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Should unlocking Skyshards be available through the Crown Store for Alts ?

  • Bam_Bam
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    No. Hell no. If it goes to the crown store then 5000 crowns per zone AND per character. You want instant fame then you better be prepared to bleed crowns for it. Or just you know - put in some effort, like other's have.
    Joined January 2014
    PC EU - PvE & BGs & PvP (Vivec)
    Grand Master Crafter


    Lims Kragm'a
    Bam Bam Bara
  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rakvicka wrote: »
    I have 11 characters, on 7 have it already completed. It is not such burden, but yes, it would be nice. But not via crown store.
    If anything else, it should be account based and granted automaticly, as dyes that you can unlock.

    This is pretty much my only complaint. If it hits the crown store, it will ONLY EVER hit the crown store and will never be a built-in feature as it should be. And this applies to every shortcut added to any cash shop in any game.

    I'm accepting of it being in the crown store, but not particularly happy about it. I'll purchase them on characters I feel the need to, but with the constant knowledge nagging me from the back of my head that I shouldn't have to purchase them to avoid an activity I find unfun without hindering all the activities I find fun. I won't be able to help but feel like I'm being lightly fleeced.

    The problem is that what you find "unfun" others find fun, and making everything account-wide would take away the enjoyment from people who do NOT want to PvP or do endgame Trials and vet dungeons and just want to go around the world with their characters playing their stories.

    So putting it in the crown store is a good middle-ground IMO. You can get them right away if you want, and I can take my time if I want and we are both happy.
    The Moot Councillor
  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    KRBMMO wrote: »
    The developers made so many aspects of this game a vast time sink.
    It wasn't necessary for them to do it this way - it was a game design choice.
    Don't want to spend time? Pay money they say now.

    I expect sooner or later every aspect of the game that used to just take time and require dedication to achieve will have a shortcut available for a price.

    What I disagree with is I suspect that all these things that were a grind but are now available to buy were intentionally designed from the beginning that way so as to be a cash grab at some point.

    So I'm not going to buy these "shortcuts", but neither am I going to level up any more characters in any way that could be considered a "grind".

    These things are only a grind because players have detached them from their original design intent, which was to unlock them as you quest through and complete a zone. As part of normal gameplay, they are fine. But players just want to get to end game asap so they turn it into a boring grind and then complain about it.
    The Moot Councillor
    Other. Please explain.
    yes but they should just be unlocked automatically as part of the game.

    The fact people have expressed so much how they want it to be a thing Zos know dam well people will pay for it
    PC NA - GreggsSausageRoll
    Xbox NA - CinnamonRoll266
  • Elsterchen
    Other. Please explain.
    The thing that seems to strike me, but not many others is that this will be the first crown store item that enables players to pay for rewards gained by not actively playing the game. And I think there is a big difference to skipping down time (as done in riding lessons, or research times)

    This bothers me. I understand players saying: "the content is boring and I like to skip it on my alts, but hey, ofc i want the reward". I really do understand that notion.

    Yet, this argument is applicable to all content ESO offers - a given number of players will find questing and/or PVEing and/or PVPing boring and will like to skip these contents on alts -> without refraining from getting the rewards (ofc).

    Thats the point when I say: Rather take the time and gather those stupid shards then allow CS-trial unlocks, CS-dungeon-unlocks or CS-PVP-rank unlocks ... all of these are just the same as CS-skyshard unlocks: crown store based ways to pay for skipping content and yet getting rewarded.

  • CassandraGemini
    Other. Please explain.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rakvicka wrote: »
    I have 11 characters, on 7 have it already completed. It is not such burden, but yes, it would be nice. But not via crown store.
    If anything else, it should be account based and granted automaticly, as dyes that you can unlock.

    This is pretty much my only complaint. If it hits the crown store, it will ONLY EVER hit the crown store and will never be a built-in feature as it should be. And this applies to every shortcut added to any cash shop in any game.

    I'm accepting of it being in the crown store, but not particularly happy about it. I'll purchase them on characters I feel the need to, but with the constant knowledge nagging me from the back of my head that I shouldn't have to purchase them to avoid an activity I find unfun without hindering all the activities I find fun. I won't be able to help but feel like I'm being lightly fleeced.

    The problem is that what you find "unfun" others find fun, and making everything account-wide would take away the enjoyment from people who do NOT want to PvP or do endgame Trials and vet dungeons and just want to go around the world with their characters playing their stories.

    So putting it in the crown store is a good middle-ground IMO. You can get them right away if you want, and I can take my time if I want and we are both happy.

    No, not really. They could have very well built the feature in as being account-wide, but still give players a choice whether they want to enable it on a new character or not, instead of it being enabled account-wide by default. That would have been a middle-ground. Everyone who wants it can have it, while everyone who doesn't want it, wouldn't be forced to do it. The Crown Store solution is cash-grabbing, nothing more, nothing less.
    Edited by CassandraGemini on April 14, 2019 3:45PM
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rakvicka wrote: »
    I have 11 characters, on 7 have it already completed. It is not such burden, but yes, it would be nice. But not via crown store.
    If anything else, it should be account based and granted automaticly, as dyes that you can unlock.

    This is pretty much my only complaint. If it hits the crown store, it will ONLY EVER hit the crown store and will never be a built-in feature as it should be. And this applies to every shortcut added to any cash shop in any game.

    I'm accepting of it being in the crown store, but not particularly happy about it. I'll purchase them on characters I feel the need to, but with the constant knowledge nagging me from the back of my head that I shouldn't have to purchase them to avoid an activity I find unfun without hindering all the activities I find fun. I won't be able to help but feel like I'm being lightly fleeced.

    The problem is that what you find "unfun" others find fun, and making everything account-wide would take away the enjoyment from people who do NOT want to PvP or do endgame Trials and vet dungeons and just want to go around the world with their characters playing their stories.

    So putting it in the crown store is a good middle-ground IMO. You can get them right away if you want, and I can take my time if I want and we are both happy.

    No, not really. They could have very well built the feature in as being account-wide, but still give players a choice whether they want to enable it on a new character or not, instead of it being enabled account-wide by default. That would have been a middle-ground. Everyone who wants it can have it, while everyone who doesn't want it, wouldn't be forced to do it. The Crown Store solution is cash-grabbing, nothing more, nothing less.

    The crown store perpetuates the notion that in an RPG, you need to invest in your characters to build them out. The usual currency has been time. Now ZOS has added the option to invest money. But you don't get 15x the reward for the work of one character alone.

    I'm not going to buy skyshards the same way I don't buy riding lessons, but if people want to save time, they do say that time is money...
    The Moot Councillor
  • CassandraGemini
    Other. Please explain.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rakvicka wrote: »
    I have 11 characters, on 7 have it already completed. It is not such burden, but yes, it would be nice. But not via crown store.
    If anything else, it should be account based and granted automaticly, as dyes that you can unlock.

    This is pretty much my only complaint. If it hits the crown store, it will ONLY EVER hit the crown store and will never be a built-in feature as it should be. And this applies to every shortcut added to any cash shop in any game.

    I'm accepting of it being in the crown store, but not particularly happy about it. I'll purchase them on characters I feel the need to, but with the constant knowledge nagging me from the back of my head that I shouldn't have to purchase them to avoid an activity I find unfun without hindering all the activities I find fun. I won't be able to help but feel like I'm being lightly fleeced.

    The problem is that what you find "unfun" others find fun, and making everything account-wide would take away the enjoyment from people who do NOT want to PvP or do endgame Trials and vet dungeons and just want to go around the world with their characters playing their stories.

    So putting it in the crown store is a good middle-ground IMO. You can get them right away if you want, and I can take my time if I want and we are both happy.

    No, not really. They could have very well built the feature in as being account-wide, but still give players a choice whether they want to enable it on a new character or not, instead of it being enabled account-wide by default. That would have been a middle-ground. Everyone who wants it can have it, while everyone who doesn't want it, wouldn't be forced to do it. The Crown Store solution is cash-grabbing, nothing more, nothing less.

    The crown store perpetuates the notion that in an RPG, you need to invest in your characters to build them out. The usual currency has been time. Now ZOS has added the option to invest money. But you don't get 15x the reward for the work of one character alone.

    I'm not going to buy skyshards the same way I don't buy riding lessons, but if people want to save time, they do say that time is money...

    Sure, and I absolutely wouldn't be opposed to this if they had also added the option to buy it via in-game currencies, most likely gold. Because, you know, then I think, if anyone really wants to pay for the skill points to get them as fast as possible, why not. I wouldn't, but if someone else wants to, they can go right ahead. I'm just really concerned that it's a Crown Store only thing, because, looking at Elder Scrolls Blades and the really extreme P2W direction they're going with this... I mean, yeah, Blades is a Freemium game, so they have to finance it via the cash shop, but still, what I've read really isn't good, and I can't help but be concerned that this is going to be the general direction they're going now, with ESO too.
    Edited by CassandraGemini on April 14, 2019 4:06PM
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • kyle.wilson
    Other. Please explain.
    It depends on how its implemented. I think that there should be some way to earn the skyshard unlocks without paying crowns. Maybe like completing the respective quest achievements (Hero of AD/DC/EP and the Cyrodiil Champion) on that char.
    I'm really against ZOS giving the ability to gift crown store items. It proves that ZOS's only care about selling gold wasn't fairness, but that they could get the cash themselves.

  • Aelakhaii_De_Mythos
    I think so yes.

    I dont want to grind useless things again, i log in to pvp (or afk in town...) not go hunting shards all over again. Just allow class change and make achievements account wide already.
  • NovaMarx
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    KRBMMO wrote: »
    The developers made so many aspects of this game a vast time sink.
    It wasn't necessary for them to do it this way - it was a game design choice.
    Don't want to spend time? Pay money they say now.

    I expect sooner or later every aspect of the game that used to just take time and require dedication to achieve will have a shortcut available for a price.

    What I disagree with is I suspect that all these things that were a grind but are now available to buy were intentionally designed from the beginning that way so as to be a cash grab at some point.

    So I'm not going to buy these "shortcuts", but neither am I going to level up any more characters in any way that could be considered a "grind".

    These things are only a grind because players have detached them from their original design intent, which was to unlock them as you quest through and complete a zone. As part of normal gameplay, they are fine. But players just want to get to end game asap so they turn it into a boring grind and then complain about it.

    ^ This. People get so caught up with the notion of "end game" that everything quickly becomes a grind for them.

    The whole idea of Skyshards in the beginning was to get a reward/incentive for exploring zones, and giving you yet another sense of achievement when doing and finishing zone content. Most of the Skyshards are placed in areas that you would naturally come across as you do quests and discover locales, meaning all you have to do is travel through the zones.

    IMO if they weren't attached to skill points, nobody would even give them a second glance. Skyshards would just be yet another achievement for the completionists - just like Fishing and Trophies (which are far more tedious grinds, let's be honest :lol: ).
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • Universe
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    NovaMarx wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    KRBMMO wrote: »
    The developers made so many aspects of this game a vast time sink.
    It wasn't necessary for them to do it this way - it was a game design choice.
    Don't want to spend time? Pay money they say now.

    I expect sooner or later every aspect of the game that used to just take time and require dedication to achieve will have a shortcut available for a price.

    What I disagree with is I suspect that all these things that were a grind but are now available to buy were intentionally designed from the beginning that way so as to be a cash grab at some point.

    So I'm not going to buy these "shortcuts", but neither am I going to level up any more characters in any way that could be considered a "grind".

    These things are only a grind because players have detached them from their original design intent, which was to unlock them as you quest through and complete a zone. As part of normal gameplay, they are fine. But players just want to get to end game asap so they turn it into a boring grind and then complain about it.

    ^ This. People get so caught up with the notion of "end game" that everything quickly becomes a grind for them.

    The whole idea of Skyshards in the beginning was to get a reward/incentive for exploring zones, and giving you yet another sense of achievement when doing and finishing zone content. Most of the Skyshards are placed in areas that you would naturally come across as you do quests and discover locales, meaning all you have to do is travel through the zones.

    IMO if they weren't attached to skill points, nobody would even give them a second glance. Skyshards would just be yet another achievement for the completionists - just like Fishing and Trophies (which are far more tedious grinds, let's be honest :lol: ).

    Skill points = power.
    No matter how hard players will want to believe otherwise.
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Tandor
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rakvicka wrote: »
    I have 11 characters, on 7 have it already completed. It is not such burden, but yes, it would be nice. But not via crown store.
    If anything else, it should be account based and granted automaticly, as dyes that you can unlock.

    This is pretty much my only complaint. If it hits the crown store, it will ONLY EVER hit the crown store and will never be a built-in feature as it should be. And this applies to every shortcut added to any cash shop in any game.

    I'm accepting of it being in the crown store, but not particularly happy about it. I'll purchase them on characters I feel the need to, but with the constant knowledge nagging me from the back of my head that I shouldn't have to purchase them to avoid an activity I find unfun without hindering all the activities I find fun. I won't be able to help but feel like I'm being lightly fleeced.

    The problem is that what you find "unfun" others find fun, and making everything account-wide would take away the enjoyment from people who do NOT want to PvP or do endgame Trials and vet dungeons and just want to go around the world with their characters playing their stories.

    So putting it in the crown store is a good middle-ground IMO. You can get them right away if you want, and I can take my time if I want and we are both happy.

    No, not really. They could have very well built the feature in as being account-wide, but still give players a choice whether they want to enable it on a new character or not, instead of it being enabled account-wide by default. That would have been a middle-ground. Everyone who wants it can have it, while everyone who doesn't want it, wouldn't be forced to do it. The Crown Store solution is cash-grabbing, nothing more, nothing less.

    The crown store perpetuates the notion that in an RPG, you need to invest in your characters to build them out. The usual currency has been time. Now ZOS has added the option to invest money. But you don't get 15x the reward for the work of one character alone.

    I'm not going to buy skyshards the same way I don't buy riding lessons, but if people want to save time, they do say that time is money...

    Sure, and I absolutely wouldn't be opposed to this if they had also added the option to buy it via in-game currencies, most likely gold. Because, you know, then I think, if anyone really wants to pay for the skill points to get them as fast as possible, why not. I wouldn't, but if someone else wants to, they can go right ahead. I'm just really concerned that it's a Crown Store only thing, because, looking at Elder Scrolls Blades and the really extreme P2W direction they're going with this... I mean, yeah, Blades is a Freemium game, so they have to finance it via the cash shop, but still, what I've read really isn't good, and I can't help but be concerned that this is going to be the general direction they're going now, with ESO too.

    The problem with extending it to purchase with gold is that it would only be a direct option for those usual traders with gazillions of gold they have no use for, thereby creating another division between a comparatively small number of traders and the rest of the playerbase - who could indirectly purchase the unlocks with gold by buying the gold from other players with crowns, but then they may as well just buy the unlocks with crowns. Either way it's just a murky aspect of monetising gaming these days in ways that bode ill for the future of those games that descend to those depths, if not to the genre as a whole.

    However, we need to recognise that all these sorts of changes come about from player demands, whether it's the need to find additional ways of generating revenue like lootboxes because players don't want to pay subscriptions or selling character progression because players don't like "grinding" the content, i.e. playing the game. It's therefore disingenuous to blame developers and accuse them of being money-grabbing because, like any commercial business that wants to succeed, they're just looking to provide what their customers want.
  • TheValar85
    Other. Please explain.
    I think it should be free for subscribers, no more pay walls. No gold no crowns included.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • CassandraGemini
    Other. Please explain.
    Tandor wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Vandril wrote: »
    Rakvicka wrote: »
    I have 11 characters, on 7 have it already completed. It is not such burden, but yes, it would be nice. But not via crown store.
    If anything else, it should be account based and granted automaticly, as dyes that you can unlock.

    This is pretty much my only complaint. If it hits the crown store, it will ONLY EVER hit the crown store and will never be a built-in feature as it should be. And this applies to every shortcut added to any cash shop in any game.

    I'm accepting of it being in the crown store, but not particularly happy about it. I'll purchase them on characters I feel the need to, but with the constant knowledge nagging me from the back of my head that I shouldn't have to purchase them to avoid an activity I find unfun without hindering all the activities I find fun. I won't be able to help but feel like I'm being lightly fleeced.

    The problem is that what you find "unfun" others find fun, and making everything account-wide would take away the enjoyment from people who do NOT want to PvP or do endgame Trials and vet dungeons and just want to go around the world with their characters playing their stories.

    So putting it in the crown store is a good middle-ground IMO. You can get them right away if you want, and I can take my time if I want and we are both happy.

    No, not really. They could have very well built the feature in as being account-wide, but still give players a choice whether they want to enable it on a new character or not, instead of it being enabled account-wide by default. That would have been a middle-ground. Everyone who wants it can have it, while everyone who doesn't want it, wouldn't be forced to do it. The Crown Store solution is cash-grabbing, nothing more, nothing less.

    The crown store perpetuates the notion that in an RPG, you need to invest in your characters to build them out. The usual currency has been time. Now ZOS has added the option to invest money. But you don't get 15x the reward for the work of one character alone.

    I'm not going to buy skyshards the same way I don't buy riding lessons, but if people want to save time, they do say that time is money...

    Sure, and I absolutely wouldn't be opposed to this if they had also added the option to buy it via in-game currencies, most likely gold. Because, you know, then I think, if anyone really wants to pay for the skill points to get them as fast as possible, why not. I wouldn't, but if someone else wants to, they can go right ahead. I'm just really concerned that it's a Crown Store only thing, because, looking at Elder Scrolls Blades and the really extreme P2W direction they're going with this... I mean, yeah, Blades is a Freemium game, so they have to finance it via the cash shop, but still, what I've read really isn't good, and I can't help but be concerned that this is going to be the general direction they're going now, with ESO too.

    However, we need to recognise that all these sorts of changes come about from player demands, whether it's the need to find additional ways of generating revenue like lootboxes because players don't want to pay subscriptions or selling character progression because players don't like "grinding" the content, i.e. playing the game. It's therefore disingenuous to blame developers and accuse them of being money-grabbing because, like any commercial business that wants to succeed, they're just looking to provide what their customers want.

    So, you're basically saying that it's the players' own fault that they're getting extra-charged for pretty much everything now, despite already having paid the base price for the game and, in lots of cases, also the subscription? And just because they want an aspect of it that is boring and tedious and has nothing to do with "actually playing the game" to be a little less painful? Sorry, but no. No matter how much you and other PC gamers don't want to believe this, the grind for skyshards and lorebooks is much more real for us console peasants and there's nothing wrong whatsoever with wanting at least the same QoL improvements that PC users get, in the form of collectibles being displayed on the map. And if not that, then a way to buy the skill-points with an in-game currency, like I said countless times before.

    But no, what we got instead is another paywall. And please don't try to tell me ZoS does this to do us a favor, but since they're a commercial business of course they can't give it to us for free. They're making enough money as it is already, mostly with subscriptions, and the price-tag they're putting on everything else now is just the icing on the cake for them. If you want to put blame on anyone, it would have to be the people who will actually go and pay them for this, because they're the ones who support this system and give ZoS the (correct) idea that they actually can put everything behind paywalls, because there are still people who are willing to pay the price. As long as that happens, they obviously won't stop selling us every little thing separately, because why would they? It works.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • Nimrhys
    Other. Please explain.
    I do not mind either way. I would be unlikely to purchase them but have no issue with people wanting to side-step it.
  • barney2525
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Skyshards are no different from any other achievement. I put in the time and effort to make one character my master crafter. This does Not automatically make ALL my characters Master crafters.

    Just because one character manages to get all the monster trophies for a specific group, does not give All characters credit for all the trophies. Same with Fishing, same with any other kind of achievement.

    Just because they give you CPs, it does Not "break the dam" so to speak, to just say "do everything once and you never do it again".

    I agree that without addons, it is a major chore IF you don't do anything to help yourself. Such as having a pad and paper at your desk so you can record things and draw blobbo maps, so the next time you come through it will be easier.

    If you don't take some initiative to make the game easier on yourself, I can understand why people that are not able to use addons want this.

  • barney2525
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Just another money grab its like they don't care anymore and i don't care for a company that's rips customers off i wont spend another cent on this dead game.

    Its not a money grab, you can still go on getting the skyshards as you normally would. It has no real impact on gameplay. They are NOT adding additional skyshards behind a crownstore paywall, they are just making it more convenient to collect them if you wish to spend the money to do so.

    Sooooo.... skill points .... have No impact..... on gameplay.

    Interesting perspective.

    If they have no impact on gameplay, obviously they are not needed and no one should be bothering to waste time collecting them. And therefore no need to be able to buy them in the crown store.

  • Iccotak
    They should make other ways available for getting it, like; Master writs, Tel-Var Stones...Gold
  • Ananoriel
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    It just feels like Pay to Win to me. If it was with in-game money or something it would be fine.
  • abigfishy
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    You have to do the content to unlock this. There is no shortcut to doing this the first time. But having to do it on every alt is just tedious. It would have been better to make them all just account wide for free. But instead of having to do an 30 minutes to an hour per zone for I don't even know how many zones for EVERY alt I would much rather just pay a few crowns.

    Now the pricing is a big thing, sometimes their prices are just totally unreasonable. So if it ends up being $100 per alt then it is pointless for all but the biggest whales, but if it is $5 each then I might be getting a lot!
    Level 50 Characters
    Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
    Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
    Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
    Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
    Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
    Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
    Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
    Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
    Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
    Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
    Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
    Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
  • zaria
    Bam_Bam wrote: »
    No. Hell no. If it goes to the crown store then 5000 crowns per zone AND per character. You want instant fame then you better be prepared to bleed crowns for it. Or just you know - put in some effort, like other's have.
    Guess that is the price range we are talking anyway, this is not so much an QoL improvement than to feed of whales.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Daedric_NB_187
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Too bad haters. It's on the PTS as we speak. It's coming and I'm glad for it.
  • RedTalon
    Other. Please explain.
    Does not matter to me really if people want to waste their money instead of downloading an mod or even looking at a website to recall where skyshards are that is their affair
    Edited by RedTalon on April 18, 2019 5:28AM
  • Xsorus
    Other. Please explain.
    This doesn't affect me....Why would I care if someone buys skyshards?
  • RottingAlien
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Having skyshards be sold with crowns as the only option, will lead to selling other shortcuts, like the already mentioned guild skill lines. Wich will immensely degrade ESO's health.
    I wouldn't mind so much if people had the hability to buy the shards somehow in-game. Like you do with shrine of stuhn or shrine of Stendarr. All the existing shortcuts currently available in crown store (xp boosts, riding lessons, research time reduction, atribute reset, skill point reset) have their "free" in-game versions. I don't see why this should be any different. And no, this is not a money issue. This is a game health issue.
    Edited by RottingAlien on April 18, 2019 6:08AM
  • Austinseph1
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    The cost will dictate how bad the precedent is... if it’s low and anybody will be able to complete a character for cheep it will level the playing field. If it’s 500 crowns a pack and costs 75 dollars for a single character it’s just a money vacuum.
  • Universe
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Having skyshards be sold with crowns as the only option, will lead to selling other shortcuts, like the already mentioned guild skill lines. Wich will immensely degrade ESO's health.
    I wouldn't mind so much if people had the hability to buy the shards somehow in-game. Like you do with shrine of stuhn or shrine of Stendarr. All the existing shortcuts currently available in crown store (xp boosts, riding lessons, research time reduction, atribute reset, skill point reset) have their "free" in-game versions. I don't see why this should be any different. And no, this is not a money issue. This is a game health issue.

    It is even worse than selling fishing achievements in the crown store.
    Fishing is for a title, furnishing, achievements and some dyes.
    Skyshards = Power+achievements+dye+furnishing.
    The power part is the main issue, even if the achievements were already unlocked on other character.
    I'm disappointed of the crown store direction.
    Edited by Universe on April 18, 2019 12:24PM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Nemesis7884
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    They should also allow to buy the the stupid mages guild skill line.... i have leveled and collected for 10 if i can reasonably shorten the process for the next ones...
    Edited by Nemesis7884 on April 18, 2019 1:51PM
  • TheValar85
    Other. Please explain.

    They should also allow to buy the the stupid mages guild skill line.... i have leveled and collected for 10 if i can reasonably shorten the process for the next ones...

    i would add the undaunted skill line. thats a painful process of grind fest. waaay worst then farming skyshards or mages guiild.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
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