It seems like NB is the closest thing to "Blood Mage" in ESO - but not literally "blood". More like the essence of the person (but not the soul, lol). Anyway, one skill line is "siphon" which begs the question: "What is siphoned?"
KeiruNicrom wrote: »NB siphoning skills seem to be just that, siphoning the blood from ones self or others to heal and inflict damage. Plus there is a bit of lore via Morkuldin in Wrothgar where it is revealed that Morkuldin armaments are made using the blood of ones enemies. The quest npc refers to the possibility of spider ichor as a substitute which brings to the table a question of whether ichor can be considered blood, making alchemy a use of blood.
notimetocare wrote: »One could very feasibly weaponize magic that utilized diseased blood. But why when established magic is infinitely more potent?
notimetocare wrote: »
Check restoration lore for NB.
Well, Blood Mages
But doesn't this contradict resto? Because t should heal, not hurt.
Yes, this is exactly what I mean. In Dragon Age lore, a bloodmage uses their own, or someone else's blood, to power their spells. In itself, blood magic isn't evil, it's just how it's used. Blood magic does have a drawback, though. While not evil, the thrill of power becomes like a drug. Sometimes a bloodmage can kill themselves or others from using too much blood spells. This can also lead a mage down a darker path, because the mage is so taken by the power of blood magic they become murderous. Forcefully ripping the blood out of their victims. So because of these set backs, blood magic is banned.
Btw I highly recommend trying Dragon Age. Most will say the 1st one "Dragon Age: Origins" was the best, but be warned don't be expecting top notch graphics. The story though, was amazing. And thank-you for your replies.
Yeah i know that blood mages in TESO not exist,but people put names on their theory crafting classes such as druid on mag warden. I put blood mage name on my magblade cus i steal blood from my enemyes,and it is the similarity at most to the blood mages. Srry 4 my english.notimetocare wrote: »
A bloodmage, similar to those in other gamee, does not exists. Vampires and necromancers come close but ultimately blood is not the source of power. Vampire are cursed by a daedric Prince's affliction. Necromancers still use Magicka but make use of corpses.
Nightblade magic that drains health is simply restoration magic, in most cases, and a bit of destruction.
I will admit, it gets a bit fishy comparing magic to something we can understand. But blood is simply blood. Like with lycanthropy, and in our world, the disease is carried in blood. One could very feasibly weaponize magic that utilized diseased blood. But why when established magic is infinitely more potent?
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Theres blood magic so yes they do infact the Vampires drain skill is blood magic in a way
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »Yes. ESO, Skyrim, and I believe even Oblivion has references to Blood magic and Bloodmages.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »Yes. ESO, Skyrim, and I believe even Oblivion has references to Blood magic and Bloodmages.
notimetocare wrote: »
Vampiric Drain skill is an extension of the feeding system. Same skill, different animation and damage
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »
But your still using blood as a means of attack, ergo blood magic.
Oblivion? You remember any details?
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
Oblivion? You remember any details?
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »
OK, interesting fact, Ayleid flesh sculptors apparently practice blood magic to do their, well, flesh sculpting. Therefore, in Skyrim, with the Dawnguard DLC, you actually meet a bloodmage (the Face Sculptor in Riften's Ragged Flagon)
Then, there's a lot of conjecture, like the Blood Seal in Skyhaven Temple, the Bloodskal blade and that the lore mentions some kind of secret and ancient ritual tradition that made it, the fact that Vampire Lord ablilities in Skyrim are straight up called "Blood Magic", etc.
In ESO, there is a quest that relates to a whole clan of orcs that had ancestors that were practitioners of blood magic (in the Orsinium DLC). TES Legends seems to lump it together with necromancy, but all of the other lore from other games seem to imply it is an entirely separate skill set.
Still haven't seen anything linking it officially to Oblivion though, so my apologies, if that part of my original statement is not correct.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »
OK, interesting fact, Ayleid flesh sculptors apparently practice blood magic to do their, well, flesh sculpting. Therefore, in Skyrim, with the Dawnguard DLC, you actually meet a bloodmage (the Face Sculptor in Riften's Ragged Flagon)
Then, there's a lot of conjecture, like the Blood Seal in Skyhaven Temple, the Bloodskal blade and that the lore mentions some kind of secret and ancient ritual tradition that made it, the fact that Vampire Lord ablilities in Skyrim are straight up called "Blood Magic", etc.
In ESO, there is a quest that relates to a whole clan of orcs that had ancestors that were practitioners of blood magic (in the Orsinium DLC). TES Legends seems to lump it together with necromancy, but all of the other lore from other games seem to imply it is an entirely separate skill set.
Still haven't seen anything linking it officially to Oblivion though, so my apologies, if that part of my original statement is not correct.
notimetocare wrote: »
No, you aren't. That would be akin to saying that cutting someone so they bleed out is blood magic
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »
You use a vampires drain skill with mag not stam, thats the same in every game
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
It is? I kept hearing it's still up to debate. If it is, that's cool, makes the RPer in me happy.JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »ESO is canon. Bethesda has confirmed in the past that ESO is canon.
It is? I kept hearing it's still up to debate. If it is, that's cool, makes the RPer in me happy.
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
GuyNamedSean wrote: »And for anyone tha finds inconsistencies, they have an in story excuse that can be used. Dragon Breaks. Some points in time are so tumultuous that the regular flow of time itself becomes less uniform. An easy example is when the ancient Nords sent Alduin forward in time. Another is the usage of Numidium by Tiber Septim at the beginning of the Third Era. There's another confirmed break in the First Era, where for a few hundred years there is absolutely no recorded history. If ESO takes place in a Dragon Break, it would explain events such as the Planemeld and Three Banners War not being mentioned in other lore.
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
GuyNamedSean wrote: »And for anyone tha finds inconsistencies, they have an in story excuse that can be used. Dragon Breaks. Some points in time are so tumultuous that the regular flow of time itself becomes less uniform. An easy example is when the ancient Nords sent Alduin forward in time. Another is the usage of Numidium by Tiber Septim at the beginning of the Third Era. There's another confirmed break in the First Era, where for a few hundred years there is absolutely no recorded history. If ESO takes place in a Dragon Break, it would explain events such as the Planemeld and Three Banners War not being mentioned in other lore.
Here, watch this vid. An interview with Lawrence Schick, lead loremaster of ESO. It will answer all your questions.
Go to 1:04:00 and watch the whole interview.
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »
Add to that the fact that Bethesda owns ZOS.