Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Real sour taste in my mouth..

  • psychounz
    This is completely understandable. Your so right. I'll turn my P.C. off for a week or so and then hope to play for five minutes if I can even log in. Pretty please Zenimax will you let me play your game here take this bag of money. FANBOY.

    Also, *you're.
    Edited by psychounz on April 2, 2014 1:52PM
  • Cannyone
    Darzil wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »
    If they're fixing the "people logging onto other people's accounts randomly and overwriting their bank" bug then I say give them time to fix it.

    Yeah, if it's that one, I think a lot more slack should be cut, as it's a game killer.

    If it is that one, then I'd like them to come out and say so though, as it would reassure many.

    That's unlikely to happen... Companies like this never want to admit to any fault. And this IS Zenimax Online Studios "LLC" (Limited Liability Company) so they obviously don't want to be sued into "Oblivion" (doh! I couldn't help myself! =P)
  • Wyattbw09
    This is completely understandable. Your so right. I'll turn my P.C. off for a week or so and then hope to play for five minutes if I can even log in. Pretty please Zenimax will you let me play your game here take this bag of money. FANBOY.

    If you are raging this hard over something as minor as this, wait until you find that their might be regular, like weekly maintenance. You will be demanding your 12 cents back every week.
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Oh! thank you for that. I worked 12 hours last night. not trolling the forums for grammar.
  • psychounz
    Nope, just for rage <3
  • Cannyone
    Let's try an MMO in MMO history, that had Zero bugs at launch/early access, and their servers were never taken down for any kind of maintenance? If you can name one, then your argument against Zenimax taking the NA server down is valid.

    OK, Tera had no downtime for maintenance. Yes, they were working with a far more polished game. Which had been released in Korea first. But you didn't stipulate any conditions so...
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    I'm not raging in the least. I have a smile on my face enjoying the great american banter amongst comrades :)
  • Zargorius
    Cannyone wrote: »
    Let's try an MMO in MMO history, that had Zero bugs at launch/early access, and their servers were never taken down for any kind of maintenance? If you can name one, then your argument against Zenimax taking the NA server down is valid.

    OK, Tera had no downtime for maintenance. Yes, they were working with a far more polished game. Which had been released in Korea first. But you didn't stipulate any conditions so...

    Didn't Tera launch like for a whole year in Korea before going to western markets?

    Release date(s)
    KOR January 25, 2011
    JP August 18, 2011
    NA May 1, 2012
    EU May 3, 2012
    Edited by Zargorius on April 2, 2014 2:01PM
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • psychounz
    I'm not raging in the least. I have a smile on my face enjoying the great american banter amongst comrades :)

    It's American, alright XD
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Cannyone wrote: »
    Let's try an MMO in MMO history, that had Zero bugs at launch/early access, and their servers were never taken down for any kind of maintenance? If you can name one, then your argument against Zenimax taking the NA server down is valid.

    OK, Tera had no downtime for maintenance. Yes, they were working with a far more polished game. Which had been released in Korea first. But you didn't stipulate any conditions so...

    Didn't Tera launch like for a whole year in Korea before going to western markets?
    In a tiny sweatshop
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    No I served this country for 20 years in the United States Marine Corps so i can spell it anyway i want to. :)
  • Tetrasoli
    The_Wolf wrote: »
    Tetrasoli wrote: »
    The additional $20 you paid for the Imperial edition does not cover early access; only entitlements such as the Imperial race, horse, crab and rings are part of that cost. You can not argue that a cost associated with your purchase is a reason for your frustration if the resulting down time costs nothing.

    No, you are entirely wrong. The advertisement includes the Early Access exactly the same as the crab and the horse and all the rest. It does not say "Early access free in addition" or anything of the sort. It's an advertised item for sale packaged with the pre-order of the product. I bought it, I paid for it. Your statement is like saying paying for Netflix includes movies, but not all of the movies on Netflix. If it's sold differently (like Netflix movies through the mail), then yes, I'd accept that, but it wasn't. It was listed as part of the total package and that's what I paid for.

    Once again, you did not pay for early access. The cost of the game with early access is the same as the cost of the game after launch. There was no financial liability on your part for ordering early. If you order the game on 4.5.2014, then you are paying the same amount without the early access. Early access items (aside from Imperial edition) are all value added perks.

    A company may offer added benefits in order to entice potential customers to purchase an item or service before it has been delivered, because it has the benefit of recouping a significant amount of investment dollars, as well as providing a forecast of potential interest. In exchange for the risk you take by purchasing an item that isn't released yet, you are awarded unique benefits.

    As such, it is a gamble: If the game is successful and you enjoy it, then your risk is rewarded by unique items that can not be obtained again. If not, then you have lost $60 and in this scenario, though ZOS will never enjoy the benefit of $15/mo from you, at least they have recouped $60 up front. Conversely, ZOS takes a risk by offering free services, in the hopes that you stay and provide them with a steady subscription fee. Thus, early access is a value added, free benefit, designed to make you invest in a product that you have yet tested.

    However, with that said, my personal opinion on the state of affairs (quest bugs, inventory issues and the possibility of account breaches) is quite negative. I am not defending ZOS against such problems, merely trying to make the argument that any form of financial compensation for down-time is not an argument that people should be making.
    Edited by Tetrasoli on April 2, 2014 2:20PM
  • zamiel
    It's not about the downtime per se. It's about how you perceive it.

    The only facts are that ESO is a P2P product - even amongst those it's very well in the premium price range. You definitely have expectations for a premium product.

    The other fact is that ESO is out for 4 days now (early access IS release, they are offering the same services as after launch, please point me out where they said this period is less/worse than normal operation). During this period they had maintenance twice - once for 3 hours, once for 7 and ticking. That's 86 hours of service and 10 hours of downtime. Pretty pathetic ratio to be honest.

    Add to this the other gripes - quests still not working which have been reported hundreds of times during beta, no EU server in EU or connection between EU and US servers (which were pretty much a foundation of hype until 1-2 months pre release). I'd say this launch is pretty damn terrible.
    Edited by zamiel on April 2, 2014 2:10PM
  • Ysbal
    Wolfrikku wrote: »
    Grimth wrote: »
    Zargorius wrote: »
    Grimth wrote: »
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    Lol, I wish it worked this way. I'm a tester and let me tell you something, first rule of testing is there is no bug free software, it is technically impossible. It's all about the evaluation of risks.
    This said, I'm really curious what is the problem and hope we get an exhaustive statement on it. The fact that EU is not down frankly baffles me and makes me think of a combined Na DB/login server problem.

    Never said the game should be prefect. There will always be bugs like a hotel room. Major issues like randomly logging into another player account using your inform should have been caught during Beta assuming that is what they are fixing.

    It can only be caught if it happens in the beta.

    Exactly. This never happened in beta, or at least I never saw any sign of it. And if it had happened even once, everyone would have heard about it long before now.

    Think I'll go build with legos 'til server's back up...
  • Wyattbw09
    zamiel wrote: »
    It's not about the downtime per se. It's about how you perceive it.

    The only facts are that ESO is a P2P product - even amongst those it's very well in the premium price range. You definitely have expectations for a premium product.

    You are welcome to have those expectations, however then you should expect to be disappointed. Having early downtime is pretty much the norm regardless of pay structure.

    When I bought the game, I pretty much thought, there would be downtime in the form of emergency maintenance. There would be still be bugged quests and buggy issues. There might be serious game crashes. There might even be a roll back or two. In other words, I expected ESO to act like every other game launch on the market.

    I guess I am hoping to take the long view of this game, and realize that hopefully this game will keep me entertained for a long time and problems early on are just part of the course of playing a game early on.

  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Mega server is up!
  • gdawg311b14_ESO
    Reggie, clearly this is your first MMO Launch Experience, and it is understandable to be frustrated, perhaps you would rather play with bugs, i dont know, nor care to understand the way you think... but just have patience and stop being so angry, be happy that they did the patch in the middle of the night on a weekday and not the middle of the day on saturday... unless this is your prime time for playing, in which case u should move to the European server.... However, try to understand that any and every mmo launch requires many patch and bug fixes during the first month of launch.

    I also notice you are mad because you cant understand how every bug in the game wasnt fixed during beta, well let me explain.... one of the main bugs that they are fixing today is the bug that is causing players inventory/banks to completely dissapear... this bug was NOT in beta, this but came about in the patch that brought us to the current live build. You see when u fix thousands of lines of code, there is a chance another somethign somewhere MIGHT go wrong, so then you have to fix that next. This is how MMORPG's ( or any online game really) works....

    I wrote this post for your own sanity, so maybe you can understand a little better and have some more patience and a little respect for the developers that have spent the last 5 years creating this game for YOU =)
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Dude I am stone cold calm. I think this is funny reading all the other posts. on other threads about people complaining about compensation and such. I have no comment either way fella.
  • frozin
    ESO is still a baby, any MMO on this caliber would have server maintenance post launch date, even with early access granted. Give it a few months, this hasn't been out for years like other MMOs.
  • bakejoshb14_ESO
    so, they said they'll let us know when the server is back up. should i be expecting an email?
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Reggie, clearly this is your first MMO Launch Experience, and it is understandable to be frustrated, perhaps you would rather play with bugs, i dont know, nor care to understand the way you think... but just have patience and stop being so angry, be happy that they did the patch in the middle of the night on a weekday and not the middle of the day on saturday... unless this is your prime time for playing, in which case u should move to the European server.... However, try to understand that any and every mmo launch requires many patch and bug fixes during the first month of launch.

    I also notice you are mad because you cant understand how every bug in the game wasnt fixed during beta, well let me explain.... one of the main bugs that they are fixing today is the bug that is causing players inventory/banks to completely dissapear... this bug was NOT in beta, this but came about in the patch that brought us to the current live build. You see when u fix thousands of lines of code, there is a chance another somethign somewhere MIGHT go wrong, so then you have to fix that next. This is how MMORPG's ( or any online game really) works....

    I wrote this post for your own sanity, so maybe you can understand a little better and have some more patience and a little respect for the developers that have spent the last 5 years creating this game for YOU =)

    Your the guy that always got beat up on the school bus! :)

  • Sonic260
    Grimth wrote: »
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    Isn't the reason why this bug wasn't caught during the beta because it did not exist at the time of the beta? Before EA, the game had a number of patches applied to it before we were able to play again, and it could have appeared at that time. No technology is perfect, and in a game as complex as an MMO, trying to fix one bug may result in the appearance of more bugs.
    Edited by Sonic260 on April 2, 2014 2:38PM
  • Undergoose
    psychounz wrote: »
    ...It's just a game, boys.

    No, it's an $80.00 product that I bought.

    Go buy a new 'copy' of a Monopoly board game at Walmart. Open it up and find out they left out all the $5 bills. Darts with only two darts. Kites with no strings. Legos that don't stick together.

    Would you want a refund? It's just a game, boyo. :wink:

    Even though we were promised 5 days early access, and that's turned into 4 1/2 apparently, I'm still giving some leeway, as this is still beta. I did everything I could to help during the beta cycle, so I'm reserving my scathing rage posts until after the 4th, when my $80 investment will tell me whether or not this company is worth supporting.

    The bugs that we have seen in beta should be gone. They still have a couple of days to get that done.

    Remember back when we all waited in line for jaw-droppers like Starcraft, Diablo, Half-Life, and even UO? They were epic right out of the box. These guys have huge shoes to fill following Skyrim. I'll be curious to see whether launch day proves this to be a product of design and development passion or a shirt-tail-riding money grab.

    Two days, gentlemen. :smile:
    Edited by Undergoose on April 2, 2014 2:46PM
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Undergoose wrote: »
    psychounz wrote: »
    ...It's just a game, boys.

    No, it's an $80.00 product that I bought.

    Go buy a new 'copy' of a Monopoly board game at Walmart. Open it up and find out they left out all the $5 bills. Darts with only two darts. Kites with no strings. Legos that don't stick together.

    Would you want a refund? It's just a game, boyo.

    Omg I'm laughing so hard. seeing a vision of a poor kid with no kite string. And his kite is just flying away.

  • cjsabellab14_ESO
    I for one have thoroughly enjoyed the 3 early access days of play I got in. I experienced one bugged quest and that was fixed in a quickie maintenance yesterday. I didn't PAY for 5 FULL days of early access, I was given 5 days early access because I PRE-ORDERED --- there is a difference and I'm thankful for the head start.

    Now for those people who expect a game to be perfect at launch, what world do you live in?
  • Godless_Heathen
    MMOs are never "finished" and they are never "ready" for release. This is the world we live in....embrace it.
  • Wyattbw09
    Undergoose wrote: »
    psychounz wrote: »
    ...It's just a game, boys.

    No, it's an $80.00 product that I bought.

    Go buy a new 'copy' of a Monopoly board game at Walmart. Open it up and find out they left out all the $5 bills. Darts with only two darts. Kites with no strings. Legos that don't stick together.

    Would you want a refund? It's just a game, boyo.

    What if every time a new board game came out the first run always had problems like pieces were missing or instructions never got packed exc exc. This happens every time a new board game comes out no matter who makes or how much it costs.

    Hopefully the lesson would be that if you can't handle those first run problems you should want to buy your game until they resolve all the issues, because that new hot game coming out is going to have the same problems that every game that came out before it had.

    Not sure why people think that ESO is going to be a special snowflake in this regard. MMO launches are always buggy, always have emergency maintenance and downtime and always have problems. Why anyone chooses to buy a product in which they know that is going to happen and then rage about it is something I'll never understand.
  • JayBird
    I want the world
    I want the whole world
    I want to lock it all up in my pocket
    It's my bar of chocolate
    Give it to me

    - Veruca Salt
  • Publius_Scipio
    Whereever this thread goes all I can say is take a breath mint.
  • michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO
    Leadership transparency. This has always been the number one failure in the gaming industry. Everything is top secret.

    Understandably. Ever since we were kids we dreamed of being secret agents assigned to assassinate German spies.

    Today, developers are fulfilling their childhood dreams as they seek to destroy the lucrative practice of gold farming. That's right, a farmer has infiltrated their game world as a covert agent engaged in espionage.

    Old Macdonald. And there is only one way to stop him. Set up a spy network, purchase a few surveillance gadgets, some all weather clothing, survival kits, note pads, maybe some cards.

    Learn his common routes.

    All will be essential to the job of catching him.
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