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Should unlocking Skyshards be available through the Crown Store for Alts ?

  • Universe
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    richo262 wrote: »
    Since gifting, anything on the crown store is available for gold.

    Personally, I'd prefer see two types of zone purchases

    1) Cheap, per zone, per character
    2) Expensive, per zone, per account.

    As I stated in my OP post:
    "Note: Crown store skyshard packs can't be gifted to other players."
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Enemoriana
    Other. Please explain.
    It should be for gold too. Even if a lot of, like 500k for one zone.
    Especially if it will not be giftable. And I think it wouldn't, because it needs achievements, so that will be unobtainable without buying crowns, which not everybody can do.

    But choosing between "no" and "for crowns" - crowns, please.
    PC EU, @Enemoriana. Ru.
    Houses: Erstwhile Sanctuary as actual Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Hunter's Glade as werewolf tavern (downstairs), Strident Springs Demesne as adventurer's house.
    Wishlist: atronach trader, attunable stations (have 14/80 sets collected), molten war torte and white gold war torte recipes.
  • idk
    The OP is not entirely correct. There is an option to get the sky shards in game and there always has been. Go collect them.
  • Ankael07
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Buying skyshards is pay for convenience so Im okay with it. It just needs to be a ''token'' so people can gift it to each other with crown/gold exchange
    Edited by Ankael07 on April 4, 2019 12:03AM
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Bradyfjord
    Other. Please explain.
    I believe this kind of catchup system might be implemented as say '50 skill points' (one per character). But the character that receives the benefit would receive a negative (-) 50 skill points. Until those points are 'earned' no more skill points are added to the character.
  • Siohwenoeht
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    I hope they don't sell many of the packs, mostly because I don't want to see skill lines for sale later on. Monetization of game mechanics doesn't sit well with me at all. I sub to support the game and won't pay for something that's already free in game.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • Universe
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    idk wrote: »
    The OP is not entirely correct. There is an option to get the sky shards in game and there always has been. Go collect them.

    I posted there is a grind in which skyshards can be collected.
    Indeed, I wish players will just try to play the game normally rather than asking for shortcuts.
    The multiple requests for skyshards to be bound to account led to this new ZOS idea of crown store skyshard packs.

    I would have been really happy if ZOS came and shout April fools!
    Edited by Universe on April 1, 2019 5:20AM
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • TheShadowScout
    Universe wrote: »
    Do you think that Skyshard packs should be made available for purchase through the Crown Store ?

    I do not like it much... but I am okay with it.

    As long as it takes people some efort to get... even if that is the effort of earning money to spend on ESO... I would not complain.

    I mean, I would prefer it if they did not add the option, but... I can see that they need to make a profit to keep ESO running, and I would much rather play ESO with options for people that have more money then patience to buy their way through a shortcut then play there (just like crown store riding lessons and crown store motivs), then see the suits in charge shut down the servers and sell off the assets because ESO does not meet their criteria for "profitable"...

    And yeah, I expect this is more a "testing of the waters" for ZOS, see how much shortcuts they could sell. Start with skyshards and if people bite... I mean, buy... then think about letting them buy other stuff "mirrored" from their main. Lorebook collections for mages guild advancement, perhaps. Other guild progression, maybe. Or map unlocks for exploration expees and wayshrine access. Achievements, perhaps, or alliance rank even... who knows?

    As long as they are priced accordingly... (think of how much it costs you to bypass daily riding training) I for one would not object.
    Still would not use them, i reckon, just like I don't use the crown store riding trainings. I would much rather spend my crowns on cute outfits (Tamriel-barbie-dressup is the true endgame!!!)...
    Universe wrote: »
    ...I wish players will just try to play the game normally rather than asking for shortcuts.
    The multiple requests for skyshards to be bound to account led to this new ZOS idea of crown store skyshard packs.
    I know, right? And as I posted elsewhere...
    ...I feel sooooooooooo like:
    ...right now.

    Because Every Time I saw someone make an "Gimme acocunt wide skyshards" thread, I ended up posting "...dey iz gonna make jouse pay big crowns for dat" in some fashion, and lo and behold, what we are taking about here...
  • FierceSam
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    crjs1 wrote: »
    I’m all in favour l, though frankly it should be an account wide achievement which is free.

    Why are you not crying about the monster helms at the golden vendor? I mean, shouldn't everyone have to do the proper content to get them on vet rather then being able to Zerg and use ap for an item that is in a Vet Dungeon?

    The reason no one is crying about buying sets from the Golden is that buying stuff with in game gold that you have acquired by playing the game is the absolute opposite of P2W.

    Being upset by that is like being upset that I got a Zaan hat for doing veteran Scalecaller Peak.

    If ZOS think it’s best for the game to have skyshard achievements accountwide, they should implement it free as a QoL update. Otherwise it’s just money grubbing filth.
  • Parrot1986
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Universe wrote: »
    Parrot1986 wrote: »
    Defitnely no. Levelling alts requires time and effort and is much easier now with the way CP works compared to veteran ranks. You also don’t need a huge amount of skill points to be functional in your role. Only really if you want to max out crafting etc. I have enough skill points by collecting sky shards in the psijic quest zones on skill points from dungeons.

    Either change it so they are account bound and thus a feature like CP or keep it as is.

    Adding it to crown store is just the start of paying for progress. Why not just add Fighters Guild, Psijic, Mages Guild and Undaunted and Level 10 Assault if we do this.

    It was already confirmed by the Developers that if crown store skyshard packs will be a success, they will look into adding maxed skill lines to the crown store(Source: ESO Live Twitch Stream Day 2 BethesdaGameDays).

    Really disappointed by that, there’s absolutely no need. Why put skill lines that are supposed to take effort through gameplay and experience and just sell for real money only.

    When I look at other games store models I’m happy ESO is pretty much cosmetic only. This though is a really bad path IMO and encourages shelling out real money for quick progress.

    Wish they put more effort in creating reasons to spend money on a subscription to generate revenue than this.
  • Michae
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Just make them account wide. People have been asking for that for years, don't put it behind the pay wall. I can already hear the cries of thousands of forum users if you do that.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • TheShadowScout
    Michae wrote: »
    Just make them account wide. People have been asking for that for years, don't put it behind the pay wall...
    ...but since that would not benefit ZOS in the -slightest- they are not likely to do it, and anyone who would suggest it to the suits in charge likely would be told to consider looking for a new job in the non-profit sector.
    Which is not generally the kind of sector that creates as impressive and expansive games like ESO, huh? Because they do not have the money to make the investments, pay for the server upkeep and all the staff to maintain it, as well as developers to add to it.

    Face the facts, they -need- profits to show to the shareholders to keep the game running. Thus they will monetize whatever they can get away with - and since it might happen in the not too distant future that gambling crates become iffy, legal-wise (or rather, taxed into submission, since generally the tax trolls are at least as greedy as the capitalist suits)... they might be considering other territories to farm for their profits in the grey area between "Cosmetic" and "Pay to Win".

    But from my point of view, that greed is good, as it will ensure that the "gimme crowd" does not get the "free stuff" they so often keep whining about, but simply gets another chouce - play for it, or pay for it.
    I mean, think about it... if people had spent the time they wasted on "gimme!" discussions here farming for the very same in game... they'd already have all the skyshards on most of their alts! :p;):trollface:
  • npuk
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    My initial thought was no, however upon thinking about it I think its a great move providing it requires you to have already collected them all on another char, and this should be all of them, not just a zone. The speediness of getting sky shard on a new char will bring a lot of day one players back for the new chapter.

    One aspect that gets overlooked with a lot of these posts is how different doing lore books or skyshards is on console, on pc I can install the little add on and all the locations appear on the map, whereas on console I have to rely on a map on my tablet and checking achievements.
    The Sacrificial Warriors GMXbox One EU:18x CP Chars (2300+ CP)Xbox One NA: 3x CP Chars (800+ CP)Xbox One (alt) EU:5x CP Chars (1500+ CP)Xbox One (alt 2) EU:1x CP Chars (450+ CP)PC EU: 1x CP Char (400+ CP)
  • Michae
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Michae wrote: »
    Just make them account wide. People have been asking for that for years, don't put it behind the pay wall...
    ...but since that would not benefit ZOS in the -slightest- they are not likely to do it, and anyone who would suggest it to the suits in charge likely would be told to consider looking for a new job in the non-profit sector.
    Which is not generally the kind of sector that creates as impressive and expansive games like ESO, huh? Because they do not have the money to make the investments, pay for the server upkeep and all the staff to maintain it, as well as developers to add to it.

    Face the facts, they -need- profits to show to the shareholders to keep the game running. Thus they will monetize whatever they can get away with - and since it might happen in the not too distant future that gambling crates become iffy, legal-wise (or rather, taxed into submission, since generally the tax trolls are at least as greedy as the capitalist suits)... they might be considering other territories to farm for their profits in the grey area between "Cosmetic" and "Pay to Win".

    But from my point of view, that greed is good, as it will ensure that the "gimme crowd" does not get the "free stuff" they so often keep whining about, but simply gets another chouce - play for it, or pay for it.
    I mean, think about it... if people had spent the time they wasted on "gimme!" discussions here farming for the very same in game... they'd already have all the skyshards on most of their alts! :p;):trollface:

    Hey, I don't disagree with you there. But the poll asked and I answered how I feel, not how I think it'll happen. I'm not exactly opposed to unlocking skyshards in CS. Depends on how they do it. There are few options:

    1. One off account-wide unlock making skyshards you find on any toon available to every toon. I'd prefer that and I'd probably buy it even if it was reasonably priced. But I'm afraid it would yeld too little money for ZOS.

    2. Unlock for one toon connecting it to other toon with more skyshards? I doubt they'll make it so.

    3. Unlocking of all skyshards that can be found account wide. I doubt that one too, but if they did it it probably would be pretty pricey.

    4. Unlocking of all skyshards that can be found on one toon. More probable, reeks of pay to win as the one above although I wouldn't call it p2w just yet.

    5. Buying skyshards unlocks one by one for one toon, similar to buying riding/pack and bank upgrades. Almost P2W and really greedy but less people are gonna get it.

    6. Buying skill points outright and still being able to find skyshards essentially making it p2w. This one sucks the most.

    So I could accept the first option but others would seem strange or greedy to various degrees. The last one would be a straight out no no as it would be P2W by allowing paying people get more skill points than the ones that don't pay. Well technically we already have that since you have to buy chapters, dlcs or eso+ to get some of the skyshards and quest skill points in game but at least you're required to put some effort into it.

    In conclusion I understand the sentiment of skyshard hunting being tedious for people who don't have that much time to play as I'm one of them. But making payed progression unlocks like that is always risky and can deteriorate the game to be made more grindy in order to extort money from people for shortcuts and paves the way for even more scummy p2w mechanics in the future.

    Happy now?
    Edited by Michae on April 1, 2019 12:54PM
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • kathandira
    Other. Please explain.
    Universe wrote: »

    I was afraid they would implement this in a segmented way. Which is why I will not be spending money on this. For me, it was either all or nothing. Either I buy it once and it applies to all my characters, or I don't buy it at all.

    With 8 characters, i'm not interested in buying this upgrade 7 times.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    I won't be using them myself, but don't see why other players should not have this option.

    Can't wait to see how much they're going to cost. I'm sure they are going to bring a lot of money into the game.
    PC EU
  • Tandor
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    My initial thought was no, however upon thinking about it I think its a great move providing it requires you to have already collected them all on another char, and this should be all of them, not just a zone. The speediness of getting sky shard on a new char will bring a lot of day one players back for the new chapter.

    One aspect that gets overlooked with a lot of these posts is how different doing lore books or skyshards is on console, on pc I can install the little add on and all the locations appear on the map, whereas on console I have to rely on a map on my tablet and checking achievements.

    Remember that a lot of PC players don't use that sort of addon, and also that the quest journal contains clues anyway which is presumably the case on console. Besides, we're only talking about accounts where one character has already got the skyshards so the player has found their locations before.
    Edited by Tandor on April 1, 2019 1:15PM
  • Bridges1120
    I'm mostly on the fence but I think I'd probably grab "The Cyrodiil Pack" or whatever it'd end up being called just because I know I, personally, devalue the PvP aspect of Cyrodiil when I'm out there by suddenly veering off and getting another skyshard instead of pushing through to the objective of my group - assuming I don't have a primadonna Crown that screams for everyone to be on them at all times and my 30 second detour is grounds for summary execution, further making them not worth the hassle.

    I know I can't fix it mentally for myself or culturally for angry crowns but I can flip a ten spot at the store and make the root cause go away and still benefit.
  • srfrogg23
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    I think the monetization is already a bit over-zealous, tbh.
  • xxthir13enxx
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    Shouldn’t have to pay for it...but this is what I expected with all the people complaining that Skyshards Shouldn’t be Account wide...so this way...those that are tired of doing same thing that has No Gameplay involved in it...can skip if they choose to do so
  • Wildberryjack
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    How about no to this all the way around. What is next? Paid char boosts to max level? Paid riding unlock to full? Paid crafting research to complete? Where does it stop?
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • DaveMoeDee
    Yes! Please implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
    I would never buy skyshards or skill lines (or any form of progress) for single characters, but I am all for letting people pay for the shortcuts on alts. I suppose I would consider an account unlock since I have a lot of crowns collecting dust, but that doesn't seem to be what they are offering.

    I do feel that this could be broken for under-50 PvP though, as people would have access to skills they should not have access to at low levels and could break the power normalization that is currently done.

    I find the "money grab" comments pointless. Sure, it is easy money. So what? Games need revenue. This also makes the game feel like less of a chore for many. It also gives no advantage when everyone is at max level. The only major imbalance this introduces is in sub-50 PvP, which it can kinda break.
  • Turelus
    Other. Please explain.
    I'm completely indifferent to this one.

    I won't be using it myself, I would rather play the content and farm the Skyshards (also with how ZOS prices it'll be crazy overpriced any way). However I have no issue if people want to do this as it doesn't effect my gameplay in any way.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • TheShadowScout
    One aspect that gets overlooked with a lot of these posts is how different doing lore books or skyshards is on console, on pc I can install the little add on and all the locations appear on the map, whereas on console I have to rely on a map on my tablet and checking achievements.
    As someone who on principle never uses any adds, this argument kinda falls flat before me, huh?
    So, yeah. I did it the hard way, on PC as well.
    I have to admit, I did once look up a general lorebook location in some online guide tho - but, that is just as available for console players, so...
    Shouldn’t have to pay for it...
    Rejoice then.
    You don't -have- to pay for it.
    You can also -play- for it!
    All up to you, yu can either spend the effort to get it, or spend the money to get it, or just do without.
    Choices, huh? :p;)
    How about no to this all the way around. What is next? Paid char boosts to max level? Paid riding unlock to full? Paid crafting research to complete? Where does it stop?
    We already have pair riding to full. Just buy enough crown store lessons.
    We already have crown store research time shortcuts.
    And we also have levelling boosts, not that levels ever was any difficulty at all, just ask the grindheads...

    And while we're at it, we also have crown store motivs, crown store vampire and werewolf... and whole frigging classes and race options locked behind the paywall.

    What else did people expect???
    If enough whine about something that ZOS starts to think they might put their money where their mouth is... they will see if they can sell them what they whine for.
    They are not bloody likely to give it away for free tho, because they -are- responsible to the almightly bottom line and they have to being ihn the profit.
    That's what their job is all about, basically.
    They support the big profit machine called a corporation, no matter oif they are the suits that make company policy to maximize profit, or the developers that think up nifty game stuff to get people to pay for it, or the cleaning lady who keeps their workplace from drowning in snack wrappers during those bughunting sessions.
    And that is why I always kept predicting anything along those lines would show up as crown store item!
    What, are people -really- surprised???
  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    I don't care because I won't use it. I like looking for skyshards as I go along. But if people want to part with their money, like they do with riding lessons and XP scrolls, I say let them.
    Skyshards should be unlocked per account for Free, not something that you have to pay for
    Same with mount feeding and alliance rank.

    Neither of those should be account wide, Alliance Rank the least of all.
    The Moot Councillor
  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    Linaleah wrote: »
    I think those skyshard packs should be available for purchase for in game gold (in before buying crowns 1. its not the same, 2. they are not going to be giftable anyways).

    I don't mind if monetanization is an option, i really really mind when its the ONLY option. and before anyone starts talking about "you can get them old fashioned way still" i know, I'm talking about specifically being able to purchase packs for alts. I think they should be added to the achievement vendors in capitol cities.

    quality of life improvements should NOT be cash only. this is NOT a free to play game, so contrary to some claims floating around this is NOT necessary for game upkeep and adding them solely to cash shop is a stinky cashgrab

    Say they make it 100k gold per zone in game. Wouldn't it be faster to still collect them manually than making that kind of gold?
    The Moot Councillor
  • Paazhahdrimaak
    No! Please don't implement skyshard packs in the crown store. Please explain.
  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    Jhalin wrote: »
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    esotoon wrote: »
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    If they do illegalize crown crates and there is no other effective way to generate revenue...then there will be no more ESO...

    I think this escapes the reality of some people on this forum...ESO is not a charity organization...if they stop making money they will pull the plug...

    It also escapes people who support crown crates that there is a middle ground between crown crates and going broke. For instance you can sell and make revenue on the items in those crown crates by selling those items at a fair price in the crown store, without the need to gamble. And/or you could add these quality of life (non-cosmetic) improvements to ESO+ which in turn will encourage people to subscribe, giving ZOS a regular income.

    There is wanting to make money and then there is wanting to make ALL the money as Jim Sterling would say.

    The whole reason for the existence of a company like ZoS/Zenimax is to make THE MOST MONEY possible...Some of you just gotta grasp the realities of the real world...they're not doing this for our entertainment...no matter how much you want to think the opposite...

    Some companies actually still give a sht and don’t design their games like players are just mindless sheep they can milk and prod without consequence. ZOS isn’t one of them.

    Every time the community accepts one of these blatantly player-hostile monetizatons schemes, they’re proving to ZOS that they’re right to think their playerbase consists of mindless sheeple.

    Well, the players have asked for an option to grinding skyshards on multiple characters.

    ZOS gave them an option that doesn't ruin the game for people who enjoy exploring the world on alts. Makes both sides happy, I hope.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Eweroun
    Other. Please explain.
    I wouldn't care if they do so, as long you cannot surpass the max amount of skyshards collected as a normal player can.

    If people want to pay huge RL money for it, let them do so. It give Zenimax a budget to create extra content for us ... no? :trollface:
    |Lunar Lattice - Guildmaster / Fullmoon group raidlead|
    |Potato Knights - former core member|
    |former dd-"The Phoenix Reborn", former raidlead "Omnia Vincit /Playdead"|

    clears: vCrag HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS HM (+2) - vCR+3 - vSS HM
  • AlnilamE
    Other. Please explain.
    Michae wrote: »
    Just make them account wide. People have been asking for that for years, don't put it behind the pay wall. I can already hear the cries of thousands of forum users if you do that.

    And people who enjoy exploring the world with multiple characters and gathering skyshards have asked them NOT to do that. So hopefully this makes both sides happy.

    May I remind you that ESO+ subscribers get a crown stipend with their subscription. That's something they can use it for.
    The Moot Councillor
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