Don't even learn anything, because again you get higher exp values for learning them later in your career. Only craft off your main for what exactly you need. You can always gather later in any zone and you'll get more and earn faster at 50.
Because deconstructing has no minimum, you can do this. Take a level 3 alt, he can deconstruct 2 mid 20 ish glyphs to get him to level 2. 4 more gets to level 3 and he hasn't even done any learning. Deconstructing at-your-level is a complete waste of time and resources. It gets worse as the level differential increases.
Another example:
DC a level 1 staff - get about 250 IP
DC a level 14 staff - get about 900 IP
DC a level 24 staff - get about 1500 IP
Crafting would be about half or even less of those values.
Its far more important to level a toon for constant access to more money and better IP opportunity. They should have minumum levels for deconstructing...
So it's a system that forces people to level in pairs.. that's less fun. Means more people will be maxed out, if you are.
Lowbie here - please confirm: Can we in fact after hitting 50+ go back into any zone, ANY level area and gather?
For some reason I mistakenly thought we could NOT infringe upon the lower level players in the starting areas.
Thanks for confirmation or clarification on this!
Several comments about trading with an alt instead of another person for the inspiration gains. "Forced" is simply your perception of "choice".So it's a system that forces people to level in pairs.. that's less fun. Means more people will be maxed out, if you are.
I'll grant you that the system remains to be judged but how is this an exploit when it was created exactly to work like this?So use the craft trade exploit just like all other professions. Brilliant. And not fun.
So use the craft trade exploit just like all other professions. Brilliant. And not fun.
I am not leveling my enchanting by making and breaking my own glyphs. The ONLY time I have crafted a glyph was to learn the runeword or to upgrade my gear. Almost all of my enchanting levels are from solo farming group dungeons and breaking down the white/green glyph drops. 30-45min or farming almost fills my inventory with glyphs to break down. While I might be using more glyphs in the process I am still getting them way faster than crafting, trading then breaking them down.
Also @ people complaining about no world runes,
You need to start looking at the rune nodes in the world as more of a bonus and not a primary source of runes. The system is designed so you either a) trade with someone (which is what the OP is talking about) or farm public dungeons for the glyph drops and break those down.
Spindleclutch isn't a public dungeon.
Sneakyfool wrote: »Welcome to Profit's Enchanting guide 101
... As I type this, I'm currently sat at level 28 Enchanting, same level as my Character, I can create Purple Veteran 1-3 Glyphs. Not only this I'm sat on enough materials to easily level up-to level 34+...
Just change that statement OP from the condescending "your doing it wrong". Simply state that through experimentation you have found you can reap much more crafting xp by having someone else or an alt deconstruct your created runestones. Then show your findings. Let the reader determine if their doing it wrong.
Response to off subject person - Alchemy and provisioning don't have deconstruction in the workflow. Just look at the workbench.
I have provided facts. I can get over 30 glyphs in 30min from group dungeons.
Gillysan's Enchanter Leveling Spreadsheet
Feel free to add to your OP. You can download it if you don't want to use google docs and solo with it in any other program like Libre Office.
Cheatingdeath23 wrote: »
I'm not quite clear, it looks like the owner of the spreadsheet can give editing privileges to one of us to add to the spreadsheet. Is that how you were thinking? Or were you just offering the template to other guilds?
I currently don't have an enchanting buddy so I was hoping to be added to a spreadsheet with other solo people and we could trade in game (or via mail).
Also, I'm not sure why everyone suggests swapping runes... you can easily do it like people trade daggers, one for one. So instead of trading all my runes to you, I can just have you make glyphs with your own runes and we only trade when they are even.
Pointing this out because you help someone lower level they will catch up to you faster or you simply do someone a favor. It's all good.Sneakyfool wrote: »......
People that were a lower level to me, just messaged me when they had aquired enough materials to make glyphs, I would just meet them at an enchanting table and make them glyphs, it only took a few mins and I don't mind helping people and you also get some xp from that and even tho it's not alot, it's free and costs you zero materials.
Sneakyfool wrote: »... Hope this thread has helped a few of you out there!