Profit's guide to Leveling Enchanting quickly.‏

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  • Tobiz
    Good advice here, ignore the trolls.
    But a question. Why trade the runes, why not craft the glyphs and trade them instead? The 2nd trade run you will get the higher level anyway. Is there something more to it?
    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.
  • Laerian
    Cascade_V wrote: »
    Imo, You're playing it very inefficiently...

    Pick a main and level him to you go, everything gets sent to your desired cratfing alt(s), you get way more exp deconstructing higher level stuff. Don't even learn anything, because again you get higher exp values for learning them later in your career. Only craft off your main for what exactly you need. You can always gather later in any zone and you'll get more and earn faster at 50.

    Because deconstructing has no minimum, you can do this. Take a level 3 alt, he can deconstruct 2 mid 20 ish glyphs to get him to level 2. 4 more gets to level 3 and he hasn't even done any learning. Deconstructing at-your-level is a complete waste of time and resources. It gets worse as the level differential increases.
    Another example:
    DC a level 1 staff - get about 250 IP
    DC a level 14 staff - get about 900 IP
    DC a level 24 staff - get about 1500 IP
    Crafting would be about half or even less of those values.

    Its far more important to level a toon for constant access to more money and better IP opportunity. They should have minumum levels for deconstructing...

    "Deconstructing at-your-level is a complete waste of time and resources"
    That's why the system is broken. The developers designed the crafting to encourage people to level faster and then craft something. This makes the early crafting levels useless.

    "They should have minumum levels for deconstructing..."

    Yeah, after reading people defending it and this excellent guide that requires a high level crafting partner (lol) I'm convinced now: enchanting should be nerfed.
  • Cheatingdeath23
    I'm torn because I have spent about half of my skill points on enchanting and blacksmithing. I don't like seeing that I should have just kept leveling up and ignoring it and then created an alt to level up for crafting.

    Maybe once I get to a high level I'll redo my skill points and forgo the crafting. I'm undecided... as it is I am level 14 and am equally competent crafting (for my skill level) and fighting (again, for my skill level). I haven't done PvP yet, but PvE I can easily go in zones above what I am supposed to and only die when ganged up on playing solo.

    Would be interesting to have a melee centric build, but I really enjoy the crafting and it sucks me in more.
  • Anastasia
    UnknownXV wrote: »
    So it's a system that forces people to level in pairs.. that's less fun. Means more people will be maxed out, if you are.

    Or you can continue on your merry lil solo way and use your alts; that is what many people are doing and/or combining helping other people and themselves at strategic points in the craft leveling IF you have a trusted individual with whom to set up said system.

    Thanks for the o-p guide and all the positive suggestions. Love me some ESO!
  • Anastasia
    Cascade_V wrote: »

    Lowbie here - please confirm: Can we in fact after hitting 50+ go back into any zone, ANY level area and gather?

    For some reason I mistakenly thought we could NOT infringe upon the lower level players in the starting areas.

    Thanks for confirmation or clarification on this!

  • reignfyre
    So use the craft trade exploit just like all other professions. Brilliant. And not fun.
  • Gillysan
    UnknownXV wrote: »
    So it's a system that forces people to level in pairs.. that's less fun. Means more people will be maxed out, if you are.
    Several comments about trading with an alt instead of another person for the inspiration gains. "Forced" is simply your perception of "choice".
  • Gillysan
    reignfyre wrote: »
    So use the craft trade exploit just like all other professions. Brilliant. And not fun.
    I'll grant you that the system remains to be judged but how is this an exploit when it was created exactly to work like this?

  • Sneakyfool
    reignfyre wrote: »
    So use the craft trade exploit just like all other professions. Brilliant. And not fun.

    How is it an exploit? It was designed purely with interaction in mind, something that I believe is a necessity in a mmo.

    I have a contacts list of about 20 people I help with enchanting, making glyphs etc, not to mention the maybe 10-15 more I buy materials from, something that wouldn't of happened if it wasn't designed the way it is now. I think they've done a good job on it personally.

    Also almost 7k Views guys, awesome. Hope this thread has helped a few of you out there!
    Edited by Sneakyfool on April 16, 2014 1:38PM
  • Bluntski

    I am not leveling my enchanting by making and breaking my own glyphs. The ONLY time I have crafted a glyph was to learn the runeword or to upgrade my gear. Almost all of my enchanting levels are from solo farming group dungeons and breaking down the white/green glyph drops. 30-45min or farming almost fills my inventory with glyphs to break down. While I might be using more glyphs in the process I am still getting them way faster than crafting, trading then breaking them down.

    Also @ people complaining about no world runes,

    You need to start looking at the rune nodes in the world as more of a bonus and not a primary source of runes. The system is designed so you either a) trade with someone (which is what the OP is talking about) or farm public dungeons for the glyph drops and break those down.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 16, 2014 4:20PM
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Bluntski wrote: »

    I am not leveling my enchanting by making and breaking my own glyphs. The ONLY time I have crafted a glyph was to learn the runeword or to upgrade my gear. Almost all of my enchanting levels are from solo farming group dungeons and breaking down the white/green glyph drops. 30-45min or farming almost fills my inventory with glyphs to break down. While I might be using more glyphs in the process I am still getting them way faster than crafting, trading then breaking them down.

    Also @ people complaining about no world runes,

    You need to start looking at the rune nodes in the world as more of a bonus and not a primary source of runes. The system is designed so you either a) trade with someone (which is what the OP is talking about) or farm public dungeons for the glyph drops and break those down.

    I'll be honest, I've done Spindleclutch twice and haven't gotten a single glyph that I can recall.

    However, I went to this bandit area (northwest corner of Glenumbra, with hostages being held on docks) and almost every bandit dropped a glyph. I'll definitely be returning to farm glyphs from now on.
  • Bluntski
    Spindleclutch isn't a public dungeon.
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Bluntski wrote: »
    Spindleclutch isn't a public dungeon.

    So when you say farm, do you sit at the end fighting the boss over and over, or do you go through the entire dungeon each time?

    I have a fundamental refusal to sit at the end and be part of the mob attacking the boss, but I am not sure if that is what you refer to.

  • Bluntski
    Nah no way do I sit there and farm the final boss. I just keep running the dungeon over and over since you can easily loop around most of them without even exiting. The key is to find a group pub dungeon as the mobs pull in packs of 5+ and bots are far less likely to be in these.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 16, 2014 6:55PM
  • Dogga
    Sneakyfool wrote: »
    Welcome to Profit's Enchanting guide 101
    ... As I type this, I'm currently sat at level 28 Enchanting, same level as my Character, I can create Purple Veteran 1-3 Glyphs. Not only this I'm sat on enough materials to easily level up-to level 34+...

    ...sitting on mats to level further, what's the secret there? is it dungeon running people are talking about for glyphs to DC? where do these materials come from, I always run out of aspect?

    right now TA runes are eating up my lev2 potency runes and delivering crappy gains, I hate TA, but I seldom find green or blue to use - or aspects at all! so to craft at all I have to use the TA :(

    both alts used are lev 11 and 13 and benefit from exchanging and DC, this is a given and has helped a lot! I am on leave and putting stupid time into rune foraging, I have two alts doing separate runs that include 6 nodes each and the returns don't leave me with surplus that's for sure :neutral_face:
  • LastLaugh
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Just change that statement OP from the condescending "your doing it wrong". Simply state that through experimentation you have found you can reap much more crafting xp by having someone else or an alt deconstruct your created runestones. Then show your findings. Let the reader determine if their doing it wrong.

    Response to off subject person - Alchemy and provisioning don't have deconstruction in the workflow. Just look at the workbench.

    I originally wrote a longer post but in the interests of being concise, I'll just say this: People who seem determined to take offense where none was intended should not be pandered to. If Bluntski can't provide facts to support his opinion, maybe it's time for him to recognize that he's wrong.
    Edited by LastLaugh on April 17, 2014 4:52PM
  • Bluntski
    I have provided facts. I can get over 30 glyphs in 30min from group dungeons.
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Bluntski wrote: »
    I have provided facts. I can get over 30 glyphs in 30min from group dungeons.

    Can you tell us which group dungeons? Because I have never seen that before, aside from one time when I got 10 glyphs in 10 minutes (and it hasn't happened since, I don't know why it did).

    Not questioning the validity, hoping to gain insight for whoever is in your faction.
  • Bluntski
    I'll have to check on the names but I think they were Eastern Aerie and Village of the Lost that I spent almost all of my time in. There was one in the lower levels too but I cannot remember the name.
  • Sneakyfool
    Well the only issue I have is the fact @Bluntski said my guide was disingenuous which couldn't be more incorrect if you tried, there is nothing in my guide that is untrue.

    His method of leveling enchanting is solid, it can be done. Is it as fast as my method, no it's not. It is still a slow process, much slower than trading crafted glyphs. That is also a fact, but nobody has to take my word for it, go into the game, get someone to craft you the exact same glyph you got from a dropped mob, extract from both and see the difference.

    The Positive to Bluntski's method however is that it's a cheap, where as mine isn't so cheap as you will need to buy materials, unless you want to run around a zone all night farming them, or farm dungeons like he is, something I don't want to do.

    This is all besides the point however, this guide was to address all those that were whining on the forums that Enchanting needed "Fixing" when it clearly doesn't.

    I honestly hope this guide has helped people, and will continue to do so, it's always nice to read people's comments. So thank you all for bumping it so more people can get the help with what has been described as "The hardest craft in eso"
  • Bluntski
    No, I said the comment "if you don't do it my way you are doing it wrong" is disingenuous, not your entire post.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 17, 2014 9:52PM
  • Sneakyfool
    No, That's not what I said was it, If you read my opening post it clearly states those that are creating and deconstructing there own glyphs are doing it wrong, and they are. I've proven that.

    Therefor your claim to it being disingenuous is untrue and makes me question if you actually understand what that word means.

  • Brennan
    Woohoo! More enchanting-fu. :p

    I think either path works. If people have a trusted friend to trade with - Profit's Guide will work best.

    For those without the luxury of a trusted friend - Blunt's strategy might be better.

    Thanks to both of you for your insight and willingness to help the community.
  • Gillysan
    Gillysan's Enchanter Leveling Spreadsheet

    Feel free to add to your OP. You can download it if you don't want to use google docs and solo with it in any other program like Libre Office. :D
  • Cheatingdeath23
    Gillysan wrote: »
    Gillysan's Enchanter Leveling Spreadsheet

    Feel free to add to your OP. You can download it if you don't want to use google docs and solo with it in any other program like Libre Office. :D

    I'm not quite clear, it looks like the owner of the spreadsheet can give editing privileges to one of us to add to the spreadsheet. Is that how you were thinking? Or were you just offering the template to other guilds?

    I currently don't have an enchanting buddy so I was hoping to be added to a spreadsheet with other solo people and we could trade in game (or via mail).

    Also, I'm not sure why everyone suggests swapping runes... you can easily do it like people trade daggers, one for one. So instead of trading all my runes to you, I can just have you make glyphs with your own runes and we only trade when they are even.
  • Sneakyfool

    I'm not quite clear, it looks like the owner of the spreadsheet can give editing privileges to one of us to add to the spreadsheet. Is that how you were thinking? Or were you just offering the template to other guilds?

    I currently don't have an enchanting buddy so I was hoping to be added to a spreadsheet with other solo people and we could trade in game (or via mail).

    Also, I'm not sure why everyone suggests swapping runes... you can easily do it like people trade daggers, one for one. So instead of trading all my runes to you, I can just have you make glyphs with your own runes and we only trade when they are even.

    Well the issue I had was as I was leveling, I could no longer exhange glyphs as mine were far higher than anyone I was trading with could match.

    So all I did was send my mats to a enchanter of a higher level to make me glyphs so i could deconstruct them.

    People that were a lower level to me, just messaged me when they had aquired enough materials to make glyphs, I would just meet them at an enchanting table and make them glyphs, it only took a few mins and I don't mind helping people and you also get some xp from that and even tho it's not alot, it's free and costs you zero materials.


  • Gillysan
    There is more than one way to skin a cat. The method I wrote is a suggestion and in tune with the OP's guide. You can do it just like the dagger trading and can track it on the spreadsheet if you want.

    In the notes I gave an example of why giving someone your runes is still highly beneficial. That of course requires some trust. Sneakyfool gave a longer explanation of the same reason.

    The spreadsheet is locked because I'm using it but letting other people see it. I don't want any random person making changes to it. Maybe you don't have any experience with google docs, but you can download it and use it with whatever spreadsheet program you already have. You can put it on your own google docs page if you want and keep it private.

    Here is an open source suite if you don't have anything to work with:
  • Gillysan
    Sneakyfool wrote: »
    People that were a lower level to me, just messaged me when they had aquired enough materials to make glyphs, I would just meet them at an enchanting table and make them glyphs, it only took a few mins and I don't mind helping people and you also get some xp from that and even tho it's not alot, it's free and costs you zero materials.

    Pointing this out because you help someone lower level they will catch up to you faster or you simply do someone a favor. It's all good.

  • Halibrand
    Sneakyfool wrote: »
    ... Hope this thread has helped a few of you out there!

    It definitely helped me, thanks Sneaky! After reading your thread, I now have a devious leveling plan figured out. If it works well, I'll let you know about it. If not, perhaps I'll conveniently forget I ever made this post. :smile:
  • lolalie
    Want to swap level 35-45 epic, white level 35+ Glyphs (lolalie ingame)
    Edited by lolalie on April 21, 2014 11:43AM
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