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Why do most pve players hate pvp?

  • Stewart1874
    Because I get NB stunned and melted inside 2 seconds. Its not fun.
    PS4 - Europe - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Tapio75
    I like PVP as a gaming style, what i do not like, is when PVP balancing messes up PVE and other ways around.

    PVP ends up blaming PVE for making bad skills and OP stuff and PVE blames PVP for ruining the fun due constant nerfing and endless crusade for balance.

    What really here is an issue, is developers, who do not realise to separate PVP and PVE effects on abilities instead of trying to fit same skills for two very different playstyles and playmechanics.

    PVE side should not have to sacrifice anything for PVP sake and PVP should not sacrifice or suffer due PVE reasons. The whole game would be much more fun, if both playstyles would be completely separated in terms of skill and passive effects, armor and weapon statistics and so forth.

    This would allow PVP to be really build more diverse and skill based while at the same time, make PVE feel more immersive and yet, not tooeasy or hard or boring because of PVP.

    In regards to being in risk to be killed, it is no factor to me. I dont really separate NPC and PC at all in that regard. If im killed, im killed,. Sad thing though is, that NPC enemies are too easy all the time and PC give a decent 1v1 matches and good group battles in coordinated efforts. I hope they could make NPC mimic PC actions more.
    Edited by Tapio75 on April 2, 2018 1:00AM
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • madchuska83
    Caltrops, Horn, Purge, and done.
  • madchuska83
    I don't enjoy riding my mount for 3/4 of my playtime. Siege, capture, ride, ride, ride, siege, capture, ride, ride, ride....
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    EZ cuz pvp lags while pve doesn't at all.
  • BrockofPercival
    I can't imagine anyone who does not play MMOs for the PVP being able to 'get into' ESO PvP.

    There are many frustrating issues.

    The only reason gamers put up with them is because the majority enjoy the competitive and varied aspects of PvP over the play of PvE. PvE has its own types of challenges but it is quite different from PvP.

    And of course some like to grief (who tend to be the most toxic, exploitive and cheating type players). Players basically out to ruin the game mostly roam in PvP lands/areas.
  • DocDova
    Baranthus wrote: »
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. they should make a brand new PvP focused ESO. They wouldn't worry about have to be finicky when designing skills and gear - they wouldn't be forced into catering for 2 completely playing styles and mechanics and could plough their creative energy into making a brilliant job of it.

    They could get rid of the Alliances and instead encourage players to group together under leaders but after a certain, more players = penalties, as groups of over 20 players start to cause massive drops in xp, loot chances and armour and gear wearing out faster. You could still have decent sized guilds able to travel and fight together but huge zergs of multiple raids would be hammered. Hmm, taking that idea further, smaller groups could be rewarded for taking on and beating larger groups - the differences group sizes could be used to calculate various bonuses that aid the smaller groups

    ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE: THE GREAT WAR (due for release 2025)

    And with that release, This game would see PvP phased out with Cyroodiil and the Imperial City becoming massive new PvE zones. :)

    A PvP only focused ESO game won't be a success from financial point of view. There is no point in throwing away money in a project which won't be financially viable. All ideas look great on paper But reality is not that generous.

    For obvious reasons every gaming publisher would want piece of pie of lucrative PvP action going on, But TES series has different story (I am a latecomer with Oblivion), Most people like questing/exploration/being the hero more than PvP. So I see PvP being small side activity in larger ESO universe for immediate future. We don't know how future gaming technology is changing and Maybe PvP stuff have great future with upcoming technology.

    Most feasible and easy option is creating a PvE only instance of PvP exclusive zones. More PvP enthusiasts resist it, More PvE guys will get in that instance. Since Tel Var is primarily gained by killing enemies, Why shouldn't PvE only instance don't have it ?

  • SickleCider
    A purely honest answer: I hate it because I'm bad at it. I know what I am. :D
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • mocap
    The fight itself is always unique, sure, but in general, pvp is zerg here, zerg there, repeat. Anyway it's nice experience, you feel like at war and you are just a cannon fodder. Still, i return to PUGs. Vet dungeons with randoms is where the real unique play begins ))
    Edited by mocap on April 2, 2018 12:39PM
  • Aesthier
    "Finally, it will be possible to hit level cap in roughly 120 hours while the title's end-game will feature high-end public dungeons with added Heroic mode, as well as faction-based PvP."

    They wanted and did their best to balance the whole gamut. They wanted it to be balanced in a way that no other MMO had done. PvP, PvE Solo play, public dungeons with no population limits. The ability to really and truly play the way you like regardless of your preferences.

    "One of The Elder Scrolls Online's central ambitions is to encourage players to socialise in the game world rather than just through the interfaces. Firor described these public dungeons as "basically a space that's designed for people who are not grouped together to go into to fight".

    He added: "It's a great place for people to connect with other players and they're very important to us, although we still have instanced private dungeons and end-game raid dungeons for groups of up to six players too. "

    Yep, PVP was originally the endgame.

    No PvP was part of the endgame from the beginning as was PvE.

    Neither was the endgame in its entirety.

    Edited by Aesthier on April 2, 2018 12:56PM
  • Odnoc
    I like pve and pvp. I don’t like all the whining about balance and such. It is a fantasy RPG, perfect balance will never be achieved, and if that’s what people are looking for, a FPS would be a better fit.

    Whining aside though, I think most pve’ers don’t like it because they like to min/max, speed run, not die, be the best. I’ve seen people rage quit dungeons after one wipe, and you’re going to die in pvp. Also, in pvp there are counters for everything so min/maxing is more difficult, and there is always someone better. Things aren’t scripted either so it’s not just some pattern to repeat.
  • munster1404
    Just dislike the concept of player hitting other players. That simple.

    Agreed. I just find the concept of PvP distasteful. There's already enough PvP in the real world.
  • TequilaFire
    Just dislike the concept of player hitting other players. That simple.

    Agreed. I just find the concept of PvP distasteful. There's already enough PvP in the real world.

    That's just silly nobody really dies. smh
  • Violynne
    I don't hate PvP.

    I'm just not good at it. I suspect many who try it, dislike it, walk away because of this. Like anything else, it just takes practice.

    I don't suspect I'll win many one-on-one confrontations, but going into Cyrodiil, I don't really go for this type of play. I need to join the fights in taking resources, where it's an all-out damage fest.

    The game just gave me a bunch of freebies to help with this. It would be a shame not to use them.

  • DMuehlhausen
    MajBludd wrote: »
    So, why is pvp so bad for the game?

    Because PvE makes up 95% of the game. Yet they always try to balance skills for both PvE and PvP and it is numerically impossible to do.

    You can't balance skills that are designed to be killing a Raid/Trial boss with millions of life with X people hitting it, but then have that same skill not doing to much damage against players that have 30k hp (on average probably). So they try to balance it, but then you end up nerfing perfectly good skills into the ground making the PvE side of it worthless or not enjoyable.

    The only way to fix this would be to have PvP only skills and gear. So yes the skills only become available in PvP areas and the gear can only be worn in these areas. Then you can balance everything around these skills and items. However, that would be like creating an entirely new game and nobody is ever going to do that.

  • Doctordarkspawn
    Aesthier wrote: »
    "Finally, it will be possible to hit level cap in roughly 120 hours while the title's end-game will feature high-end public dungeons with added Heroic mode, as well as faction-based PvP."

    They wanted and did their best to balance the whole gamut. They wanted it to be balanced in a way that no other MMO had done. PvP, PvE Solo play, public dungeons with no population limits. The ability to really and truly play the way you like regardless of your preferences.

    "One of The Elder Scrolls Online's central ambitions is to encourage players to socialise in the game world rather than just through the interfaces. Firor described these public dungeons as "basically a space that's designed for people who are not grouped together to go into to fight".

    He added: "It's a great place for people to connect with other players and they're very important to us, although we still have instanced private dungeons and end-game raid dungeons for groups of up to six players too. "

    Yep, PVP was originally the endgame.

    No PvP was part of the endgame from the beginning as was PvE.

    Neither was the endgame in its entirety.

    Lets not kid ourselves, it was the endgame.

    The game itself and the original systems were built toward PVP and before Tamriel Unlimited, the only repeatable PVE content was Craglorn. And I'm not sure it was all that repeatable.

    The game tried to be DAOC and failed.

    Also: They did a good job of balancing the whole thing before they started taking hatchets to the original systems and limits they put in place.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on April 2, 2018 1:28PM
  • greylox
    I don't find it fun, if there was a reason to do it other than getting a few skills then I might do it occasionally but people are annoying enough in real life let alone when they get behind a keyboard.
    PC EU

    House of the Black Lotus
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    {Rantoul} (Dark Elf Magknight, likes an ale between boss fights, has been known to offer daedric princes out in a fist fight)
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    { CP 900+ }

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