HDR broke on xbox since wolfhunter? EDIT: Patch coming early october

  • happyhughes2001
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any update at all please?
  • West1389
    dmar613 wrote: »
    I read through the discussion and only 1 person has said they will quit lol. others have said they will cancel eso+, and others have said they will stop playing until fixed. not playing til fixed is not quiting btw.

    it kinda is if you think about it. No + they lose $15 month, if they step away its leaving the game. When players step away from games, that puts them behind the new game that gets picked up. Now by the time they get tired of the new game there are maybe 3 more that just came out. So ESO gets pushed back again then year or so goes by have not touched it. So how long before you say that they quit the game 2 years?
  • West1389
    blunned wrote: »

    I will most certainly quit playing if the current trend continues. I am an adult and like to feel the money I am spending is put toward something worthwhile in gaming. I have mostly felt that way toward ESO but that is quickly changing with the general community management and communication effort. I get this twang of emptiness every time I see a crown store advertisement (which is often) because it exemplifies where they are putting their efforts and resources. I have had a great time in Tamriel and feel none of it was wasted. That being said, I have absolutely no qualms about moving on. I have only been playing around 5 months and felt I would be playing this game till the population died down because of how awesome it is, but the principal of throwing money at a company with such poor communication and attention toward its console playerbase and further perpetuating the idea that a company can get rich without effective community outreach and communications and without fixing glaring issues with their game is something i can’t support. The glaring UI issues are also starting to weigh on me to the point of tedium when I log on.

    This is spot on how i feel as well. I have wife, and 2 kids with there homework, and spending time with them i was lucky to play maybe 2hrs. I want to have fun when i log on, not stay at loading screen for 15mins of my time. I think the thing that really bothers every single one of us is the no communication. This is why i said people want to rage quit, to try to get a response.

    No one wants to quit, but I understand when people say it.I have said it many times just not on here. After seeing interviews of the Dev, and not one of them saying anything about any of this bothers me. They did make sure to say they have DLC planned for 2020 WOOOOO!!! that helps everyone.
  • madchuska83
    I found it comical that I got muted for 3 days for tagging Gina in all of the HDR threads. That gets a swift response but when it comes to actual communication they're nowhere to be seen.
  • Davor
    West1389 wrote: »
    I see some people saying they will quit, but lets be real you wont. Why because you invested all this time already into the game. You would feel like you wasted all of those countless hours on your toon. I know it sucks to not hear anything from ZOS but do you really expect anything different?

    Oh it's going to happen. It just takes time, slowly. Just ask Games Workshop. They said the exact same thing. :)
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Davor
    Krayl wrote: »
    All the people threatening to "quit" are kinda juvenile. If it's not worth your investment of time and money, then don't. We don't need you to come here and tell us all about it.

    On the flip side, @ZOS_GinaBruno can we get any kind of update? Some of us are justifiably irritated that we have spent a considerable amount of money to play your game at it's peak visual quality for console and having that be broken with no explanation beyond 'fixing a couple assets' and no ETA to fix it is a little unnerving.

    Who is acting kinda juvenile? I haven't read any kinda juvenile I quit posts. All of them was done maturely and in a pleasant tone to let Zenimax know.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Waffennacht
    Quitting or not is kinda moot.

    Paying for new things/subscription does matter

    I've cancelled my subscription, have no intention of resubbing any time soon, and I definitely won't invest any more money.

    Sure I'll play, just means ZoS doesn't get nearly as much.

    And let's be frank, profit is all that matters to a company. So me playing or not isn't so much on their radar as my spending is
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • woodap
    I’m not renewing my subscription either. I can do without it until they can be bothered to sort this out.
  • West1389
    I think once people stop paying for the sub they become less invested in the game. I could be wrong about people not really going to quit. Seems now more are speaking out.

    I think by having the sub people feel the need to play, to justify the money spent monthly. If you no longer pay it then it feels like just another game that will get put aside when a new game comes along. Its crazy I think this could all be avoided by just a simple post from them.

    I get the anger from everyone they have a right to feel that way. This is the fastest way to lose all of the player base. How long would it take out of their day just to say hey we are working on it. Then the tempers would cool off for a little while.
  • dmar613
    West1389 wrote: »

    it kinda is if you think about it. No + they lose $15 month, if they step away its leaving the game. When players step away from games, that puts them behind the new game that gets picked up. Now by the time they get tired of the new game there are maybe 3 more that just came out. So ESO gets pushed back again then year or so goes by have not touched it. So how long before you say that they quit the game 2 years?

    if you are looking at it from zos's perspective then it is practically the same. If you look at it from a player's perspective then quiting is permanent, meaning uninstall and never to come back. stop playing eso til a fix is temporary. meaning they come back when the issue at hand is fixed. Hope that answers that for you.
    And tbh quitting or not is a moot point as someone stated earlier.

    On another note it looks like we are in store for the silent treatment ladies and gentlemen, buckle up for the long ride. Also, I not happy with the way these community managers handle the situations, am I allowed to express that?
    4th Grand Overlord For DC Xbox One. 123,486 pvp kills Crip from the Sexy Time Slayers aka Leaps of Dreamz
  • ecconova
    We just want an update from developers on this HDR issue. It has been over a week now. The anger from so many is we feel you deceived us and will not communicate your plan with this issue. I know in the big picture one player means squat to the developers. Someone wrote that those that say they will quit won't that person could not be more wrong. I have taken my entertainment dollars from companies who makes changes or do not communicate to players many time, Since I started playing MMOs in 1996 with Meridian 59. The difference with ESO is I like the game but it is not the same looking game as the one I started 6 months ago. Also the investment in crowns feels like a rip off when you feel forced to leave the game over a really bad aesthetic decision the developer made. Sure we are trying to get their attention to at least communicate with us if we don't they would not know who we feel.
  • happyhughes2001
    Still no update. Like I have previously said with countless others, the lack of communication is the most disappointing issue.

    I will unsubscribe until issued resolved or concerns addressed. It is the only action we have available to us that shows how displeased we are.

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • o_0
    I guess this is what I get for coming back to ESO and switching to console solely for HDR.
  • madchuska83
    Goodbye, ESO.
  • gp1680
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.

    ZOS has been “out of town” with regards to the performance of this game for years now.
  • ForMalacath
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.

    I genuinely thought it looked great before and never had a problem with over saturation. Thanks for the update however and hopefully you can get this resolved asap as the HDR is pretty much non-existent in its current form
    In Malacath we trust

    XB1 EU
  • Waffennacht

    I genuinely thought it looked great before and never had a problem with over saturation. Thanks for the update however and hopefully you can get this resolved asap as the HDR is pretty much non-existent in its current form

    I'm fairly sure the best we can hope for is the next dlc
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • o_0

    I'm fairly sure the best we can hope for is the next dlc

    Any update this year is unlikely based on past and current experiences with ZOS since 2014.
  • ForMalacath

    I'm fairly sure the best we can hope for is the next dlc

    I really hope we don't have to wait until Murkmire to be rid of the 'Murkiness' :(
    In Malacath we trust

    XB1 EU
  • Waffennacht
    o_0 wrote: »

    Any update this year is unlikely based on past and current experiences with ZOS since 2014.

    I said hope! Not reality! Lmfao....

    Oh you sombering realist you

    Edit: damn it spell check; sombering is too a word
    Edited by Waffennacht on September 5, 2018 2:05AM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • blunned
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.

    I appreciate the response, but the update in the first place was clearly rushed as it completely destroyed any visual enhancement with the 4K consoles. The right thing to do here would be to rush and revert it to how it was. The game is no longer enhanced for PS4 pro and Xbox One X. Can you at least explain why the change isn’t going to be reverted in an emergency update? The best move would be to completely revert the change and then find this “compromise” you speak of in a future update. You exchanged mildly annoying to a select very few people with rage inducing and broken visuals for a much larger portion of the population. If it is a technical limitation to reverting back to the prior enhanced visuals I understand, but I think we deserve to know.

  • Korah_Eaglecry

    I'm fairly sure the best we can hope for is the next dlc

    Good luck with that. Text Chat took almost a year to implement. Theyre going to sit on this til you all forget about it, go elsewhere, or become such an annoyance to the rest of the forum community that you are regularly baited by others to self destruct your own threads. You have at best a 12 month wait for this to be corrected.
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Beardimus
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.

    Thank you @ZOS_GinaBruno for the update, that's really appreciated. Understand about PAX.

    It's not the update we are looking for considering many of us spent £1500 ($2000) on consoles & TVs to work best with HDR as it was. At least getting something back will be good, and I do hope that's Update 20 at the latest.

    Again thanks for acknowledgement. It might help perception to get an official acknowledgment sticky on the front page. There was one about the trial being shut on PC after all and for HDR capable players this is a far bigger issue.

    Xbox One | EU | EP
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  • pattyLtd
    Lol, its nearly black and white
    Leaving it this way is truelly not acceptable imho.

    Maybe fix one of the countless things that are broken!
    Dont worry you still have plenty to do.

    I’m done too.
    I only kept playing eso because of the social aspect, i really meet people in it with whom i developed real friendships.
    For that i am greatfull.

    Eso used to run great then it became so lackluster combat and performance wise that I first fased out of cyrodiil, then trials and now it doesnt even look pretty anymore.
    As much as i love eso itruelly feel out of options here. Hope you had a nice trip.

    Ps. I am not delosional enough to expect them to care what pattyLtd does with her free time.
    Quality > Quantity, sadly theres no quality left to hold on too. :'(

    Edit: Typos and slightly too strong wording :)
    Edited by pattyLtd on September 5, 2018 8:07AM
    English is not my native language, no grammar police please, tyvm
  • Beardimus
    I'm not one to post a quitter thread etc etc I love this game. However my crown spend is nill till sorted as I cant see what I'm buying.

    I bought the kena arms pack and it looks terrible, you can hardly see the effect.

    I'm curious how many HDR console users there are?
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • happyhughes2001
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.

    Thank you for the response. @ZOS_GinaBruno

    Although I did not expect that response! The game looked amazing pre update, it now looks terrible in comparison. It looks the same as my base Xbox does.

    I am so disappointed with this, it doesn’t make any sense. You have severely downgraded the visuals in your game for a few over saturated assets???

    I have unsubscribed.

  • ecconova
    Well I'm done too. I will be call Microsoft and fighting for a refund on my crown purchases since this is not the game I started playing. I will be contact Bethesda as well. In my opinion we are owed a refund on our crown purchases since the game is not the same anymore. I am also done with future Bethesda purchases I have spend a couple hundred dollars on this game and ESO is forcing me out. Very sad day.
  • GDOFWR420
    Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. We were out of town for PAX and just got back to the office today.

    The current HDR visuals will stay the way they are for now. However, we’re going to look into a compromise on the asset saturation between the old version and the current one that will be implemented in a future update. We don’t want to rush another change, and we’ll give you a heads up when we have a better idea of timing.

    Thank you for the update, and really glad to hear you guys are gonna try to fix it for us. That's all I needed to hear.
  • ecconova
    Beardimus wrote: »
    I'm not one to post a quitter thread etc etc I love this game. However my crown spend is nill till sorted as I cant see what I'm buying.

    I bought the kena arms pack and it looks terrible, you can hardly see the effect.

    I'm curious how many HDR console users there are?

    There are clearly not enough of us for the developers to care enough to fix this situation. I for one totally doubt there will be any change made. We are the "unintended consequence" this patch was exactly what they wanted they were surprised we cared. The problem is some of us started the game with the colorful HDR we don't know the bland colorless world so they ruin the game for us. We deserve a refund since it is not the same game not some well sometime in the future we might tinker with the HDR again comment. I did say there should be a compromise but I do not believe ZOS_GinaBruno statement at all.
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