Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Real sour taste in my mouth..

  • ColdRhino
    I understand that they must bring the servers down to fix the issue in the game, but i think many of us would appreciate a SERVER DOWNTIME ANNOUNCEMENT for like a day in advance that would also tell us the expected amount of time it would be down for.
  • Sakiri
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    they allready posted patch notes and from it u can gather they allready fixed some nasty bugs

    Those quest bugs are half a year old.

    Theyve "fixed" them a few times. Or at least said they did.

    I, for one, want to know the technical details of what broke balreth. Curiosity mostly.
  • gdawg311b14_ESO
    Or an ETA of when it is going to come back online would be nice, instead of "we dont know"
  • Korinth
    Your all idiots saying this is to be expected. That's what Beta testers are for! They don't pay to play, they play to test. I paid to play, not paid to test!

    Comments like this make me LOL. You are getting Early Access, AND 30 free days already. Why do most MMOs give 30 days free.... so bugs can be worked out once the server goes live.

    I have read on Reddit (of course this is rumor and should be treated as such) that the reason accounts and banks started getting screwed up is the Gold Farmers figured out a hack to take over accounts. Not good if this is true (note again I said IF). This is something Zenimax could NOT do a HOTFIX for and had to take the server offline as this is a serious security breach.

    With all that said...Im not happy either. I took the week off work to do something other than play TESO, but today was my FREE day where I could play all day, and now I cant.

    But what can you do... Go outside and go see that bright thing in the sky called the sun (or moon if its night in your locale). Take a break from your keyboard and do something and get some fresh air!

    Guild Officer
    Tamriel Transport Co.
  • Xaulas
    Or an ETA of when it is going to come back online would be nice, instead of "we dont know"

    Why? They are being truthful. The problem with an ETA when you are doing an emergency fix is that when you miss the "ETA" you *** off even more people AND look incompetent.

    Yesterday, they had to suspend the mail functions. Then, it was impossible to zone into Stonefalls. The servers came down shortly after. Sounds like some complicated fixes. I would rather they spend the time to do it right than rush a fix and have to bring it down later.

  • zamiel
    Korinth wrote: »
    Comments like this make me LOL. You are getting Early Access, AND 30 free days already. Why do most MMOs give 30 days free.... so bugs can be worked out once the server goes live.

    I was thinking about this one. However I'm unable to name one more MMO which sells the game at full retail price AND has a monthly subscription fee. For this I'm expecting better than average services, since I'm paying more. Up to now I can't say I received any of that.
  • Wyattbw09
    Undergoose wrote: »
    Wyattbw09 wrote: »
    Undergoose wrote: »
    Wyattbw09 wrote: »
    This is what a failed launch looks like.

    Correction this is what a normal launch looks like.

    Correction: None of us have seen the launch yet. Supposition on either side right now is merely that; supposition. No one should be posting a committed stance regarding the launch at this point.

    Congrats on that low bar setting you have, though. Must make your life very shiny and happy.

    Yeah, you are definitely not raging. As someone else pointed out, its only a game and only a few days old. Try and take a deep breath and relax, the game will be up soon enough.

    LOL...I'm not worried about the server being up or down right now, but thanks for another great tip, coach! :wink:

    As for OUR little exchange, sorry I ruffled your feathers by not agreeing with your opinions, it wasn't my intention to excite you. Obviously I'm not raging, although that is what you are reading into my posts. That's the joy of a community. We both get to attend opposing schools of thought. Hopefully the lesson here for you is that two people can disagree without becoming emotionally invested.

    As I pointed out, the game isn't even one day old, so I have no expectations or emotion today, nor should anyone.

    If you say so, although I'm not the one claiming to have launched however many games over a dozen years, and at the same time expecting a bug free mmo launch,(yeah you edited your posts afterward to lower the level of rage you were displaying) comparing a mmo launch to buying a board game, and then accusing others of simply have low expectations.

    So if you say your not raging over a little downtime I'll take your word for it. Although I would hate too see what your posts look like when you actually do get upset they have to epically amusing ravings.
  • AngryNord
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    they allready posted patch notes and from it u can gather they allready fixed some nasty bugs

    Seeing is believing

  • Stax
    It's Obama's Fault!
  • SenselessChip
    At least you guys can play the game, quite a lot can't as shown by the following post:

    I would rather people stole things from my bank than pay for the game and not get to play it...
  • SenselessChip
    Hopefully they are fixing that issue and not 'Someone stole from my bank'
  • Decimus_Rex
    Rdrgnslyr wrote: »
    Let's try an MMO in MMO history, that had Zero bugs at launch/early access, and their servers were never taken down for any kind of maintenance? If you can name one, then your argument against Zenimax taking the NA server down is valid.

    Let's try this... Name a game that charged $20 extra for "early access"... That you can't get onto... because they didn't fix their issues in the Beta stage!???

    Then... When you're done naming games that you paid extra for... and didn't get... send me $20! Since you're ok with spending money for nothing!
    Aion,AOC,Swotor,LoTRo,WoW,WarHammer and of course VANGUARD, now that was duzy
  • Batt1ecat
    It seems like no one here has ever been part of a MMO launch before....they are almost all like this.....
  • Oldtimer209
    babylon wrote: »
    If they're fixing the "people logging onto other people's accounts randomly and overwriting their bank" bug then I say give them time to fix it.

    It's undoubtedly a complex issue, and will take some time for them to figure out wtf went wrong and how to make it never happen again.

    I STILL dont understand why our account names show up in game! What an easy target for anyone who wants to grief some one or actually want to try and hack that account.....
  • zamiel
    I STILL dont understand why our account names show up in game! What an easy target for anyone who wants to grief some one or actually want to try and hack that account.....

    They validate IP and you have to input a code sent to you via email if you try logging in from a different IP address. It's pretty secure and of not much consequence.
  • Vyndetta
    I used to feel as the OP does, however, after many years of gaming and playing at release for a ton of MMOs, I learned a very important lesson:

    Do not buy a game until official release and others have provided actual release feedback.

    That said, sometimes we just can't resist! So, you have to remind yourself there will be bugs, there is going to be downtime and things are probably going to happen with the game that Devs just couldn't account for.

    I don't think that after almost two decades (I started with Meridian 59 in 1997), games should still be coming out with as many issues that they do. This industry is a huge money maker, it's time the companies step up and start impressing players with better quality launches.
  • istateres
    Really? No one thinks that the loss of at least 8 hours of early access has a value? Whether every other MMOver has the same problems doesn't matter, I paid for 4 days of early access, AND I'm not getting it! Yes, fix the server; but we should be compensated for their poor programming. I think an extra week of regular access would be about right.
    If Zenimax really wants to be customer focused, they can't just ignore this. It's not alright to lose ~10% of a priviledge we paid for.
  • Saera
    Welcome to the world of MMO's where there will ALWAYS be some sort of maintaining of servers so the rest of your game time is in good or decent working condition. If you can not deal with the fact that they have to maintain their servers and fix issues that are causing your game play to be hindered, then MMO's are not for you.
  • Decimus_Rex
    Rdrgnslyr wrote: »
    Let's try an MMO in MMO history, that had Zero bugs at launch/early access, and their servers were never taken down for any kind of maintenance? If you can name one, then your argument against Zenimax taking the NA server down is valid.

    Let's try this... Name a game that charged $20 extra for "early access"... That you can't get onto... because they didn't fix their issues in the Beta stage!???

    Then... When you're done naming games that you paid extra for... and didn't get... send me $20! Since you're ok with spending money for nothing!
    Aion,AOC,Swotor,LoTRo,WoW,WarHammer and of course VANGUARD, now that was duzy

    Oh! I forgot.

    EQ2,Mortal Online, Darkfall I have forgotten most of what I've played through the years (oldtimers disease) but only one or two game ever launched without problems.

    Rift was one and I forgot the other one
  • Stax
    I really don't think this launch has gone that terribly.

    Do I want to get in the game and play sure but the servers being down have given me time to sleep, eat, shower, throw away pizza boxes, order more pizza, mast&*#bate, all sorts of very important things, I even did some work so I can pay my bills, you know cause that extra $20 reallllly set me back... there goes my plans to go back to college.
  • Petros
    istateres wrote: »
    Really? No one thinks that the loss of at least 8 hours of early access has a value? Whether every other MMOver has the same problems doesn't matter, I paid for 4 days of early access, AND I'm not getting it! Yes, fix the server; but we should be compensated for their poor programming. I think an extra week of regular access would be about right.
    If Zenimax really wants to be customer focused, they can't just ignore this. It's not alright to lose ~10% of a priviledge we paid for.

    While I do agree with this statement, you we're the one who did agree and used your credit card to purchase the game before launch date, you should have known their would be a couple issues and perhaps a down time, While yes, to be compensated for this down time would be greatly appreciated, you did take this risk in purchasing the game.

    "Our light will bring the dawning of a new hope!" ~ Petros Fordring -The Order of Mundus
    - VR16 Imperial Dragonknight (DC -NA) & The One Handed Tank
  • pjrichert_ESO
    zamiel wrote: »
    Korinth wrote: »
    Comments like this make me LOL. You are getting Early Access, AND 30 free days already. Why do most MMOs give 30 days free.... so bugs can be worked out once the server goes live.

    I was thinking about this one. However I'm unable to name one more MMO which sells the game at full retail price AND has a monthly subscription fee. For this I'm expecting better than average services, since I'm paying more. Up to now I can't say I received any of that.

    How about World of Warcraft? When it came out, and through the current expansion, you paid full price for the box. More recently, FFXIV was over 100 bucks for the collector's edition, still charged and still charges a sub, and their launch was a total disaster. SWTOR charged full price and had a sub when it first came out. Rift charged full price and had a sub when it first came out. Wildstar will charge full box and have a sub. But, FFXIV is an MMO that is playing right now, that charges full box and has a sub.
  • Batt1ecat
    When WoW launched the servers were up and down non stop and I bought a 80$ collector edition, it blows my mind how entitled most gamer's feel.
  • zamiel
    How about World of Warcraft? When it came out, and through the current expansion, you paid full price for the box. More recently, FFXIV was over 100 bucks for the collector's edition, still charged and still charges a sub, and their launch was a total disaster. SWTOR charged full price and had a sub when it first came out. Rift charged full price and had a sub when it first came out. Wildstar will charge full box and have a sub. But, FFXIV is an MMO that is playing right now, that charges full box and has a sub.

    I can accept ff14, the rest went f2p long-long time ago. FF14 however is priced at 30 USD so about half? We are paying a lot for this game, I dare to say the most from any MMOs. I expect services to match these prices.
  • Vyndetta
    Batt1ecat wrote: »
    When WoW launched the servers were up and down non stop and I bought a 80$ collector edition, it blows my mind how entitled most gamer's feel.

    I've only purchased two collector editions: WoW & Tera.
    So not worth it IMO! It's usually just fluff anyway.
  • Kiir
    Aion,AOC,Swotor,LoTRo,WoW,WarHammer and of course VANGUARD, now that was duzy

    Don't forget Hellgate: London. People paid out the buttocks for Lifetime Subscription (£150, and if I remember correctly you also had to buy the game itself with it). The game was very widely received as being incomplete, with patches being pushed forward weeks at a time -- until less than a year later the studio were seized by their bank that fronted them the money and development stalled before the servers were finally shut down a few months later (Only to be revived in 2011).

    Hell if my memory serves, I believe it was intended to be full P2P but after a few weeks they dropped it to F2P + Premium sub.


    Weird sense of Deja Vu here.
    Edited by Kiir on April 2, 2014 6:02PM
  • iKandiman
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    iKandiman wrote: »
    Here's what you do, instead of stonewalling the user- pre-build a live chat app into your website if you can't give the user an 800 number (I have yet to figure out why ZOS does not have this) Have it ready to roll out the day of launch,if possible.
    -build a free authenticator app to dl for Driods and iPhones, hell even make a few bucks with encryption key authenticators-people will buy them for peace of mind. Knowing that a gold spammer/account hacker has to go through 128 bit encryption makes a lot of us rest easier in games like Wow and Rift et al.
    just my two bits.

    that authenticator is not needed try logging in from a different ip adress and u will notice that eso tells u that this machine is unknown and it sends u a code to input into the game to your email .. so that hacker has to get access to your email and your game account . good luck

    Actually that system is broken, It doesn't send out codes, or doesn't send out codes to specific email domains,which is a farce. Numerous people on these forums, myself included have that issue. Also, Blizzard has that protocol, only it works, plus the added security of an authenticator- three factor security.
  • Sakiri
    iKandiman wrote: »
    fvanvliet wrote: »
    iKandiman wrote: »
    Here's what you do, instead of stonewalling the user- pre-build a live chat app into your website if you can't give the user an 800 number (I have yet to figure out why ZOS does not have this) Have it ready to roll out the day of launch,if possible.
    -build a free authenticator app to dl for Driods and iPhones, hell even make a few bucks with encryption key authenticators-people will buy them for peace of mind. Knowing that a gold spammer/account hacker has to go through 128 bit encryption makes a lot of us rest easier in games like Wow and Rift et al.
    just my two bits.

    that authenticator is not needed try logging in from a different ip adress and u will notice that eso tells u that this machine is unknown and it sends u a code to input into the game to your email .. so that hacker has to get access to your email and your game account . good luck

    Actually that system is broken, It doesn't send out codes, or doesn't send out codes to specific email domains,which is a farce. Numerous people on these forums, myself included have that issue. Also, Blizzard has that protocol, only it works, plus the added security of an authenticator- three factor security.

    Theyre sent. Certain domains are slow at recieving them. System probably sees them as spam. Yahoo is one pf these and its possibly only intermittent.
  • Jadeviper1974
    Tetrasoli wrote: »
    The additional $20 you paid for the Imperial edition does not cover early access; only entitlements such as the Imperial race, horse, crab and rings are part of that cost. You can not argue that a cost associated with your purchase is a reason for your frustration if the resulting down time costs nothing.

    Really, please explain, and I am asking seriously.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • Kiir
    Tetrasoli wrote: »
    The additional $20 you paid for the Imperial edition does not cover early access; only entitlements such as the Imperial race, horse, crab and rings are part of that cost. You can not argue that a cost associated with your purchase is a reason for your frustration if the resulting down time costs nothing.

    Really, please explain, and I am asking seriously.

    The early access was for pre-ordering. Standard editions got it too, the amount depending on where they got it.
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