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Is Magblade Even a Class anymore?

  • Calboy
    I've settled on a heavy armour healer tank group support type role. Basically people get sick of trying to kill me as I'm a self healing tank then when they lose interest I offer strong burst and timed heals and group support with transmutation, fear traps and ulti drops.

    My damage is lacking due to no merciless, execute and only damage ability being swallow soul so I struggle to kill anyone 1v1 but it acts more as additional damage for team mates.

    Weakness is people who have huge amounts of damage who figure out I don't have the tools to kill them.

    All I need is two more slots and I could turn this build into a beast, damn this limited bar space.
    Edited by Calboy on January 23, 2019 7:15AM
  • ChefZero
    @CatchMeTrolling did you noticed a priority with purges on your Templar? Something like longest duration, major over minor or DoTs over debuffs?
    PC EU - DC only
  • Datthaw
    Lol, true
    Datthaw wrote: »
    I'll let yall know the heavy build I have been running, I've run it enough to decide it's a good build for group play in bgs. The damage is decent and can help with an ult dump, along with being decently tanky with some sustain. It's the most well rounded heavy armor build I have tried yet. I'm sure some of the more skilled players here might make more of it than I do.

    So 5 reactive on body, lich jewelry and resto back bar, skoria and master lighting front bar. Front bar I have double dot poisons back bar weapon enchant. I run tri food and apprentice mundus.

    Stats sit at (unbuffed) 35,731 mag, 21,662 hp, 16,371 stam. 2k sd. Recovery is 800 mag, 800 stam, but we have lich and lighting/resto so that is our sustain.

    Bars are
    Fb: impale, mercy, cripple, shock clench, ele drain, meteor

    Bb: ward ally, double take, dark cloak, siphon strikes, rapid regen, resto ult.

    The game plan is simple enough, run in with dots and lightning heavies, when skoria procs shock clench people for the stun and nice aoe damage, meteor into cc mercy for the big damage combo. The build has been working nice in a group and seems to have potential.

    Anyway hope I may have inspired someone.

    Awesome, I bet this works and you're a beast to take down. I'd even use path over double take for more hps.

    I kinda waffle back and forth with path over double take. The way I think about it though and I'm sure its not 100% accurate but. When I'm snared and I have double take up, I'm taking 50% less damage from all these dbos/steel potato spammers. I'm sure someone is like "oh diminishing values" or w/e I'm not 100% how the two stackup.
  • Datthaw
    Might want to look into curse eater , it’ll be really good on Magblade. Just have to give up a 5 piece.

    I was looking at that too. I'm curious about how the damage mitigation of that set matches up with the damage mitigation of a traditional defensive set. I'm sceptical about giving up my resistance set for curse eater though because of how strong some of the burst damage is in the game and the number of debuffs applied to me. If I constantly have 6 or more debuffs on me I don't know how strong purging 2 random effects will be. It sounds like it has some potential though I just don't know how strong it will actually be in open world cyrodiil. Definitely worth testing though.

    That’s what I was thinking,too many debuffs to account for. It’ll be useful though, it purges ccs like fossilize. Running rapid regen will guarantee a purge every 2 secs , which is pretty short in pvp time.

    Which is why I think they will settle on anywhere from 4-7 seconds AND remove the magicka restoring bonus.

    If they do that no one will use it. It’s completely useless at that point. I played Templar for years and it’s countless times I purged just for what I wanted purged to still be there or instantly reapplied. Raising the time it’ll lose its appeal because the game is plagued with negative effects.

    Yeah magplar is my 2nd toon and I have to double cast purge at times just go have someone reapply all the *** withing a second or so
  • CatchMeTrolling
    ChefZero wrote: »
    CatchMeTrolling did you noticed a priority with purges on your Templar? Something like longest duration, major over minor or DoTs over debuffs?

    No , never seemed to be a priority. Try to remove defile with multiple cast and it can still be there. It seem the new set has a priority list. Which is funny because Templar’s have asked for that for the longest.

  • Iskiab
    Datthaw wrote: »

    Yeah magplar is my 2nd toon and I have to double cast purge at times just go have someone reapply all the *** withing a second or so

    Go with cleanse over purge, purge is a pve ability because there are limited debuffs on each person so purging always gets the nasty dots. Cleanse has better secondary effects, it puts a buff on each person reducing the duration of all negative effects by 50%.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Iskiab
    I'll ask here because I don't want to look like a tool who bumps their own threads.

    While NB healing I've noticed if there's a hybrid templar I have ridiculous survivability, but am lacking the tools to help the team kill opponents. I'll ice blockade and aoe fear to help a bit, but would like a damage ability. What would you guys recommend?

    I tried icy clench for the immobilization, I ended up immobilizing myself twice from reflections. What do you think is the best way to support your group on an ice back-bar with some added damage? Impale maybe? Crushing shock since it can't be reflected?
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Iskiab wrote: »
    I'll ask here because I don't want to look like a tool who bumps their own threads.

    While NB healing I've noticed if there's a hybrid templar I have ridiculous survivability, but am lacking the tools to help the team kill opponents. I'll ice blockade and aoe fear to help a bit, but would like a damage ability. What would you guys recommend?

    I tried icy clench for the immobilization, I ended up immobilizing myself twice from reflections. What do you think is the best way to support your group on an ice back-bar with some added damage? Impale maybe? Crushing shock since it can't be reflected?

    Well if you can’t find a damage ability you can always run elemental drain if you aren’t already for a strong debuff.

  • Iskiab
    That's a good idea, but I was under the assumption most people already use debuffs in their pvp specs, wouldn't it be overkill?

    Maybe the orbs, but instead of the morph that heals people the one that causes damage, that way I'll help my team with resources. Only problem with orbs is they cost a lot of mana which would make cleansing more difficult, maybe ele drain would be better since it costs no mana.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Iskiab wrote: »
    That's a good idea, but I was under the assumption most people already use debuffs in their pvp specs, wouldn't it be overkill?

    Maybe the orbs, but instead of the morph that heals people the one that causes damage, that way I'll help my team with resources. Only problem with orbs is they cost a lot of mana which would make cleansing more difficult, maybe ele drain would be better since it costs no mana.

    Most people that use elemental drain happen to be damage dealers but I rarely see it in bgs outside of myself using it. It’s other ways of getting the debuff but ele drain is simple and gives resources.

    Orbs is good too but I don’t think it’s needed. Could look into testing one of the detonation morphs, although it probably won’t do much damage.

  • Iskiab

    Most people that use elemental drain happen to be damage dealers but I rarely see it in bgs outside of myself using it. It’s other ways of getting the debuff but ele drain is simple and gives resources.

    Orbs is good too but I don’t think it’s needed. Could look into testing one of the detonation morphs, although it probably won’t do much damage.

    Thanks, I'll try ele drain. Sounds like one of those things everyone assumes someone else is doing when no one is.

    I've tried inevitable detonation, the cast time plus animation afterwards makes it terrible. Time stop is superior in every way and just count on my team doing the damage.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Jeezye
    hey guys, so I've stepped over this guy called zDan on youtube that for some miraculous reason runs three defensive sets, yet still pushes out higher damage than me in my more offensive builds and also sustains just fine. Anyone up to analyze why the build functions so well?

    Video below:

    There's also quite a few 1vX montages on his channel. I notices many players that he kills are lowbies, but amongst them there's also other more mediocre players he shredds through.

    Any thoughts?
  • Calboy
    Honestly, so many times I come across those YouTube builds with insane stats that are equal or better than mine even though I target them and i can never figure out how they do it.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Jeezye wrote: »
    hey guys, so I've stepped over this guy called zDan on youtube that for some miraculous reason runs three defensive sets, yet still pushes out higher damage than me in my more offensive builds and also sustains just fine. Anyone up to analyze why the build functions so well?

    Video below:

    There's also quite a few 1vX montages on his channel. I notices many players that he kills are lowbies, but amongst them there's also other more mediocre players he shredds through.

    Any thoughts?

    Well the most obvious thing is the tankiness coming from armor master, bloodspawn and histsap. So not a surprise there, although I’m not entirely convinced with the damage because I didn’t see much. I’ve ran tanker setups and killed multiple people before but if it was someone of equal skill I wouldn’t kill them in a 1v1. The build seems really effective against the average player, so that’s okay because that’s what you’ll mostly be fighting anyways.
    Edited by CatchMeTrolling on January 23, 2019 6:25PM
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Iskiab wrote: »

    Most people that use elemental drain happen to be damage dealers but I rarely see it in bgs outside of myself using it. It’s other ways of getting the debuff but ele drain is simple and gives resources.

    Orbs is good too but I don’t think it’s needed. Could look into testing one of the detonation morphs, although it probably won’t do much damage.

    Thanks, I'll try ele drain. Sounds like one of those things everyone assumes someone else is doing when no one is.

    I've tried inevitable detonation, the cast time plus animation afterwards makes it terrible. Time stop is superior in every way and just count on my team doing the damage.

    Even if someone has it it’s still useful for you to use too. It only becomes less effective when there’s no one around to capitalize off of the debuff.

  • brandonv516
    Jeezye wrote: »
    hey guys, so I've stepped over this guy called zDan on youtube that for some miraculous reason runs three defensive sets, yet still pushes out higher damage than me in my more offensive builds and also sustains just fine. Anyone up to analyze why the build functions so well?

    Video below:

    There's also quite a few 1vX montages on his channel. I notices many players that he kills are lowbies, but amongst them there's also other more mediocre players he shredds through.

    Any thoughts?

    Not sure that showed enough to really critique. I saw a few clips of him ganking (and t-bagging...) successfully.

    We don't know the context of those fights or the skill level of those players.

    Hist-Sap and Dark Cloak together creates some good clutch moments for sure.
  • Jeezye
    There‘s tons of magblade fights on his channel. Ofc his tankiness is good with three defensive sets, and sustain seems to be coming a lot from leeching strikes. What I’m more interested is in how he can actually pressure players with this Setup, sind I even fail on that with higher damage builds.
  • Iskiab
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Anyone up to analyze why the build functions so well?

    Any thoughts?

    He isn’t running 3 defensive sets for starters. He’s running armour master, hist sap and some willpower.

    Thing I’m coming to realize about ESO is it’s all about stats. Armour master gives him mitigation (a requirement in pvp), and hist sap has good uptime because of snares so he’s using it but also has good stats. Willpower is purely for stats. He then built his abilities to boost his stats as much as possible.

    With the exception of the 5 piece on hist sap working for him, just boost your stats as high as possible and you’ll do well. PvE go spell power and crit. PvP go penetration, spell power and use a mitigation set. Ignore any set bonus that don’t give stats unless you already know they’re good (like hist sap being used in this video).

    I think that’s why there’s been such a reaction to the sets on the PTS. Chasing max stats might change and people don’t like it.

    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Koolio
    Jeezye wrote: »
    There‘s tons of magblade fights on his channel. Ofc his tankiness is good with three defensive sets, and sustain seems to be coming a lot from leeching strikes. What I’m more interested is in how he can actually pressure players with this Setup, sind I even fail on that with higher damage builds.

    Alot of the time you can’t put pressure on people regardless of stats because your defensive 60%-80% of the time. With three defensive sets he can spend more time attacking and spend less on shielding/healing.

    You would be surprised how low your damage can go and still kill people. Someone on Ps4 posted a duel killing someone with no jewelry and only 4 pieces of gear on. The person he was killing isn’t phenomenal but he was an experienced player
  • Jeezye
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Anyone up to analyze why the build functions so well?

    Any thoughts?

    He isn’t running 3 defensive sets for starters. He’s running armour master, hist sap and some willpower.

    Im referring to armour master, gist sap and blood spawn. I know very well how this setup works defensively and it’s not hard to build a similar tanky play style, the question I have is how in the world such a setup can still kill people.

    Koolio wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    There‘s tons of magblade fights on his channel. Ofc his tankiness is good with three defensive sets, and sustain seems to be coming a lot from leeching strikes. What I’m more interested is in how he can actually pressure players with this Setup, sind I even fail on that with higher damage builds.

    Alot of the time you can’t put pressure on people regardless of stats because your defensive 60%-80% of the time. With three defensive sets he can spend more time attacking and spend less on shielding/healing.

    While that’s true, I just can’t see how the base damage of a purely defensive build is high enough to pressure some of the players killed in the Videos.
  • Koolio
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    Anyone up to analyze why the build functions so well?

    Any thoughts?

    He isn’t running 3 defensive sets for starters. He’s running armour master, hist sap and some willpower.

    Im referring to armour master, gist sap and blood spawn. I know very well how this setup works defensively and it’s not hard to build a similar tanky play style, the question I have is how in the world such a setup can still kill people.

    Koolio wrote: »
    Jeezye wrote: »
    There‘s tons of magblade fights on his channel. Ofc his tankiness is good with three defensive sets, and sustain seems to be coming a lot from leeching strikes. What I’m more interested is in how he can actually pressure players with this Setup, sind I even fail on that with higher damage builds.

    Alot of the time you can’t put pressure on people regardless of stats because your defensive 60%-80% of the time. With three defensive sets he can spend more time attacking and spend less on shielding/healing.

    While that’s true, I just can’t see how the base damage of a purely defensive build is high enough to pressure some of the players killed in the Videos.

    On a similar set up I’m running running I’m at 34k Max and 3k spell(3600 if glyph and resource)

    It tooltips along with my sustain builds just slightly under.

    Fully buffed I have 10.8k concealed and 23k merciless and 17.5k soul harvest.
  • thankyourat
    Jeezye wrote: »
    There‘s tons of magblade fights on his channel. Ofc his tankiness is good with three defensive sets, and sustain seems to be coming a lot from leeching strikes. What I’m more interested is in how he can actually pressure players with this Setup, sind I even fail on that with higher damage builds.

    Damage in this game is naturally high so a build that is heavily invested in defense can still pressure players who aren't heavily invested in defense. In addition he's a magblade which has access to the best burst tool in the game in soul harvest. When soul harvest lands it will automatically open up a burst window against who ever you are fighting against even if you are a lower damage build. So if you are good and chaining and comboing attacks together you will still have amazing damage on a magblade. Now if you fight someone who builds just as tanky you won't be able to kill them but they can't really kill you either. From you explanation it sounds like you are doing more spamming than comboing and setting up burst windows.
  • Datthaw
    That video is just all potato mashing. I'm sorry but any decent player would burst that shield I a heart beat. I've run armor master and tried to maximize shield and it just....

    That's the thing about these youtube videos. Guy probably has 200 hours of pvp for a 4 minute potato smash.
    Edited by Datthaw on January 23, 2019 11:34PM
  • Datthaw
    Lol I sound like a grouch. I'm just saying melee magnb in light with armor master just failed, and hard for me. The shield would get wiped way toO easy.
  • Jeezye
    Datthaw wrote: »
    That video is just all potato mashing. I'm sorry but any decent player would burst that shield I a heart beat. I've run armor master and tried to maximize shield and it just....

    That's the thing about these youtube videos. Guy probably has 200 hours of pvp for a 4 minute potato smash.

    That's what I am guessing too. Probably any half decent build could've shredded through these players more efficiently. I can not see any scenario where he'd beat me or any of my friends that play with proper defenses. Then again, he managed to kill that tanky stamdk in the duel, who didn't play excellent but at least sorta knew what he's doing (no wings though..)
  • Datthaw
    I remember running a 2l defensive set and offensive monster for a while, I ran 5 riposte 5 trans 2 skoria (before 2h buff) and survivability was very nice and I could kill potatos. But... but. Any decent player, I could catch with a full on skoria/incap/mercy combo and I would not be enough to burst them. I know tbis for a fact because I dueled at legend events with this setup. So the idea that he is bursting good players with 3 defensive is just incorrect
  • SpiderCultist
    Came back after 5 months and this is what I find for my beloved class.

    I went to cyro yesterday and all I could do with my previous build was zerg surfing, I tried to duel a couple of decent players and all the times I bit the dust, they were very tanky and couldn't lower their health below 25%. The worst thing is I've read all these 5 pages for any useful info, I searched on youtube and there are only 2 videos worth mentioning this patch... it hurts man.

    btw, the build I used yesterday was 1 inferno master's + lich backbar + shacklebreaker body + valkyn, damage output was OKish but could not stand a chance against nearly anyone.

    Any additional input would be greatly appreciated.
    PC | EU
    Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
    "You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
  • thankyourat
    Came back after 5 months and this is what I find for my beloved class.

    I went to cyro yesterday and all I could do with my previous build was zerg surfing, I tried to duel a couple of decent players and all the times I bit the dust, they were very tanky and couldn't lower their health below 25%. The worst thing is I've read all these 5 pages for any useful info, I searched on youtube and there are only 2 videos worth mentioning this patch... it hurts man.

    btw, the build I used yesterday was 1 inferno master's + lich backbar + shacklebreaker body + valkyn, damage output was OKish but could not stand a chance against nearly anyone.

    Any additional input would be greatly appreciated.

    You have to build some resistances into your build either by using light armor resistance sets or heavy armor. If you don't any really good player can put so much damage into you that you want be able to fight back. If you want to play in light what I found useful is to play with a defensive set like brass or armor master then a damage set I prefer spinners and then I get my sustain from my jewelry glyphs I use 2 regen and 1 cost reduction. You can add extra damage in with your monster sets I run 2 max mag pieces for extra shield strength. This with breach gives crazy amount of spell pen so even though your spell damage is low your damage it's still very high. I still hit 7k soul harvest on tanky targets.

    Heavy armor is also a option. I like to run double damage sets with troll king. And nirn weapon with double dots poisons. The sustain is a little tricky though but if you can manage your resources it's actually pretty strong
  • SpiderCultist
    Came back after 5 months and this is what I find for my beloved class.

    I went to cyro yesterday and all I could do with my previous build was zerg surfing, I tried to duel a couple of decent players and all the times I bit the dust, they were very tanky and couldn't lower their health below 25%. The worst thing is I've read all these 5 pages for any useful info, I searched on youtube and there are only 2 videos worth mentioning this patch... it hurts man.

    btw, the build I used yesterday was 1 inferno master's + lich backbar + shacklebreaker body + valkyn, damage output was OKish but could not stand a chance against nearly anyone.

    Any additional input would be greatly appreciated.

    You have to build some resistances into your build either by using light armor resistance sets or heavy armor. If you don't any really good player can put so much damage into you that you want be able to fight back. If you want to play in light what I found useful is to play with a defensive set like brass or armor master then a damage set I prefer spinners and then I get my sustain from my jewelry glyphs I use 2 regen and 1 cost reduction. You can add extra damage in with your monster sets I run 2 max mag pieces for extra shield strength. This with breach gives crazy amount of spell pen so even though your spell damage is low your damage it's still very high. I still hit 7k soul harvest on tanky targets.

    Heavy armor is also a option. I like to run double damage sets with troll king. And nirn weapon with double dots poisons. The sustain is a little tricky though but if you can manage your resources it's actually pretty strong

    awesome, thank you

    I'm going to try fortified + spinners + vma resto + bloodspawn
    PC | EU
    Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
    "You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."
  • Iskiab
    This only helps a little, but I looked at the numbers and the buffer of the swift set is being changed to be a little better than light fortified brass for defence. I think people will use it a lot after the next patch.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
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