Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »Had to come back to this just to post more evidence.
Orsinium had a whole quest referencing blood magic. Now, Summerset has this:
This quest references blood magic as well, but I won't give any spoilers.
Skyrim is canon and ESO is canon. Bethesda has confirmed in the past that ESO is canon. notimetocare can't ignore that fact.
Blood magic, in one way or another, does exist in the Elder Scrolls universe. It just hasn't fully been explored in the games.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »Had to come back to this just to post more evidence.
Orsinium had a whole quest referencing blood magic. Now, Summerset has this:
This quest references blood magic as well, but I won't give any spoilers.
Skyrim is canon and ESO is canon. Bethesda has confirmed in the past that ESO is canon. notimetocare can't ignore that fact.
Blood magic, in one way or another, does exist in the Elder Scrolls universe. It just hasn't fully been explored in the games.
Bethesda Game Studios and Zenimax Online Studios are both published by Bethesda Softworks which is owned by Zenimax Media. The fact that there are several Bethesdas and several Zenimaxes makes it confusing, but we're just talking about multiple companies with the same name. There have been changes to the flowchart since 2012 but this relationship is the same as far as I'm aware. Off-topic but I figured this might be helpful. The key thing to note is that Bethesda Game Studios (which makes the main TES games) and Zenimax Online Studios (which makes Elder Scrolls Online) are basically independent game developers who, because of their sharing of the TES brand (owned by Bethesda Softworks) collaborate to make sure that everything in all TES games follows the same lore and logic, hence why everything in ESO is TES canon.
Anyone can believe what they want, but blood magic does exist in the TES universe. Characters may or may not be aware of it, but as a fact, blood magic exists in the TES and ESO universe, albeit not in the same form as in the Dragon Age universe. I don't mean to beleaguer the argument, but opinions don't change facts.
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
gnarlyvandal wrote: »I know this is an old thread, but my 2 cents:
I like to consider my healblade as a sort of blood mage. Funnel health to take the life of an enemy and give it to an ally and myself as well as the Nightblade healing skill (2nd slot in skill line, can’t remember the name) taking my own health to heal an ally. Seems pretty blood magic-y to me
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
JPcrazysquirrel3 wrote: »Here's a quest in ESO's base game, in addition to the one from Orsinium and the one in Summerset:
The Serpent Lord: Rebind a great sea serpent released by the Maormer.
Priestess Sendel is a Bosmer member of the Woodhearth guard tasked with stopping Eilgun the Serpent Lord from summoning a powerful sea serpent bound in the Serpent's Grotto.
You initially find her leading a group of Woodhearth Scouts and Woodhearth Protectors not very deep within Serpent's Grotto. She's studying a Maormer text on blood magic which, luckily, had a blood rune with it. Although only a casual dabbler in the study of blood magic, she's quickly able to figure out what's required and asks you to fill the blood rune and repair three seals that kept the sea serpent secure.
Once that's been achieved, Sendel is found at the end of the cave system trying to disable a Maormer magical barrier, which she manages to do. After explaining to you that she's not entirely sure if she's able to utilize the magic, she tells you she isn't very combat-orientated and requires you to defeat Eilgun the Serpent Lord while she tries to channel the wild magic.
As soon as Eilgun the Serpent Lord has been defeated and the sea serpent rebound, she chooses to remain at the Binding Pool longer.
Is there any way to repair the seals?
"I don't know! All I've been able to decipher is the seals were created with blood magic. If you kill the Maormer and infuse this blood rune with life energy, you might be able to repair the seals, but there's more to it. I-I need to keep reading."
You read. I'll take the blood rune and repair the seals.
Can you tell me anything more about the seals?
"The seals are actually small pools of water. Elain, Ralos, and Valir - they're named after those who sacrificed their lives to bind the serpent. That's all I know."
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
I know in many fantasies, they have a mage called a bloodmage. Take the Dragon Age series for example. I know it hasn't been touched much since Vampire Lords in Skyrim, but it could be said their "Health Drain" spell could be blood magic. However, could anyone learn blood magic (from a lore standpoint not just game)? I also ask, because I'm a RPer, and wanted to call my NB mage a bloodmage. Because the siphon spell looks very similar to the Vampire Lords health drain, as well bloodmage spells seen in Dragon Age.
Arkangeloski wrote: »Equilibrium mages guild skill maybe?