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Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

  • SchrodingersKitteh
    Already submitted a support ticket about this, however I have not received any emails from Zenimax regarding it even after submitting the ticket I did not receive a confirmation, I have however had it confirmed that my ticket was escalated by ZOS_MichelleA, but that's all I know about it.

    Ticket Number: 140330-004252, any info on the progress would be nice as there is no way to view tickets atm through any part of the webpage.
  • eliosharg
    I accidentally deleted my preorder bonus, Imperial Edition and beta items.

    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Jaxom
    Like the previous poster, I submitted a ticket yesterday around 8 AM EST have no clue where I stand. They asked for my secret question. I gave it but haven't heard anything in nearly 30 hours.

    Incident: 140330-006971
  • Vilified
    I have received the monkey pet and the rings of Mara but none of the other pets or the treasure maps. Do the people who pre-ordered the physical copies have to wait til April 4th to redeem those items or were they supposed to get them during the early access period?
    Ayita of the Dominion
  • RedWarrior72
    Would have been nice for them to tell us that all the extras were one and done before we decided to make our purchase instead of waiting until after the game is going and we have to find out for ourselves.
  • RedRum69
    @ZOS_MichelleA : Hi there, I too have done the same mistake by deleting my character along with the items :neutral_face: help please ,
    Thank you!
    Edited by RedRum69 on March 31, 2014 9:16PM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Unlikely
    I also deleted my first character without realizing that my Beta and Explorer's Pack items would also be deleted. Thanks in advance for creating a ticket for me.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • LordBlade
    Hello, Michelle I made my character, and then deleted it(after getting the items out of the mail[I only read 3 of them because they said the same thing, so I thought that they all said the same thing] and now I don't have the preorder items anymore. is there an ETA to when this fix is out?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Asuna_Meow
    Well they got my userID changed now... so i'm wondering if that will make it harder for them to know it's me? I don't want to wait even longer for my maps cause a ticket 4 days ago changed my UserID now >.<
  • Adeona
    I was on at 7am when servers opened. I created a character and the scrolling function was broken so I deleted the character to start again. Needless to say, I realized to my horror I had also deleted all my Beta items, my explorers pack items and my Imperial items. I put in a ticket right away but as yet have received no response. I also attempted to speak with support in-game but was bumped off by a random guild invite 3 hours into my wait. I would be very grateful for any help in this matter. Thank you. :)
  • decovca
    @ZOS_MichelleA Hey, I lost my itens yesterday, can you assist me please? No one contacted me so far, thanks in advance. My ticket: 140330-049992.
    Edited by decovca on March 31, 2014 10:49PM
  • doppis
    Soul Shriven
    My pre order items are missing. My first character created went on the wrong alliance and the zoom feature in the char creation was not working. I deleted that character and recreated. The pre order items are gone now. I need assistance please
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Fiegmund

    I made a mistake in my character's build yesterday and deleted it without knowing about that. It does not interfere with the way I play but I'd be glad if I could recover those treasure maps that I deleted along.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Explorian
    Soul Shriven
    ı have a ticket (140330-040450) but none contact me so far please solve this problem!!
  • Cauthorn
    I don't suppose there's a chance that the container items with the IE maps could be unbound so that they can be deposited into the bank without having to open them. As you'd appreciate inventory slots are at a premium early on.
  • Nukenin
    Soul Shriven
    Laughing maniacally, I deleted my first character early Sunday morning after having redeemed the four various in-game mails with the various preorder/beta/Imperial edition bonus goodies and then deciding I didn't like the cut of his jib. (I even saw the warning attached to the whatever o' Mara, but deemed it the price of poor jib-cutting.)

    I dutifully filed a ticket with customer support (#140330-011885) but I can't help but feel it's been tossed through an Oblivion gate or some such.
  • DarkKnightRW
    Please add me too, i have lost me pre-order and imperial items. thank you
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • jjrgamer
    Same here, my brother deleted my char with every item.. I lost everything and I already checked my mail and I dont have nothing.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • ciscotrakerub17_ESO
    Seems like the admins are no longer replying to this thread. I've posted here to be added and queued for a solution among all of you. Had the case (140331-051185) opened with support as well but no reply of any sort. Very upset with the whole situation as I'm enjoying the game quite a lot but not having the items I've paid for (even the monkey from the beta) is bothering to the point I don't want to play until this gets resolved.
  • hexed666
    If the items are deleted, and have not previously sent a ticket in to our Customer Support Team about it, please reply in this thread. We will create a ticket for you so that they can further help with this issue.

    Seems rather common. :smiley: Managed to delete my stuff after pulling it off on a temp character, so please add me to the list.

    Thank you for doing your best on the game.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • politrika
    Hello, I too have mistakenly deleted my beta, pre-purchase & imperial items. Can I please be put on the list?
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Intergalactical
    I have lost lost my Imperial/beta bonuses, I have already put in a support ticket days ago and still no response.
  • akzim2014
    Like a lot of people here, I deleted my character because I didn't like the way he looked. And lost all of my beta/pre order stuff. Also submitted a ticket, but no response since Sunday.
    Edited by akzim2014 on March 31, 2014 10:30PM
  • jasongba1981

    I made a mistake in my character's build on first day and deleted it without knowing about this issue. yesterday ESO post a announcement regarding to bank the items before delete, for most of us, it was too late.

    I feel like we have been punished while still learning how the game works. I do not expect a fast response but please fix this issue, since everyone of us has given ESO so much faith to pre-purchase your so far decent game.

    Btw.. put me on this list too

    Thank you
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Juzz
    Same, accidentally deleted char with all the pre-order stuff, not imperial edition btw
    Make Skyrim great again.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Banluil
    I opened my own thread and was told that I had a ticket open, but I would like to be sure one is opened, so I will be responding here.
  • gweiss00
    I've made the same error - made a character - did not like it - deleted it - no items.
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • acunninghan
    Happened to me as well, please create a ticket on my behalf
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Vermin
    I deleted my first character to re-use the name before the warnings were posted, so I too have this situation :(

    Thanks for the help guys
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Cylint
    I am very surprised that most of the Imperial Edition Items are a 1 toon use only. I had thought they would be like every other "Elite" edition of online games I have purchased. If I had know that "ALL" toons can not have the monkey etc at same time I would not have purchased it. As for treasure maps.. Even if I send maps to different toons, what happens when I create a 2nd toon in same area as a toon that used them already. I truly think this was a misunderstanding and package was not thought out well. I hopefully believe that the "Folks" in charge will adjust the package so any and all your toons can get the items. This having to share an item is very irritating to say the least. As for the rings.. think about it folks.. what good is only one Toon use ! I would like to point out as well that folks that buy the "Elite" editions are usually your most dedicated fans and are 1st to buy upgrades and add-ons. I have decided to be patient and hope that the developers are reading and replying to this. The next batch of unhappy folks you will be getting is ones who are next for early access (tomorrow). Once they find its one use think you will get a lot more hollering. I have already submitted a ticket about this and got a nice reply saying they are working on it. I thank you folks for the prompt reply (really didn't expect one for a week). This again gives me great hope that you really are going to fix it and make this like it should have been on release.
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