Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Real sour taste in my mouth..

I'm getting a real sour taste in my mouth.
I have played the entire elder scrolls series and enjoy it tremendously i replay them every now and then so one could imagine i was extremely excited to be picked for beta and after playing a couple of times i preordered in the hope that bethesda would (like they always do) deliver a solid product and gaming experience.
Yet now we get disillusioned with the fact that the server gets brought down for hours on end , it wend down arround midnite edt it has now been down for about 7 hours , one would expect that the issue would be resolved but this appears not to be the case :(
It is disapointing to say the least to shell out 80 dollars for the emperial edition to get 5 days early access only to be greeted by "server is down" messages , it makes me question my own judgement and might in the future impact my decision to preorder games.
  • babylon
    If they're fixing the "people logging onto other people's accounts randomly and overwriting their bank" bug then I say give them time to fix it.

    It's undoubtedly a complex issue, and will take some time for them to figure out wtf went wrong and how to make it never happen again.
  • KerinKor
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    it makes me question my own judgement and might in the future impact my decision to preorder games.
    That's probably a good idea if you're upset by what's happening at the moment, it's entirely to be expected as nearly all MMO launches over the last few years have been like this, and in some cases (Rift, SW:TOR, FFXIV V2) a lot worse.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 2, 2014 11:53AM
  • Darzil
    babylon wrote: »
    If they're fixing the "people logging onto other people's accounts randomly and overwriting their bank" bug then I say give them time to fix it.

    Yeah, if it's that one, I think a lot more slack should be cut, as it's a game killer.

    If it is that one, then I'd like them to come out and say so though, as it would reassure many.
  • babylon
    Darzil wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »
    If they're fixing the "people logging onto other people's accounts randomly and overwriting their bank" bug then I say give them time to fix it.

    Yeah, if it's that one, I think a lot more slack should be cut, as it's a game killer.

    If it is that one, then I'd like them to come out and say so though, as it would reassure many.

    Well, it would be crazy not to fix it asap, so my money is on that's what they're up to.

    But yeah, wish they'd say something.
    Edited by babylon on April 2, 2014 11:56AM
  • Asava
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.
  • Tetrasoli
    The additional $20 you paid for the Imperial edition does not cover early access; only entitlements such as the Imperial race, horse, crab and rings are part of that cost. You can not argue that a cost associated with your purchase is a reason for your frustration if the resulting down time costs nothing.
  • babylon
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    They would've taken the servers down rather than putting out a hotfix so it doesn't happen again during the time it takes them to figure out what the issue was that's causing it and write said hotfix up.

  • fvanvliet
    That would be nice indeed , i dont mind them fixing things as a matter of fact i applaud it and yes i know i misspell things thank you i'm a non native english speaker (dutch)
    fact of the matter is that a bit more elaboration on what issue they are fixing would be nice.
    One would think that companies have learned by now that generic messages are not well received by people e.g microsoft windows "your windows has encountered an error and must shut down"
    how about we are fixing so and so issue and working to resolve it as soon as possible ?
  • Asava
    So it only affects the NA server and not the EU server then?
  • Futrix
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.
    Every MMO you have every played is unfinished. That is kind of the appeal of an MMO.

    Anyway, I'm not sure how you expect them to fix an issue if they don't have a solution for it yet. Taking down the servers to limit the damage is actually very smart.
  • Laura
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    As a programmer of indie games I can tell you It isn't always as easy as you think it is. I would appreciate it if they would say exactly what it is but things DO come up that you had NO IDEA would happen and it takes time to fix. Things happen. the only real travesty here is the lack of communicating exactly what they are fixing (though they may be keeping it hush hush to avoid exploits)
  • psychounz
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    But there's no way for designers to know what is going to blow up until we get in there and then someone breaks something. There are always going to be problems because there will always be people who want to break things on purpose and exploit a loophole; if you don't like it, either don't play, or wait until they're at v2.0 and all those early bugs should be well and truly gone by then.

    Do I want to play right now? Absolutely... but then I also should go get ready for work, because, you know... life.

    Edited by psychounz on April 2, 2014 12:03PM
  • fvanvliet
    as far as i understood yes only the NA server which leads me to believe its a database issue on their servers end i take it the NA and EU servers are separate instances that sync databases .
    I am already trying to login to the EU server for a while
  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    That's totally a legit argument. Its 2014, the technology must be flawless. There shouldn't be any problems at all!!- sarcasm
  • babylon
    Asava wrote: »
    So it only affects the NA server and not the EU server then?

    Maybe - all I know is it happened after a Dev wrote a server message in chat (and also typed a few extra garbage-looking letters and symbols after the message, so maybe he accidentally typed in some gamebreaking code at the same time).

    Immediately after he typed this I found my guild chat stopped working and I couldn't talk to guild (like I was suddenly on overflow rules or something), others got kicked and ended up on the accounts of other people, others found their bank suddenly empty, etc.

    Edited by babylon on April 2, 2014 12:12PM
  • MrSalty
    psychounz wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    But there's no way for designers to know what is going to blow up until we get in there and then someone breaks something. There are always going to be problems because there will always be people who want to break things on purpose and exploit a loophole; if you don't like it, either don't play, or wait until they're at v2.0 and all those early bugs should be well and truly gone by then.

    Do I want to play right now? Absolutely... but then I also should go get ready for work, because, you know... life.

    So theres no way for the designers to know about all the bugs that were reported in beta and left unfixed for release?
  • psychounz
    That's not what I said, don't be snide ;)<3

    Am I slightly annoyed at the bugs that existed in the beta still being there? A bit, but I've moved on, I'm playing and enjoying the game, and I'll go back to the broken quests when they're fixed. No biggie.

    It's just a game, boys.
  • Futrix
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    That's totally a legit argument. Its 2014, the technology must be flawless. There shouldn't be any problems at all!!- sarcasm

    I did the math with the help of a program I wrote and a day in 2020 should be the period in the future we are waiting for. That should be the time when technology and programming NEVER produces unexpected results.

    Yup. 2/0/2020.

  • Loxy37
    I really cannot understand why people complain when servers go down during early access. Its annoying I will grant that but what you have to understand is that this is what usually happens during EA and if you dont like it then my best advice is to wait a few weeks into launch when its all settled down and by the way, its Zenimax and not Bethesda.
  • Grimth
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    Yes early access is official launch date. Early access is nothing more than away to get people to buy a game before its release dated so a company can earn a profit on the game before its actually out. Early access is nothing more than marketing. From the running and maintaining of a game stand point the release date is when early access starts.

    Image how many more CE they could have sold if the CE had an extra 5 days early access to it.
  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    Futrix wrote: »
    Asava wrote: »
    That doesn't make it acceptable for companies to release an unfinished game to the public. It's 2014, technology is there to make hot fixes without bringing down servers. Gaming companies are getting worse and worse when it comes to standards and we gamers just take it up the arse. It does get old after awhile.

    That's totally a legit argument. Its 2014, the technology must be flawless. There shouldn't be any problems at all!!- sarcasm

    I did the math with the help of a program I wrote and a day in 2020 should be the period in the future we are waiting for. That should be the time when technology and programming NEVER produces unexpected results.

    Yup. 2/0/2020.


    I like the expected date man. LOL.

    Technology is made by people.
    People can never be perfect
    Therefore technology can never be perfect

    unless we stumbled upon a quantum computer then that would be a game changer
    Edited by randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO on April 2, 2014 12:18PM
  • Zargorius
    Grimth wrote: »
    This major bug should have been caught in beta and fixed before launch.

    Lol, I wish it worked this way. I'm a tester and let me tell you something, first rule of testing is there is no bug free software, it is technically impossible. It's all about the evaluation of risks.
    This said, I'm really curious what is the problem and hope we get an exhaustive statement on it. The fact that EU is not down frankly baffles me and makes me think of a combined Na DB/login server problem.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • fvanvliet
    I do not expect a perfect product, i am a dev myself so i know there will be bugs and fixes all we are asking is a better communication toward the end user (the players) about what issue they are fixing.
    We are not even asking for a time frame .. because that is most of the time impossible to predict but a better clarification of what the suspected issue is would be nice .
  • Spritehawk
    I constantly see the same arguments over and over against players expressing their dislike of the way the game is atm.
    1. It's still early access the game isnt out yet
    2. Remember when XXXX mmo came out it had issues too
    3. You cant find/fix all bugs straight away

    But you know what? I have been through quite a few not so great launches and even after everyone stops playing it and it goes free to play, to this day players still defend "their" game with the same excuses even when things aren't fixed a few months after launch. It's like we as a society are suckers for punishment.
  • fvanvliet
    I agree zargorius it is probably a dbase problem since items and so on disapear..
    weird though that its only on the NA side makes me wonder if the internal procs of the database were written seperately for both servers
  • psychounz
    At the end of the day, though, what does it matter what the issue is? Honestly?

    There's an issue, they're working on it, the game will be up when it's fixed *shrug* I guess I don't see the need to know. If it was something that involved a compromised account (meaning, not my game account, but somehow someone got my credit card number) then I think it would warrant some kind of statement, but if it's anything besides that... why do we need to know?

    I guess it doesn't bother me as much as it bothers others.
  • reggiekisb14_ESO
    Your all idiots saying this is to be expected. That's what Beta testers are for! They don't pay to play, they play to test. I paid to play, not paid to test!
  • babylon
    to this day players still defend "their" game with the same excuses even when things aren't fixed a few months after launch. It's like we as a society are suckers for punishment.

    But this thread is about complaining about downtime while they are fixing things.

    They are fixing things (hopefully), so we should be happy they are fixing things, right?

  • fvanvliet
    lol well probably we are suckers , but the game is worth it if you look at the game play content and graphical quality
  • Goregrinder
    Let's try an MMO in MMO history, that had Zero bugs at launch/early access, and their servers were never taken down for any kind of maintenance? If you can name one, then your argument against Zenimax taking the NA server down is valid.
    Edited by Goregrinder on April 2, 2014 12:31PM
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