Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Real sour taste in my mouth..

  • mitsukozen
    I recommend either mouthwash or coffee, and some other form of past time activity. I can hope for some kind of pink and sparkly vanity pet that gives me an advantage in pvp, for the down time lost, all with non sour mouth! I am so used to downtime after launch I would be blown away if there was a game that launched perfectly.
  • Kaspar
    Sometimes technology makes us remember we're not as smart as we think we are. ;)
  • thjudgeman1142ub17_ESO
    So to the peeps in the know why not just roll back to last patch (pre login issues) and go from there... this would seem to be preferable to closing everything to work on a patch at least from a PR standpoint ... the server can stay up while they work on the issue. If it's not happening on the EU server then the issue should be easy enough (relative I know) to locate.
  • therain93
    Not to sound like an apologist, but maintenance was already scheduled for Wednesdays on an ongoing basis and so they started it earlier to address some significant issues. Although this is an inconvenience, I think the true litmus test is a smooth launch on April 4th, even though we've had a head start. If it affects whether some people pre-order, well then it should -- we have to take many factors into account when we make purchases and shouldn't be blindly making those purchases on hopes and unsubstantiated assumptions.

    As for the timing, ultimately, it forced me to go to sleep, which was good. ( ' :
  • Grimth
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Grimth wrote: »
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    Lol, I wish it worked this way. I'm a tester and let me tell you something, first rule of testing is there is no bug free software, it is technically impossible. It's all about the evaluation of risks.
    This said, I'm really curious what is the problem and hope we get an exhaustive statement on it. The fact that EU is not down frankly baffles me and makes me think of a combined Na DB/login server problem.

    Never said the game should be prefect. There will always be bugs like a hotel room. Major issues like randomly logging into another player account using your inform should have been caught during Beta assuming that is what they are fixing.
  • Wolfrikku
    Grimth wrote: »
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Grimth wrote: »
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    Lol, I wish it worked this way. I'm a tester and let me tell you something, first rule of testing is there is no bug free software, it is technically impossible. It's all about the evaluation of risks.
    This said, I'm really curious what is the problem and hope we get an exhaustive statement on it. The fact that EU is not down frankly baffles me and makes me think of a combined Na DB/login server problem.

    Never said the game should be prefect. There will always be bugs like a hotel room. Major issues like randomly logging into another player account using your inform should have been caught during Beta assuming that is what they are fixing.

    It can only be caught if it happens in the beta.
  • RastSekyd
    From the Terms of Use:
    "ZeniMax does not guarantee that any Services will be available at all times, in all countries and/or geographic locations, at any given time, or that it will continue to offer any particular Services for any particular length of time. Except as prohibited by applicable law, ZeniMax reserves the right to change and update Content without notice to You."
    "ZeniMax may patch, update, or modify at any time with or without notice to You. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ZeniMax has no obligation to make available any patches, updates or modifications or correct any errors or defects in the Services. "

    (You also agreed that your sole remedy for any dispute relating to these terms is to stop using the product)

    If they have to take the server down to fix a few problems, so be it.
  • Runihura
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    I'm getting a real sour taste in my mouth.
    I have played the entire elder scrolls series and enjoy it tremendously...

    Wait so you've played other Elder Scrolls games and didn't expect a bumpy launch? What Elder Scrolls game didn't have major issues right off the shelf, and had to be patched multiple times before it was solid?
  • badamarclayrwb17_ESO
    #mmolife deal with it people I know it sucks but been through this with countless mmos. its pretty standard stuff from where im standing.
  • MrSalty
    #mmolife deal with it people I know it sucks but been through this with countless mmos. its pretty standard stuff from where im standing.

    Its only standard stuff because people like you have come to accept broken launches as being acceptable
  • Kyosji
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    This is one of the most asinine comments I've read in a while. True, games in this day and age have no real reason to release unfinished games....for single players. When you add a mass playing population on many thousands, especially all on one server, the game is then run by the player base. there is NO way you can be 100% sure you have a fully working game when you have that many people playing every aspect of the game, testing the limits of everything. Crap happens, and you have dishonest people that will actively search for ways around the games general guidelines and rules. There is no protocol in place to cover every possible happenstance. Sure there are hot fixes, but again, you cannot guarantee the hotfix will work fully as it is a HOT FIX. When you are taking into account issues like item duping with the mail system, the hot fix is disabling the mail so it stops till its fixed....people complain. Random people accidentally accessing others inventory and bank? What's the hotfix for that? Don't let anyone use the inventory system? roll back everyone's account once fixed? Yeah, that will go over well with the player population. The best way to fix this issue without ruining everyone's characters is to shut the servers down and fix it at the source. Some things you just can't hotfix.

    Honestly, if you could actually give me an example of a hotfix for this type of situation, I'd LOVE to know.
  • Daggers
    KerinKor wrote: »
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    it makes me question my own judgement and might in the future impact my decision to preorder games.
    That's probably a good idea if you're upset by what's happening at the moment, it's entirely to be expected as nearly all MMO launches over the last few years have been like this, and in some cases (Rift, SW:TOR, FFXIV V2) a lot worse.

    SWTOR and ESO have something in common: they both use Hero Engine.

    It's a lot harder to fix something with core issues, if you didn't build the thing from the ground up yourself.

    Suits don't get that though. They see it's a lot cheaper if you just use an off-the-shelf solution, and be damned with the consequences.
    Edited by Daggers on April 2, 2014 1:15PM
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • AngryNord
    No, ESO does _not_ use Hero engine, that was abandoned quite early on
  • Darquer
    Corrected version info :smiley: :
    Edited by Darquer on April 2, 2014 1:23PM
  • The_Wolf
    Soul Shriven
    Tetrasoli wrote: »
    The additional $20 you paid for the Imperial edition does not cover early access; only entitlements such as the Imperial race, horse, crab and rings are part of that cost. You can not argue that a cost associated with your purchase is a reason for your frustration if the resulting down time costs nothing.

    No, you are entirely wrong. The advertisement includes the Early Access exactly the same as the crab and the horse and all the rest. It does not say "Early access free in addition" or anything of the sort. It's an advertised item for sale packaged with the pre-order of the product. I bought it, I paid for it. Your statement is like saying paying for Netflix includes movies, but not all of the movies on Netflix. If it's sold differently (like Netflix movies through the mail), then yes, I'd accept that, but it wasn't. It was listed as part of the total package and that's what I paid for.
  • gdawg311b14_ESO
    as stated this is to be expected, while it does suck, the game WAS brought down in the middle of the night on a wednesday, as this is the lowest population time for the US server, ... and wouldnt you rather them bring the server down at a time like this ONCE for 8 hours instead of everyday for 1 or 2? Bug fixes MUST get done, and they (and any smart mmo development) would do this and get it done during early access rather than on day 3 of worldwide official release.

    I mean if you think about it, there are currently exploits in the game that are allowing people to get to 50 in a few hours... exploit, not by design. We arent jjust talkign about buggy quest fixes, were talkign about peoples entire banks dissapearing, some serious bugs that were NOT present in beta. Let them have at it. Traditionally, when you fix 1000 bugs, you create 100 more, its the circle of life when you're dealing with several million lines of code in a game played by several million people.

    And if you recall, World of Warcraft had one of the WORST and BUGGY launches in mmo history. servers were down almost every day for 2 weeks at the start, look how well it turned out for blizzard.

    Im sorry if any of this seems to come off as rude, cuz its not my intention, i wish i could be in game as well getting lost in Tamriel all day, especially because today is my day off.. But I would ABSOLUTELY prefer to get these kinds of patches done NOW and not a week into official release possibly causing thousands of players to instanly be fed up and never log in again... Most of the people in the Early Access program are loyal customers that will accept the downtime and know that it is for the best of the community....

    The PLAYERS were the ones that posted hundreds of forums posts about bugs, the PLAYERS were the ones that sent in thousands of bug reports, so now ZM is taking the necessary steps to get them fixed quickly, and correctly. They are doing it FOR us... IDK maybe i see it differently than everyone else. But that is my opinion and im greatful for the opportunity to even be apart of this amazing games first days
  • Kyosji
    ESO only used HeroEngine as a prototype for the game in early testing and development. The game is actually running off of something new developed specifically for this game.
  • Yankee
    Futrix wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    Taking down the servers to limit the damage is actually very smart.

    Damage control might very well be why the had to shut down. Having it snowball into 100k or more mixed up accounts (if it has not yet) would not be good.

    I am glad I do not have to administer and troubleshoot the databases they must have.

    I am also glad I have to work so could not play anyway.
    Edited by Yankee on April 2, 2014 1:28PM
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    That sounds fishy to me Kyosji. I want proof on that. Sounds like someone is making crap up.
  • GreyLion
    Jeez people, regardless on how aggravated you might be, the game is in pre-launch. That is what pre-launches are for: on one side you get some game time bonus, few extra small perks, can start and advance early - on another hands it's the hottest time for developers, the time to pick on issues that breaks under heavy load, or exploits or support efficiency, et cetra. Yeah, game been down for a day and night, but it's free time, not counted to your pre-paid month. Yeah, I lost some stuff from my bank, too. Figured out it was glitch and reported it. Was annoyed, yes - however i kept in my head the complete understanding that anything can happen in pre-launch, and it is completely pointless to whine and moan and act like a bunch of slobs. They'll fix it, now get over it.
  • Shadowsin
    Grimth wrote: »
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    This was identified in beta? Funny how it wasn't mentioned in and during beta weekends...

  • Eorea
    Downtime now means better game later.
  • Wyattbw09
    Your all idiots saying this is to be expected. That's what Beta testers are for! They don't pay to play, they play to test. I paid to play, not paid to test!

    Anyone who expects a launch to go without any flaws, problems, or downtime is kidding themselves. If you think this is going to be the last time there is emergency maintenance you are kidding yourself. If you thought simply because there was beta testing that everything was going to be without flaw you were kidding yourself.

    Every game ever is beta tested, and every game still has bugs still has problems, and MMOs are many times the size and complexity of just a normal video game. I get that people are excited and want to play, and so they become highly agitated when the game goes down, but this won't be the last time so if you can't handle that sort of thing you might want to take a few months off before playing this or any new MMO.
  • Wolfster
    You can't even begin to plan for the emergent behaviour in a population of hundreds of thousands and expect to predict, test and fix all the resultant defects.
    If the servers are down ... do something else. These are a few things you can do: clean your room, take a shower, home work, study, chores, exercise, fill out a job application (if needed), paint, cook a meal. In other words life goes on for those that have lives. I can guarantee all the complaints and crying wont take a minute off from the down time.
  • psychounz
    If the servers are down ... do something else. These are a few things you can do: clean your room, take a shower, home work, study, chores, exercise, fill out a job application (if needed), paint, cook a meal. In other words life goes on for those that have lives. I can guarantee all the complaints and crying wont take a minute off from the down time.

    I wish I could do homework again XD

    *quick-post from the work desk... alt+tab!*

  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    This is completely understandable. Your so right. I'll turn my P.C. off for a week or so and then hope to play for five minutes if I can even log in. Pretty please Zenimax will you let me play your game here take this bag of money. FANBOY.
  • Kaspar
    Sometimes technology makes us remember we're not as smart as we think we are. ;)
  • Daggers
    AngryNord wrote: »
    No, ESO does _not_ use Hero engine, that was abandoned quite early on

    Still has the Hero Engine logo on the startup. I'll let them know...:)

    The best things in life make you sweaty.
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