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Why do most pve players hate pvp?

  • DieAlteHexe
    Because ppl are terrified of confrontation and prefer fluff

    Nope. See above.

    You tend to avoid pugs...
    You avoid confrontation

    How is a PUG confrontational? We're all on the same side. Oh, unless you mean the rude arse-hats? Yup, no time for them. But hey, if it makes you feel better, sure...I'm alllll about avoiding confrontation. See my sig. :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Princess_Ciri
    i think most players do both. but u have pvp players who hate pve and pve players who hate pvp. its just not their thing. like i hate quests with a burning passion.
    GM and raid leader of Hot Girls Play DPS, the cutest guild EU
  • lucky_Sage
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    It is all about ego, a player that doesn't like PvP can't handle they got beat by another player. In PvE if they get killed no one notices as much.

    No, it's not "all about that". Believe it or not, some folks' egos aren't that fragile. It's simply a matter of PvP not appealing.

    I make no bones about the fact that I am a mediocre player, at best, both PvE and, especially, PvP but it's not due to a fragile ego. I just don't enjoy PvP.

    Define what is not appealing if it is not that, why don't you enjoy PvP?
    Why does fighting computer scripted NPC not bother you but fighting human controlled character does?
    It can't be because a person doesn't like killing as no one really dies. Also there is just as much salt in group PvE.
    Don't get me wrong I respect your decision but I have found once a player that thought they hated PvP got over the dying part they actually stay and enjoy the mode.

    Without intending to be ironic, I find PvP to be extremely repetitive. Once you get the right gear and skills, it all boils down to “run over here, capture this objective, now run over there and capture that objective...”.

    It keeps me entertained for a little bit, but I can’t get drawn into it the way other people do. I just get bored.

    don't zerg 1vx or get a group of 2 to 8 to go wipe zergs then its fun then you see. when a group of 8 wipes a group of 30 its quite fun
    DC PC NA
    Magdk - main
    Stamcro - alt

    AD PS4 NA -retired (PC runs way better to play on console)

  • bellatrixed
    For me personally, it just isn't fun. Which is strange, because in TOR & WoW I was a regular PVPer. I like my PVP in competitive matches and battlegrounds are a step in the right direction but still somehow lacking for me personally. PVP in ESO doesn't feel as easy to jump into as it does in other games, because other games tend to give you a set of starter PVP gear pretty fast and in ESO the gear divide is super unforgiving.

    Cyrodiil itself is frustrating for someone new to the game's PVP because you have to drive for a million years and it's incredibly confusing to figure out what's going on--like trying to figure out where various locations on the map that people reference are. I've spent a few weeks trying to figure it out, since I want the achievements and to level some skill lines, but I can't honestly say I have been enjoying it. Once I have the stuff I need I doubt I'll go back unless it's to help someone or grind for something else I need/want.

    I think my biggest issue is the lack of clear reward. In other games you regularly get a PVP currency to slowly work on upgrading your gear and while similar things exists in ESO it feels arduous and nebulous rather than as if you're making consistent progress.

    Also... being spotted while trying to do PVE, running away on your mount, and being chased across literally half the map by some tryhard that won't stop is NOT fun. Like, you can tell people are there to troll and inconvenience others as much as they are to actually make a difference in battles.

    So... I love PVP in other games, but just can't get into ESO's for some reason.
    Edited by bellatrixed on March 31, 2018 1:58PM
    ESO Roleplay | RP community for all factions/servers/platforms
    Some PVP players dont enjoy PVE either but have to do to get the gear and skills needed for PVP.
  • DieAlteHexe
    Some PVP players dont enjoy PVE either but have to do to get the gear and skills needed for PVP.

    Yeah, it sucks when you get forced into content you don't care for. :(

    You feeling better?

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Sergykid
    cuz PVP is the most difficult thing in the game. And you are put on the same field with the experienced players, and going Xv1 and all of those dying to that guy is very disappointing in terms of balance. It lacks ranked system.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • laurajf
    When I sit down at the end of a long hard workday, the last thing I want to do is get all riled up with adrenaline pumping and being anxious about someone coming out of nowhere while I'm trying to just relax and de-stress from my day. The older I get, the more I feel that way. I also have no urge to learn all the skills of every other class (that I don't play) just to know what they can do so I can counteract it.

    These days, games for me are just for relaxation and story. I don't need to prove anything (already did that all day at work, and I get paid for that). It's a bit of time to immerse myself into a different life for a bit to escape the real world stress for an hour or so each night. A character that feels comfortable, good enough gear to get by but nothing "specialized," a nice outfit or two so I look good (to me), and the ability to just wander around and look at the sights and help a few NPCs out with their problems. I don't research games to find out how to be the best, I don't use training dummies or keep spreadsheets, and I pay no attention to meta builds, meta gear, meta stats, rotations, grinding, CP points, etc.


    With all that said, you can see why I don't care for PVP. To be fair, I feel the same way about group dungeons/trials/etc. My hour or so each night for gaming is precious time for me, as I have little free time, and I prefer mellow activities during that time. :)
  • LarsS
    Pvp is difficult in the begining, but when you realises that it was designed for groups who fight each other it changed for me at least. If you want to learn pvp join a pvp guild and you will get thelp When needed.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • BuyMe500Pugs_Please
    It's just so different in my opinion. I'm not good at pvp and also not as bad as i may think either, tried getting into pvp more but i simply don't enjoy it. Instead of fighting each other we should be fighting alongside and against the daedra, the worst is when creating a stamina character as it felt like a chore to get vigor and caltrops even though it isn't that much ap tbh, after a while i just stop completely going into cyrodiil other than the golden vendor, my favorite class is the stamina sorcerer and i can live without vigor. Yes, i’ll lose dps without caltrops but in harder vet stuff I'm either the healer or tank
  • DieAlteHexe
    Because ppl are terrified of confrontation and prefer fluff

    Nope. See above.

    You tend to avoid pugs...
    You avoid confrontation

    What is the worst thing that can happen outside of your comfort zone??

    I started again 2 days ago after a long break
    I forgot the mechanics of Arx Corinium and at the first boss some idiot told me off
    "We have no tank. DW cannot tank. Swearing and what not".

    I got kicked out.
    I joined again a pug. Tanking with DW. Again at the first boss I messed up.
    During the fight somenody told me what to do.
    We ended up finishing that run with 0 deaths.

    Seriously the reason ppl are afraid of PvP is because they dont want to have adversaries.
    They dont want to blow the bubble around them. So be it, no probs.
    Just dont expect to be taken seriously when discussing Eso as a whole game.

    Sorry, just saw your edit.

    You seem awfully desperate to label me and stubborn about accepting my reasoning. Has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with what I enjoy or don't. I'm not sure why it's so important to you but it's not worth arguing over. Label away, you're wrong but I've got a WB group waiting.

    Enjoy the weekend! :)

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Cause people like different things? Why do people like Ni No Kuni 2 over Far Cry 5, or vice versa just depends on taste
  • TheTwistedRune
    Because ppl are terrified of confrontation and prefer fluff

    Nope. See above.

    You tend to avoid pugs...
    You avoid confrontation

    What is the worst thing that can happen outside of your comfort zone??

    I started again 2 days ago after a long break
    I forgot the mechanics of Arx Corinium and at the first boss some idiot told me off
    "We have no tank. DW cannot tank. Swearing and what not".

    I got kicked out.
    I joined again a pug. Tanking with DW. Again at the first boss I messed up.
    During the fight somenody told me what to do.
    We ended up finishing that run with 0 deaths.

    Seriously the reason ppl are afraid of PvP is because they dont want to have adversaries.
    They dont want to blow the bubble around them. So be it, no probs.
    Just dont expect to be taken seriously when discussing Eso as a whole game.

    People not liking PVP is not the same as "being afraid of PvP" whatever that means. It is a game after all, it can't harm you.

    And I really don't think you are qualified to judge what other people's motives for not playing PvP are. But at least you can be taken seriously in discussions about ESO....what a life achievement that is.

  • srfrogg23
    lucky_Sage wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    It is all about ego, a player that doesn't like PvP can't handle they got beat by another player. In PvE if they get killed no one notices as much.

    No, it's not "all about that". Believe it or not, some folks' egos aren't that fragile. It's simply a matter of PvP not appealing.

    I make no bones about the fact that I am a mediocre player, at best, both PvE and, especially, PvP but it's not due to a fragile ego. I just don't enjoy PvP.

    Define what is not appealing if it is not that, why don't you enjoy PvP?
    Why does fighting computer scripted NPC not bother you but fighting human controlled character does?
    It can't be because a person doesn't like killing as no one really dies. Also there is just as much salt in group PvE.
    Don't get me wrong I respect your decision but I have found once a player that thought they hated PvP got over the dying part they actually stay and enjoy the mode.

    Without intending to be ironic, I find PvP to be extremely repetitive. Once you get the right gear and skills, it all boils down to “run over here, capture this objective, now run over there and capture that objective...”.

    It keeps me entertained for a little bit, but I can’t get drawn into it the way other people do. I just get bored.

    don't zerg 1vx or get a group of 2 to 8 to go wipe zergs then its fun then you see. when a group of 8 wipes a group of 30 its quite fun

    It can be fun in the short term. But after you do that, then you do it again, and again, and again. One of the things I like about the PvE side of things is the new mechanics that different boss fights throw into the game, it means new puzzles to solve and new challenges to overcome. Throwing random team mates with varying skill levels into the mix changes up that dynamic even more.

    For PvP, it just doesn’t seem as varied, which is really weird considering it’s supposed to be the most unpredictable, varied, and dynamic form of gameplay. But, all I see is meat-shields spamming wrecking-blow, and capture the objective, capture the objective, capture the objective.

    It is really cool sieging castles, though. Watching catapults and trebuchets rain down death on an enemy held fortress in this game is like something straight out of a movie.
  • Getern
    Caitsith wrote: »
    Because several pve players think PvP community is responsible for all nerfs that we see often added with each update.

    While its exacly opposite
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    I really think this whole distinction between PVE and PVP players is silly. There aren't that many people who just PVE and never PVP, there aren't that many players that just PVP and never PVE. I would say the majority of players share experiences to varying degrees of success, of both game modes, and most of this distinction between PVP and PVE "players" is just a forum construct to create hysterical arguments.

    Some examples, PVP balance changes destroy PVE players enjoyment of the game. No, PVE is really easy in this game, and since everyone plays with the new rule-sets, nobody has an advantage or disadvantage after a change in rules other than the inconvenience of learning to adapt and gearing for it under the new rules.

    Nothing in the new chapter has PVP content. Of course that is wrong, all gear upgrades are PVP content, I'm sure at least one set from the new chapter will end up BoS for some meta build with at least one class. New skill lines will be used in PVP. If it is used in PVP it's PVP content, thin as that may seem to someone who has done a lot of laps around Cyrodiil, that's what PVP is about, getting a gear edge to give you an advantage over the competition.

    This division of players between game modes is an old illusion and really a pointless one in constructing an argument.
    -Unknown American
  • Appleblade
    As with some others, it’s above the threshold of time investment I can make to be good at it to bother.

    No hate or anything general against It. I played a lot of the PvP in Red Dead Redemption and GTA5. Those games also had PvE and PvP well partitioned, and you could get better by just leveling. I still remember some guy riding around on a golden bear at 100 mph with a gun that could one shot an entire town.

    I have encountered PvP discussions over the years where a few opine they get satisfaction from knowing they upset someone or “ruined their day”, and those types can go get [redacted] in [redacted], but I think they’re the minority.

    I was actually looking forward to that Fable game where groups of four could attack an evil overlord, but you could also play as the evil overlord and set up the dungeons for the player groups to overcome. Something like that. I think it got canceled. For ESO it could be fun to queue up and take control of dungeon or delve bosses. They would each have a different set of special attacks to learn.
    Edited by Appleblade on March 31, 2018 2:35PM
  • Robo_Hobo
    It just isn't fun for me. Either I'm with a big group and we steam roll another smaller group with no challenge about it, or it happens to us. Sometimes our group might come across one of those super-tanks that can't die, and it's a bit fun to try to team up and take them down, but after a few minutes it gets boring.

    When I'm by myself, I'll just usually come across people way more experienced and better geared and prepared and die instantly. There is that chance that I come across someone else around my level of skill and we have an interesting back and forth fight, and that's fun, whether I win or lose, but those are seldom and rare.

    I know if I would put more effort into actually getting PvP gear, and using a more PvP-oriented style, then I might get more chances at finding those interesting scenarios, but I honestly just don't care enough to bother.

    Even if I did there's just that chance that I'll still just run into people way better, or someone who was like me and gets wrecked instantly by me, and neither of those are fun for me. With my limited game time, I don't want to spend hours in Cyrodiil to "hope" I have fun just for the sake of trying something I'm really unsure about, but rather spend that time doing something I genuinely do know I'll enjoy. I get what people like about it, but it's just not the environment or playstyle for me.
  • Panomania
    I see PVP kind of the way I do California: PVP would be awesome if not for all the PVPers.

    Ok, thats maybe a slight oversimplification. I love PVP. Its challenging and can be a lot of fun....with the right people. The problem is actual and emotional 12 year olds with self esteem issues, limited vocabulary and bad cases of Tourette Syndrome.

    Older PVP games (read: pre Warcraft) sometimes had communities that could be a bit toxic, but there were other factors in place to passively encourage those people to either adjust their own behavior or find other pursuits. Those passive controls vanished with "newer" MMOs.

    Add to that the issues already mentioned here regarding lag, bugs, nerfing PVE in favor of "balancing" PVP and its simply not an environment I enjoy. And sadly, for ZOS and our player base, a HUGE chunk of the player base seems to feel the same way. Contrary to what some will try to claim the majority of players do NOT regularly PVP...and we should.

    I miss PVP in games like DAoC, old Everquest Zek servers, CoH and even to an extent WHO. Unfortunately, at the moment the only PVP I enjoy is in Second Life, of all places.
    The opinions of others should always be heard, especially if they dont agree with your own! But you always reserve the right to laugh at them.
  • Vulsahdaal
    As a PVEer, I dont hate PVP, but I am disgusted with it.

    The thing is, until very recently, I didnt feel one way or the other about PVP. Whatever happens in Cyrodiil, can stay in Cyrodiil as far as I was concerned.

    But a couple weeks ago, I decided my new character needed vigor and caltrops. So he unwillingly trudged his way into Cyrodiil, hoping to get these things as quick as possible and get out.

    But as the days went by,surprisingly, it turned out to be rather enjoyable. Met some good people there, and had some really fun and memorable moments.

    I remained there even after the vigor/caltrop goal was met. Even thought about getting some PVP gear and becoming more serious with it.
    But, as all good things must come to an end, I was removed from the campaign when my character outleveled it :(

    After a couple of days of my character sulking, missing his battle buddies and the action, decided to join a different campaign and maybe create some new memories.

    Well, he did, but not good ones. It wasnt that the enemy was tougher, well I did die a little bit more often, but that was okay. My character is still new, needing to learn much and was still geared for PVE.

    We were at an outpost we had, when it was noted that AD was coming our way. We took up defense positions, but soon into the fight we also noticed they werent alone. They had grouped together with EP to double team us. Frustrating, but it only made my character more determined to stay and kill any AD or EP he found.

    What happened an hour later though, is what caused me to walk away from Cyrodiil. Attacking an AD keep where they had our scroll, and more groups of our own come in to join the fight. I remember vaguely thinking during the battle as we were winning, 'so where are your EP buddies now?' lol

    I really did expect them to come hit us from the rear at any moment, but they never showed. We took the keep, and one of our other groups grabbed the scroll.

    Those of you who are experienced in PVP probably know whats coming next, but some of us noobs didnt. We were doing repairs and happy in our victory, when someone said 'hey theyre going the wrong way. where they taking the scroll?'

    We started to go after them, but there was nothing we could do but just helplessly watch as they went into EP territory and handed the scroll over.

    It was at that point, became totally disgusted with PVP. Left that night, and havent gone back. At least in dungeons, trials etc we know who is on our side and who isnt.

    I'll tell you, never even once in PVE, have I seen a few members of our group cut a side deal with Rakkhat to go into the next area and hang out/party with the shadows instead of killing them, so the rest of us could be defeated. But if it did, it would turn me off of these things as well :P

    So again, I dont hate PVP, but I am disgusted with it. My character will always have great memories of Kyne, but afterwards, he would just as soon forget.
    Edited by Vulsahdaal on March 31, 2018 3:13PM
  • SickDuck
    Why does it matter why other people don’t like it? I think many of the “haters” would be ambivalent at most if it not were for the forced involvement to get some essential skills required in pve.

    Of course it is true the other way round as well.
    Holdviola - Khira'de Regalo - Lélekvadász - Used To Be An Adventurer - Zetor - Does-Not-Give-A-Duck - Lord Sugar - Tenar Arha - Da'rinka - Violent Moon - Extreme Runner
  • The_Brosteen
    Pvp is the true endgame

    That notion upsets pve ers greatly :)
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I’m not sure that most hate it.

    I’m 100% sure if that most don’t want to fall victim to another players desired play style. If someone opts in they are fine but there aren’t options in this game it’s forced for PvE progress.

    That and this game does a terrible job of nerfing this or that because of PvP which ends up making PvE less enjoyable or viable

    Consider PvP isn’t really a mode in this game it’s being designed as a type of player. The devs have failed at having a PvP game mode for all players so you’re facing them vs us
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on March 31, 2018 2:40PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • DieAlteHexe
    Pvp is the true endgame

    That notion upsets pve ers greatly :)

    Where do you come up with ideas like this? It doesn't upset me one bit. There's plenty of "end-game" stuff to do and more will be along as time goes by.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Rickter
    Grabmoore wrote: »
    Tl,dr: PvPers are honourless attention seeking Scrubs getting carried by numbers and sets, who evade any form of fair competition. Not all, but the majority. Therefore, no need to waste too much time there, since you don't gain good fights anyways.

    As much as i love pvp, theres more truth to this statement than id like to admit.

    Ive seen some of the most greasy things by pvpers in this game. I myself am made fun of for having the smallest bit of principle or honor or faction loyalty.

    - When youve seen pvpers of YOUR faction pick up a hard earned scroll and run it into the water to reset it at the enemy keep just because they want to troll, and tell you not to take the game so seriously.

    - when you duel a guy wearing caluurions, skoria, and duroks bane and they openly admit to how cheese it is and find it hilarious.

    - when you find out there was a blur tree cp bug that gave double spell dmg and all these magdks were using it

    - when you find out there is a privately distributed auto break free addon floating around

    - when youre in a BG and a magnb cloaks when he sees you, waits until his two other team mates attack you, then comes out of cloak WITH A SOUL ASSAULT - then teabags you while one of his teammates feels compelled to apologize to you because it even rubbed him the wrong way.

    - when you find out that if you have two masters daggers/axes and you apply rending slashes out of nb cloak, you get guaranteed crit rending dot dmg theough the entirety of the dot duration which equals around 10k + bleed dmg from one skill.

    The list goes on.

    People are bad. PvP brings out the worst in them. Pvp is dying and not marketable because of the players. Its your fault one of the most beautiful parts of this game, sucks.
    Edited by Rickter on March 31, 2018 2:47PM
    PC | NA | DC
    Requiem GM | Dark Sisterhood Blood Knight | Legend Mod | Legend GvG Mod
    Bloodletter | StamDK | Alliance Rank 46 | Former Emperor of Shor (2018) | Former Emperor of Thornblade #4terms (2015)
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMA | vDSA | vMoL | ALL Vet 4 Man Dungeons

  • Biro123
    Vulsahdaal wrote: »
    As a PVEer, I dont hate PVP, but I am disgusted with it.
    The thing is, until very recently, I didnt feel one way or the other about PVP. Whatever happens in Cyrodiil, can stay in Cyrodiil as far as I was concerned.
    But a couple weeks ago, I decided my new character needed vigor and caltrops. So he unwillingly trudged his way into Cyrodiil, hoping to get these things as quick as possible and get out.
    But as the days went by,surprisingly, it turned out to be rather enjoyable. Met some good people there, and had some really fun and memorable moments.
    I remained there even after the vigor/caltrop goal was met. Even thought about getting some PVP gear and becoming more serious with it.
    But, as all good things must come to an end, I was removed from the campaign when my character outleveled it :(
    After a couple of days of my character sulking, missing his battle buddies and the action, decided to join a different campaign and maybe create some new memories.
    Well, he did, but not good ones. It wasnt that the enemy was tougher, well I did die a little bit more often, but that was okay. My character is still new, needing to learn much and was still geared for PVE.
    We were at an outpost we had, when it was noted that AD was coming our way. We took up defense positions, but soon into the fight we also noticed they werent alone. They had grouped together with EP to double team us. Frustrating, but it only made my character more determined to stay and kill any AD or EP he found.
    What happened an hour later though, is what caused me to walk away from Cyrodiil. Attacking an AD keep where they had our scroll, and more groups of our own come in to join the fight. I remember vaguely thinking during the battle as we were winning, 'so where are your EP buddies now?' lol
    I really did expect them to come hit us from the rear at any moment, but they never showed. We took the keep, and one of our other groups grabbed the scroll.
    Those of you who are experienced in PVP probably know whats coming next, but some of us noobs didnt. We were doing repairs and happy in our victory, when someone said 'hey theyre going the wrong way. where they taking the scroll?'
    We started to go after them, but there was nothing we could do but just helplessly watch as they went into EP territory and handed the scroll over.
    It was at that point, became totally disgusted with PVP. Left that night, and havent gone back. At least in dungeons, trials etc we know who is on our side and who isnt.
    I'll tell you, never even once in PVE, have I seen a few members of our group cut a side deal with Rakkhat to go into the next area and hang out/party with the shadows instead of killing them, so the rest of us could be defeated. But if it did, it would turn me off of these things as well :P
    So again, I dont hate PVP, but I am disgusted with it. My character will always have great memories of Kyne, but afterwards, he would just as soon forget.

    This is why we (the pvpers) keep asking for an overhaul of cyrodiill, for changes to block alliance switching, layout changes, scoring changes etc...

    It is basically stale. Many of the old hands who still love PvP at bored with the campaign and. Only play for kills, or to have a laugh with their friends, no matter which faction. Basically there are a lot of players who have given up playing for their faction. This is for a number of reasons... Could be because a nightcapping faction always wins no matter what you do, so you stop trying... Could be because you're simply bored with running around the same emp-loop day after day.
    Yes, people say that there are balance and gear changes every patch which are 'PvP content' an yes, from a micro perspective, that can change the mechanics of a fight, but the fact is that nothing changes at the macro level... Sieges are still done in the same way. Keep X still leads to keep Y. Some keeps are still closer than others causing people to still push the same few keeps day after day... Scoring still lets a handful of off-peak players determine who wins. None of this has changed in years.. So people are bored, and bored people look or other ways to have fun.

    A common one is for an organised group to take an enemy scroll into a chokepoint and see how many enemies they can farm... That is probably what you saw.

    Edited by Biro123 on March 31, 2018 2:47PM
    Minalan owes me a beer.

    PC EU Megaserver
    Minie Mo - Stam/Magblade - DC
    Woody Ron - Stamplar - DC
    Aidee - Magsorc - DC
    Notadorf - Stamsorc - DC
    Khattman Doo - Stamblade - Relegated to Crafter, cos AD.
  • ShadowHvo
    The bug known as animation cancelling is the reason I despise ESO PvP, and I usually love MMO PvP.

    But playing pvp in an envorinment where someone bunny jumps whilst simultaneously shoots 3 - 6 abilities out of their armpits is neither fun nor enganging. Not when you have no feasible way to respond to attacks that you cannot see before it is too late.

    Fix animation cancelling and I'll be back.
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • Most_Awesome
    One large fact is how toxic the PvP community is, if you kill anyone from a small scale group i would say 98% of them will tea bag you and send you h8 whispers after they get revenge.

    My ignore list is bigger than my friend list lol
  • mb10

    lmaoooo stop being salty that you cant fight something that has a brain.

    L2P PVP
  • ErMurazor
    Pveers are just scared thats why they dont pvp. And it takes alot more skill to pvp.
This discussion has been closed.