Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v4.0.0

  • AmericanSpy
    Hayhurst wrote: »
    Light Attacks with One Hand and Shield, Dual Wield, Bow, Destruction Staff, and Restoration Staff weapons will deal more damage.
    Light Attacks with Two Handed weapons will deal less damage.
    Heavy Attacks with Destruction Staff and Restoration Staff weapons will deal more damage.
    Heavy Attacks with Two Handed, One Hand and Shield, Dual Wield, and Bow weapons will deal less damage.

    Direct nerf to both light and heavy attack damage for two handed?
    That's not reinforcing the concept that Light Attacks are for dealing damage and Heavy Attacks are for restoring resources.


    I wonder if this is designed to bring 2h light attacks more in line with the other weapon types? ie...

    1h LA = 1 DPS
    2h LA = 2 DPS


    2h LA = 1DPS

    Just a guess...I agree that there should be an even playing field for all LA / HA damge outputs.
  • Minno
    Destruent wrote: »
    Btw. is someone else also missing the note for NBs critdmg-increase not effecting their crithealing? or do NBs now have the highest crithealing ingame?
    Is this intended @ZOS_GinaBruno ?

    That was last patch, wasnt it?
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Avran_Sylt
    Does anyone know if the Arms of Relequen set has a cooldown, or is it gated behind the % chance?
  • NBrookus
    It's not a patch without gutting something templars had left... healing allies. The rest of the class stuff is pretty underwhelming. How it all plays out with the big changes -- jewelcrafting, 2H pieces, light/heavy changes -- I guess we'll find out.

    I feel like they absolutely want every magicka spec carrying two sticks... except the DK kit still won't synergize well with staffs in pvp.

    Oh and new alchemy reagents? I gotta check that out; added to my test list. PTS should finish downloading by tomorrow...
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    So it looks like Maelstrom/Asylum/Master weapons aren't getting a buff. This is nice. I understand the frustration of those wanting these to be godly, but when 1% of this stuff is locked (even paid because some ppl don't have money for the carries) it really makes it nice to others able to use other means.

    Least that is what I read from that bit about the weapons. We will see if ZOS caves in and buffs...them... -_-

    Also, amen to that CP300 DLC dungeon cap. That SS info was great, but these are my 2 take away points from the whole notes!

    It is not about being "godly" without a buff most of these weapons are WORSE than an additional 4 and 5 piece bonus. Which means these weapons which were hard to get are going in the bank for the time being.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Excellent Thanks :)
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • AmericanSpy
    usmcjdking wrote: »
    Werewolf still in the dumpster.

    May be not with Light/Heavy attack scaling!

    The fact that WW fans are excited about increased LA dmg just reinforces the fact the class is weak. Unfortunately even with this "buff" the class has fundamental flaws and short comings.

    Getting claws of anguish to work is nice but real investment needs to be made into WW and Vampire fun factor. Both are mostly relegated to a passive bonus.
  • Destruent
    Minno wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Btw. is someone else also missing the note for NBs critdmg-increase not effecting their crithealing? or do NBs now have the highest crithealing ingame?
    Is this intended @ZOS_GinaBruno ?

    That was last patch, wasnt it?

    I just checked and couldn't find it in the dragon bones release-patch. But maybe i'm missing something.
    But the first time i heard about crit-dmg increases not affecting healing was some weeks i doubt there has been something like that in previous patchnotes.
  • ak_pvp
    Why, why is magdk getting snare removal?!

    Magdk a very strong pvp class gets several powerful buffs and now is the only magicka class to have acess to snare removal! What happened to the "protect your house approach to dk"?

    And magblades, always one of the underdogs in pvp, are getting their spammable nerfed into uselessness (go force pulse now) and don't get snare removal even though they sorely need it!

    @Ectheliontnacil MagDK was one of the worst classes for openworld, and has the worst class defense. Their defense, wings, is the worst in the game, and believe it or not, their tankiness was too. The passives worked out as less than minor protection. (technically 1.5%.more, but 5% of it is blocking only, which has is now unsustainable, and the other 4.5% is spell only) maim was the best tool, but melee and open to others. Igneous got crystal blasted, so it's worse on both overall, not worth using on mag at all. 6s+bigger shield now 4.5s and smaller.

    The snare removal is useless, since it doesn't grant immunity. With a dot or AoE you will be snared straight away again. Mist is better. The heal changes do nothing for PVP (though I may try cinder storm, a small range AoE heal over time isn't worth running ow.) The shattering rocks change seems eh at face value. The sustain changes will be good definitely, free 250 regeneration isn't anything to turn down. But RNG is annoying, and useless against shield users, and other dunmer.

    MagNB was one of the best classes openworld and the best mag class. Cloak, shade, high damage etc. The nerf to strife was undeserved though.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • waitwhat
    Maulkin wrote: »
    Why, why is magdk getting snare removal?!

    Magdk a very strong pvp class gets several powerful buffs and now is the only magicka class to have acess to snare removal! What happened to the "protect your house approach to dk"?

    And magblades, always one of the underdogs in pvp, are getting their spammable nerfed into uselessness (go force pulse now) and don't get snare removal even though they sorely need it!

    Tell me which magicka class does not need Snare removal?

    @Maulkin The answer to your question is Magplar. Extended Ritual removes snares. The same would apply to magden with the Blue Betty.
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • waitwhat
    Minno wrote: »
    Millz wrote: »
    that new crafted set.... i already see problems with it, 4000 health every 2 seconds you dodge an attack? weow

    that assumes the 4k health will stay 4k health in pvp. and also assumes that health can crit.

    My assumption, it will only be a 2k heal in PVP but crit. And with critial dmg modifiers not impacting heals anymore, I see the 2 second cooldown about right for balance (along with the dodge roll cost increase mechanic).

    Yeah this set is going to help stam builds get through vMA more easily for their first few tries. The heal will be garbage in PvP.
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • Destruent
    So it looks like Maelstrom/Asylum/Master weapons aren't getting a buff. This is nice. I understand the frustration of those wanting these to be godly, but when 1% of this stuff is locked (even paid because some ppl don't have money for the carries) it really makes it nice to others able to use other means.

    Least that is what I read from that bit about the weapons. We will see if ZOS caves in and buffs...them... -_-

    Also, amen to that CP300 DLC dungeon cap. That SS info was great, but these are my 2 take away points from the whole notes!

    It is not about being "godly" without a buff most of these weapons are WORSE than an additional 4 and 5 piece bonus. Which means these weapons which were hard to get are going in the bank for the time being.

    IIrc most of them are even worse than a 4pc. Otherwise most of them would be usefull atm...but they are mostly not :/
  • gp1680
    Goshua wrote: »
    This in PvP..

    If your character dies, you will not be cleared from a credit list, but logging out of the game will..

    Crashing, which happens in large keep fights, will potentially be more hair pulling more aggravation
    I hope this is only if someone clicks the log off button or is timed out.

    Other than that I'm looking forward to it a lot.

    Well since ZOS is going to fix all the crashes in Cyrodiil with this update, this will no longer be an issue.........BAHAHAHAHAHA!!

    Okay now that the joke is over, I concur 100%! So many times I get the boot in the middle of a big keep fight.
  • Hutch679
    Hey everyone, just a reminder that we keep the PTS patch notes thread open for you to comment in order to gather feedback or identify issues before we go live. It is not intended to post non-constructive comments or bash the development team. If these rules cannot be followed, we'll close the patch notes thread for commenting. Thanks for your understanding.

    Warden needs as rework. They are receiving nothing that will buff pve damage, and everything that nerfs their viability in pvp... really disappointing changes to be honest. They now have no CC.
  • waitwhat
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does the development team plan on adjusting racial passives with Summerset? Light and heavy attacks scaling with stamina removes any possible advantage Khajiit would have as higher damage/lower sustain DPS vis-a-vis Redguard's theoretical lower damage/higher sustain passive configuration.

    I feel like khajiit are being coded out of the game, and there's no place for us anymore.
    PS4 NA AD ScourgeVivec Loading Screen Simulator 2017
    Khajiit stamblade main - Walking the Two-Moons Path and robbing cute Breton boys.
    Breton magplar vet Trial Healer - Promoting wellness through self-reflection.
    Argonian Tripot DK Cyrodiil Tank - One with the Hist and guarding cute Breton boys.
    Altmer magsorc PvE DPS - Scamp tramp and unrepentant lush.

    "30s to eval"
    "Read the ******* lorebook."
  • Eldartar
    It amazes me that so many people make comments in the negative without actually trying the changes being implemented. This is the PTS folks, the TEST server so go and test THEN comment in a constructive way then may be ZOS and the Devs team might listen.

    All the negative comments are mute, pointless and a waste of everyone's time. Be constructive!!
  • Larsay
    I fail to understand the changes to Sunderflame and Nightmothers Gaze. I do understand that from a balance standpoint the move away from unique buffs/de-buffs to a standardized system makes developer life easy...

    However, these two sets added a layer of diversity and required optimization for trial groups. Simply put these two sets required a level of team cooperation you just remove with one fell swoop.

    Further more, these two sets were really there to balance out the fact that medium armor gets no innate penetration like light armor gets.

    All you did with this change is not force all stamina users in trials to want to run Two-Fang Snake, at least until you (ZoS) opt to remove its unique penetration buff as well.
    Guild Leader of CtrlAltElite
    Heidi Oakheart - Nord - Dragon Knight - Trial Tank - Stormproof
    Drinda Ebonheart - Imperial - Nightblade - Trial Tank - Stormproof
    Larsay Faithhealer - Breton - Templar - Trial Healer - Stormproof
    Ingrid Winterborn - Redguard - Dragon Knight - Stamina DPS -Stormproof
    Elina Hailstorm - Bosmer - Sorcerer - Stamina DPS - Stormproof
    Gwen Stormarrow - Breton - Sorcerer - Magicka DPS - Stormproof
    Regina Lightbringer - Redguard - Templar - Stamina DPS - Stormproof

    Notable Clears vHRC HM, vAA HM, vSO HM, vMoL, vAS
  • caeliusstarbreaker
    Do you think just one time you can have some type of set that does something with even the slightest bit of interest when using a dot ability and not a direct damage ability?
    Rhage Lionpride DC Stamina Templar
  • ZeroXFF

    Maelstrom Arena
    • Rings for the Winterborn, Para Bellum, Glorious Defender, and Elemental Succession sets will now drop in Purple-quality from the final arena in Veteran Maelstrom Arena.

    What about the Hunt Leader set?
  • Minno
    Destruent wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Btw. is someone else also missing the note for NBs critdmg-increase not effecting their crithealing? or do NBs now have the highest crithealing ingame?
    Is this intended @ZOS_GinaBruno ?

    That was last patch, wasnt it?

    I just checked and couldn't find it in the dragon bones release-patch. But maybe i'm missing something.
    But the first time i heard about crit-dmg increases not affecting healing was some weeks i doubt there has been something like that in previous patchnotes.

    It was in the bug thread.

    gina said " Hey guys, apologies for the confusion here. We actually had a fix for Hemorrhage in Update 17 (with Dragon Bones) so it now only procs off Critical Damage. "

    So technically it was already changed. And if they already changed it, it won't be featured in SI patch.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Maulkin
    Larsay wrote: »
    I fail to understand the changes to Sunderflame and Nightmothers Gaze. I do understand that from a balance standpoint the move away from unique buffs/de-buffs to a standardized system makes developer life easy...

    However, these two sets added a layer of diversity and required optimization for trial groups. Simply put these two sets required a level of team cooperation you just remove with one fell swoop.

    Further more, these two sets were really there to balance out the fact that medium armor gets no innate penetration like light armor gets.

    All you did with this change is not force all stamina users in trials to want to run Two-Fang Snake, at least until you (ZoS) opt to remove its unique penetration buff as well.

    But medium armor gets way more Wpn Damage and more Crit.

    By having one debuffer in the raid, apart from the tank, it allowed the other Stam DDs to hit the boss with full penetration despite wearing two damage sets. Thus putting stam DDs' DPS numbers far above what mag DDs could achieve.

    Either having to sacrifice one damage set or having to hit with less penetration, the result is the same. Stam DPS will drop and fall more in line with Mag DPS.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Sky_WK
    So is the Cruel Flurry set (vMA DW) going to work properly or is the buff still going to be consumed by the second tick of flurry?
    It says it won't be consumed by twin blade and blunt, enchant procs, gear procs etc, but is going to buff flurry->dawnbreaker etc.?
    i do not read replies. still playing stamdk for some reason.
  • JobooAGS
    Maulkin wrote: »
    Larsay wrote: »
    I fail to understand the changes to Sunderflame and Nightmothers Gaze. I do understand that from a balance standpoint the move away from unique buffs/de-buffs to a standardized system makes developer life easy...

    However, these two sets added a layer of diversity and required optimization for trial groups. Simply put these two sets required a level of team cooperation you just remove with one fell swoop.

    Further more, these two sets were really there to balance out the fact that medium armor gets no innate penetration like light armor gets.

    All you did with this change is not force all stamina users in trials to want to run Two-Fang Snake, at least until you (ZoS) opt to remove its unique penetration buff as well.

    But medium armor gets way more Wpn Damage and more Crit.

    By having one debuffer in the raid, apart from the tank, it allowed the other Stam DDs to hit the boss with full penetration despite wearing two damage sets. Thus putting stam DDs' DPS numbers far above what mag DDs could achieve.

    Either having to sacrifice one damage set or having to hit with less penetration, the result is the same. Stam DPS will drop and fall more in line with Mag DPS.

    Wouldnt that make the return of the 8 mag dd meta?
  • Destruent
    Minno wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Btw. is someone else also missing the note for NBs critdmg-increase not effecting their crithealing? or do NBs now have the highest crithealing ingame?
    Is this intended @ZOS_GinaBruno ?

    That was last patch, wasnt it?

    I just checked and couldn't find it in the dragon bones release-patch. But maybe i'm missing something.
    But the first time i heard about crit-dmg increases not affecting healing was some weeks i doubt there has been something like that in previous patchnotes.

    It was in the bug thread.

    gina said " Hey guys, apologies for the confusion here. We actually had a fix for Hemorrhage in Update 17 (with Dragon Bones) so it now only procs off Critical Damage. "

    So technically it was already changed. And if they already changed it, it won't be featured in SI patch.

    Lol....but thx.

    That sounds like: Sry guys, we're not able to fix that bug. So we changed everything related to it, so it doesn't look like a bug anymore :trollface:
  • Cinbri
    Pretesters reports made it sounds like it was finally update where majority of changes are most needed buffs.
    But real full patchnotes showed to be... not so positive.
  • beetleklee
    waitwhat wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does the development team plan on adjusting racial passives with Summerset? Light and heavy attacks scaling with stamina removes any possible advantage Khajiit would have as higher damage/lower sustain DPS vis-a-vis Redguard's theoretical lower damage/higher sustain passive configuration.

    I feel like khajiit are being coded out of the game, and there's no place for us anymore.

    Yeah the health recovery passive on Khajiit needs to be changed to something more useful for DPS. Health recovery is useless.
    Khajiit needs to pull higher DPS to balance out Redguard's better sustain, that way if you can sustain a rotation on a Khajiit, it will be worth it. Right now Redguard pulls higher DPS with better sustain and more's simply the safer and smarter choice.

    Redguard has been the best choice for a long time now for Stam builds, both in PVE and PVP. The other stam races need changes, not just Khajiit.

    I will change my dear Ra'ra-rasputin the Khajiit StamDK to a Redguard over my dead body, lol.

    Hopefully they'll get adjusted soon. Redguard has reigned as #1 for too long. And not by a tiny bit, by a lot.
    PC NA
    CP 690

    EP Dunmer MagDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer MagSorc Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Argonian DK Tank Level 50, Boethiah's Scythe
    EP Breton Templar Healer Level 50
    EP Khajiit StamDK Level 50, Stormproof
    EP Dunmer Magblade Level 50, Assistant Alienist
    EP Argonian Stamden Level 50, Lady of Misrule (pvp)
    EP Dunmer Stamblade Level 50
    DC Redguard Stamplar
    AD Altmer Magwarden Healer

    vMA, vDSA, vSO HM, vHRC HM, vAA, vAS+1, vMoL
  • SupremeRissole
    Sunderflame completely removes the viability of a stamina templar in raids.
  • ak_pvp
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Pretesters reports made it sounds like it was finally update where majority of changes are most needed buffs.
    But real full patchnotes showed to be... not so positive.

    Yep, expected as much from zos's goldenbois.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Sky_WK
    Sunderflame completely removes the viability of a stamina templar in raids.

    Nah, most raids will take one skill>5 piece set
    i do not read replies. still playing stamdk for some reason.
  • Animus-ESO
    Apherius wrote: »
    Millz wrote: »
    that new crafted set.... i already see problems with it, 4000 health every 2 seconds you dodge an attack? weow

    Use 3 swift jewellry, be an orc, use minor expedition, use 7 medium armor pieces, now take the chaos ball, Dodge with your bow, and dodge again and again arround the battleground map with the chaos ball.

    Noone will play chaos ball now you can choose your game mode anyway. Death match all day baby.
    Dude Where's My Guar?
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