Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

1500 crowns per outfit slot (1 slot) just under $1200 for every slot

  • disintegr8
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    It is a non essential component of the game which you do not have to buy.
    If I want a Porsche but can only afford a Hyundai, do I complain to Porsche about trying to rip me off?

    I don’t think you understand @disintegr8
    It’s as non essential as in your example saying well you don’t need to buy a car just walk or Uber. ?????

    It is essential that you wear gear and more than often the gear looks can’t be changed therefore people would like to cover up their look with more than one look.

    So as you say to them....don’t buy any car just walk....I’d say to you, do you own a car or transportation pass....or do you just walk everywhere?

    Likely your answer is no. But if you were forced (using your example) to buy only a Porsche cause any car was removed as an option....would you just walk?
    @NewBlacksmurf But how many outfits do you need?

    As you have been given a slot for free, I guess my analogy was incorrect. Say you already have a car for every day use but want to buy a 'weekender' and only the Porsche is available, but it is too expensive. You do not need it, so pay the price or do without.

    Until now, if you want to wear ugly dropped sets because they are BiS, or maybe you're a tank that doen't like the look of heavy armour, you have had to wear a costume. Now you can wear a costume or make a customized outfit in an armour style you like, so you have 2 options for every character.

    Whether the slots were reduced to 100 crowns each or 1500 crowns account wide (which is the same if you have 15 character slots), I probably still wouldn't buy any because I DON'T NEED THEM.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    disintegr8 wrote: »
    It is a non essential component of the game which you do not have to buy.
    If I want a Porsche but can only afford a Hyundai, do I complain to Porsche about trying to rip me off?

    I don’t think you understand @disintegr8
    It’s as non essential as in your example saying well you don’t need to buy a car just walk or Uber. ?????

    It is essential that you wear gear and more than often the gear looks can’t be changed therefore people would like to cover up their look with more than one look.

    So as you say to them....don’t buy any car just walk....I’d say to you, do you own a car or transportation pass....or do you just walk everywhere?

    Likely your answer is no. But if you were forced (using your example) to buy only a Porsche cause any car was removed as an option....would you just walk?
    @NewBlacksmurf But how many outfits do you need?

    As you have been given a slot for free, I guess my analogy was incorrect. Say you already have a car for every day use but want to buy a 'weekender' and only the Porsche is available, but it is too expensive. You do not need it, so pay the price or do without.

    Until now, if you want to wear ugly dropped sets because they are BiS, or maybe you're a tank that doen't like the look of heavy armour, you have had to wear a costume. Now you can wear a costume or make a customized outfit in an armour style you like, so you have 2 options for every character.

    Whether the slots were reduced to 100 crowns each or 1500 crowns account wide (which is the same if you have 15 character slots), I probably still wouldn't buy any because I DON'T NEED THEM.

    Much better analogy.

    -How many do I need....0, you’re right

    *Now the issue I personally have is I paid for the Imperial and Morrowind conversions of armor and then it was limited. Now it’s a entirely removed feature that I’m forced to pay again, real money for and also ingame gold to dye per character.

    The only way I can use what I’ve paid for is to choose one or the other but disregard any crafting or other options.

    Sure I can do without so that’s what I’m doing but my complaint is I’ve already paid for it and it was removed only to force me to pay exponentially more real money.

    Make sense?
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Zhaedri
    1500 crowns per extra outfit per character!?

    That is insane. I could understand that price if it was for that megaserver (NA or EU) for all characters on that server. But PER CHARACTER is outrageous. Not even SWTOR charges like that for their outfit slots.

    I was considering getting an extra outfit slot so each character could have two outfits, one 'armor' or 'business' and the other 'casual' or 'off-duty.'

    I have 12 characters on the PC NA server. There is absolutely no way that I am buying each of them individually extra outfit slots. 1500 crowns is enough for another full CHARACTER. 1500 for an outfit slot that can't even be put to quickbars? Get out of here.

    150 crowns per slot per character makes more sense. 1500 is insane and guarantees I will 100% NEVER purchase another outfit slot for any of my characters. 150 crowns each I'd probably gladly give each character a bunch.

    This is absolutely ridiculous.
    @Zhaedri PC NA

  • Wayshuba
    The point is that YOU do not have ANY of the data they most probably are using to make their pricing policy. And that you do not know if they are using data and what data they're using. The point is that you're making statements based on thin air.

    The point is that I am not pulling this out of thin air. To get the data you need to make these decisions requires testing in the PUBLIC EYE. We would all see if they were testing the market to get this data. There is no other way to get it. Being that they haven't done any of that testing (as we would see it), I can say with 100% confidence they DO NOT have that data at all.
    True, there ARE market segments.
    Do I know how many people currently playing ESO were formerly playing SWTOR ? No, I don't, but neither do you.
    ESO and SWTOR are NOT NECESSARILY on the same market segment. You lack even the most basic information to say so. Your statement is - again - based on thin air.

    MMO players ARE a market segment - ALL OF THEM. ESO and SWTOR are both MMOs. Segmentation in video gaming would be based on the type of games people play - Single player RPGs, FPSs, platform games, strategy games, etc.

    This also happens to be how the industry segments players as well. So no, again it is not out of thin air and the basic information of segmentation is available to find in standard industry reporting groups.

    The only thing coming out of thin air is the belief that this data is somehow so secret and magical that people can't readily access it. I'll give you a clue, this "basic information" is out there, highly accessible, and easy for anyone to quickly get. It takes all of five seconds to parse SuperData stats, among many others that are out there. It takes another five seconds to dig through one or two public company financials to derive more industry knowledge.
    Just keep on pretending that you know better while having ZERO information about their market positioning. If that makes you feel better...
    Just keep on pretending that the micro transaction option is a bad one while most games out there choose it and become golden goose. Just go ahead.

    I know quite a bit since I have been doing this for nearly 30 years. Want to know something? This is an issue with very similar correlation that a LOT of companies have, not just ZoS. You keep trying to dismiss that I have "been there, done that" hundreds of times in my career and think ZoS is somehow the magical exception I haven't seen. They're not. I have seen this more times than I can count and every time I have it has the same outcome - regardless of the company, market or products.

    Also, not once did I say the micro-transaction model was a bad one. I think it is a good one for a company to make money. What I have said, repeatedly, is ZoS is not pricing items in the store to maximize their revenue - period. I am not arguing against their store. What I am arguing is ZoS could be making probably three to five times more than they are if they were pricing properly. I want them to do well as it benefits the game as a whole - for everyone.

    Edited by Wayshuba on March 18, 2018 11:47AM
  • Morgul667
    I hope ZOS can act like a grown up and learn from its mistake. This pricing is outrageous.

    Best solution: change the slots to account wide and refund the crown cost of players who purchased many.
  • OrdoHermetica
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    I hope ZOS can act like a grown up and learn from its mistake. This pricing is outrageous.

    Best solution: change the slots to account wide and refund the crown cost of players who purchased many.

    I sincerely doubt they'll change the price at this point, unfortunately. Which means the next best thing they could do is release an account-wide version in addition to the per-character version. Charge 4,000 Crowns or something like that.

    Which would still be pretty steep, mind you, but I'd actually probably buy one of those so I can switch between PvE and PvP gear without one of them looking goofy.
  • Elsonso
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    I hope ZOS can act like a grown up and learn from its mistake. This pricing is outrageous.

    Best solution: change the slots to account wide and refund the crown cost of players who purchased many.

    I sincerely doubt they'll change the price at this point, unfortunately. Which means the next best thing they could do is release an account-wide version in addition to the per-character version. Charge 4,000 Crowns or something like that.

    Which would still be pretty steep, mind you, but I'd actually probably buy one of those so I can switch between PvE and PvP gear without one of them looking goofy.

    They don't see what they are doing as a mistake. Until they do, nothing is going to change. The includes any account-wide options.

    Anyway, right now, an account-wide slot has a value of 22,000 Crowns. Selling such a valuable commodity for 4000 Crowns would be one hell of a discount.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Morgul667
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    I hope ZOS can act like a grown up and learn from its mistake. This pricing is outrageous.

    Best solution: change the slots to account wide and refund the crown cost of players who purchased many.

    I sincerely doubt they'll change the price at this point, unfortunately. Which means the next best thing they could do is release an account-wide version in addition to the per-character version. Charge 4,000 Crowns or something like that.

    Which would still be pretty steep, mind you, but I'd actually probably buy one of those so I can switch between PvE and PvP gear without one of them looking goofy.

    They don't see what they are doing as a mistake. Until they do, nothing is going to change. The includes any account-wide options.

    Anyway, right now, an account-wide slot has a value of 22,000 Crowns. Selling such a valuable commodity for 4000 Crowns would be one hell of a discount.

    Probably true but sad
  • heaven13
    To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't buy an account wide slot for anything more than 1500 crowns ie what it should have been from the start. If ZoS refuses to acknowledge their misstep and take action to correct it, they can kiss my crowns goodbye.

    If they continue to raise prices across new content and continually push to find out how far they can go, the day will come pretty soon when I stop putting any money into the game at all and just play what I currently own. No more ESO+, no new chapters, no additional crown purchases.

    A customer should be valued more than the depth of their wallet.
    Edited by heaven13 on March 19, 2018 3:34AM
    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • Morgul667
    Just in case my message was misleading : I wouldn't buy 4000 crowns account wide outfit

    I hope ZOS will change their mind on this
  • Sporvan
    I bought three of these and was disgusted to see that they are not account wide!!! Please ZoS stop being so exploitative and make this account wide.
  • Wayshuba
    heaven13 wrote: »
    A customer should be valued more than the depth of their wallet.

    Such a true statement and one that I think is becoming even more relevant today in the gaming industry as a whole. I think the whole "loot box" thing has now reached it's limit and customers are just getting fed up. Look at the backlash EA is dealing with now and how much sales have dropped for them as a result.

    The quality of their games have plummeted as they have become micro-transaction obsessed and now, many are avoiding buying their games in general because they have had it with the "loot box" mechanic proliferation.

    I believe we are seeing a shift in the market now from one of goodwill towards developers who create games to one of caution wondering how those developers are trying to soak every last dollar out of a gamer's wallet.
  • Violynne
    Wing wrote: »
    or $100 at the most efficient crown bundle
    Do yourself a favor: don't price anything else in the store, especially random loot crates.

    To "acquire" everything in the game at current prices can easily afford you a brand new car.

  • Vimora
    Are you like a wallet-completionist? Do you have to own everything the crown store offers? The way I see it, you don't even need 1 extra slot, let alone all of them.
  • heaven13
    Vimora wrote: »
    Are you like a wallet-completionist? Do you have to own everything the crown store offers? The way I see it, you don't even need 1 extra slot, let alone all of them.

    It's not about needing it. Obviously I don't because I haven't even used the free one. That doesn't mean I can't criticize what's been offered.

    The problem is not that I "need" the slot. It's that this great system was developed and hyped. Concerns were brought up by players during PTS that were never addressed. And when the system went live, it was basically just an entire shove to the crown store (between high gold costs to promote outfit tokens and the single free slot - which dyeing your weapons takes the slot even if you change nothing else because you still can't dye weapons even if you don't change the style, unlike armor) where the prices are outrageous. Asking 1500 crowns for one additional slot for ONE SINGLE CHARACTER can't be described as anything other than outrageous, especially when there is no mention that it is NOT accountwide on the product description.

    Of course I am going to be critical, regardless of my personal use. Game development/playability should not be gimped just to sell it back to us. (Same with super low motif drop rates for books that then sold in crown store). I'm not okay with that practice and ZoS keeps doing it.

    Mountain God | Leave No Bone Unbroken | Apex Predator | Pure Lunacy | Depths Defier | No Rest for the Wicked | In Defiance of Death
    Defanged the Devourer | Nature's Wrath | Relentless Raider | True Genius | Bane of Thorns | Subterranean Smasher | Ardent Bibliophile

    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vDSA | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+2 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA | vRG
    Meet my characters :
  • Morgha_Kul
    Wayshuba wrote: »
    heaven13 wrote: »
    A customer should be valued more than the depth of their wallet.

    Such a true statement and one that I think is becoming even more relevant today in the gaming industry as a whole. I think the whole "loot box" thing has now reached it's limit and customers are just getting fed up. Look at the backlash EA is dealing with now and how much sales have dropped for them as a result.

    The quality of their games have plummeted as they have become micro-transaction obsessed and now, many are avoiding buying their games in general because they have had it with the "loot box" mechanic proliferation.

    I believe we are seeing a shift in the market now from one of goodwill towards developers who create games to one of caution wondering how those developers are trying to soak every last dollar out of a gamer's wallet.

    Many years ago, I said that the microtransaction model would eventually lead to the end of gaming as we knew it then. We're seeing it now.
    Vimora wrote: »
    Are you like a wallet-completionist? Do you have to own everything the crown store offers? The way I see it, you don't even need 1 extra slot, let alone all of them.

    For the sake of comparison...

    In most games, I make several costumes for all my characters: A travelling outfit (usually worn leathers or something like that), travelling combat gear (usually some kind of medium armour and helmet), battle gear (heavy armour, such as would be worn in wartime battle), casual gear (for day to day use) and formal wear. That's 5 outfits AT MINIMUM, per character. That means EACH character has to buy 4 slots. That's 4 x 12 characters x $15 each = $720 AT MINIMUM... just for cosmetic slots.

    For comparison, if I did the same thing for my TOR characters (and I did), it would cost me 4 x 12 x $0.80 = $38. AND that's only if I bought them one at a time for each character. I could have purchased them at the account level, unlocking them for ALL characters. I don't recall the cost for that, but it's nowhere near what ESO is trying to extort from us.

    Granted I don't NEED them, but they enhance my gameplay (as a roleplayer/storyteller) just as special fancy gear enhances the minmax crowd's gameplay.

    In the final analysis, what this is doing is generating BAD WILL. Players are upset. Upset players stop playing, and complain to their friends and other potential customers about WHY they're upset. This generates MORE bad will, and gives the game and the company a bad reputation. A bad reputation is a hell of a thing to try and shake off. Just ask Sony Online Entertainment, they're STILL suffering the backlash of their Star Wars Galaxies misadventures.

    I love this game. I love the lore, I love the art, I love the gameplay... but this unmitigated greed is wearing even on me. I desperately want to see the game to well. I honestly believe it's one of the best, if not THE best MMO on the market. However bad press and bad opinion can sink even a good product.

    MAKE YOUR CUSTOMERS HAPPY. It's a simple mantra. Make your money, sure. You're far better off, though, if you make the customers happy while you do so.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • Wayshuba
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    In most games, I make several costumes for all my characters: A travelling outfit (usually worn leathers or something like that), travelling combat gear (usually some kind of medium armour and helmet), battle gear (heavy armour, such as would be worn in wartime battle), casual gear (for day to day use) and formal wear. That's 5 outfits AT MINIMUM, per character. That means EACH character has to buy 4 slots. That's 4 x 12 characters x $15 each = $720 AT MINIMUM... just for cosmetic slots.

    For comparison, if I did the same thing for my TOR characters (and I did), it would cost me 4 x 12 x $0.80 = $38. AND that's only if I bought them one at a time for each character. I could have purchased them at the account level, unlocking them for ALL characters. I don't recall the cost for that, but it's nowhere near what ESO is trying to extort from us.

    To answer your question about SWTOR, it is 300cc (about $2.50) for an account-wide outfit slot unlock. Like ESO, you get one free. The remaining four you mention would cost $10 (1200cc) across your account or 80k credits (20k credits per account wide slot).

    Think about that one for a second - to get four slots account wide in SWTOR is 33% LESS than one slot one for one character in ESO. So using you numbers for comparison with 12 toons each getting four additional slots, it would cost you $10 in SWTOR and about $700 in ESO. Think about the absolute absurdity of it now when you consider most MMOs with outfit slots charge the same as SWTOR.

    Taking the price of one slot in another MMO, ESO is trying to charge almost 1800% more than usual prices on these things. That kind of pricing differential borders on insanity. It's like a store trying to charge $45 for a gallon of milk when every other store sells it at $2.50 a gallon - to put some perspective on it.

    Another example, and more close to home, is ESO Plus costs the standard $15/month like every other MMO. Why? Because it is an established market rate (just like sub $1 prices for a single outfit slot and $3 for an account wide one is established). How many ESO Plus members would there be if ZoS instead charged $265/month? My bet is there would be very little. Yet, that is the same pricing differential as the current outfit slot costs.

    See the absurdity of it now? I don't know who sets CS prices in ZoS, but I really do have to wonder exactly what they were thinking with this one.

    Edited by Wayshuba on March 20, 2018 12:25PM
  • Anthony_Arndt
    Wayshuba wrote: »
    ...about SWTOR, it is 300cc (about $2.50) for an account-wide outfit slot unlock. Like ESO, you get one free. The remaining four you mention would cost $10 (1200cc) across your account or 80k credits (20k credits per account wide slot).

    And in SWTOR, account-wide is account-wide. Buy the unlock on one server, it's unlocked for all characters on all servers. Whether you buy the unlock with in-game credits or cash-shop credits, it's actually account-wide. In ESO, if you buy something in-game, "account-wide" unlocks are only actually unlocked on the server you are currently logged into. But if you buy it through the website and apply the same unlock through the website, it unlocks on both the EU and NA servers.

    I play on the NA servers with my friends from LOTRO and SWTOR, I play on the EU servers with my son and our friends from Russia. So before buying anything for crowns, I double the price and then ask myself if it's still worth it. There are a lot of things that I bought before I started playing on the EU server that I NEVER would have bought if I realized that they were the price for just the NA server unlock.

    In every MMO that I've played, I've always created a copy of at least my main on every server in the game. And in every MMO I've played, if I bought an account-wide unlock, it actually unlocked account-wide. ESO is the only MMO I've played where you have to keep rebuying everything if you want to access it on another server.

    (I don't play on PSN or Xbox so I don't know about that.)
    ”Fusozay Var Var”: ”Enjoy Life”
    Life is short. If you have not made love recently, please, put down this book, and take care of that with all haste. Find a wanton lass or a frisky lad, or several, in whatever combination your wise loins direct, and do not under any circumstances play hard to get. Our struggle against the colossal forces of oppression can wait.
    Good. Welcome back.
    We Khajiit live and fight together, and our struggles will not end very soon, likely not in our lifetimes. In the time we have, we do not want our closest comrades to be dour, dull, colorless, sober, and virginal. If we did, we would have joined the Thalmor.
    Do not begrudge us our lewd jokes, our bawdy, drunken nights, our moonsugar. They are the pleasures often denied to us, and so we take our good humor very seriously.
    Outfit slots are disgustingly expensive.
  • OrdoHermetica
    Wayshuba wrote: »
    ...about SWTOR, it is 300cc (about $2.50) for an account-wide outfit slot unlock. Like ESO, you get one free. The remaining four you mention would cost $10 (1200cc) across your account or 80k credits (20k credits per account wide slot).

    And in SWTOR, account-wide is account-wide. Buy the unlock on one server, it's unlocked for all characters on all servers. Whether you buy the unlock with in-game credits or cash-shop credits, it's actually account-wide. In ESO, if you buy something in-game, "account-wide" unlocks are only actually unlocked on the server you are currently logged into. But if you buy it through the website and apply the same unlock through the website, it unlocks on both the EU and NA servers.

    I play on the NA servers with my friends from LOTRO and SWTOR, I play on the EU servers with my son and our friends from Russia. So before buying anything for crowns, I double the price and then ask myself if it's still worth it. There are a lot of things that I bought before I started playing on the EU server that I NEVER would have bought if I realized that they were the price for just the NA server unlock.

    In every MMO that I've played, I've always created a copy of at least my main on every server in the game. And in every MMO I've played, if I bought an account-wide unlock, it actually unlocked account-wide. ESO is the only MMO I've played where you have to keep rebuying everything if you want to access it on another server.

    (I don't play on PSN or Xbox so I don't know about that.)

    Man. I remember thinking 20k was kinda pricey back when I heard about it. Past me was a sweet summer child, lol.

    Well, on the bright side - at least for the MMO industry, if not for the players - ESO is providing a very high price point for future MMOs to undercut with their outfit systems. "Yeah, we know we're charging $20 per outfit slot, but hey! At least here you get it across your entire account, unlike our competitors!
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on March 24, 2018 9:49AM
  • Knaxia
    I'm for having the outfit token to be account wide.

    I am also a person who, by using his logic brain instead of trying to understand ZoS's bad one, thought that based on how expensive the token was, would unlock a secondary outfit for ALL my characters. "1500 crowns.. that's a lot" I told myself but then I remembered all I could do on each of my characters with that 2nd outfit instead of always changing the same one. I could have a casual/fighting outfit and another for dungeons or stealth stuff like black sacraments or random pickpocket sessions.

    I finally bought a token while I was on a least played character, spent a good 30 minutes making that 2nd outfit work well on that one while also thinking about the outfits I'll create on my other characters. I then got on my most-played "main" one, went to the outfit station and then look confused at my screen only seeing 1 available outfit for a good 5 minutes.

    I went back to check in the crown store and it only said "This unlocks 1 additional outfit." Nowhere did it said that it wasn't account wide or only for the current character. no precision, no information. I had to search the forums to find out it was character only... I'm quite pissed and I really hope they make them account wide because seriously, if they WROTE IT BETTER on the crown store, I would have never bought that for a SINGLE character.

    Now if I had bought it while I was on some random alt that I rarely use or that was just a bank alt, what would have happened once I deleted that character? losing 1500 crowns because ZoS thought it would be funny not to mention it? Not everyone check all the update notes or patch notes. Things like that should be clearly written in-game and players shouldn't have to find out by themselves after the purchase has been done.

    Please make this Account wide for the love of Mara. You're backstabbing people for making this kind of stuff. I've been a faithful player since pre-launch (explore pack pre-order) and been ESO+ for almost all that time and this is really unacceptable...
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    @Knaxia Have you tried contacting support about a refund? Might be worth a shot.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
  • Universe
    I'm satisfied with 1 free outfit slot.
    I don't see a reason to buy more slots.
    If I need to change an outfit, I just change it by paying gold.
    Same thing can be said on almost anything in the crown store, it is more of a convenience option rather than necessity.
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • Wayshuba
    Knaxia wrote: »
    I'm for having the outfit token to be account wide.

    I am also a person who, by using his logic brain instead of trying to understand ZoS's bad one, thought that based on how expensive the token was, would unlock a secondary outfit for ALL my characters. "1500 crowns.. that's a lot" I told myself but then I remembered all I could do on each of my characters with that 2nd outfit instead of always changing the same one. I could have a casual/fighting outfit and another for dungeons or stealth stuff like black sacraments or random pickpocket sessions.

    I finally bought a token while I was on a least played character, spent a good 30 minutes making that 2nd outfit work well on that one while also thinking about the outfits I'll create on my other characters. I then got on my most-played "main" one, went to the outfit station and then look confused at my screen only seeing 1 available outfit for a good 5 minutes.

    I went back to check in the crown store and it only said "This unlocks 1 additional outfit." Nowhere did it said that it wasn't account wide or only for the current character. no precision, no information. I had to search the forums to find out it was character only... I'm quite pissed and I really hope they make them account wide because seriously, if they WROTE IT BETTER on the crown store, I would have never bought that for a SINGLE character.

    Now if I had bought it while I was on some random alt that I rarely use or that was just a bank alt, what would have happened once I deleted that character? losing 1500 crowns because ZoS thought it would be funny not to mention it? Not everyone check all the update notes or patch notes. Things like that should be clearly written in-game and players shouldn't have to find out by themselves after the purchase has been done.

    Please make this Account wide for the love of Mara. You're backstabbing people for making this kind of stuff. I've been a faithful player since pre-launch (explore pack pre-order) and been ESO+ for almost all that time and this is really unacceptable...

    I believe it was written intentionally to be unclear/misleading. There are probably many, like yourself, that thought for the very high price is had to be account wide. I think this is what will help sell them. I am certain, if it was clear and said for one character, they would barely sell any at all (and they know this).
  • OrdoHermetica
    Wayshuba wrote: »
    I believe it was written intentionally to be unclear/misleading. There are probably many, like yourself, that thought for the very high price is had to be account wide. I think this is what will help sell them. I am certain, if it was clear and said for one character, they would barely sell any at all (and they know this).

    Unfortunately, yeah. I kinda think you're right. Which is the most unfortunate part about this whole thing - this looks for all the world like a scam. And I don't really want a company I support to be trying to scam me.
  • Morgha_Kul
    Wayshuba wrote: »
    I believe it was written intentionally to be unclear/misleading. There are probably many, like yourself, that thought for the very high price is had to be account wide. I think this is what will help sell them. I am certain, if it was clear and said for one character, they would barely sell any at all (and they know this).

    Unfortunately, yeah. I kinda think you're right. Which is the most unfortunate part about this whole thing - this looks for all the world like a scam. And I don't really want a company I support to be trying to scam me.

    The corollary of this is the dangerous thing. Would you support a company that tries to scam you? Most people wouldn't. Thus, if there is the perception, accurate or not, that the company is scamming people, support for the company will fall away... If that happens enough, the game dies.

    I don't want to see that happen. That's why I'm here posting about this stuff, because I fear the writing on the wall.
    Edited by Morgha_Kul on March 28, 2018 1:37AM
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • OrdoHermetica
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »

    The corollary of this is the dangerous thing. Would you support a company that tries to scam you? Most people wouldn't. Thus, if there is the perception, accurate or not, that the company is scamming people, support for the company will fall away... If that happens enough, the game dies.

    I don't want to see that happen. That's why I'm here posting about this stuff, because I fear the writing on the wall.

    Exactly. It really looks to me like one specific team is putting short-term profit over the overall long-term health of the game. And it really DOES look like it's just one team, too. For example, while the Crown Store continues to vary between "kinda pricey" to "this is so overpriced it's insulting" with a dash of "let's specifically take advantage of new players who don't know any better" and "let's make things ambiguously worded and misleading so we can trick people into making purchases they normally wouldn't" thrown in for good measure, the Summerset chapter was pretty competitively priced compared to other MMO expansions. It was also very clearly worded - no ambiguity about what you'd be getting, assuming you actually read the whole thing. I'm almost certain that price was set by a different sales team, too - probably by the sales team responsible for all ZOS products, not just ESO.

    So, really, it's the Crown Store team that's an issue. But it REALLY IS becoming an issue, at least for me - and clearly I'm far from alone.
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on March 28, 2018 11:18PM
  • Morgha_Kul
    I have to wonder if they even bother reading threads like this. They've certainly never responded to them. I'd sure like to know what they think of all this.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • OrdoHermetica
    Morgha_Kul wrote: »
    I have to wonder if they even bother reading threads like this. They've certainly never responded to them. I'd sure like to know what they think of all this.

    I'm sure the community team reads them. Maybe the various dev teams, too. I sincerely doubt the Crown Store folks do, though - their strategy shows a pretty classic disconnect from and disregard for community engagement. Unfortunately, those are the people that count - the devs and the community team probably can't really say anything about it, both because it's outside of their wheelhouse and because it's probably internal policy to avoid discussing topics like this.
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on March 29, 2018 2:12AM
  • Morgul667
    Isn't an unclear wording to trick people in spending money on something that does not fulfill their requirement, a kind of scam that is subject to liability and prosecution ?

    I would believe in their good faith if they updated the wording after the first feedback that says, it is unclear.

    Refusing to change it after so many threads and so many pages of complain, is a show of bad will.

    I would prefer they make the slots account wide though.
    Edited by Morgul667 on March 29, 2018 2:06AM
  • Yzalirk
    Sorry I do not keep up with this thread as much but has ZOS ever talked about this? Discuss a compromise or something? Or are they pulling a Bungie and ignoring the criticism for greedy behavior?

    1500 Crowns for ONE additional slot on ONE character is just so absurd I want to actually throw up.
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